Hi Adam,
mcextreg files are generated by preproc-sess. If you don't have these
files in your bold/015/ folder than preproc-sess might not have been
> Hi all,
> I'm having an issue with selxavg3-sess in Stable 4. I've run all commands
> up to this point without error. Here wa
Hi Prapti,
A work around can be try running mri_glmfit with --label yourRoilabel flag,
and then run mri_glmfit-sim.
mri_glmfit --y ...
mri_glmfit-sim --sim ..
Hi Victoria,
Regarding mri_surfcluster,
You can still use mri_surfcluster with --in --csd --sum --cwsig flags.
more info,
mri_surfcluster --help
> Hi,
> I am processing several multiple comparison jobs on launchpad:
> 'mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir
> lh.physio2_chol_final.cvram.115
Hi Judith,
Yes thickness. The MAX indicates the maximum -log10(pvalue) in that cluster.
> Hi all. After looking over our monte-carlo results, I a simple question
> about the sig.cluster.summary output.
> Is the " Max" in column 2 below a measurement of thickness?
> thickness, is the correct int
Hi Natham,
This should not take that long. For me, it has never been more than 2-3
days for 5000 interactions using mc-z.
> Hi all,
> I have started working with clusterwise correction, and initially
> attempted to run the mri_glmfit mc-z script with 6000 iterations. After
> two weeks it stil
Use mri_glmfit-sim instead of mri_glmfit.
If you use just mri_glmfit then you have to use mris_surfcluster to get
CWP information from .csd file.
> hello,
> i am working through the group analysis and multiple co
Hi Gabriel,
You can do that by using
> I have created a ROI in an average subject, how can i transpose that ROI
> to each subject?
> i mean, use it like a mask to make some statistics on each subject
> Regards
> Gabriel
Hi Rysia,
Your commands looks fine to me, and 5000 iterations is good enough to see
significant cluster.
You might want to try lowering your threshold to 1.3 (0.05 p value).
> Hello,
> I have just run a number of permutation and mc-z on data that was
> previously analysed us
Try like this,
Click inside your blobs.
Then click on the Custom Fill botton and then select "upto functional
value below threshold". This will select the cluster above the given p
value (1.3 in our case). Then click "fill".
Then click file->label->save selected label
this should work.
hi Dev,
You might have wrong SUBJECTS_DIR,
check it using echo $SUBJECTS_DIR
> Hi,
> I have been running into an error while using Qdec.
> *Error in Analyze: Couldn't open file
> <$SUBJECT_DIR>//surf/lh.thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage.mgh*
> I checked and the file is there in that folder. I know t
Hi Diana,
Make sure you name stats file as ?h.aparc.a2005s_300.stats not just
then --parc aparc.a2005s_300
this should work otherwise if you post your commands, that will help.
> Hi Krish
> Thanks again for your quick help! I tried out the new version,
Hi Sam,
you can try like this below,
umount cdrecorder
cd dicom;ls
cd ##; ls
output will be 2 strings of numbers
unpacksdcmdir src /mnt/cdrom/dicom/INITIAL#/1STof2#s -targ ./ scanonly
Repeat command line with second number
Make a cfg.file
Save as cfg.file in SUBJECTs folder
Hi Krishna,
this link should help
> Hi,
> I am getting an error if I try to register my functionals to anatomical
> image
> (using spmregister-sess command). It is looking for file
> 'subjectname'. Here are the steps I did before comi
Kara and Lauren,
I think Doug has fixed this problem. i had similar problem but it is
working now.
> Hi Lauren (and Doug),
>> I'm having the same issue. I ran montecarlo simulations on Friday and
>> then
>> tried to use the results in mri_surfcluster. It ran, but I also got the
>> same
Hi MOe,
You can make a label file of the region of interest from aseg file.
One easy way to do using matlab,
m = MRIread('aseg.mgz');
m.vol = (m.vol == ## | m.vol == ##);
## get from FreeSurferColorLUT.txt in freesurfer home.
> Hello,
> I'm doing a volume analys
HI Tori,
I don't think fsgd option is available on the tksurfer or tkmedit command
line. It would have nice to load fsgd file on command line instead of
loading from tksurfer gui.
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if there was a flag or command in tksurfer that would
> allow me to load a group de
You have a continuous variable "age" in your fsgd file. As far as i know,
permutation can't have continuous variables.
Try mc-z that should work.
> Hi,
> using version 4.0.5
> i ran the command:
> mri_glmfit --y qdec/N83_only_boys.mgh --fsgd qdec/qdec.fsgd doss --surf
> fsaverag
Hi Cibu,
can you provide more informations using bugr command? also log file?
> Hello
> When I run the mri_preproc command I am getting the message
> ERROR: cannot find fsaverage in /space/barlab_002/users/cibu/dep_LGI
> But the fsaverage folder is in the path and subjects_dir is set
> correctly
MC-full is really slow. you can get almost same results using mc-z that is
> Hello!
> I was running the full Monte Carlo simulation on the 40 subjects tutorial
> data (following the Group Analysis tutorial, with mri_glmfit from command
> line) and I see the sim
can you post the command you used and the log file?
> HI,
> I ran the preproc-sess command, but in the output for spatial smoothing,
> the
> fmcsm5 file is not created. It says
> [balaji-goparajus-computer:~/Desktop/subjectdata] balajigo%
> spatialsmooth-sess -i fmc -o fmcsm5 -fwhm 5 -fsd b
can you post your command lines and log file? there should be fwhm.dat
along with the y.fsgd.
> How did I miss that???
> Thanks!
> - Jerry
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> there should be a fwhm.dat file in the output.
>> doug
>> J
Hi Tren,
I've been using spmregister-sess. As you note autoreg-sess and
spmregister-sess compute the same matrix but in different ways.
autoreg-sess works in two stages. First, it aligns the same-session
anatomical to the FreeSurfer anatomical. Next, it computes the
registration from the functio
different dataset, again just a
>>>>>>>>>> simple 2 group
>>>>>>>>>> comaprison with no covariates.
>>>>>>>>>> Running this in qdec, and visualizing with a low threshold
Hi Nick,
Regarding the parcellation display in Qdec;
Is it possible to load aparc.a2005.annot instead of aparc.annot?
"Parcellation Display:
The cortical parcellation is loaded into Qdec upon opening. On the Display
tab you can adjust the annotation opacity. "
Hi Corey,
I just ran selxav3,
Check my log and output dir (both dof and mask.nii are created), it looks
[galen:bold] (nmr-std-env) cd VvI_MK_Analysis/
[galen:VvI_MK_Analysis] (nmr-std-env) LS
acfsegLUT.txt allvfix doffsnr.nii fwhm.sum h.nii
mask.nii omnibu
Can tksurfer/tkmedit have Brodman arreas as well as talairach coordinates
Freesurfer mailing list
hi all
I tried to use QA tools on the wiki (writen by jpacheco) at
I got the following error saying permission denied. I could not even copy
the QATOOLS to my folder.
[galen:S4_HR_LR18_recon] (nmr-s
I am also getting the same error as below.
> Hi Chris,
> Can you forward me to the person I could ask about this issue?
> I've been running jobs the same way using freesurfer for months and today
> I keep gettting this error message: Cannot allocate memory
> i.e.
> mri_convert orig.mgz ./tm
Nevermind, it works fine now with after i added "--sign < >" flag to the
mri_volcluster ..command.
Original Message
Subject: [Freesurfer] mri_volcluster --ERROR: you must specify a pos or
neg sign with --fwhm
i will appreaciate for help
Pratap Kunwar
unpacking config --
{1 scout DICOM blah} {33danat COR blah} {4
3danat COR blah} {5fm_dti DICOM blah} {6fm_dti
DICOM blah} {7dti DICOM blah} {14 t2conv bsh
Dear All,
I am a new user of FreeSurfer. I am getting the following error when i run
spatialsmooth-sess command.
ERROR: cannot find /usr/local/freesurfer/stable4/fsl/bin/ip
ERROR: ipfsl failed
Also, I could not find ip in the bin folder.
Will appreciate for help
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