Hi Victoria,

Regarding mri_surfcluster,

You can still use mri_surfcluster with --in --csd --sum --cwsig flags.

more info,
mri_surfcluster --help


> Hi,
> I am processing several multiple comparison jobs on launchpad:
> 'mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir
> lh.physio2_chol_final.cvram.115.thickness.07092009.doss.30.glmdir --sim
> mc-z 5000 1.3 mc-z.pos.1.3 --sim-sign pos --bg 6'
> and I believe that the job is almost finished running the simulation (it
> has been running for a few days). However, launchpad, the batch system, is
> shutting down in a few hours and I am dissappointed that I may lose all
> the progress it's made. If interrupted, I probably need to create the
> "glmdir/csd/poll/StopSim" file since I used the --bg flag, correct?
> Question: Even though the simulation might not be completely finished,
> would there be a reason NOT to manually finish the corrections procedure
> by picking up with the mri_glmfit-sim script at the "now run clustering"
> section? In other words running the mri_surfcluster command?
> Thank You!
> Tori
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