olean value
you're better off using assertIs.
Le jeudi 25 octobre 2018 15:42:00 UTC-4, John Meyer a écrit :
> tests.py in the tutorial
> <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/intro/tutorial05/> gives this
> example:
> self.assertIs(future_questi
Hello there,
I think you just hit #29890[0], a bug present in Django in 2.0+ and fixed
in Django 2.1.3
which should be released today[1].
Simply updating to 2.1.3 when it's released should address your issue.
[0] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29890
I'm coming back with this one as well. I managed to fix my problem. In my
consumer, I was making normal Django database queries without the
@database_sync_to_async decorator.
As soon as I started wrapping my code properly with this decorator,
everything started to work fine. See below.
Times have changed
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"Django users" group.
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to django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@g
operations = [
SeparateDatabaseAndState([], [
CreateModel('foo, ...)
Note that this will not take care of renaming the content types and
permissions that
might have been created for your old.Foo model definition. You could use a
operation to rename them appropri
through subquery
that would
have worked for your case[0]
[0] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28296
Le lund
I'm in the process of building a website in Django and need to make a
specific part of my application dynamic. Because of that I'd like to use
a JavaScript frontend framework to build this portion of the site.
I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for which JavaScript
framework I s
a lot of Django newcomers and
questions about this behaviour came up quite a few time on this mailing
list already. Being able to simply
link to a detailed document about it would be great and probably help
attentive readers figuring it out by
themselves in the first place.
Hey there,
I just wanted to clarify that the behavior of including the Meta.ordering
fields in aggregation grouping been around for a while and Django 2.2
deprecates it to deal with the exact type of confusion you experienced here.
Le dimanche 2 décembre 2018 08:51:17 UTC-5, Coder
Hello there,
Django 2.1 dropped support for MySQL 5.5[0] as the end of
upstream support is December 2018.
You'll have to update to a more recent version to use Django 2.1+.
Le diman
I have a bit of a problem with structuring a Django project. I have a
UserProfile app which stores extra information about users using a
OneToOneField to the Django auth user model.
I have a products app which has two models relating to two types of
products and finally I have a payments
Hello David,
The current latest version of the Django 1.11 serie doesn't support Python
3.7[0] but
1.11.17, which is still unreleased[1], should per popular demand[2].
Until 1.11.17 is released I'd advise you either stick to Python 3.6 or
upgrade to Django 2.0+.
GROUP BY comment.id
There's tickets tracking adding subquery support to aggregate functions but
using subqueries doesn't seem to be necessary here?
Le mercredi 5 décembre 2018 19:16:30 UTC-5, Daniel Gilge a écrit :
a simple matter of using sorted in MigrationWriter.as_string[0].
Le vendredi 7 décembre 2018 00:51:58 UTC-5, Dakota Hawkins a écrit :
> We haven't
Hello John,
Did you try switching to the Jinja2 form renderer[0] to see if it helps?
I've not
tried it myself but I heard it makes a significant difference.
[0] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/forms/renderers/#jinja2
Le vendredi 7 décembre 2018 08:30:48 UTC-5, J
Hello Dakota,
>From looking at the autodetector code in charge of generating these lists[0]
and the loader code in charge of resolving them[1][2] I'm pretty confident
their order
doesn't carry any meaning.
They should have been defined as a set from the beginning.
I'm trying to pass a parameter from a redirect to the CreateView and to the
I have no problem retrieving the value from the redirect to the CreateView.
But my issue is when trying get the value to the form. I'm overriding
get_form_kwargs function of my CreateView but when I try to do o
n one off debugging reflection though.
Le lundi 10 décembre 2018 10:33:35 UTC-5, Stodge a écrit :
> Let's say I take the following code from the Django documentatation:
> class Student(models.Model):
if you are really lazy, you can just zip your whole project. then transfer
to another machine.
I transfer my projects from work (using windows) to home (using ubuntu)
then vice versa. I only had to manually install the necessary packages will
be notified to you when you need to get them install
e class
On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 8:47:28 PM UTC+8, Simon A wrote:
> I'm trying to pass a parameter from a redirect to the CreateView and to
> the form.
> I have no problem retrieving the value from the redirect to the CreateView.
> But my issue
ith the same name?
> Especially since you do have other class-based views, you must know what
> you’re doing.
> *From:* django...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> django...@googlegroups.com ] *On Behalf Of *Simon A
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 11, 2018 10:32 PM
> *T
It looks like you configured your CMS_CACHE_DURATIONS setting as an
integer instead of a dict with a 'content' key pointing to an integer[0].
In other words you did
Instead of
CMS_CACHE_DURATIONS = {'content': 42}
Just to add, I used a django-crud cookie cutter to generate codes for CRUD
On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 8:47:28 PM UTC+8, Simon A wrote:
> I'm trying to pass a parameter from a redirect to the CreateView and to
> the form.
> I have no problem retrieving the value from
Oh shoot, I think I know now why this isn't working for me.
It is because I'm using vanilla for my views. I'll continue to test.
On Friday, December 14, 2018 at 8:34:15 PM UTC+8, Simon A wrote:
> Just to add, I used a django-crud cookie cutter to generate codes fo
And it really is that. I had to follow the steps required by vanilla
migration procedure to make it work like I want it to.
On Friday, December 14, 2018 at 11:11:07 PM UTC+8, Simon A wrote:
> Oh shoot, I think I know now why this isn't working for me.
> It is because I
Hello Derek,
There's no setting but this is controlled by the allows_auto_pk_0 feature
flag [0].
Database feature are set to the default database configurations so Django
minimized the number of introspection queries required to work appropriately
each time a connection is opened.
In order
Hello Derek,
Not sure of your custom module structure but you'll want to point ENGINE to
and not 'custom.base' just like you were pointing to
'django.db.backends.mysql' and
not 'django.db.backends.mysql.base'.
Le dimanche 3
You can use a Func expression for this purpose[0]
emp_number_suffix=Func('emp_number', Value('-'), -1,
this case "parent" cannot be selected for update since it's "foreign_id"
column, which is "nullable", is implied in an outer join.
PostgreSQL simply doesn't support that and you'll have to rethink your data
model if this is something you need to achieve[0]
s and retrieving their
corresponding primary key.
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 à 19:15:11 UTC-4, rohan...@gmail.com a écrit :
> How can we make this happen?
> What steps would be needed so that bulk_create ends up returning the ids
> of the items that just got created? I do
This is unfortunately not possible to do through the ORM right now due to
lack of support for filtering against window expressions[0]
Until this ticket is solved you'll have to rely on raw SQL.
[0] ticket https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28333
Le mercredi 4 novembre 2
ut you can do
the same locally using django-docker-box
Le lundi 9 novembre 2020 à 10:38:13 UTC-5, chris...@gmail.com a écrit :
> Folks-
> I ran coverage and massaged the data a bit to get a better idea what areas
> weren’t cov
I have installed python 3.9 and selected 'add to path' during installation,
i am now trying to install django 3.1.7 but it generates a lot of errors i
can not understand, please what is the right way to setup django
development on windows 10?
You received this message because you are subscr
thank you all, i created a virtual environment and installed it.
On Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 9:20:56 PM UTC+1 ule...@gmail.com wrote:
> After installing python, you have to install PIP.
> To install PIP type in the following:
> python get-pip.py
> To install django tye in the following :
eant to be released tomorrow
Le vendredi 30 avril 2021 à 09:58:53 UTC-4, shahee...@gmail.com a écrit :
> Hi,
> On Fri, 30 Apr 2021 at 11:52, Sebastian Jung wrote:
>> Take q for or Filterung:
Short answer is that you can't; constraints cannot spans across JOINs.
You might be able to use database triggers to emulate though.
Le lundi 28 juin 2021 à 08:08:27 UTC-4, ngal...@gmail.com a écrit :
> I have two models like this
> How can I make models constraint based on the dates as shows
it for existence of a particular lexeme or multiple of them.
You could then a union of all a user's song lyrics tsvector and even apply
weights based on their listening frequency or their favorite songs.
for person in persons:
print('Salesperson %s sold %d dollars' % (person['salesperson'],
Note that .values() before annotating a an aggregation function results in
which sh
= (CASE WHEN id=1 THEN foo WHEN id=2 THEN ...)
That you can emulate yourself by using Case and When expressions if you're
using Django < 2.2.
[0] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/models/querysets/#bulk-update
Le mardi 23 juillet 2019 12:15:20 UTC-4, Don Baldwin
you have a look at the dedicated section of the documentation[3].
I've filed a ticket to make sure bulk_update is also mentioned in this
of the documentation.
[0] https://www.dabapps.com/blog/logging-sql-queries-django-13/
Using .values() before an annotation of an aggregate function uses the
provided columns
from grouping.
Le mardi 30 juillet 2019 12:56:56 UTC-4, Jonathan Spicer a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have an sql query that I would like to recreate using
Hello there,
These queries should be cached by ContentTypeManager[0] so something must
be broken
in your Django install or monkey patching this method.
ity, weight in weights
union = itertools.reduce(QuerySet.union, querysets, querysets[0])
queryset = union.annotate(cc=Sum('weighted_car_crashes')).values('date',
Le lundi 19 août 2019 17:10:47 UTC-4, Jo a écrit :
> I have a table that looks
Django 2.0 only supports MySQL 5.5+.
I suspect you're getting a syntax error when Django tries to create a table
a model with a DateTimeField since it resolves to DATETIME(6) which is not
on MySQL < 5.5.
Le mardi 3 septembre 2019 09:58:19 UTC-4, johns
It's hard to tell what's wrong from the limited context you provided but
whatever code
is in django_sites_extensions is highly suspicious.
Le jeudi 5 septembre 2019 18:02:49 UTC-4, gh a écrit :
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> "/edx/ap
This error comes from ForeignObject.resolve_related_fields[0].
If you are using ForeignObject directly you have an incompatible
from_fields and to_fields
definition. It's hard to debug further without the full traceback.
I am using channels 2.x (along with nginx, daphne, redis and gunicorn)
In the local console I can see the user data I added in the chat consumer
but not in my production environment
(in production everything else works, but the user is undefined. Note: the
user is logged in.
Does anyone
Hello there,
>From looking at your code (super() calls) it seems like your are using
Python 2.
We've seen similar reports about stdlib functions hiding system level
instead of surfacing them[0] so that might it.
It's hard to tell without the full traceback though.
This was tracked in https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/30673 and fixed
and 2.2.5[0]
Le jeudi 17 octobre 2019 10:31:50 UTC-4, Sijoy Chirayath a écrit :
> I am changing one of my appli
that means it expects a "pid_id"
column to exist for the
Budgettable.pid field.
If you column is actually named "pid" you'll want to use the "db_column"
option to let the ORM
know about it[0]. That is `db_column=pid` in your `pid = ForeignKey`
nt(Func(F('author'), 18, function='author_age_gt'),
Le jeudi 14 novembre 2019 02:45:32 UTC-5, Olivier a écrit :
> Hello,
> Let say I want to enforce a database constraint saying a "book's author
> ag
Hello Bill,
Could you give us more details about which version of Django you are using?
There was a few Django bugs related to as_sql returning Union[list, tuple]
as params that were
fixed in recent release but this one might not have been caught yet.
Le jeudi 14 novembre 2019
For the record I haven' tested the above myself.
It might only work on Django 3.0+ and require you to pass
`output_field=BooleanField()` to Func.
Le jeudi 14 novembre 2019 09:46:48 UTC-5, Simon Charette a écrit :
> Hello there,
> I guess your example is not the best since
So this happened not to be supported in Django 3.0 either.
But https://github.com/django/django/pull/12067 should add support for it.
Le jeudi 14 novembre 2019 15:50:34 UTC-5, Simon Charette a écrit :
> For the record I haven' tested the above myself.
> It might only work o
Can you reproduce with Django 2.2.7 (releases November 4th, 2019)
Le vendredi 15 novembre 2019 06:04:32 UTC-5, Bill Bouzas a écrit :
> Good morning Simon,
> Sorry for the delayed response. I a using Django 2.2.6 (released October
> 1st, 2019)
> Kind regards,
> Bill
Hello there,
You'll want to use Coalesce[0] for this purpose.
Model1.objects.order_by(Coalesce('effectual_rating', 'rating').desc())
Le vendredi 15 novembre 2019 13:3
Hello Bill!
I'd try again with 3.0rc1 which was released today and file a bug report if
it still crashes.
Le lundi 18 novembre 2019 06:08:29 UTC-5, Bill Bouzas a écrit :
> Good day Simon,
> I reproduced with Django 2.2.7, I receive the same error.
package available for the Django
and Python version constraints you provided.
Instead of getting a non-nonsensical SyntaxError crash when trying to run
Django on Python 3.5 pip prevents
you from shooting yourself in the foot in the first place.
Le lundi 2 décembre 2019 11:06:18 UTC-5, Uri
et of (model_label,
field_name) tuples and
have index and constraint operations rely on them.
Le mercredi 11 décembre 2019 12:27:43 UTC-5, Rich Rauenzahn a
You are missing an underscore here.
It should be published_date__lte and not published_date_lte.
Le jeudi 19 décembre 2019 11:40:05 UTC-5, MEGA NATHAN a écrit :
> Hi all.
> Cannot resolve keyword 'published_date_lte' into field. Choices are: author,
d where
'folder' might have a different
name based on whether or not you provided a related_name or
related_query_name to Folder.files.
Le lundi 30 décembre 2019 02:20:07 UTC-5, Mohit Solanki a écrit :
> Assume these two models.
> class Folder(model):
Hello Pavel,
This is likely a bug because UniqueConstraint was only recently introduced.
Please file a bug report about it. In the mean time you can add this check
your SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS setting to silence it.
Le lundi 20 janvier 2020 07:21:26 UTC-5, Pavel Garkin a écrit
the appropriate DDL assuming your backend
supports it.
[1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/models/fields/#unique
[3] https://github.com/django/django/pull/11929
Le jeudi 23 janvier 2020 21:36
I would expect it to work on Django 3.0.
Le lundi 27 janvier 2020 12:47:37 UTC-5, Peter Law a écrit :
> Hi,
> Thanks for adding support for check constraints in Django 2.2, it's
> great to be able to move constraints into the model definitions.
t all
of it so I'd submit an optimization ticket
to allow direct usage of Q objects for boolean field lookup right hand sides
Le lundi 27 janvier 2020 14:32:24 UTC-5, Peter Law a
Hello Thierry,
Django doesn't support support constraints on lookups/expressions but
there's ungoing work to do so[0].
In the mean time you'll have to rely on a `RunSQL` operation in your
migrations to create the constraint.
[0] https://code.djangoproject.com/t
eSQL type[1] to efficiently
such data.
[0] https://djangopackages.org/grids/g/trees-and-graphs/
[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createtype.html
Le mardi 18 février 2020 18:13:39 UTC-5, test a écrit :
> Let's say I have:
> Calculator #1:
an output_field of BigIntegerField instead of DurationField. That
could be the origin
of your issue.
Le mercredi 19 février 2020 13:08:57 UTC-5, Ricardo H a écrit :
> Hello, after I updat
Could you simply make the connector field nullable to express that?
Le mercredi 19 février 2020 12:15:32 UTC-5, test a écrit :
> thanks, do you know how i can create custom leaf nodes when using MPTT or
> treebeard?
> My parent nodes should have connector types such as
d` as BigIntegerField
was likely only working by change.
Le mercredi 19 février 2020 14:51:53 UTC-5, Ricardo H a écrit :
> Hi Simon,
> It was ok on 2.2.6, only on 3.0.3 it fails.
> I use BigIntegerField because I use it for some calculations after that,
> but even if I
*kiss* TextMate!Very minimalist layout but an incredible feature set - still dazzles me. Kind regards,Simon de HaanEight Media[EMAIL PROTECTED]+31 (0)26 38 42 440 On Oct 9, 2006, at 1:50 PM, David Johansson wrote:I used to use emacs, but now it's either eclipse with pydev [1] or gedit.Two t
Hi Adrian,
Thanks for the documentation. I, like david, was a little confused
about the Sites stuff.
A slight correction though: Under "How Django uses the sites
framework", the "authentication framework" link in bullet 5 links to
the "syndication framework&
some default django ones there?
Please help
Simon B. Outzen
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
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/tests.py) to
get the idea.
Of course, any feedback and commits are most welcome (I am even
looking for a maintainer as I'm not intensively using Django since a
few months).
Cheers !
Simon Thépot
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users"
t;The book of Café",
`Book.objects.filter(title__icontains_unaccent='Cafe')` will match
On Jun 1, 7:03 pm, Joni Bekenstein wrote:
> I need to do a simple search ignoring some characters with accents. The
> idea would be that "hola" matches the search
the user.
Have fun with django-facebook-graph
[1] https://developers.facebook.com/docs/
[2] http://django-facebook-graph.readthedocs.org/en/structured/
2012/6/13 Ada Pineda
> Hi
> I'm pretty new with django and I'm trying to connect an app that I've
Hi Badlearner
Basically, i totally agree with Russ. But i think, one question is not
answered yet:
There are many tools for django, that you can use and start to build
up a social network style site.
have a look at:
My suggestion is: just start your project and do not car
ny question, feel free to write, open issues on
github, etc.
Have fun with Facebook Development
On Dec 19, 12:32 pm, Timothy Makobu
> Hi All,
> Im looking to post to my facebook wall via django. Facebook have
> discontinued the python-sdk.
> I th
ed on the treenode, thus causing the
EXISTS to yield a result if *one of the items of that tree node* has "456"
in its some_field value.
The second one joins with the outer query based on the individual
treenode_items links, thus checking the filter for each individual item as
well, he
I am using django-fluent-dashboard app instead grapelli but I got this
error, and I do not know how to solve it.
I follow these tutorial [1] and django version is 1.4.5
ImportError at /admin/
No module named menu
Request Method: GET Request URL: http://localhost:8000/admin/ Django
I has a problem when I access the admin url the nginx redirect my domain to
I can't fix this error, I try everything. So, How to disable it ?
Forbidden (403)
CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.
Reason given for failure:
Referer checking faile
Nginx.conf and gunicorn.conf are int this link [1].
And I use Django - 1.6.5
Em domingo, 6 de julho de 2014 21h39min28s UTC-3, Lucas Simon Rodrigues
Magalhaes escreveu:
> Hi,
> I has a problem when
I see this tutorial [1] to control the response header and caching of pages
in django.
So I'm trying to enable this response header in a generic class DetailView.
I did a search and found this code [2] at the end of the page and also the
source code [3] of View.
But are confused and
22 18:55 GMT-03:00 Lucas Simon Rodrigues Magalhaes <
> luca...@gmail.com >:
>> Hello,
>> I see this tutorial [1] to control the response header and caching of
>> pages in django.
>> So I'm trying to enable this response header in a generic c
I have a problem when rendering my admin after creating a custom user.
I followed the tutorial of Django [1] documentation and also Subclass
AbstractBaseUser section of the book Twoo Scoops of Django.
The error is described in this gist [2] and the code is in this repository
Hello everyone,
I have a problem when run createsuperuser.py command in python 3.4. How can
I solve it definitely?
Look the code:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" gr
I want to make a blogging platform and have a question about organising the
With my blog, I'll have the blog in one Django app and then have something like
a forum in another app, along with additional functions in other apps. Also,
I'd like to have a single-user system that uses
The error message is pretty obvious.
"You're using the staticfiles app without having set the STATIC_ROOT setting to
a filesystem path."
Set the STATIC_ROOT setting in settings.py.
On Saturday, 18 November 2017, 20:12:52 GMT,
and which methods it has available. Where as with FBVs I just
write the code and everything works.
Anyway, thank you for any help :).
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop
First of all thank you very much for the reply. It was very useful. I'll
re-read the documentation and see what I was missing out on.
The get_queryset() method was a very useful hint. That may well solve the issue
I was having.
Simon.On Friday, 24 November 2017, 06:20:35 GMT, Matem
the admin panel widgets.
Sorry if these questions are stupid. It has been a very long time since I last
used Django and if memory serves, I never used the built-in admin panel at all.
Thank you for any help.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr
e while at the same time keeping it reasonably open so other
people can use it as well. I'm probably missing something obvious here, but I'd
appreciate some advice before I get too far into the project so any changes
that need to be made will be smaller.
Thank you.
You received t
else, then please let me know if I have misunderstood
what you mean.
Simon.On Sunday, 18 March 2018, 23:39:47 GMT, Etienne Robillard
Hi Simon,
I'll try to help you out with that.
Have you considered using Django models to allow end users to create, edit and
e the help :).
On Monday, 19 March 2018, 15:27:40 GMT, Etienne Robillard
Hey man,
First of all you're definitely not stupid. :-)
Second, I think you're starting pretty well to understand what I'm trying to
I do admit however t
vertise my open source project? Is there a decent
place to make people aware of what I am doing? I'm fine doing all the backend
tasks, but it would be great to have some help on the frontend design aspects.
I can handle the JavaScript as well. I'm just not so hot on CSS.
Any help i
Hi Egor,
Thank you for the reply. When I get a bit nearer to completion I'll certainly
follow your advice.
Thanks for the links.
On Saturday, 24 March 2018, 20:03:41 GMT, Egor Smolyakov
Hello, Simon.
I had a similar question a few months ago when I advertised my pr
orried about is the design since I suck at that sort
of thing.
The repo is here:
On Sunday, 25 March 2018, 09:55:21 BST, Etienne Robillard
Hi Simon,
You can also consider setting up a official website for your project.
e and anyone who had the original URL will get a 404.
Probably not want you want.
On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 10:33 AM, 'Simon Connah' via Django users
Well, I've opened up the repository if anyone is interested in taking a look.
As I've said elsewhere, it is very
Apologies as this is a newbie question.
I have a Model, a CBV CreateView and a ModelForm.
The ModelForm is set to use the model, and the model has a field called author
which is a ForeignKey to default Django auth User model.
I have removed the author field from the ModelForm as if I allow
7:34 UTC+1, Simon Connah wrote:
> Hi,
> Apologies as this is a newbie question.
> I have a Model, a CBV CreateView and a ModelForm.
> The ModelForm is set to use the model, and the model has a field called
> author which is a ForeignKey to default Django auth Us
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