Hi Badlearner

Basically, i totally agree with Russ. But i think, one question is not
answered yet:
There are many tools for django, that you can use and start to build
up a social network style site.
have a look at:
My suggestion is: just start your project and do not care about
scalability etc.
If you reach the limit of your infrastructure/application/tools, then
your project is probably so sucessfull,
that you'll have the possibility to start optimize it, so it can
really take off.

Hope that helps also a bit


On Nov 22, 9:43 am, Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com>
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:02 AM, badlearner <badlear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > [This is the first time I am using Google Groups and/or mailing lists,
> > so please bear with me if I do something wrong initially.]
> > Is Django web framework apt for a large social networking or photo
> > sharing site? (Think one that has to easily and seamlessly scale to
> > the size of Facebook or Flickr. Yes, I know I want too much, but
> > that's for an estimate.)
> Hi,
> Your question is a bit like asking "Is it possible to build a
> skyscraper using a hammer".
> Yes, you can use Django to build sites that scale to very large
> traffic loads. There are several examples of high profile, high
> traffic sites that use Django under the hood. For example, Mozilla
> runs a lot of it's web infrastrcture on Django. Disqus is another high
> profile example. These companies both serve millions of pages a day
> off a software stack based on Django.
> However, building something in Django doesn't automagically guarantee
> that your site will scale. Scaling doesn't ever have a a "one size
> fits all" solution -- you need to tailor your code to match the
> specific needs of your site. And code that works fine when you have 10
> users won't necessarily be the best solution when you've got 1000
> users, or 1 million users.
> So - yes: you can build a social networking/photo sharing site in
> Django. Yes, it can be built so that it will scale. However, it's also
> possible to build a site in Django that won't scale at all. The
> results you see are only ever going to be as good as the carpenter
> wielding the hammer.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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