I don't think your issue has anything to do with proxy models.

You'll get the exact same error if your use Parent.objects instead of 
Child.objects as both will generate the same SQL:

FROM parent
LEFT JOIN foreign ON parent.foreign_id = foreign.id

In this case "parent" cannot be selected for update since it's "foreign_id" 
column, which is "nullable", is implied in an outer join.

PostgreSQL simply doesn't support that and you'll have to rethink your data 
model if this is something you need to achieve[0]


[0] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/21634.1160151...@sss.pgh.pa.us

Le mercredi 23 septembre 2020 à 12:15:35 UTC-4, d.ivan...@distillery.com a 
écrit :

> Hello.
> I just wanted to know, whether I run into a bug, and whether I should 
> report it.
> Normally select_for_update and select_related try to lock all affected 
> rows in all tables. One can specify "of" for select_for_update to limit 
> tables to lock (to prevent locking nullable relations).
> Recently a bug was fixed, which allowed to lock parent nodes with 
> multitable inheritance. But what about proxies? For me the following does 
> not work. Should it?
> class Parent(Model):
>   foreign = ForeignKey(Foreign, null=True, blank=True)
> class Child(Parent):
>   class Meta:
>     proxy = True
> class Foreign(Model):
>   pass
> with transaction.atomic():
> Child.objects.select_for_update(of=('self',)).select_related('foreign').get(pk=1)
> So the (pseudo) code above fails with a message "FOR UPDATE cannot be 
> applied to the nullable side of an outer join"
> So is this expected behaviour or a bug? What are possible workarounds for 
> that?

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