Hello Daniel,

It's hard to tell was causes the exception without digging a bit more but
based on your mention of multiple sums I assume you are trying to work
around the cross join of multiple table annotations?

I understand you simplified your query but from what I can see right now
it can be expressed as

commens_count = Comment.objects.annotate(
    votes_count=Count('votes', filter=votes_filter),

That should result in

    SELECT 1
    FROM comment
    LEFT OUTER JOIN vote ON (vote.comment_id = comment.id)
    GROUP BY comment.id

There's tickets tracking adding subquery support to aggregate functions but
using subqueries doesn't seem to be necessary here?


Le mercredi 5 décembre 2018 19:16:30 UTC-5, Daniel Gilge a écrit :
> Hi,
> I think I've found a bug. But I'm not sure and I never opened a ticket for 
> Django before. So, I first wanted to ask here.
> I'm using Django 2.0 and this doesn't work:
> subquery = Subquery(
>     Vote.objects
>     .filter(comment=OuterRef('pk'))
>     .values('value')[:1]
> )
> Comment.objects.annotate(vote=subquery).aggregate(
>     count=Count('vote', filter=Q(vote__gte=4)),
> )
> It results in a quite useless AssertionError:
> django/db/models/expressions.py
>     168     169     def set_source_expressions(self, exprs):--> 170         
> assert len(exprs) == 0    171     172     def _parse_expressions(self, 
> *expressions):
> AssertionError:
> Vars:
> exprs 
> [Ref(__col8, Col(U0, myapp.Vote.comment))]
> self 
> <django.db.models.expressions.Subquery object at 0x1080077b8>
> It probably doesn't make sense because I simplified it. Why I'm using 
> subqueries is that I have several sums involved in the query:
> subquery = Subquery(
>     Vote.objects
>     .filter(comment=OuterRef('pk'))
>     .values('comment_id')
>     .annotate(sum=Sum('value', filter=Q(**filter_fields)))
>     .values('sum')[:1]
> )
> However, what I had to remove is a filter statement and then it works:
> Comment.objects.annotate(vote=subquery).aggregate(
>     count=Count('vote'),
> )
> Any advice appreciated!

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