Could you simply make the connector field nullable to express that?


Le mercredi 19 février 2020 12:15:32 UTC-5, test a écrit :
> thanks, do you know how i can create custom leaf nodes when using MPTT or 
> treebeard?
> My parent nodes should have connector types such as AND/OR but the child 
> should not
> On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 11:30:40 PM UTC-5, Simon Charette wrote:
>> I suggest you have a look at the "Trees and Graph" section of the
>> Django Packages website[0]. I've personally used MPTT and Treebeard
>> in the past without too much trouble.
>> You could also a field able to store composite data structures
>> such as JSONField or even a dedicated PostgreSQL type[1] to efficiently 
>> store
>> such data.
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> Le mardi 18 février 2020 18:13:39 UTC-5, test a écrit :
>>> Let's say I have:
>>> Calculator #1:
>>> Expression: (True AND False) AND (True OR False)
>>> This expression should be a child of some calculator. 
>>> class Calculator(models.Model):
>>> name = ...
>>> class Expression(models.Model):
>>> parent = models.ForeignKey(Calculator)
>>> boolean = AND or OR
>>> sub_exp1 = models.ForeignKey(Expression)
>>> sub_exp2 = models.ForeignKey(Expression)
>>> When I query all the expressions for the Calculator #1, I should get all 
>>> the subexpressions.
>>> 1 AND 2 5
>>> 2 AND 3 4
>>> 3 leaf node of True 
>>> 4 lead node of False
>>> 5 OR 6 7
>>> 6 leaf node of True
>>> 7 leaf node of False
>>> From this, I can quickly apply my parse tree.
>>> How would I display the base case/leaf nodes in my model? Also, is there 
>>> a better way?
>>> Thanks, I would really appreciate any help

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