I identified that a more efficient way of doing this would be to call the 
get initial method but for some reason it doesn't seem to trigger the 
function that I'm trying to overriede.

*class NoteCreate(CreateView):*
*    login_url = 'login'*
*    model = Note*
*    form_class = NoteForm*
*    success_url = reverse_lazy('file_status:list')*

*    def get_initial(self):*
*        print(self.kwargs['file_id'])*
*        print('in get initial')*
*        initial = super(NoteCreate, self).get_initial()*
*        initial['file'] = 2*
*        return initial*

Please help me understand. this is really getting frustrating:(

For this one, the text in get initial does not get printed.

What works though is when I don't use Class based view. But I still would 
like to make it work using class based views since my other views are class 

On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 8:47:28 PM UTC+8, Simon A wrote:
> I'm trying to pass a parameter from a redirect to the CreateView and to 
> the form.
> I have no problem retrieving the value from the redirect to the CreateView.
> But my issue is when trying get the value to the form. I'm overriding 
> get_form_kwargs function of my CreateView but when I try to do operations 
> from that function, I'm not able to get any result. I tried to do a print 
> but the print won't display anything.
> *class NoteCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):
>     login_url = 'login'
>     model = Note
>     form_class = NoteForm
>     success_url = reverse_lazy('note:list')
>     def get_form_kwargs(self):
>         kwargs = super(NoteCreate, self).get_form_kwargs()
>         kwargs.update({'file_id' : self.kwargs['file_id']})
>         print("im alivveeeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeeee!")
>         return** kwargs*
> the print statement doesn't seem to be working. It does not show anything 
> in the console.
> I'm able to render the form with no errors in the console.

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