Re: Stus-List Head odours - Now pissing safely

2013-10-25 Thread Wally Bryant
Yet another reason why skinny IOR boats are great! I can go overboard to leeward and still keep a hand on the helm. I also do the water jug thing. I don't know if you remember this pic from last year, but here's a picture of the mineral buildup from urine in head hoses.

Re: Stus-List Sanitation Hose Recommendation

2013-10-25 Thread Wally Bryant
you wrote: Peggie mentioned that lifetime waranty hose and said she would go with the track record over the new product. Meaning the Trident has been tried and true for many years. If you talk with Peggie again, ask how it compare to Sealand Odorsafe hose. Just wondering. Pose the questio

Re: Stus-List New Head and holding tank system.

2013-10-25 Thread Wally Bryant
Okay. I'm cleaning out my 'drafts' folder but still think this is funny. You wrote: So no vented loop? just straight to a tank? what stops things from wanting to go back through the joker valve? Ahhh, the Joker Valve. I really need to turn this internet connection off. La Bomba. (which

Re: Stus-List keep the prop shaft from turning

2013-10-26 Thread Wally Bryant
Eric - I assume you're on the hard. I've wrapped a good rag or other such thing around my prop shaft and clamped down hard with a big set of vice grips against the hull. Wal Eric Frank wrote: I am changing the bellows on a PYI dripless "stuffing box" and need to keep the prop shaft from turn

Re: Stus-List Sanitation Hose Recommendation

2013-10-28 Thread Wally Bryant
I think it means the hose. I've been using PVC elbow in my system without a problem for 10 years. You can get some ideas on my 'new tank and hoses' page: Wal On 10/28/2013 2:46 PM, Michael Brown wrote: I take it the "no 90d

Re: Stus-List 1972 35 for sale near Baltimore

2013-10-29 Thread Wally Bryant
Last time I added it up, mine is worth about 1.5M. On 10/29/2013 2:35 PM, Della Barba, Joe wrote: My boat must be worth $29.95 at most then:( ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Stus-List Keep your fingers crossed

2013-11-01 Thread Wally Bryant
Folks - Keep your fingers crossed for Fred Hazzard on the C&C44 Fury, who's heading down the Baja outside with the Haha fleet. They appear to be sailing straight into what may be the last named storm of the season. I'd probably drop out of the rally and sit in Turtle Bay

Re: Stus-List Keep your fingers crossed

2013-11-01 Thread Wally Bryant
The whole Haha fleet should be in Turtle Bay right now, having a pot luck party. (I should have warned Fred about that... the kids hit you up for a dollar to 'watch' your dinghy, then head back to town. Some of them will stay and watch your dinghy float away on the tide... ) The rally schedul

Re: Stus-List New boat - CS30

2013-11-04 Thread Wally Bryant
If I ever buy another project boat, I would rename it 'Chucky.' Bob Hickson wrote: A professional repair job for the damage to this boat was $20,000 several years ago. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album Cn

Re: Stus-List water level in head/bowl

2013-11-04 Thread Wally Bryant
And it might just be the screens. When I have a good dock hose available, I'll stick the hose right up against the vent on the outside and push water back down the vent line. It blows any salt buildup off the screens. I've also noted that the screens will turn green and crusty just from the

Re: Stus-List OFF LIST The Affordable Boat Act

2013-11-05 Thread Wally Bryant
Big Grins. Yeah, I haven't figured it out either. I pay an bunch of money every month just so that I won't show a 'lapse of coverage' when I get older. I think if I get hit by a bus I'm covered, but other than that I'm on my own down here. Like all 'boat care' plans, the verbiage is indecip

Re: Stus-List power boat accident video

2013-11-05 Thread Wally Bryant
Is she a blonde or isn't she... only her hairdresser knows for sure. you wrote: Found this video showing, "what not to do". ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Re: Stus-List Current (or past) C&C History

2013-11-07 Thread Wally Bryant
Actually, I don't have a big problem with the logo. In fact, since I only have 'Blue/Red/Blue' stripes on my main, it now looks a little bit more like the new logo. It always bugged me that my main said "C" and not "C C" but I would have had to move the stripes down too far... Of course, in

Re: Stus-List CS 30 PHRF rating - Was: New boat - CS30

2013-11-12 Thread Wally Bryant
Joe wrote: Every time this comes up we say we handicap BOATS, not PEOPLE. Now back in the day I think Kurt Vonnegut wrote a story about handicapping people in order to make everyone equal. Perhaps it would work for sailboat racing. Say, for every 2 years someone has been racing he or she wo

Re: Stus-List Rudder bearing

2013-11-12 Thread Wally Bryant
While you have the rudder out, did you notice if there was a plastic washer (delrin or nylon) between your rudder and hull? It's probably worth replacing, if there was one. Not having one can cause your rudder to bounce up and down in rough seas. Wal

Stus-List And the Baja Haha hits town...

2013-11-12 Thread Wally Bryant
And the Baja Haha hits town. Given the northerly breezes over the last two days, I thought that anyone with an ounce of sense would relax and stay put for a little bit. But today a Tayana 54 with all the accoutrements blasted into one of the widest fairways imaginable too fast and managed to h

Re: Stus-List bleeding fuel lines after filter change on M4-30

2013-11-13 Thread Wally Bryant
David - My Universal M40B is self bleeding. When I repowered, it started up on the first try. Amazing. I have an external electric Walbro pump and valves to recirculate fuel through the Racor and back to the tank, bypassing the engine. When changing fuel filters, I'll run that for a bit just

Re: Stus-List bleeding fuel lines

2013-11-13 Thread Wally Bryant
Jimmy Kelly wrote: original sherwood pumps corrode...when replace go with oberdorfer about 300 dollars they stand up... Yeah, roger that. I'm on my second one, and keep a spare on board. Naturally, Westerbeke (Universal) seems to have used some clout and convinced Sherwood to discontinue

Re: Stus-List Broken strut

2013-11-17 Thread Wally Bryant
I'd clean it up well before making a decision. A bronze brush on a right angle air powered die grinder will take that strut down to bare metal really fast. Or an electric drill, but it will take a bit longer.Based on that picture I wouldn't make any decisions. Surface discoloration happe

Re: Stus-List Broken strut

2013-11-18 Thread Wally Bryant
And, actually, I have a SS prop, which has lasted far longer than any bronze prop I've ever owned. After buying my fourth bronze prop, I said heck with it and bought this Autostream prop. It was just a hot marina, though. Heck, these days I go through a zinc every two or three years... No elec

Re: Stus-List Go Pro Camera

2013-11-19 Thread Wally Bryant
And being totally out of touch with current technology, I had to Google "Go Pro Camera" Cool. I really like the "Capture Create and Share" picture at the bottom of the page. Is that one of the $20 accessories that someone was talkin

Re: Stus-List Go Pro Camera

2013-11-19 Thread Wally Bryant
I can handle that. But the accessories will nickel and dime you to death. I actually deleted about ten jokes. Let me tell you the punch line from a joke I made up about Queso Chihuaha: "Do you know how many Chhuahas it takes to make this much cheese?" Wal you wrote: You've been living in a

Re: Stus-List Redford's movie....

2013-11-22 Thread Wally Bryant
First off, I haven't seen the movie and have no clue. I doubt it will make the theaters here, but if it does they'll rename it "El Hombre Viejo Y La Mar." I do question your wife's comment that maybe he was out there sailing alone because he couldn't deal with his life's problems. Could be

Re: Stus-List Redford's movie....

2013-11-22 Thread Wally Bryant
Now, if he'd had a pregnant wife on board, and delivered the baby while the boat was sinking, it would be a true 70's disaster movie. I wrote: First off, I haven't seen the movie and have no clue. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album h

Re: Stus-List Wheel Wraps

2013-11-27 Thread Wally Bryant
It's not as hard as it sounds. I did the same, only here in Mexico a half a cow hide cost about $20. Wal Tim Sippel wrote: I went to Tandy leather and bought a doeskin hide (think it was about 80 bucks at the time ) , did at least 7 wheels with it .. cut it punch it sew it on .. _

Re: Stus-List Installing shaft zincs

2013-11-27 Thread Wally Bryant
Well, I still give them a whack, but with a light ball peen hammer, and then tighten them down really good. It might not be as important with these 'CAMP' shaft zincs that I use these days. They have an imbedded rounded contact point inside each half of the zinc, to maintain a good contact wit

Re: Stus-List Another halyard material question.

2013-11-27 Thread Wally Bryant
Dave - If you do your own splices, Sta-set X can be a challenge. Frankly, I think it's *great* rope, and very strong. I used it for my halyards on my last boat, and recall that after I finished the splices I swore I'd hire somebody next time. I think most riggers don't like it because you can d

Re: Stus-List Wheel wraps

2013-11-27 Thread Wally Bryant
You can't get a skin 9.6 long, although I understand that Trojan is coming out with a 'Sailor Sized' model. (However, it'll still be tough to rip the foil package open with your teeth.) Seriously, though. Put the splits on the rungs of the wheel. When lacing up the cover, that's the best pla

Re: Stus-List Not sailing related whatsoever.

2013-11-28 Thread Wally Bryant
I'll be making Corned Beef and Cabbage. I know, wrong holiday... I just can't fit a turkey in the oven, much less the pressure cooker. Dave Godwin wrote: Wal, I hope that wherever you are that you are enjoying your day. Probably having a

Re: Stus-List Marvel Mystery Oil

2013-11-29 Thread Wally Bryant
Did we change the subject? Marvel Mystery Oil and Penetrating Oil are two entirely different things, I think. you wrote: think I read Automatic transmission fluid mixed with Acetone .. Ahh hear it is ___

Re: Stus-List Baha Bash

2013-11-30 Thread Wally Bryant
Fred - I left this in my drafts folder for a few days, but since other folks are giving advice I'll give you my two cents worth. I'd wait until June if you can afford the time. That's the start of Hurricane season, it's true, but they almost always stay way south at the start of the season.

Re: Stus-List wire halyards

2013-12-04 Thread Wally Bryant
Be careful stowing them. When I re-rigged I replaced the spreaders because a PO wrapped the wire halyards behind the spreaders to keep them quiet. The wire wore completely through the aluminum trailing edge, and I'm pretty sure that weld has structural value. Jimmy Kelly wrote: however w

Re: Stus-List Canadians - retail sales tax used boat

2013-12-04 Thread Wally Bryant
Don't get me started... you wrote: Can I remind everyone that taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. Oh wait, we're talking about Canada. Never mind. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album CnC-

Re: Stus-List Impeller link to photo

2013-12-04 Thread Wally Bryant
I'm not going to touch that. you wrote: Change the hose. It's beginning to bulge. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Re: Stus-List Refrigeration C&C 30-2 (and my usual blather)

2013-12-15 Thread Wally Bryant
If you're looking for a permanent installation in NC, for light coastal cruising and weekends, on a 30 foot boat with decent insulation, I'd go with a basic tried and true Adler Barber system. Air cooled, Danfoss compressor (because Danfoss compressors are everywhere) and easy to install. As

Re: Stus-List Battery charger recommendations?

2013-12-17 Thread Wally Bryant
I recently installed a ProMariner to replace my failed Xantrex Freedom charger. I really like the new solid state units, and so far no problems. BTW, if anyone replaces an old Freedom Marine unit, I'd recommend taking the cover off and removing the integral Echo Charger(s.) It's the same as t

Re: Stus-List Battery charger recommendations?

2013-12-18 Thread Wally Bryant
Yeah, I have to admit I didn't get my power consumption estimates right. It worked out okay when I had high capacity Trojans on board, but these Mexican golf cart batteries have about half the capacity, which means a daily recharging regimen. And, of course, it doesn't help that I discovered

Re: Stus-List Raised floor boards [was Crack where keel meets hull]

2013-12-18 Thread Wally Bryant
Some Travellifts have integral scales, so they could lower it onto the blocks until the scales read 40 percent of the original weight, and then place the jack stands. Note that the scales may not be calibrated accurately, or the operator may not really know how to use them. One time I had a tr

Re: Stus-List Blocking w boatstands

2013-12-18 Thread Wally Bryant
I dunno, you're probably right. I think he said his owner's manual said that a minimum of 60% of the weight should be on the keel. Chuck S wrote: 40% of a boat's weight on stands? ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.cncpho

Re: Stus-List Marine Plumbing

2013-12-19 Thread Wally Bryant
When I rebuilt my fresh water system I used PEX tubing and fittings, which seems to be the standard for RV and Marine use these days. Note, however, that some of the old grey tubing was left in place, since replacing it would involve some deconstruction of the boat that I didn't want to get i

Re: Stus-List lyn &larry pardy electrical

2013-12-19 Thread Wally Bryant
U. Actually, Larry and Lin Pardy don't really exist. A long while back, some publishers realized that they could make a bunch of money selling sailing books, and hired two actors to pose for some pictures and go to boat shows and give lectures. The original books were ghost written by tw

Re: Stus-List C&C 30 - off center hatch

2013-12-22 Thread Wally Bryant
I think that Jim's initial post was humorous. The smiley face was my clue. I seem to recall that my beamy shallow IOR style hull was once dismissed as too dangerous to take off shore, since once it went over it stayed over. The prevailing wisdom then was that the safest boat had a narrow bea

Re: Stus-List C&C 30 - off center hatch

2013-12-22 Thread Wally Bryant
s purchased by Fairport. So, yeah, if I had pledged my life, fortune and sacred honor to a new business venture, I'd be pretty darn touchy about anyone who said anything negative. anyway... Second, your email contained this attachment: Wally Bryant wrote: This message cannot be di

Re: Stus-List Has Mexico jumped the shark?

2013-12-22 Thread Wally Bryant
Joel wrote: I wonder if a couple crisp $100s with your papers would equal compliance. I spent two days writing what might just be my best rant ever. It might be the most perfect funniest rant I've ever written. However, I'm too scared to send it. It's a good time to keep your head down.

Re: Stus-List Merry Christmas to all

2013-12-24 Thread Wally Bryant
Happy Holidays. Yeah, I know, Santa only has one eye and seems to be sticking his tongue out. And my rubber ducky is pretty sunburned. It sneaked up on me again this year. It was twenty years ago today that I pulled into Placencia, Belize, not reali

Re: Stus-List (long) Has Mexico jumped the shark?

2013-12-26 Thread Wally Bryant
Jim Watts wrote: Anyone down there right now with local knowledge? Wally? The msg below was on the southbound list today, and spells out the situation very well. It's not nearly as funny as my rant, but will probably pass under the radar. (My little message probably would have put me on so

Re: Stus-List (long) Has Mexico jumped the shark?

2013-12-27 Thread Wally Bryant
Rich Knowles wrote: How about neutering your rant, send it to me and I'll post it? Actually, I deleted it. Sometimes it's smart to just sit down and shut up. (A good Captain knows how to be good crew... ) And I'm fine. Nothing happened in La Paz while I was there, and I was off the doc

Re: Stus-List Needing the brain trust-new winch installation, old hole filling, etc.

2013-12-27 Thread Wally Bryant
Yeah, but the women do. Jim Watts wrote: I have never heard anyone complain that their winches were too big. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Re: Stus-List PFD/life vest

2013-12-28 Thread Wally Bryant
While these days I only wear my SOSpenders with harness (because of the temperature) I've also owned a Stormy Seas vest for 15 years. It was my vest of choice in Northern California, where I always wore shorts but when the breeze kicked up my upper body could

Re: Stus-List C&C (1990) gelcoat matching

2013-12-29 Thread Wally Bryant
I hate to sound like Eeyore, but it's hopeless. Even if you get a perfect match now, it won't age the same and will probably mismatch in a few years. Or you can mismatch it now, and hope that in a few years i

Re: Stus-List PFD/life vest

2013-12-29 Thread Wally Bryant
Right. I have four good hard points in the cockpit. Big padeyes with backing plates, that you can snap onto without thinking. Some people laughed at me for installing them. I use them often enough to be glad. As a single hander, I figure if I go overboard I'm pretty much dead. You wrote:

Re: Stus-List lyn &larry pardy electrical

2013-12-29 Thread Wally Bryant
I recently heard that Taliesin is for sale. I hope I didn't say something wrong. It's not my fault, really. Once upon a time I wrote: U. Actually, Larry and Lin Pardy don't really exist. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album ht

Stus-List was (1990) gelcoat epoxy adhesion (now my thoughts about V40s)

2014-01-01 Thread Wally Bryant
Steve - I've been a member of the Valiant lists longer than I've been on the C&C lists, as I was going to get a V40 before the dot-com crash left my portfolio worth less than my pickup truck. When Sailnet went off-line they moved to Yahoo Groups, and it's a pretty active list. (I was rather

Re: Stus-List was (1990) gelcoat epoxy adhesion (now my thoughts about V40s)

2014-01-01 Thread Wally Bryant
PS. I believe that I recently said that if I ever bought another project boat I would rename it 'Chucky.' "Hi! I'm Chucky! I'm your friend for life!" Boats are like women. Be careful what you sign up for. Happy New Year, Wal ___ This List is pro

Re: Stus-List was (1990) gelcoat epoxy adhesion (now my thoughts about V40s)

2014-01-01 Thread Wally Bryant
PPS Every time I sail this boat I know it was all worth it. You wrote: Too true. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Re: Stus-List single handing a C&C 38

2014-01-03 Thread Wally Bryant
Right. I'll get back to you on that. I have a fish to cook. Don't fall off the boat. Know your rig. Women with raven hair and big brown eyes can be trusted. Wal John Lennon wrote: Wally has been single handing his Landfall 38 around ___ Thi

Re: Stus-List Move to J/42 versus new C&C's of similar size and function

2014-01-04 Thread Wally Bryant
Right. Some idiot bought a Sabre 40 a couple of years ago, and actually T-Boned a fishing trawler 80 miles off shore. The story is that they were all sitting down below trying to figure out who was supposed to be on watch, while the boat motored on. I only know this because they named the boat

Re: Stus-List single handed docking

2014-01-05 Thread Wally Bryant
Perhaps the most important thing is to make sure no one is watching. If there's no one watching, you will do it perfectly. If you have a big audience, it'll be a train wreck. In addition to the other tips already mentioned, I like to stop the boat completely in the fairway or near the dock

Re: Stus-List single handed docking; People Watching

2014-01-05 Thread Wally Bryant
Yeah... I actually got it perfect twice with a big audience. The most memorable was pulling into a new marina for the first time ever, and discovered a center cockpit Catalina/Morgan 45 in my 36 foot slip. Full reverse. (I was too busy to blow my horn three times.) They were actually suppo

Re: Stus-List friggin COLD

2014-01-07 Thread Wally Bryant
I would chime in on this topic, but it appears that everyone would hate me. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Re: Stus-List friggin COLD

2014-01-08 Thread Wally Bryant
PS. I found some whole grain Cream of Wheat in a store, and was really excited. When I got back to the boat and opened it, the box was full of little black bugs, so I threw it overboard. Does that make me a cereal killer? ___ This List is provided

Re: Stus-List Cabin fans

2014-01-09 Thread Wally Bryant
I have 3 Caframos, which often run 24x7. I seem to burn them up in about a year, which makes them pretty expensive. They do move a lot of air. I have one of those nylon hammocks above my berth, full of cookies, nuts and potato chips, and suspend the fans from the mesh. When on the hook they

Re: Stus-List Cabin fans

2014-01-10 Thread Wally Bryant
Joel Aronson wrote: What sort of warranty do they have? Why do you stay loyal to the brand? Because I'm in Mexico, and it's the only fan I've found other than power hungry 12V fans in auto stores that assume you're driving a bus and are running an alternator constantly. If you're lucky you

Re: Stus-List Cabin fans

2014-01-10 Thread Wally Bryant
Bill - I tried that, and even did my usual 'wy overboard' approach. I built little mahogany brackets, and mounted the first one on the cabin top with a totally cool aluminum anodized swivel mount from McMaster-Carr. I spent some time finding the highest volume air flow fan from the bigge

Re: Stus-List Cabin fans

2014-01-10 Thread Wally Bryant
Joe wrote: So how would a West Marine in Cabo do? Not very well. I haven't been there since 2009, but back then the marina charged $135US a night, and I understand that they're now charging just to anchor on the little steep loose sand shelf. Cruisers don't hang out there. Anyone who leave

Stus-List Impounded boats in Mexico

2014-01-10 Thread Wally Bryant
Oh, this is good... ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Re: Stus-List Impounded boats in Mexico

2014-01-10 Thread Wally Bryant
Bill - What's good is that it has now hit the major networks up north. (I've known about it for months.) I actually would encourage people to use the link Fred provided: and just send an email to your congre

Re: Stus-List Impounded boats in Mexico

2014-01-10 Thread Wally Bryant
Yeah, I have the IRS come after me, and they can be heavy handed. But they don't show up on my door with machine guns. On 1/10/2014 5:08 PM, Russ & Melody wrote: From a cynic's perspective, let me express the opinion that Canadian & American tax collection people do similar things to people A

Re: Stus-List Impounded boats in Mexico

2014-01-10 Thread Wally Bryant
Yeah, well. I could be living in Michigan. I hear it gets really cold up there. Heck, the only woman the world who can actually put up with my sh__ owns her owns a 40 acre Golden Pond up there. But I asked her what she does with the ducks in winter, and she didn't know. Maybe someday I'll

Re: Stus-List Impounded boats in Mexico

2014-01-10 Thread Wally Bryant
Right! Tacos de Cabeza. (Tacos of head.) It's important to know whether you're eating a cow head or a horse head. Always ask if they have any brains. It's all about the eyes, though. I always ask for an extra eyeball. It's like biting down on a cherry tomato -- you never know which way

Re: Stus-List mounting solar panels

2014-01-11 Thread Wally Bryant
Yeah, it totally messed up my rig for the asym... I really didn't want a sheet to go WHAP against the panels. But everything's a compromise... David Knecht wrote: Not a fan of anything rail mounted hanging over the boat but that's just me. ___ Th

Re: Stus-List mounting solar panels

2014-01-11 Thread Wally Bryant
Right. No one really does it year after year. I suppose you could rig up some really cool electronic thing with servo motors that would constantly adjust the panel angle... I've noticed that leaving them down against the side of the boat when underway actually provides reasonable amps. The

Re: Stus-List Impounded boats in Mexico

2014-01-12 Thread Wally Bryant
Jack wrote: One time in the early ‘80s, I helped a friend sail his new boat up to his new home from Fort Lauderdale. Along the way, we saw a big bale of pot floating directly in our path. Oh yeah, I see that stuff drifting around too often in the Sea of Cortez, as well as Styrofoam blocks

Re: Stus-List Painter Attachment to Boat

2014-01-17 Thread Wally Bryant
When towing the dink, I attach a heavy floating line to it with a strong caribiner. The painter's just for docking. The caribiner clips on a little towing bridle. Wal ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album CnC

Re: Stus-List Electronics GPS - now lightning

2014-01-18 Thread Wally Bryant
I still put a laptop, portable VHF and GPS in the oven when lightning is nearby, but have never been hit. I sleep with my head two feet away from the mast, so if I actually get hit with lightning I probably won't ever know if the oven trick worked. Joe wrote: The oven-as-Faraday-cage urban

Re: Stus-List homebrew autopilot - Now Stu's C&C Photo Album Forum

2014-01-22 Thread Wally Bryant
Danny - I think we tried that when the list moved over from Sailnet, but went back to the email format. It won't work for me, for sure. Outside of major cities, my internet is extremely slow and a web based format just doesn't work. It's also handy to save important information on the laptop

Re: Stus-List Now Stu's C&C Photo Album Forum

2014-01-22 Thread Wally Bryant
you wrote: So now we have started into a whole new non C&C related thread ...crafty IT guys, aren't they Yeah. 30 years ago they called us MISManagers. (mgmt info systems) ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.cncphotoalbum.

Re: Stus-List Mixing Elbow

2014-01-25 Thread Wally Bryant
Absolutely. I think that hours of heat on that hose/mixer elbow connection makes it impossible to remove without cutting it off. I keep a section of 2" exhaust hose stuck in the back of the boat, just in case I need to do it again. Maybe next time I'll try some Permatex #2 gasket sealant, whi

Re: Stus-List Winch Barient 28

2014-01-25 Thread Wally Bryant
If you lose a spring... I used .018 diameter wire, which is a little thicker than the original spring wire, but I didn't want to go buy more. It fits, and has worked perfectly for 10 years. Still have the wire on the boat. It be

Re: Stus-List Winch Barient 28

2014-01-25 Thread Wally Bryant
YeAH.. (HANG ON i HAVE TO GO GET MY GLASSES TO FIND THE LOWERCASE KEY.) Okay, this is a true story. More than a few years back some guy banged on my boat, and when I stuck my head out of the companionway he said, "Do You Have A G-String?" I'm polite by nature, so just said "Ummm. No..

Re: Stus-List Otter Problem

2014-01-26 Thread Wally Bryant
House train it and turn it into crew. Then you'll have a Homemade OtterPilot. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Re: Stus-List Rudder removal

2014-01-27 Thread Wally Bryant
Yeah, be careful. All rudder bearings are not created equal. On my last boat, I just put a grease gun on the zirc fitting and pumped until grease squirted out on the top and bottom. On this boat that created a problem. I a

Re: Stus-List structural question

2014-01-29 Thread Wally Bryant
You can get a good look at them from a few angles on my Spartite page: You might be able to have something similar fabricated for a reasonable price. Wal Gary Nylander wrote: Any chance someone would have a photograph

Re: Stus-List structural question

2014-01-29 Thread Wally Bryant
Jason just sent me a couple of pics of his hooks to post. I cropped them down to just the hooks. Apparently he has his rig out. I don't know what that white stuff is on the ground. Wal __

Re: Stus-List insuring a 38 landfall

2014-02-05 Thread Wally Bryant
Offshore/International single handed insurance is always expensive. Doing it with a boat that's over 30 years old is ridiculous. Actually, the only carrier that would insure my boat wanted about 8 percent of the boat's market value annually. At this point I only carry liability. If I wreck my b

Re: Stus-List C&C 40, et al, cruising modifications

2014-02-05 Thread Wally Bryant
Tankage can be over-rated. Watermakers are small, affordable and efficient these days. I've never regretted pulling the v-berth tank and converting to storage. Despite a small 32 gallon fuel tank, I've never had a problem. I do keep two jerry cans lashed amidships on each side. If I antici

Stus-List now heaving to

2014-02-05 Thread Wally Bryant
Very important. It seems like every boat heaves to differently, using different techniques. It's good to practice. Just heave to for lunch, or to take a break. One time I heaved to to let a guest use the head. I don't know what she was doing down there, but fifteen minutes later about 20 r

Re: Stus-List Re- heaving to

2014-02-06 Thread Wally Bryant
I'm on the wrong boat. Jim Watts wrote: No, you just need somebody to make French Toast. Gale? What gale? ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Re: Stus-List C&C 40, et al, cruising modifications

2014-02-06 Thread Wally Bryant
I wrote: Watermakers are small, affordable and efficient these days. I've never regretted pulling the v-berth tank and converting to storage. PS. Removing the weight of the big water tank in the V Berth allowed me to carry full chain anchor rode. Very useful. ___

Re: Stus-List Hot water heater

2014-02-09 Thread Wally Bryant
I put an isotherm in, but that's a different story as I added batteries where the old water heater was and thus reengineered the boat to move the water heater to a spot were the boat would be in balance and on its lines. The point of this email, though, is that if you're replacing the water h

Re: Stus-List Hot water heater

2014-02-09 Thread Wally Bryant
Tom - BTW, I did make a page about my water heater replacement. It's probably not relevant to your specific question... I wrote: I put an isotherm in, but that's a different story as I added batteries where the old water heater

Re: Stus-List when to go cruising

2014-02-10 Thread Wally Bryant
*GO* while you still can. Someone mentioned the number of retirees who buy a boat to 'go cruising' with varied results. I've seen countless big bucks boats that were tricked out for cruising, and the owner was waiting for retirement and the pension, but died first. Heck, my brother-in-law re

Re: Stus-List Fuel tank

2014-02-11 Thread Wally Bryant
Yes. It works fine. Rich wrote: Has anyone tried teeing the fuel return line into the fuel feed line before the filter? Just wondering?? ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Albu

Re: Stus-List Fuel tank

2014-02-11 Thread Wally Bryant
That's a good idea. Why didn't you mention that ten years ago? Joe Della Barba wrote: Nah – you T the fuel return to the vent line. ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

Re: Stus-List C&C 38 or 39 Landfall

2014-02-12 Thread Wally Bryant
I don't know if Harold is still on this list, but he owns a LF39 and spent a couple of years down here in Mexico. It's a totally different boat. What a difference a foot makes. The LF39 seats eight in the main cabin for dinner, and then you can play dominoes. The table on that boat is about

Re: Stus-List when to go cruising

2014-02-13 Thread Wally Bryant
I can't find the post from someone who said it's easy to go cruising on less than 2K a month. That's true. Here's my Quicken report for 2013: (I'll probably delete that link in a few days.) It's interesting to note that I spend more on Tequila and

Re: Stus-List when to go cruising

2014-02-14 Thread Wally Bryant
Steve - Marinas aren't cheap down here. They've figured out that gringos will pay SanDiego prices, and electricity and water are meteredand extra. And many good anchorages are now filled with mooring balls, and even if you don't trust the mooring ball and use your own hook, you pay to anchor.

Re: Stus-List c&c36 parted out

2014-02-17 Thread Wally Bryant
I think you're right. The winch/cleat/deck molding/mast collar pic is LF38ish, as well as the cockpit winch setup. However, that brown office chair is nonstandard. Jim Watts wrote: Looks like a Landfall 38 to me. Teak toerail, off-center companionway.

Re: Stus-List Wiring an inverter

2014-02-18 Thread Wally Bryant
Dan - Having totally rewired my LF38 you might find some ideas on my web site. Note, though, that I started doing it over a decade ago and some parts are obsolete, and of course some things could be done better because I keep learning. Also, some parts have been replaced, like the combo charg

Re: Stus-List Wiring an inverter

2014-02-18 Thread Wally Bryant
PS. Of course, nothing I do makes any sense to anyone but me. Can anyone ship a new Flux Capacitor down here? I wrote: Dan - Having totally rewired my LF38 you might find some ideas ___ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.c

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