I understand that it's scheduled for September 19 - 21 -- the weekend after the
Boatshow -- at Ft Adams in Newport. The plan is to have grills, a tent of some
sort, and the whole dock reserved for us. I've spoken to the folks at C&C and
they are amenable to the idea of having the new C&C 30 and
Be sure to check out the. Catamaran Marina in the Rio. Nice folks. Owner is a
wonderful old curmudgeon named Kevin.
I can pass along some names of god guys for mechanical work if you like.
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
Well, it's drop-dead gorgeous. That's a pro!
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On May 20, 2014, at 21:13, D Harben via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Hi
> While the V34 is not out of
A good rule of thumb is to max out the RPMs when you're under way. Note the
number. About 75% of that is a good cruising RPM but many people will go a
little lower. IE if you max out at 3200 RPM, then 2400 would be fine, but I
would probably run at 2200 to conserve fuel. Running at max for brief
I understand about sweet spots, but I'd say if you are getting that much
vibration, something's out of whack.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On May 27, 2014, at 12:26, dwigh
I've always used vaseline. And change the impeller every other year. It's
cheap and easy maintenance.
C&C 40
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> I have a quick question: what do you use to lube the impeller to let it
I assumed Marek was asking about the raw water impeller for which vaseline
is a good lubricant.
C&C 40
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Steve Thomas via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Propylene glycol low toxicity engine coolant.
> Steve Thomas
> --
Barbara, after a lot of years and miles, I still have my moments when
docking a boat. A couple of useful tips: Slow is Pro: never use more
throttle or speed than you absolutely have to. There are some times where
you have to giver her some gas to get a desired effect, but those times are
rare. This
Mike, I hope you'll stop in Newport for a visit. I can arrange a mooring
through Ida Lewis YC for you. It's a little cheaper than the commercial
Good luck!
C&C 40
On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Persuasion via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Hi Stu
> Jus
Win the start, get to the first shift ahead and tack on it. Extend your
lead. I guarantee that if you follow this advice, you'll win.
Good Luck!
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Martin DeYoung via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> > Should make the starting line interesting.
Good luck to all C&C -ers in the race.
I may be passing through St G in three weeks if you're still there, I'll look
you up.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jun 1, 2014, a
I think she has an Alberg look to her, too. Gorgeous little boat.
Some things on this planet need no other reason to exists beyond the fact
they're pretty.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
I was thinking Kittiwake 23. too much overhang aft for the CD, I thought.
C&C 40
On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Ronald B. Frerker via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> That was my guess.
> Ron
> On Sun, 6/1/14, Dennis C.
Sounds fun, Wal. If you're in no hurry, I'd wait for a window, too.
A few years ago, I did the trip around from Florida to LA in August. I was
dreading the Baja Bash, but as we left Acapulco, a hurricane formed off
Nicaragua and we got in a bit of a rush. Jimenez followed us about 600
miles back a
I think the reason we bolt the mast to the step is that some bright spark
in the CCA decided that it was a good idea for boats doing the Bermuda race
and it caught on. I remember thinking how useless the idea as I prepared a
boat for the 1984 race.
C&C 40
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 6
Tour the International Yacht Restoration School in Newport.
Ida Lewis YC will do reciprocal privileges with most any other club, a
sunset cocktail on the porch admiring the view is worthwhile.
Dinner at the Clarke Cooke House/Candy Store
A tour of Ft Adams
Mystic Seaport is an hour away
If you show
there are a ton of B&Bs in Newport. I'd stay at one of those before a hotel.
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
Email address:
To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go bottom of page
Downwind all the way and lots of nice places to stop. Why not take it by water?
It's only about 400 miles straight shot.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jun 20, 2014, at 2
If it was my new boat I couldn't wait to sail it. I'd take a week or so to
do the trip (this assumes it passed a good survey). I'd plan to leave
Dartmouth and get the boat sorted out over the course of a day heading for
the C Cod Canal and then stop at one end. I'd probably spend the next day
That's pretty normal; it's just the forward equivalent of prop walk in reverse.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jun 21, 2014, at 14:57, "Richard N. Bush via CnC-List"
> wr
This is from my friend who's cruising the Caribbean on his 40:
Hi Andy, I may have tracked down drawings for the rudder install, but would
like to see if there is anyone out there who might have done a bearing
replacement. My internet is poor and I can’t get into any of the forums on
Just noticed Joel saying he'd had to turn around because a crewmember was
so sick on the way home from Bermuda. (Welcome home, Joel!)
*This is a public service message*. As one who suffered for three days on
his first offshore passage, I know how bad being seasick can be. Since that
time I've rack
> --
> Jonathan
> Indigo C&C 35III
> On Jun 23, 2014, at 13:01, D Harben via CnC-List
> wrote:
> any pointers to or lists of possible MEDS?
> On Jun 23, 2014, at 12:57 PM, Andrew Burton via CnC-List <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.c
> Thank you Veddy Veddy Much for that PSA on STD's (Sea Transmitted
>> Disease)
>> I have forwarded that to all my Mal de Mar friends.
>> Bill Coleman
>> C&C 39
>> From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On B
Feather into the breeze a little...but not enough to affect speed. Watch your
speedo. You will be fully powered up in that much breeze so your weather
telltales on the jib should be almost always lifting a little...or even a lot,
in the puffs.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragans
My impression is that the 40-2 is differentiates the late ‘70s C&C 40 from the
old crusader 40. The AC is the same design with an. Aft cabin layout.
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jul 2, 2014,
I like all the advice you're getting about mastering the smaller boat.
Your 30 isn't much different from the C&C 27 my father taught hundreds to
sail aboard in Victoria. She is a sweetheart of a boat that gives you
really good feedback when you make adjustments to your sails. Once you get
a good h
Don't overlook your natural resources; a couple of hockey sticks glued together
make a fine tiller. Sans blades, of course.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jul 9, 2014, a
Horses for courses. Deep-draft boats--like Peregrine--are wonderful
puttering around the Northeast or Northwest...or Mexico... or the
Caribbean. And I bet I could find any number of beautiful anchorages in the
Chesapeake that would suit me just fine, though it might be a long row over
to Joe's boat
I like the Chesapeake; it's all soft mud, which means that with enough
horsepower pretty much every place is accessible with deep draft. And
there's a channel for getting back out. Granted it'd only be a foot or two
Bill, where are you going in New England that more than five feet is too
From the comments, it seems we're all pretty happy with what we have. That
sounds suspiciously mentally-healthy for this bunch!
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jul 12, 201
Perhaps I should revise my comment about mental health :)
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jul 12, 2014, at 12:48, Wally Bryant via CnC-List
> wrote:
> We had atypicalli
If I'm understanding you correctly, you basically want to install a deck
wash pump and somehow get hot water from it. Unless you install an
on-demand heater, I don't think what you're contemplating will work. It
sounds like you are talking about using the raw water after it has gone
through the eng
I think the thermostat on the engine should be set to 180 degrees.
C&C 40
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 10:46 AM, George Cone via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> The recirculating pump I mentioned is the pump that pulls the water from
> the engine and circulates it through t
Wal, which model caframo fan? I need to install a few in Peregrine and I
was thinking of going with the Hella Turbos, but if you like the caframo...
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Wally Bryant via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Ummm, after 14 months I finally updated my web si
Thanks, Wal. With you, David, and Dennis, among others, all suggesting the
Caframos it's a pretty easy decision.
Bees hitting the fan...what an odd problem to have. Hope the bees are buzzing
elsewhere and the sun is shining on you.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
I need a blooper that'll fit a C&C 40...
On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Edd Schillay via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Listers,
> Does anyone know of an organization (preferably charity) that accepts old
> sails as donations? I’d love to find one in the northeast that would be
Certainly move the lead all the way outboard if you can still trim the sail
with it there. You'll open up the slot and the boat will stand up better.
I think I'd be inclined to err on the side of too much sail on a reach in order
to power through the lulls.
Ease the back stay a bit, which also
Peter (and everyone else), Peregrine is in Brenton Cove near the NYYC, be sure
to stop by, if you can. We always have some cold beverage close at hand.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 96
A pal just got a 9' aluminum AB and I have to say, I'm very impressed with it.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Aug 7, 2014, at 13:41, Petar Horvatic via CnC-List
> wrote:
Sitting in Cuttyhunk and saw the most beautiful Viking 33--called Lolita--come
in next to me, but couldn't remember your name in time to call over, Danny.
She's Looking good!
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
I probably shouldn't say this, but I have some miles delivering Shannons
and my brother was captain on a Shannon 50 for a couple of years. His quote
pretty much much sums up the boat for me. He said "It's just like a
Hinckley; all the screw heads line up. Unfortunately, none of them are
On my 1981 C&C 40, the core thickness is 3/4". When I installed the
windlass I found the centerline, where a staysail track was, has plywood
reinforcement about 3" wide.
C&C 40
On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Martin DeYoung via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> On Calyps
I'll second the coating with dish soap. Just wipe it on neat.
C&C 40
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Tom Buscaglia via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> A light coating of Joy or some other dish washing soap over the entire
> exterior of you boat will make cleaning off a
I have a GPS that plugs in to USB. If you get an adapter you can have it. I
have an adapter that we can plug in and try to make sure it works when we
next get together for a beer.
C&C 40
On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 10:36 AM, David via CnC-List
> OK...so I have this IPad I never
Well, I've used my iPad nav apps for a pair of transatlantic trips and
a trip from Acapulco to Florida via the Old Bahama Channel,
not to mention quite a few between Canada and New England and the Caribbean,
and I have found the GPS to be very accurate...even when I'm below and take it
out to c
Fair winds and following seas, Danny! Hope all goes well, she looks like a
wonderful boat! Wish I could go along for your first big sail.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On O
I've been using the Raymarine stuff a LOT the last few years and the quality is
definitely there. I'm thinking of the EV 200 for peregrine to replace my dying
15 yr old course computer.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
PO Box 632
Newport, RI
USA 02840
+401 965 5260
> On Oct 8, 2015, at
Depending on how old the Gill gear is, I would contact them directly; they
may well take it back and fix or replace it. That has been my experience
with a bunch of manufacturers.
Personally, I have had good luck with Gill gear through the years and just
got a set of their offshore stuff to replace
I'm just about to varnish a dinghy rudder. I'm using Epiphanes gloss. That
will work just fine.
C&C 40
On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Eric Frank via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> A friend is painting their sailboard's wooden rudder and centerboard.
> Won't be left u
Congrats on the new boat. The 40 is pretty much my ideal (budget) cruising
Given the location of out huge anchor locker, I'm not sure you could fit a
Solent stay on our boats. I have seen a staysl stay fitted aft of the anchor
locker with a chain plate down the fwd bulkhead and a storm j
I took a Leopard 46 from FL to LA and later from LA to Oahu. Even going to
HI, my best day was only 198 miles. Still it was comfy, except going to
C&C 40
On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:56 PM, allen via CnC-List
> Heard some bad vibes about Moorings charter fleet, mostl
I've just had a summer of use out of my e7D and am very pleased with it. I
especially like the fact that I can access it via my iPad.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Oct 1
This is why I don't let my wife read these emails. I don't want her getting the
idea that she can recycle an old codger!
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Oct 18, 2015, at 0
On my 3GM I had an overheating problem and ended up discovering that the
pulley for the water pump was spinning on the shaft as the set screw had
come loose.
C&C 40
On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Gary Nylander via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> I had the exact same s
Cant help you with those guys, but try Mac Designs
The owner, Billy MacGowan is a good friend of mine and does the same sort
of thing.
C&C 40
On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 1:01 PM, Dennis C. via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Does anybody know if
I've asked this same question and the answer is that the alcohol will damage
rubber parts in the system. So we have to flush well in the spring.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
Hinckley is 433/ft for dry storage plus 11/ft for haul and wash. NEB is
about the same.
I'm going to NEB rather than some of the other options around the bay
because they don't do anything in a slipshod manner. I know there are some
places that do.
Caveat emptor!
C&C 40
On Thu, Oct
robably a few less miles
> Danny
> ------ Original Message --
> From: Andrew Burton via CnC-List
> To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com"
> Cc: Andrew Burton
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Boom Furling complications
> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 16:03:40 -0400
t; "major money" clients - and the feeling was that unless you are in that
> league, you get short changed.
> --
> Jonathan
> Indigo C&C 35III
> On Oct 29, 2015, at 16:03, Andrew Burton via CnC-List <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
If the wind-up of the bolt rope on the boom is working aft, the aft end of
the boom is too high, if it's working forward, the aft end of the boom is
too low. You want the sail to furl so the bolt rope lays almost, but not
quite on top of itself.
C&C 40
On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 a
Way gorgeouser than the 41.
Thanks, Joel.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Nov 17, 2015, at 19:21, Joel Aronson via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Our own Andrew Burton has a
Offer OX as a test boat for PS and see if Darrell can get you lots of free gear!
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Nov 17, 2015, at 20:08, bobmor99 . via CnC-List
> wrote:
of Sail Magazinenicely
> done...Ron C.
> -Original Message-
> From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Andrew
> Burton via CnC-List
> Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 8:12 PM
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Cc: Andrew Burt
I'm assuming this is spam or a virus. If not, Barbara, please explain what
you're asking people to open.
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Nov 24, 2015, at 13:26, Barbara Lowden via CnC-List
> w
I hate having stuff on the boom. For one thing, it really hurts if it hits you.
Here's how I do it: http://www.cruisingworld.com/how/timber-hitch
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Nov 29, 2015, at
Jim, I don't like to use a bowline, but leaving that alone, I would lead the
reef line through the grommet and around the boom before tying it on with
whatever Knot you use.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
ine instead, but I never knew that
> before so it doesn't matter. Why would you run it through the grommet first?
> Serious question, I thought it was a little cleaner lead as I showed it.
> Jim Watts
> Paradigm Shift
> C&C 35 Mk III
> Victoria, BC
>> On
I have templates for the C&C 40 windows if anyone needs them. Actually,
just a set of old windows the PO thoughtfully passed on to me.
C&C 40
On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Pete Shelquist via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Just an observation; The VHB tape seems like
I have the same hatch over the head on my boat.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Dec 6, 2015, at 18:59, D Harben via CnC-List wrote:
> Is the head hatch on the 70s Viki
battery-powered drill
On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Dennis C. via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Time for a discussion on our favorite boat tools Aside from the usual
> collection of wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers and locking pliers, what do
> you find indispensable for boat wo
I have a very cheap very compact Husky socket set in a plastic holder that has
a short 1/4 - 3/8 driver, a stubby adjustable, and a driver with various bits.
I keep it handy for when I just need to do something quick. I replace it every
now and then. If I have a real project, I get out my real t
Apparently, it was from a christmas tree that caught on fire. Also, I hear
there were no sprinklers in there. Just got off the phone with an AYC
member ordering a replacement for his half model that got burned up.
I'll get a lot of business from this, but I really wish it hadn't happened.
been ente
Oh, if those cushions could talk...
I suspect they'd be replaced in a big hurry!
C&C 40
On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Gary Nylander via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Oh, you guys are indeed ancient. My much more modern 1980 version has the
> awesome beige, orange,
I'm on the same page as you, Dennis. The depth sounder is a handy nav tool.
If it doesn't match the numbers on the chart, then I know something's wrong.
C&C 40
Newport, RI
On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Dennis C. via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Just curious what l
I wonder, am I alone in the group leading lines forward? The only lines I'm
going to have coming aft to the cabin top will be the mainsheet and the
traveler lines...and I'm thinking of eliminating the traveler all together. I
just don't want all that extra spaghetti in the cockpit. Bulkheads are
Funny, for me time spent sailing is all too fleeting. But I suppose if I
was sailing in waters where I had 6" under my keel, the days might seem to
C&C 40
Newport, RI
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Jim Watts via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> 134 years is a l
My spin halyards are led from the exit boxes up high on the mast, then through
a clutch and down to a block at the base of the mast and to the winch on either
side of the mast. I have three winches at the mast base; one dedicated for the
main halyard and one for the spin or jib on each side. Clu
I think that's what I had on my J/80, Dennis.
C&C 40
Newport, RI
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Dec 21, 2015, at 20:39, Dennis C. via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Go to apsltd.com an
> Chuck Gilchrest
> S/V Half Magic
> 1975 25 Mk1
> S/V Orion
> 1983 Landfall 35
> Padanaram, MA
> *From:* CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] *On Behalf Of *Andrew
> Burton via CnC-List
> *Sent:* Monday, De
No. My diesel guys hate it. It doesn't make the water burnable. Don't do it!
That's all in capitals as if I'm shouting!
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Dec 23, 2015, at 1
You're far better off investing in Racor filter/water separators. Do not try to
force water through your injectors!
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Dec 23, 2015, at 15:18, Bev Parslow via
Just got the same thing from Defender last year. It was a foggy cruise to
new Brunswick and the package worked very well. I especially liked the fact
that I could get everything on my ipad while at the nav table or in my
Bottom line is that it's pretty good stuff and easy to operate.
Rereading Wanderer, by Sterling Hayden. Great great book!
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Dec 30, 2015, at 17:37, Dave via CnC-List wrote:
> Just finished 'Moxie' by Phil weld - great book, i
The section of sole under my nav table, where I put my feet, was just screwed
down to the interior liner. I pulled it up and cut a hole in the liner,
accessing an area big enough for tool storage so I can use the top drawer for
something else. It's far enough aft and high enough that any bilge w
ld to tools? They're in a box, I assume? Any photos? Thanks
> Richard
> 1985 37 CB; Ohio River, Mile 596;
> Richard N. Bush 2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite Nine
> Louisville, Kentucky 40220-1462
> 502-584-7255
> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew
Gents, I had an offshore sailing program some years ago taking people offshore,
usually for the first time and showing them how to do it successfully. The last
trip I had 54 people all going at the same time. Conditions when we left were
fairly rough, thanks to a storm having moved through ahead
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jan 7, 2016, at 15:44, Robert Boyer via CnC-List
> wrote:
> "spending an extra 10% on a sheet or halyard is good insurance against having
> to replace it en
"Unless you are like me and have a rope fetish!"
*Line*, please!
C&C 40
Newport, RI
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jan 7, 2016, at 15:44, Robert Boyer via CnC-List
> wrote:
ut this year it is 25% off all
>> line, not just custom work.
>> You can satisfy your fetish at a discount!
>> Joel
>>> On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Andrew Burton via CnC-List
>>> wrote:
>>> "Unless you are like me an
I have the e7 and am delighted with it.
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Jan 11, 2016, at 13:10, Edd Schillay via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Listers,
> So I was at the NY Boat Show this past week
They don't have to be displayed in your cabin, just somewhere permanent. The
inside of a cockpit locker will do, as long as they are permanently attached to
the boat...or you can make a good argument that they are.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
I like the idea of gluing a 1/2" strip of solid teak across the grain on
the edges. It will help keep the veneer from chipping. I hope to retrofit
mine that way this year.
You can thin the epoxy with acetone and put it on in thin coats.
I guess things will work OK in the cold garage, but I would br
How much fuel does the Espar burn an hour? I use a propane tent heater the
warms the cabin for 6 hrs on a small canister, but it's not dry heat. It takes
the chill off, but doesn't dry the inside on a foggy Maine evening.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
PO Box 632
Newport, RI
USA 02840
Congratulations and welcome to the club!
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Feb 10, 2016, at 20:43, Ken Heaton via CnC-List
> wrote:
> I also agree, great boat. Elindil
As my old dad always used to say, "The time to reef is when you first think
about it." The reasoning being that it's easier to shake the reef if the air
lightens than it is to tuck one in if it gets breezier.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
I would use 3/4 gal/hour as a safe number. My 3gm uses 0.6 to push my 40 around
at about 21-2200 RPM.
C&C 40
Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
+401 965-5260
> On Feb 16, 2016, at 22:37, Alan Liles vi
Just a note about the Spinlock harness, which most offshore sailors think
is the best harness going: I have spoken to the company reps and the reason
it's not CG certified is that the process is so long and expensive that it
isn't worth their while.
C&C 40
On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 9
See if this is any use to you.
C&C 40
On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Ronald B. Frerker via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Greetings folks,
> We have a problem with how to handicap boats that race with jib and main
> only (JAM).
How much was it, Danny?
C&C 40
On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Danny Haughey via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I just received my new head sail from Precision sail loft last night!
> I'll be unrolling it tonight to have a first look. I took a chance t
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