Re: Has anyone here played with Wisp?

2013-05-26 Thread Colin Fleming
I think it looks interesting because it seems like maintaining the Clojure semantics is what also gives a lot of the cljs<->js interop problems. It seems like there would be room for a variant of ClojureScript which maintains as much of the semantics as possible without compromising performance or

Re: ref-history-count always return 0?

2013-06-03 Thread Colin Fleming
That looks great, Tom, thanks - I'll definitely spend some time exploring that. Cheers, Colin On 3 June 2013 19:55, Tom Van Cutsem wrote: > If you're the kind of person who rather reads source code than > documentation, you might also be interested in my meta-circular > implementation of Cloju

Re: [ANN] alpacas: a new Clojure source viewer

2013-06-05 Thread Colin Fleming
Right, FWIW in my previous company we disallowed LGPL libraries because of the clause that explicitly allows reverse engineering to substitute different versions of the library. Of course, it's unlikely that anyone would ever do this but it would be a support nightmare if they did, so it was just e

Re: [ANN] alpacas: a new Clojure source viewer

2013-06-05 Thread Colin Fleming
Interesting, I think I like this presentation better, I found the explicit boxes in the OP a little distracting. I guess this then becomes more like Python-style significant indentation, which might be an interesting approach too. On 5 June 2013 12:15, Matthew Chadwick wrote: > hehe looks simil

Re: NullPointerException when creating protocol in macro

2013-06-05 Thread Colin Fleming
*`defprotocol` is a top-level form...* This is interesting, and it's something I've wondered about. As far as I can tell, there's really no distinction between top-level forms and other forms, for example this is legal and works: (defn define-my-functions [] (defn test-1 [] 1) (defn test-

Re: Why the CLR languages fail?

2013-06-06 Thread Colin Fleming
*The JVM as a target is much friendlier to other languages, compared to the CLR, in spite of the initial hype surrounding the CLR's multi-language capabilities.* I'm not sure this is true, Don Syme has written several times about how difficult it would be to implement F# on the JVM - I believe tai

Re: In what OS do you code?

2013-06-14 Thread Colin Fleming
I use OSX for everything, and have for a long time. I could see myself switching to Linux for work (although collaboration tools e.g. Skype etc are still more difficult than on OSX, maybe hangouts helps here) but at home it's a non-starter since I use my machine for watching movies etc, and that's

Hotspot JIT optimisations

2013-06-16 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi all, This is slightly tangential to the current discussion on unnecessary type checks - does anyone have any good links to information about the JIT optimisations performed by Hotspot? One question I've been interested in recently is how well it can optimise Clojure function calls. The compiled

Re: Hotspot JIT optimisations

2013-06-16 Thread Colin Fleming
since we're assuming it won't change) would be a huge performance win. Cheers, Colin On 17 June 2013 14:38, Ben Mabey wrote: > On Sun Jun 16 16:51:41 2013, Colin Fleming wrote: > >> Hi all, >> >> This is slightly tangential to the current discussion on unnecessar

Re: Hotspot JIT optimisations

2013-06-16 Thread Colin Fleming
x27;t work anymore. > Such an optimization would have to be a deployment-time option rather than > forced. > > > On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 12:05 AM, Colin Fleming < >> wrote: > >> Interesting, thanks for the pointer. I'll read up a li

Re: Hotspot JIT optimisations

2013-06-16 Thread Colin Fleming
Interesting - thanks. On 17 June 2013 16:39, Cedric Greevey wrote: > On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 12:34 AM, Colin Fleming < >> wrote: > >> My bad - I assumed this didn't work anyway for non-dynamic vars, but it >> does indeed work. So

Re: Namespace qualification of symbols

2013-06-19 Thread Colin Fleming
Thank you for this, you just fixed a bug for me :-) I was trying to do some tricky type hinting with definline using amolloy's great answer on StackOverflow. Notice that he uses `BufferedImage and not 'BufferedImage. I stupidly figured that this was just a typ

Problem filtering with definline'd function

2013-06-20 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi all, I'm having a problem where a definline'd function is not working when used as a predicate for filtering. It seems to work sporadically - occasionally it works, occasionally it doesn't. I'm thinking it's probably a compile problem since it seems to work or not work consistently for each com

Re: Problem filtering with definline'd function

2013-06-20 Thread Colin Fleming
ere is already a symbol? predicate in core. Why are you defining your > own? Does your problem disappear when you use the one from core? > What exactly are you trying to do? I use definline quite frequently and > have never encountered such problems... > > Jim > > > > On 20/06/1

Re: Problem filtering with definline'd function

2013-06-20 Thread Colin Fleming
om the macroexpanded version. On 20 June 2013 22:21, Jim - FooBar(); wrote: > On 20/06/13 10:59, Colin Fleming wrote: > >> Because this tests for something different - that the element is an >> instance of ClSymbol. It's not testing the same thing as the core version.

Re: Problem filtering with definline'd function

2013-06-20 Thread Colin Fleming
bol? (:inline (meta #'plugin.psi/symbol?))) => false plugin.psi/symbol? => plugin.psi$symbol_QMARK_@4ccc75ae ((:inline (meta #'plugin.psi/symbol?)) 2) => (clojure.core/instance? org.jetbrains.plugins.clojure.psi.api.symbols.ClSymbol 2) On 20 June 2013 22:48, Colin Fleming wr

Re: Problem filtering with definline'd function

2013-06-21 Thread Colin Fleming
Does anyone have an idea for what I might do to diagnose/fix this? Is this just a misunderstanding on my part? If not I'll file a bug against definline. On 21 June 2013 18:04, Colin Fleming wrote: > So this has just happened to me again: > > Clojure 1.5.1 > (plugin.psi/symb

Re: can't compile anything except "def"

2013-06-22 Thread Colin Fleming
Which version of the IntelliJ plugin are you using? You can see this by opening the settings, selecting plugins then selecting the La Clojure plugin. In recent versions the compiler has changed and I've had occasional problems with it. On 23 June 2013 02:29, Dennis Haupt wrote: > it happens wit

Re: Clojure: Elegance vs. Performance?

2013-07-09 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Mikera, For your mutable var loop example, I think with-local-vars should do what you want. It would be fantastic if the Clojure compiler could optimise these cases better, especially common higher-order use cases (like stream fusion). Unfortunately what always seems to kill the possibility is

Re: Clojure: Elegance vs. Performance?

2013-07-10 Thread Colin Fleming
ases. I remain convinced that the solution is better > compile-time inference: if the compiler can infer that a var is never used > dynamically, why should we pay the overhead for extra indirection / dynamic > features? The same goes for things like boxing and type casts. > > On Wedn

Re: edn-format parsers (eg, Common Lisp)?

2013-07-10 Thread Colin Fleming
Thanks for the pointer to fipp, that actually looks like just what I need! Fantastic. On 11 July 2013 13:58, wrote: > This is an aside, but I wanted to add about translations... > > An EDN "generator" is somewhat redundant from Clojure, but I usually use > fipp for standard formatting: https://

Re: Interest in a Full Featured Clojure Blog Engine

2013-07-21 Thread Colin Fleming
I'm a fan of static generators too, but one large con for a lot of people is lack of commenting. Personally I like the article-with-no-comments format, but it's not for everyone. You can use Disqus or similar, but it has its own issues starting with the fact that you give all your data to someone e

Re: Can't get namespace metadata

2013-07-23 Thread Colin Fleming
As an aside from this, how problematic is AOT compilation? It seems to be the source of many bugs (for example, my own CLJ-1227). Is there a list anywhere of things to watch out for when AOT compiling? On 24 July 2013 04:06, Stuart Sierra wrote: > I

Re: is intellij idea a good ide for clojure development?

2013-07-25 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Laurent, Thanks for those links, I'll try the standalone version. I recently tried to set up CCW, I got it running but several of the Paredit keybindings didn't work for me and they didn't appear in the shortcut preferences either. I'm definitely in the "have always hated Eclipse" camp but I'll

Re: is intellij idea a good ide for clojure development?

2013-07-25 Thread Colin Fleming
Laurent is correct - both the IntelliJ community edition and La Clojure are Apache licensed. On 26 July 2013 11:02, Laurent PETIT wrote: > Hello Cedric, > > 2013/7/26 Cedric Greevey : > > On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Greg wrote: > >> > >> Everyone has their preferences, and the best thing

Re: is intellij idea a good ide for clojure development?

2013-07-25 Thread Colin Fleming
ition. Probably the most obviously missing thing is HTML/Javascript support. On 26 July 2013 11:18, Cedric Greevey wrote: > On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:06 PM, Colin Fleming < >> wrote: > >> Laurent is correct - both the IntelliJ community edition a

Re: is intellij idea a good ide for clojure development?

2013-07-25 Thread Colin Fleming
roject >>>> dependencies, and manually re-sync when things change >>>> - the leiningen plugin breaks if you have more than one clojure module >>>> in a project - not a problem for everyone, but very annoying for us! >>>> >>>> Emacs is pow

Re: Can we please deprecate the :use directive ?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
>From another point of view, as a tool developer if you want to accurately parse ns declarations it's extremely difficult. :use is a beast, and the number of options you can potentially combine are crazy. This is mostly due to the fact that :use combines what most people think of as :use and also e

Interest in a commercial IDE for Clojure?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi all, I was planning to wait a little longer before going public, but since it's pretty relevant to the other IntelliJ thread going on at the moment I thought I'd jump in. For the last couple of months of happy unemployment I've been working on a fork of La Clojure which is now about 70% migrate

Re: Interest in a commercial IDE for Clojure?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
ere thieves. On 28 July 2013 00:58, Lee Spector wrote: > > On Jul 27, 2013, at 7:54 AM, Colin Fleming wrote: > > One problem is that the IDE space is already fairly fractured - there's > Emacs and CCW, Clooj, Sublime Text and the promise of Light Table at some > point, and of

Re: Interest in a commercial IDE for Clojure?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
Thanks for all the comments, everyone. It seems like there's some interest, anyway. Most of the features people are asking for are either already there or close. There are some interesting questions here, as well. I think it would be important to have free access for people to try it out - maybe a

Re: Interest in a commercial IDE for Clojure?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
general. > > On a side note, I would love to see intellij's widget library broken out > in a more stand-alone way, so we can develop sexy clojure apps with pure > jvm technology. Any thoughts on if that is technically doable? > > > > > > > > On Sat, Jul 27,

Re: help actually changing :use to :require :refer :all?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
I think there's a lot of scope for automatic namespace management. I'm already doing this for Java but it's more complicated for Clojure. Currently for Java I automatically add an import via a popup if the user has a class short name (e.g. "ArrayList") that isn't imported, and I also allow automati

Re: help actually changing :use to :require :refer :all?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
ctually look at them, and when I do I can immediately see what's going on. On 28 July 2013 11:00, Colin Fleming wrote: > I think there's a lot of scope for automatic namespace management. I'm > already doing this for Java but it's more complicated for Clojure. >

Re: Interest in a commercial IDE for Clojure?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
lojure >> - we are expert Intellij users with no desire to retrain even if a >> comparable system existed - which it doesnt. >> - we want code aware development not glorified text editors and believe >> Intellij's platform offers the current best model for a code-awa

Re: Interest in a commercial IDE for Clojure?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
Shhh - despite my own prejudices, no flame wars please :-) On 28 July 2013 12:21, Cedric Greevey wrote: > On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Colin Fleming < >> wrote: > >> I agree that the sweet spot for a plugin like this, especially in term

Re: help actually changing :use to :require :refer :all?

2013-07-27 Thread Colin Fleming
It's true that both Laurent's and my suggestions are complicated, but we're thinking about it from an implementer's point of view. What I currently have from a *user's* point of view for classes is great, you just don't think about it. I don't know how much Java development you've done, but this is

Re: Interest in a commercial IDE for Clojure?

2013-07-28 Thread Colin Fleming
in general. >> >> On a side note, I would love to see intellij's widget library broken out >> in a more stand-alone way, so we can develop sexy clojure apps with pure >> jvm technology. Any thoughts on if that is technically doable? >> >> >> >> >

Re: Robo VM

2013-07-29 Thread Colin Fleming
One option for people looking for an alternative VM is Avian (previous thread here), which runs Clojure and supports native continuations and TCO. The maintainer, Joel Dice, is an all around great guy and does a fantastic job on the

Re: [GSoC] CinC mid-term evaluation status

2013-07-31 Thread Colin Fleming
This is great news, Nicola - thanks for all the hard work! On 1 August 2013 04:57, Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant <> wrote: > Very exciting! Keep up the great work Nicola! > > Ambrose > > > On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 12:41 AM, Nicola Mometto wrote: > >> >> For the last month o

Re: [ANN] Nightcode, an IDE for Clojure and Java

2013-08-02 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Zach, Congratulations, Nightcode looks very impressive - it looks like a worthy Clooj successor. I'll definitely download it and check it out. Cheers, Colin On 3 August 2013 07:07, Dave Ray wrote: > In Seesaw [1] you can specify your shortcuts as "menu S" instead of "ctrl > S" and it will

Re: Interest in a commercial IDE for Clojure?

2013-08-25 Thread Colin Fleming
s broken many. After all there is a >>>> reason intellij open-sourced the core in the first place. >>>> >>>> Frankly I think there is a bigger market in using clojure to develop >>>> better tools for other languages. If you have a nice intellij wrapper,

Re: Java Metadata Wrapper

2013-08-30 Thread Colin Fleming
I've also been interested in this for Named (a protocol for things I can call "name" on), although my use-case is mostly interop with Java frameworks. On 31 August 2013 15:13, Mikera wrote: > It would be better, I think, if metadata was attachable via a protocol > rather than than a wrapper: th

Re: Handling name collisions with clojure.core

2013-09-05 Thread Colin Fleming
This is actually probably not a bad solution. You wouldn't even need to rewrite, couldn't you just expand to a let? (let [* clojure.core.matrix.* + clojure.core.matrix.+] (+ ... (* ...))) Although thinking about it, you'd have to let-bind all possible operators every time, and the compile

Re: new ClojureDocs experiment

2013-09-11 Thread Colin Fleming
Something that I've always wondered - why is ClojureDocs not updated? I've never tried to contribute to it - is it particularly difficult? Is it impossible for users to add support for new Clojure versions? If so, who runs it? Could it be turned over to the community? On 11 September 2013 17:55,

Re: Clojure for Desktop UI Design Application

2015-01-13 Thread Colin Fleming
On 14 January 2015 at 05:50, Colin Yates wrote: > My evolution of Java UI was swing>JSP>struts>JSF>velocity then onto > JavaScript/ExtJS. My instinct now when I hear the words "Java" and > "UI" is to run a mile :). > This is where I point out that you're currently using a Swing app every day :-)

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.7.0-alpha5 now available

2015-01-14 Thread Colin Fleming
I discovered this problem with Cursive too. Stephen Gilardi had a great analysis when I asked about it here: tl;dr - Clojure only produces an error on dependency cycles when the dependencies appear in the ns form, or at least did unt

Re: Clojurescript to target JVM?

2015-01-28 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Adam, This is really interesting, thanks - at some point soon I'm going to be doing some performance work on Cursive, a large part of which is going to be trying to stop namespaces being loaded before they're required. This will be very useful - I'll steal your patch to log namespace loading, f

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.7.0-alpha5 now available

2015-02-17 Thread Colin Fleming
I added a comment in CLJ-979, I believe I have a case which is broken by the change in delegation order, if I'm correct in my understanding of what

Re: Can someone offer refactoring suggestions for my protocol example?

2015-02-24 Thread Colin Fleming
There's one important case where (coll n) is not the same as (get coll n) - when coll is nil. In that case (get coll n) will return nil and (coll n) will barf. I tend to use get in those cases because of this. On 24 February 2015 at 08:50, Colin Yates wrote: > A minor point (get col n) is the sa

Re: Are there any good libraries to work with the maildir format?

2015-03-23 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Chris, I've not used it, and it won't have a Clojure interface, but try Apache James for a maildir implementation - they usually have good implementations of the standard mail protocols. Cheers, Colin On 24 March 2015 at 11:11, Chris Carpenter wrote: > I've been googling around and am havin

Re: clojure, not the go to for data science

2015-03-30 Thread Colin Fleming
Without wanting to get involved in this discussion, I'd just like to point out that there's plenty of anti-IntelliJ trolling goes on in the Clojure community as well. The trick is just to ignore it, something that I mostly manage to do. I'd also like to second Jony's suggestion that we also talk a

Re: Debugging in CIDER

2015-03-31 Thread Colin Fleming
This looks nice! In particular the fact that it's expression based makes me jealous. >From a look at how it works, is it fair to say that this is mostly designed for debugging a function at a time, i.e. you can't easily step from one function to another? Or does it instrument multiple functions in

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.7.0-alpha6 released

2015-03-31 Thread Colin Fleming
One question - it appears that the new #object and #error forms aren't readable at the moment. Is this something that's coming, or is the intention just that people could provide reader functions for these if they wanted to? On 1 April 2015 at 14:01, Sean Corfield wrote: > With instaparse 1.3.6

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.7.0-alpha6 released

2015-03-31 Thread Colin Fleming
r Throwable form > that would be useful as an instance. > > The new tagged-literal function could be used as a fallback reader > function for either though, which would then allow you to retrieve either > the tag or form as data. > > On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 9:57 PM, Colin Fleming &

Re: Debugging in CIDER

2015-04-02 Thread Colin Fleming
Great, thanks Artur, very interesting. Very nice work! On 2 April 2015 at 21:02, Artur Malabarba wrote: > > From a look at how it works, is it fair to say that this is mostly > designed for debugging a function at a time > > You can instrument as many functions as you want with C-u C-M-x, and >

Re: How do we use a container class with a proxy?

2015-04-29 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Elric, Since Clojure is untyped, you can just totally ignore the type parameter: (proxy [FooInitializer] [] (method [...])) Methods which accept or return F in the Java class will accept or return Object in Java, which is what happens under the hood anyway - type erasure means the type para

Re: Clojure needs a web framework with more momentum

2015-05-02 Thread Colin Fleming
Because, in my case, I'm going to need a website shortly that I can use to sell Cursive. I'd really like to use Clojure for that. I could use Rails or Django which would make the site itself trivial, except I don't know either of them and then I'm stuck maintaining something in a language and frame

Re: Clojure needs a web framework with more momentum

2015-05-03 Thread Colin Fleming
A shopping cart. All the available Java ones require a J2EE stack. On 3 May 2015 at 21:49, Sven Richter wrote: > Hi, > > Am Sonntag, 3. Mai 2015 11:38:14 UTC+2 schrieb g vim: >> >> On 03/05/2015 05:24, Sean Corfield wrote: >> > On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 8:18 PM, Mark Engelberg > >

Re: Clojure needs a web framework with more momentum

2015-05-04 Thread Colin Fleming
Note that the shopping cart is just one specific example from my current itch that needs scratching - it's a very common one, but I'm sure there are plenty more reusable component types that people expect these days. One problem I see with the composition approach (which I'm a huge fan of in gener

Re: Adding JavaDocs for Interoperability with Java?

2015-05-19 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Timur, The problem with JavaDoc is that it's a source-level attribute, so in order to be used from a Java editor the editor would have to understand Clojure. This is actually possible in Cursive - as far as I'm aware no other system does this right now. The other aspect would be generating Java

Re: [ANN, GSoC] A Common Clojure Source Metadata Model

2015-05-21 Thread Colin Fleming
> > On one of the latest Cognicasts, Colin Fleming talked about a repo where > library authors can upload extensions that help the IDE understand their > macros. I have to listen to it again, but it sounded a bit like what you're > talking about. Right now I can't find th

Re: [ANN, GSoC] A Common Clojure Source Metadata Model

2015-05-27 Thread Colin Fleming
ther than introspecting a REPL. Cheers, Colin On 25 May 2015 at 20:49, Richard Möhn wrote: > > > Am Freitag, 22. Mai 2015 11:09:40 UTC+9 schrieb Colin Fleming: >> >> On one of the latest Cognicasts, Colin Fleming talked about a repo where >>> library authors can upload

Re: [ANN] Time-Bombed Open License - thoughts?

2015-06-05 Thread Colin Fleming
I'm the author of Cursive, which I'm planning to sell and which will be (mostly) closed source. What I don't see here is what would be the advantage to me in using this license? I'm not releasing closed source because I'm evil, but because I want Cursive development to be sustainable so I can conti

Re: [ANN] Time-Bombed Open License - thoughts?

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Fleming
> > Lots of companies already are successfully built on open source I'm not sure there are so many, actually. Or at least, that there are very many models - it's almost exclusively the Red Hat model. SideKiq is another (open source feature limited free edition, closed source paid Enterprise editi

Re: [ANN] Time-Bombed Open License - thoughts?

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Fleming
e certainly wasn't aimed at you (or Cognitect)! That > idea is about encouraging small businesses to disrupt exploitative big > businesses, and to spread their technology to others around the world. An > example would be developing software to run a local Credit Union, helping >

Re: [ANN] Time-Bombed Open License - thoughts?

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Fleming
> > Bitcoin? > Unfortunately my local supermarket doesn't accept it yet. On 7 June 2015 at 04:11, Fluid Dynamics wrote: > On Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 5:05:59 AM UTC-4, Colin Fleming wrote: >> >> Thanks for the kind words Fergal, and as I said in my other mail, I&

Re: [ANN] Introducing Yagni, a Leiningen plugin for finding unused code

2015-07-01 Thread Colin Fleming
I may be putting words in Stuart's mouth here, but what I believe he meant is that it would be great if Yagni were just a Clojure library with a function you could call passing it everything it needs (probably source paths and entry point details), and ideally returning the results as data. Then th

Re: [ANN] suchwow: a grab-bag library with some twists

2015-07-12 Thread Colin Fleming
I just saw this the other day, in particular the better docstrings are great. See also Andy Fingerhut's Thalia project. I'm planning to provide doc from both of these in Cursive soon. On 12 July 2015 at 01:34, Brian Marick wrote: >

Re: [ANN] suchwow: a grab-bag library with some twists

2015-07-13 Thread Colin Fleming
moire? On 12 July 2015 at 23:15, Brian Marick wrote: > > > Colin Fleming wrote: > >> I just saw this the other day, in particular the better docstrings are >> great. See also Andy Fingerhut's Thalia >> <> project. I'

Re: [ANN] suchwow: a grab-bag library with some twists

2015-07-13 Thread Colin Fleming
Nice, I hadn't seen that - I'll take a look. On 13 July 2015 at 00:01, Daniel Compton wrote: > have also done a heap of work on improving docstrings too. > On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 at 9:15 AM Brian Marick wrote: > >> >> >> Colin Fleming wrote: &

Re: #{:rant} Questions about contribution policy and clojure compiler source.

2015-07-19 Thread Colin Fleming
On 18 July 2015 at 19:54, Luc Préfontaine wrote: > My tone does not please you ? It could be worse and I reserve my right to > free speech. Have a look at some Linus rants. I am far from that level. > I think everyone in this community should aspire to more than "I'm not as rude as Linus". > T

Re: #{:rant} Questions about contribution policy and clojure compiler source.

2015-07-20 Thread Colin Fleming
Leaving aside your usual "humour", you are once again setting up a total strawman. Nicola did not say that maintenance should be as much fun as writing new code, nor did he propose rewriting anything. He made a very specific claim - that contributing to the Clojure codebase is much less pleasant th

Re: #{:rant} Questions about contribution policy and clojure compiler source.

2015-07-20 Thread Colin Fleming
satisfactory way given > the constraints. > > Clojure in Clojure on the JVM and CLR will ease up this... Eventually when > some time will have passed. > > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Jul 20, 2015, at 10:08, Colin Fleming > wrote: > > Leaving aside your usual "

Re: Java 8 Lambda Interop

2015-07-28 Thread Colin Fleming
> > Which seems unlikely given the conservatism of Clojure development. More than that, it would mean that Clojure required Java 8. On 28 July 2015 at 05:23, Mikera wrote: > Ah, I get what you are doing now. > > Don't think that is likely to work unless Clojure starts making IFn > instances im

OOM problem with test.check

2014-06-20 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi all, I'm trying to use test.check to create random objects to test some serialisation code I'm having problems with. In the past, generative testing has worked really well for me for exactly this use case. However, I'm finding that I'm getting OutOfMemoryError when trying to test a lot of itera

Re: IntelliJ Cursive ClojureScript IDE slowdown

2014-06-21 Thread Colin Fleming
Hmm, thanks for the report - I'll take a look at this and see if I can figure out what's happening. One related question - how have you found the interaction between IntelliJ's automatic saving and 'cljsbuild auto'? Are you manually saving to trigger the compilation, or relying on the save on fram

Re: IntelliJ Cursive ClojureScript IDE slowdown

2014-06-22 Thread Colin Fleming
Hmm, that bug looks like a likely candidate. It's actually marked as fixed, but only in the v14 branch - I'll see if I can militate for it to be patched back to 13.1. Thanks for the feedback on saving, Mike. IntelliJ saves on its own at a couple of points - mostly on frame deactivation, i.e. when

Re: IntelliJ Cursive ClojureScript IDE slowdown

2014-06-24 Thread Colin Fleming
The fix for this problem (assuming the bug that Ewen identified is the real culprit) is in from idea/135.930, which means it should go into IntelliJ 13.1.4. On 22 June 2014 15:03, Colin Fleming wrote: > Hmm, that bug looks like a likely candidate. It's actually marked as > fixed,

Re: Clojure on iOS devices - Swift as a host?

2014-06-24 Thread Colin Fleming
Thanks David! Targeting ClojureScript to iOS just got an order of > magnitude easier for me. > > I want to say that Colin Fleming (Cursive) has been extremely helpful in > helping me sort out how to achieve this. > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: OOM problem with test.check

2014-06-27 Thread Colin Fleming
commit offers a new convenience function for writing > your own recursive generators, without all of the current boilerplate. This > commit should be available on 0.5.9-SNAPSHOT, and should be a in a release > soon. > > Reid > > > On Friday, June 20, 2014 12:18:21 PM UTC-5, Col

Re: Deploying to Clojars no longer works

2014-07-05 Thread Colin Fleming
A few Cursive users have experience "peer not authenticated" errors - there's some info and some debugging steps here: It seems to be caused by a problem with the certificates in your JVM, but it's not clear to me why it suddenly starts happenin

Re: [ANN] Grimoire: up to date Clojure web docs

2014-07-08 Thread Colin Fleming
If we think that Grimoire should be the official ClojureDocs replacement, why don't we do that? Could we just host Grimoire under the domain, perhaps structuring the URLs to match? One thing that I couldn't see - does Grimoire offer an API to get access to the examples? On 8 July

Re: [ANN] Grimoire: up to date Clojure web docs

2014-07-08 Thread Colin Fleming
ClojureDocs version, is he on the mailing list here? Does anyone know what the ETA for a new version is? On 8 July 2014 13:08, Andy Fingerhut wrote: > On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:28 AM, Colin Fleming > wrote: > >> If we think that Grimoire should be the official ClojureDocs replacem

Re: Why clojure does not have pure lazy-evaluation like Haskell ?

2014-07-08 Thread Colin Fleming
I searched for this as well, and found this: "Purity is more important than, and quite independent of, laziness" and "The next ML will be pure, with effects only via monads. The next Haskell will be strict, but still pure." On 8 July

Re: Why clojure does not have pure lazy-evaluation like Haskell ?

2014-07-09 Thread Colin Fleming
True, but I think that's why he argues for a strict language which controls side effects via monads, as Haskell does. On 9 July 2014 07:18, Magnus Therning wrote: > On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 08:39:30PM +0200, Colin Fleming wrote: > > I searched for this as well, and found

Determine file of auxiliary test method with clojure.test?

2014-07-10 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi all, Cursive provides test functionality that paints pass/fail markers in the editors when tests are running. This all works great, except when someone defines a test that calls a function containing is forms in another namespace. An example: (ns foo.core-test (:require [clojure.test :refer

Re: [ANN] Clojure cheatsheet variants with links to Grimoire

2014-07-12 Thread Colin Fleming
> > Please, please, no harsh words about what people besides yourself ought to > do. > I hope my comments the other day didn't come across as harsh - if so, I apologise, it certainly wasn't my intention. I greatly appreciate the effort that goes into developing these sites in people's spare time.

Re: Determine file of auxiliary test method with clojure.test?

2014-07-13 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Jeff, Sorry for the late reply - that's great, thanks very much, looks like I can hack something together with that. Cheers, Colin On 11 July 2014 03:12, Jeff Valk wrote: > You could override the clojure.test/do-report implementation and use the > same stack frame trick that the default :f

Re: working intellij plugin?

2014-07-13 Thread Colin Fleming
HI Brian, Both La Clojure and the IntelliJ Leiningen plugin are effectively discontinued in favour of Cursive. There's full instructions on how to get started here: Let me know if you have any more questions. Cheers, Colin On 14 July 2014 03:35, Brian Craft

Re: working intellij plugin?

2014-07-14 Thread Colin Fleming
installed will be prompted to install La Clojure, but not Cursive. I need to use JetBrains' repo to fix that, but I only recently discovered how to support multiple IntelliJ versions there. I'll make that change soon. On 14 July 2014 11:03, Mark Derricutt wrote: > On 14 Jul 2014, a

Re: Determine file of auxiliary test method with clojure.test?

2014-07-14 Thread Colin Fleming
So this was definitely non-obvious, but I did manage to make it work. I overrode do-report (with with-redefs since it's not dynamic) and then used the stack frame trick as Jeff suggested. I did also have to de-munge the class name since the file from the stack trace element is only the file short n

Re: working intellij plugin?

2014-07-14 Thread Colin Fleming
Currently > it has a lock icon, which I haven't found a way to turn off. > > > On Sunday, July 13, 2014 10:41:04 PM UTC-7, Colin Fleming wrote: > >> HI Brian, >> >> Both La Clojure and the IntelliJ Leiningen plugin are effectively >> discontinued i

Re: Scheduling state change?

2014-07-17 Thread Colin Fleming
I agree with Michael. Specifically, the ScheduledExecutorService is probably what you want. Note that Clojure functions implement Runnable, so you can pass one directly to the executor. Cheers, Colin On

Re: Lessons Learned from Adopting Clojure

2014-07-21 Thread Colin Fleming
Cursive doesn't come with default keybindings right now, due to the fact that IntelliJ's keybindings handling was a little unpredictable until recently. It's better since v13 so when I get some time I'll be sorting out a proper keymap. In the meantime, the commands you want are "Run form before cu

Re: [ClojureScript] London Clojure/ClojureScript job

2014-07-24 Thread Colin Fleming
Although I don't live in London, it's encouraging to see how much Clojure work is on offer there! That's great Cheers, Colin On 24 July 2014 12:40, Paul Butcher wrote: > On 24 July 2014 at 11:32:53, Bruce Durling ( wrote: > > Paul, > > You might also want to post this on Lo

Re: [ClojureScript] London Clojure/ClojureScript job

2014-07-24 Thread Colin Fleming
> and Bristol. > > cheers, > Bruce > > On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Colin Fleming > wrote: > > Although I don't live in London, it's encouraging to see how much Clojure > > work is on offer there! That's great > > > > Cheers, > &g

Re: Redefined 'count' produces no warning

2014-07-30 Thread Colin Fleming
Yeah, I do this all the time as well (in Cursive, I frequently have things with names like 'symbol' and 'list' for example), but it does bite me when I later refactor or copy some code around. I'm not sure what criteria I'd want used for this warning - attempting to invoke a local binding that had

Re: Redefined 'count' produces no warning

2014-07-31 Thread Colin Fleming
Right, actually I think a better heuristic would be: "warn on any function invocation where the function being invoked is a local binding with a name shadowing clojure.core". Whenever I use these names in local bindings, they're practically never functions so invoking them is pretty much always a b

Re: IntelliJ / ClojureScript Integration...

2014-08-05 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi John, I'm the developer of Cursive. I haven't done this myself, but here are details from a Cursive user detailing how he got it working. Others have since tried it and it's worked for them too. I'm planning to add a built-in CLJS REPL but haven't got to it yet. Here's what Wilker Lúcio wrote:

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