It's actually easier than that these days. Merely centre on an atom in
the symmetry-related position
and use Calculate -> Modelling -> Symm Shift Reference Chain Here
On 10/02/2025 13:47, Matthew Snee wrote:
Hi Marco
Is the N terminal part present in the correct place if you s
denvercoder9 - not exactly the same, but similar.
On 14/01/2025 22:09, Gerard Bricogne wrote:
Dear Pavel,
Your comment has been made many times, especially in discussions
that eventually led to the official decision to make room for these
coefficients in the mmCIF dictionary. The idea be
On 13/01/2025 16:43, Marcin Wojdyr wrote:
Dear Yahui,
I am looking for a PDB editing tool to replace the B-factors numbers with
another column of numbers
It depends where you get that new column of numbers from.
Yes, this is most of the problem.
Presuming, as did Clemens, that your input
On 05/01/2025 16:02, Marcin Wojdyr wrote:
I encountered an issue while uploading data (attached) to generate the
validation report in Phenix. The error message states:
"The PDB server reports a failure with your data. Please check that your input file
follows the CIF specifications."
That mes
On 18/12/2024 18:17, tim smith wrote:
Hi all,
Can you please advise once we fit the map and open in coot. What is
next step to do in coot.
I am somewhat confused. Once you have done the fitting then you're done.
Right? You can run your model through (another) refinement program
before you a
On 13/12/2024 08:06, Nicolas Bocquet wrote:
Dear community,
I try to create a covalent bond between a nitrile warhead and a
cysteine. Therefore, the final product should be S-C=NH2 (of course
the C is also connected to the rest of my ligand). The triple bond
between C and N of the ligan
On 05/12/2024 17:30, Vitali James wrote:
I am visualizing the map in coot and chimera. How to view the map at
the same unit or at the same contour in coot and chimera. For example
if a map viewed in coot at 2 rmsd, how to adjust or convert the same
contour to chimera map level. As chimerax u
On 15/10/2024 16:19, Palm, Gottfried wrote:
I have a couple of questions regarding deposition of a structure
with a posttranslational modification.
1. I understand, that PCMs (protein chemical modifications) and PTMs
are now handled in a standard way, but what is the standard way? Is
On 30/09/2024 10:20, Kolenko, Petr wrote:
I have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and CCP4. In Coot 0.9,
I cannot resize additional windows, e.g. check waters, distance
measurement, residue info. The only thing I can resize is the main
window. Do I miss some library?
I have not h
hings Serve the Beam
David J. Schuller
modern man in a post-modern world
MacCHESS, Cornell University
*From:* Paul Emsley
*Sent:* Wednesda
On 8/28/24 21:53, David J. Schuller wrote:
I installed CCP4 9 on Alma 9 Linux. I requested installation of both
Coot- and Coot-1.1.08.
How do I execute the latter?
It's in the coot_py3 directory after installation.
I believe that Charles has recently made a binary update to 1.1.10.
On 19/08/2024 14:42, Hu, Wenhao wrote:
Dear Jon,
Thank you so much for all your effort! I really appreciate it. I’ve
just tried to load the files, but unfortunately, it still won’t open
and continues to show the error message I’ve attached here.
These are not restraints. They a
On 15/08/2024 17:14, Petr Pachl wrote:
[And now this part]
Also two off topic questions regarding coot-1 and coot. I tried to
transfer some of my keybindings and settings to coot-1 "language".
The language is Python (well, one of them is).
Unfortunately, there is not a good web resource for
On 16/08/2024 09:06, Andrea Smith wrote:
Dear Paul,
Dear Andrea,
my molecule can't be too big for libcheck as I used libcheck
successfully for molecules of exactly the same size before.
I said "too big" - what libcheck actually says is that your molecule is
too _complex_ (particularly in
On 8/15/24 16:08, Hu, Wenhao wrote:
Hi Paul,
I’ve attached screenshots that show the error message from Coot, along
with the contents of the line that the message refers to. Since this
CIF file contains experimental data and restrains that would be
difficult to rebuild in other software, I’
On 8/15/24 17:14, Petr Pachl wrote:
Hi Paul,
so there is not way how to generate cif file when we have precise
ideal structure (given from quantum chemistry calculations)?
[This part first]
That's right (if by that you mean that you (only) have coordinates and
elements) - not in the CCP4 Ec
On 8/15/24 09:01, Andrea Smith wrote:
Dear all,
Dear Andrea,
I successfully used libcheck to generate libraries for my ligands a
couple of months ago. Now I wanted to use it again and it is giving me
an error. Moreover, even though I select COOR Y and LCOOR N, libcheck
uses COOR N and
On 8/15/24 15:01, Tang, Jiazhi wrote:
It happens sometimes when you can not open the downloaded cif files
One solution is to draw the compound yourself in Chemdraw, copy the
smiles and generate the cif in Elbow within the phenix suit or other
ligand software within ccp4. Just
On 8/15/24 14:44, Martin Hu wrote:
Dear [Recipient's Name],
Dear [Correspondent's Name],
I have downloaded a CIF file of a ligand of interest directly from WebCSD,
which was originally obtained from experimental crystallography research, and
attempted to import it into Coot. However, Coot
On 23/07/2024 15:12, Aline Dias da Purificacao wrote
Thank you for your response.
You’re right, I shouldn’t need to use |phenix.map_box|. I tried it as
an attempt to make the map cover the selected region since the map’s
origin does not cover the protein properly. The issue is tha
On 19/07/2024 09:11, Harry Powell wrote:
I was wondering if moorhen might be useful for this?
Yes.., yes it might.
If one is going down that particular road then I'd recommend the following
Preferences -> Map Contouring Settings -> Map Sampling Rate to maybe 2.5
or so - o
On 7/18/24 15:33, Andrea Smith wrote:
I have a “green blob” in my map and I want to create a picture of it.
What is the best option to do this?
Is printscreen from Coot my only option?
Density figures from Coot 1 can look, if I may be so bold, pretty good.
See, for example Catapano
On 12/07/2024 13:12, Karol Woloszyn wrote:
I’m a COOT 1.1.09 user on Fedora 40 as well as MacOS, working on DNA model
I’ve noticed since updating to 1.1.09, the cell and symmetry master switch no
longer brings up any symmetry molecules. I remember in older versions (I was
On 12/07/2024 13:12, Karol Woloszyn wrote:
Hello Karol,
I’m a COOT 1.1.09 user
on Fedora 40 as well as MacOS,
a rare breed.
working on DNA model refinement.
I’ve noticed since updating to 1.1.09, the cell and symmetry master switch no
longer brings up any s
that, I can proceed with density subtraction.
I hope this clarifies my query. Sorry for any confusion.
Thank you again.
On Wed, Jun 5, 2024, 7:56 PM Paul Emsley
On 05/06/2024 07:00, Devbrat Kumar wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Hello Devbrat,
On 05/06/2024 07:00, Devbrat Kumar wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Hello Devbrat,
I have a query regarding the resampling of cryoEM density to match
crystal density to obtain a density difference map. Specifically, I am
trying to determine if it is feasible to resample a cryoEM map with an
On 01/06/2024 14:28, Jon Cooper wrote:
It would be interesting to know if this will affect the the electron density
maps which are downloadable from the EBI:
PDBe is to RCSB as DVLA is to HMRC (surely?)
To unsubscribe f
On 31/05/2024 07:44, Marco Bravo wrote:
Has anyone had the issue where they run coot from ccp4i2 on say a refmac5 job
and when coot opens the model or even the map do not show up? its just empty?
Does anyone know how to fix this and display the model and map? I like ccp4i2
so far more than cc
On 16/05/2024 01:51, Lucas Bleicher wrote:
Dear all,
I've been outside of the field for a few years (I have very fond
memories of the 2008 Crystallographic Computing School, but did a lot
of different stuff since then), but I'd love to come back and figured
this would be the best place to
On 15/05/2024 18:45, Filipe Maia wrote:
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the LMB:
Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender
and know the content is safe.
If you think this is a phishing email, please forward it to
On 13/05/2024 17:38, Otsile Mojanaga wrote:
*From:*Otsile Mojanaga
*Sent:* Monday, May 13, 2024 3:29 PM
*To:* Paul Emsley
*Subject:* RE: [ccp4bb] Request for help in optimizing Coot for AMD
5950x CPU and RX6600XT GPU hardware PC
Dear Paul/All
Thank you for the response. I am on Windows 11
On 15/05/2024 11:28, Harry Powell wrote:
Hi folks
I noticed this because I was encouraged to try Moorhen and found that a HEM
(apparently written by this module) did not have the atoms connected with bonds
in the display.
Q: Is it necessary to check columns 77-78 if I really want to be
On 13/05/2024 13:03, Otsile Mojanaga wrote:
Dear All
I have been using coot as part of my normal workflow but since last
week I have been having issues with Coot after I built my own PC which
contains the following Hardware:
CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor - 16 Cores, 32 Threads
On 13/05/2024 11:23, Laurent Maveyraud wrote:
I like the function "update NCS ghosts with local match" found in the
calculate/NCT tools menu. It's really helpful when NCS is not really
strict. However, I find it clumsy that you have to go in a submenu to
get it, so I would like to defin
On 26/04/2024 02:44, Paul Emsley wrote:
On 25/04/2024 16:07, Simon Vecchioni wrote:
Many thanks for fixing the [simple mutate] button for DNA in
v1.1.08--works like a charm!
I would ask about two other DNA features--
1) The [add terminal residue] button seems unresponsive for DNA
On 25/04/2024 13:01, FREITAG-POHL, STEFANIE wrote:
I have trouble adding a ligand with AceDRG in CCP4i2 into my refinement:
I put in a smilesstring and the ligand is written ok, but since I can
only chose already 'taken' 3-letter-codes the refinement always
crashes as there is a clash with
On 25/04/2024 16:07, Simon Vecchioni wrote:
Many thanks for fixing the [simple mutate] button for DNA in
v1.1.08--works like a charm!
I would ask about two other DNA features--
1) The [add terminal residue] button seems unresponsive for DNA,
I see what you mean. From the termina
On 04/04/2024 02:27, Simon Vecchioni wrote:
Dear CCP4 Wizards,
Hello Simon.
I've upgraded to COOT v1.1.07 from 0.9.6, and am working on DNA model
The current setup does not seem to let me sequence mutate (simple
mutate or mutate residue range), as it's hard coded t
On 18/03/2024 10:26, Petr Pachl wrote:
Does anybody know if there is a function (or procedure) how to get info
about closest symmetry atom? For picking coot is performing something
like "Model atom pick (if failed) -> Symmetry atom pick", then it
returns to console and atom info at the botto
On 08/03/2024 10:47, Dean Derbyshire wrote:
Hi, I’m almost certain this has been addressed before so apologies…
but is there a trick to import EM map files into COOT, it keeps
crashing when I’ve tried.
My guess is that your computer is running out of memory. A pint into a
quart port?
On 16/02/2024 01:45, wrote:
Dear all,
Hello Xin,
I encountered an issue while attempting to calculate the RMSD between
two PDB files (each containing 4 ASUs)
do they really though?
using the SSM Superpose tool in Coot. Unfortunately, the tool was
unable to superpos
I agree with James and for the record, the function that it seem to me
that you want is
set_residue_to_rotamer_name(imol, chain_id, res_no, ins_code, alt_conf,
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On 21/11/2023 12:02, Yahui Liu wrote:
Dear all,
I got a protein crystal dataset of 4.3 A and would like to some the
structure with MR.
Now I am suffering with the refinement.
Just for the record, then intention of refinement is not to make you suffer.
On 04/11/2023 14:04, Sam Tang wrote:
Dear community,
I am solving the structure of a complex between proteins A and B,
where A is a protein with known homologs and B is a novel protein
isolated from plant. The diffraction data was at 1.9 Ang collected
in-house, indexed to P321. Using A as th
On 19/09/2023 09:34, Deborah Harrus wrote:
Dear all,
Dear Deborah,
wwPDB asks users and software developers to review code to remove any
current limitations on CCD ID lengths, and to enable use of PDBx/mmCIF
format files. Example files with extended CCD IDs are available via
On 17/08/2023 11:18, Palm, Gottfried wrote:
> I copied the EDO.cif from the library and changed the C1-C2 torsion
> angle definition to
> EDO sp3_sp3_4 O1 C1 C2
> O2 180.000 10.0 1
> After loading EDO in coot via "import cif dictionary
David M. Lawson
Department of Biochemistry and Metabolism,
John Innes Centre,
NR4 7UH, UK.
Tel: +44-(0)1603-450725
-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board On Behalf Of Paul Emsley
Sent: Tuesday, July 1
On 08/08/2023 09:57, Schaefer, Martina wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem running pandda.inspect after successful running
> pandda.analyse with the newest ccp4 version of pandda.
> What do we have:
> * We use Ubuntu as our Linux system
> * We installed CCP4-8.0.012
> * Wh
On 02/08/2023 13:53, Andrea Smith wrote:
Dear all,
I used refmac in CCP4Cloud and then I opened the generated .pdb and
.mtz from the CCP4Cloud job both in Linux Coot 0.9.6. and WinCoot
0.9.6. I can see different anomalous maps in Coot and Wincoot - see
attached printscreen where on the left t
On 18/07/2023 03:55, Mark Saper wrote:
I reported this problem to Paul and to the group at least 2-3 months ago.
Your email didn't arrive.
Just to be clear, Coot's real space refinement is not (was not) broken,
the problem is that the version of Coot distributed by CCP4 and the
version of th
seems fine. Maybe this is a bug in
Coot EL?
I doubt that it's a bug in Coot. A bug in Ventura though... that does
seem possible.
*From: *Paul Emsley
*Date: *Saturday, July 15, 2023 at 11:04
*To: *Gong, Zhen , CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
*Subject: *Re: [EXTERNA
thing. Do you have any clue what could be the problem?
Well, Shift G does a Reverse JED Flip (as does Ctrl Shift G) - that
sounds similar to what you are seeing. Perhaps you have the Caps Lock
key pressed?
*From: *Paul Emsley
*Date: *Saturday, July 15, 2023 at 02:40
On 15/07/2023 03:22, Gong, Zhen wrote:
Dear all,
Can anyone kindly tell me how to change the keyboard shortcuts
settings in Coot? My “control + g” did not go to the specified atoms
anymore. I might have changed the shortcut settings by accident. Thank
you very much for your help!
Ctrl-G i
On 15/07/2023 03:49, Subramanian, Ramaswamy wrote:
I have over 50 pdb files that I have downloaded from PDB that all have
the same ligand bound.
I wamt to superpose the ligands (and move the protein coordinates
using that matrix). The goal is for me to see how difference in
ligand environmen
On 14/07/2023 08:52, Jonas Emsley wrote:
Dear All
We have a crystal structure with O-glycans for the first time attached
to a Ser and a Thr sidechain
If anyone can recommend the procedure for adding these in coot and
refining them in phenix /refmac that would be greatly appreciated
Hi J
On 06/07/2023 08:51, Tom Peat wrote:
Hello All,
I just had a very strange experience- I rebooted my linux machine
(Ubuntu jammy 7.81.0) and tried to start up Coot and received the
following error message:
It is my understanding that jammy jellyfish, by default, uses Wayland as
the display
On 27/06/2023 15:01, Afshan Begum wrote:
Dear expert,
I am currently working on building my cryo-EM data using COOT.
However, I have encountered an issue when trying to add monomers such
as Glycerol or BCT using their letter code from the "Get monomer"
option in COOT. Whenever I attempt to
The Coot API is quite useful for this sort of thing
imol = 0 # replace as needed
residues = residues_matching_criteria(imol, lambda chain_id, res_no,
ins_code, serial: residue_name(imol, chain_id, res_no, ins_code) == "HOH")
refine_residues(0, residues)
On 26/06/2023 22:14,
On 06/06/2023 08:19, Goldman, Adrian wrote:
I’m hoping for a coot implementation that allows immersive stereo…
Well, (a) you're in luck - Coot is Free Software and can develop it
however you like. I am happy to collaborate and handle the technical
details of integration and distribution. If
"peptide" and press enter in the entry, then "Apply"
Now you can refine your CSO in Coot.
Nick Clark
On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 10:37 PM Paul Emsley
On 27/05/2023 03:23, Nicholas Clark wrote:
Hey Paul,
I found the dictionary entry
On 27/05/2023 03:23, Nicholas Clark wrote:
Hey Paul,
I found the dictionary entry for CSO, it appears to be in the
"peptide" group (under CCP4-8.0->lib->data->monomers->c->CSO.cif):
On 27/05/2023 00:43, Nicholas Clark wrote:
I have a cysteine residue that is oxidized and needs to be modeled as
CSO. In the past, when "replace residue" was used to substitute for
CSO, the CSO would "behave" during real-space refinement and
essentially take the place of the Cys. However, when
On 19/05/2023 10:28, Frank von Delft wrote:
Hello - as in the subject line, does anybody know of, or have, code
that will parse (1) a PDB (or mmCIF?) file with a ligand, and (2) the
restraints CIF file used in refinement, and generate a .mol (or .sdf)
Isn't this a bit of strange reques
On 28/04/2023 08:41, StrBio wrote:
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the LMB.
Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender
and know the content is safe.
Can you suggest how to make isopeptide bond in coot and g
Last week I was using 13.2 and could reproduce the snap iconification on
delete item.
This morning I updated to 13.3 and the iconification problem is no more
- so the update fixed it. Apple didn't mention XQuartz or Coot in the
release notes (fwiw).
On 06/03/2023 07:35, Armando Albert wrote:
I want to align several structures we obtained from a fragment screening
campaign and cluster them according to RMSD.
To what end, may I ask?
I would use LSQKAB, parse the log files for the RMSD and create an input
file for R.
(One cannot just do
Hello Elsa,
On 30/12/2022 17:13, Elsa Garcin wrote:
Is it possible to run coot on MacOS Ventura and xquartz version 2.8.4?
I believe so, but people have reported minimizing window when they try
to do so.
I tried installing coot with homebrew (instructions from Scottlab webpage),
This is a qu
On 17/11/2022 19:03, Alessandro S. Nascimento wrote:
Dear all,
We are refining a 24-mer complex composed of 12 copies of protein A
and 12 copies of protein B. Since the resolution is not very high
(~3.0 Ang), we will probably want to copy the modifications made in
Coot for one chain to the ot
On 09/11/2022 13:59, Deepak Deepak wrote:
Dear CCP4 users,
I am working towards solving a protein-ligand complex structure. The
ligand is 5.2 kDa (495 atoms) and made of 3 distinctive repetitive
monomers. [...]
I will happily provide more information if I am missing something here.
On 20/10/2022 02:06, Jiang Xu wrote:
Hi Garib,
I deleted the Met residue and imported the nle.cif file
Import the dictionary for NLE, make sure that the group is L-peptide,
then centre on your Met and Calculate -> Modelling -> Replace Residue -> NLE
Coot is not (yet) an official part of brewsci, so the goocanvas update
bonked coot.
This morning I uninstalled my coot and rebuilt it with YoshitakaMo's
coot.rb. The second time it worked (i.e. build and installed just fine).
You can see from the patch
On 17/09/2022 15:48, Marion Schuller wrote:
> Dear CCP4bb community,
> I am writing regarding a problem with the refinement of an isomer
> ligand. I try to refine a structure which has the ligand “Carba-NAD”
> (as beta isomer) bound. This ligand is already in the pdb database as
Hopefully should fix that.
On 16/09/2022 13:54, Jan Dohnalek wrote:
This has been quite variable in (several?) last versions of Coot.
I have some three latest versions available and when one does not work
I start another one. Sad but true.
On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 11:39 AM
A spectre is haunting structural biology - it is the spectre of the PDBx
We at CCP4 are interested in providing tools that are equivalents of
those that one might have trivially made with utilities such as grep or sed.
For example:
delete the hydrogen atoms
extract the hydro
On 07/08/2022 07:00, Cryo EM wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am using Coot EL (ccp4) on my iMac M1 with MacOS Monterey.
The phenix version I am using is 1.20.1-4487.
At the end of validation run or real space refinement for my cryo-EM
map, I want to fix the problems in the model interactively
On 06/08/2022 09:08, Cryo EM wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am trying to mutate modified RNA nucleotide to standard nucleotide
by coot using "Simple Mutate" button. But it is not working despite
selecting the correct residue from the standard base list that pop up
on clicking "simple mutate button". D
I wonder if others are curious about (or know how to solve) the
following problem:
I am looking at a PDB file that I've downloaded from a wwPDB site and I
would like to see the AlphaFold model(s) overlaid. What the best (or
easiest) way of doing that? (let's imagine that I can do a bit of
On 27/07/2022 01:44, Dale C wrote:
Hi all,
I recently updated my ccp4 package to Program suite v8.0.002 and i have now run
into a few issues with other programs. The issues are highlighted below...
- When i click 'Open in Coot' on any output through Phenix (so far only tested
phenix.refine an
On 18/07/2022 07:59, Cryo EM wrote:
Hi all,
I am working on a pdb of RNA where I intend to change the modified
nucleotides to their parent unmodified original residues. For example,
PSU to U, 1MG to G and so on.
I was wondering if there is a better way to do that by either manually
editing th
On 13/07/2022 19:18, Ravikumar wrote:
I would like to calculate One-dimension electron density profiles of
the different number of ions bound to an ion channel. Are there any
programs in CCP4/ Phenix which can do the same job as the MAPMAN
(UPPSALA electron density server) program to extract
On 11/07/2022 12:36, Colin Levy wrote:
Hi All,
Is there an equivalent functionality to Phenix.refine Sequence check
in CCP4? A quick alignment tool of model sequence from pdb to the
provided sequence?
It seems to me there are a number of ways that one can check a model
(and map) against
On 09/07/2022 12:36, Goldman, Adrian wrote:
On a related theme, Paul, I often find that the undo button doesn’t
work, but I can’t figure out why it sometimes does and sometimes
doesn’t. Is this something to do with how I open .pdb files - that
somehow Coot can’t find the backup files, even tho
Is there an option to save the session automatically every 10-15
minutes or so?
And now to actually answer your question:
yes: Edit -> Settings ->Enable Quick-Save Check-pointing... (the default
is 30 seconds)
On 08/07/2022 16:30, Oganesyan, Vaheh wrote:
Hi All,
Sorry for posting on CCP4BB.
This is an appropriate venue for such a message.
Coot installed together with latest CCP4 on Win10 crashes time to time
with no messages/warnings. Is there an option to save the session
automatically every
The ligand is acetamido-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide and has code AZM - do
your PDB atom names match the CCD?
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On 01/07/2022 04:50, Joel Tyndall wrote:
Hi folks,
I frustratingly cant find “maltose” as a ligand in the pdb or ccp4
database. Does any one have the code for the ligand? Surely its been
used before.
In Coot:
File -> Search Monomer Library -> "maltose" -> Search
-> MAL
Although it may not be apparent, there has been a lot of work going on
in Acedrg development regarding Boron.
One cannot say the same for Coot though and I can reproduce the
behaviour reported by Rafa Dolot. If/when I can fix it, it will be
available in
On 06/06/2022 13:24
On 27/05/2022 19:22, Jan Abendroth wrote:
Hi all,
not sure if this appropriate for this BB, since right at the interface
between CCP4, Coot and Phenix.
I wonder if someone else also experiences these issues after upgrading
to CCP4 8.0 (or 8.001) and with that to Coot This happens
On 11/04/2022 15:55, Martin Moche wrote:
Dear colleagues,
We are refining a structure where an acetate ion (ACT) binds a zinc
ion, Zn+2 (ZN), using an excellent quality 1.38Å dataset, [...]
When doing COOT sphere refinement, the acetate ion moves on top of the
ZN? like the ZN was not there
On 07/04/2022 09:24, Munoz.Ines wrote:
Dear all,
Is there any program or server that automatically assign the secondary
structure elements into a pdb generated by alpha fold?
If you are using Coot, you can use
Calculate -> Scripting -> Python
On 06/04/2022 07:05, Laurent wrote:
Good morning (French time…)
Two unrelated questions…
Using Coot, I would like to define some key binding… How can I find
the command that is actually issued from an option in the
« calculate » menu ? I would like to define a key binding for the
function « N
That, for the record, is more or less what Ralf said 18 years ago.
On 01/04/2022 23:38, Pavel Afonine wrote:
It's April 1st today, isn't it? -;)
On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 3:15 AM Paul Emsley
Coot 1
18 years after the release of Coot 0 it's time that I actual
Coot 1
18 years after the release of Coot 0 it's time that I actually released
Coot 1.
Coot 1 is a major change beyond Coot 0. It has required a lot of writing
and rewriting [1]
and has been the preponderance of my work since 2017. I have had to
learn how to program
graphics from scratch usi
On 27/03/2022 00:17, Jon Cooper wrote:
Hello, I have been trying to put together a thing for viewing small
blocks of CCP4 electron density maps with a mobile web browser. If
anyone is interested, the current state of it is here:
Have you seen/heard about ugly
On 17/03/2022 17:37, Mohd Syed Ahangar wrote:
I have been doing some protein crystal soaking with some covalently
binding fragments and in one structure I have got an extra density on
Cysteine but that density doesn't match with the expected fragment.
The fragment was in the form of iodide s
On 13/03/2022 14:05, Tomas Malinauskas wrote:
Dear All,
Is it possible to add hydrogens to a specific residue using Coot?
Something like Calculate -> Scripting -> Python -> coot_reduce(0) but
targeting one residue only.
sprout_hydrogens(0, "L", 101, "") # or some such: molecule-number
On 11/02/2022 21:53, Laurence Pearl wrote:
Does anyone know where I can download a pre-built Coot that will work
on OS X Monterey (12.2) on an iMac with an Intel i7 ?
The packages I can find all fail at the File finder which comes up
blank. X11 latest is installed.
Not an answer to your que
Kindly let me know How I could fix this ligand.
Thank you
On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 12:03 AM Paul Emsley>> wrote:
On 24/01/2022 11:11, YUVARAJ I wrote:
Respected Prof. Paul,
Thank you for your kind reply, After refinement u
output and refmac log file with this mail. kindly
let me know how I could fix this.
Many thanks in advance.
On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 12:39 PM Paul Emsley>> wrote:
On 23/01/2022 09:56, YUVARAJ I wrote:
Respected Prof. Paul,
Thank you so mu
nd another cif file for (HgI3-) as well and set of
instructions, It will be very much helpful.
Thank you in advance.
On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 5:07 AM Paul Emsley <>> wrote:
On 22/01/2022 22:10, Georg Mlynek wrote:
Dear Paul,
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