just one cent thougt:
Access and load/unload times can be, depending on your restore requirements,
major decision criterion.
Ait access time really shine when the chip on tape is supported by the
You may want to check whether TSM supports it.
-Original Messa
while some ait critical points are still true,
there are already ait-3 tape devices available,
making your performance/footprint comparisions an aplle/orange compare.
There is some roadmap as well.
Well, end of the year there will be new lto on the market, and so on..
For now, you may want
nice configuration,
but there is a point with unprotected disks to be tested:
I used this configuration under NT4 and tried to pull out one of the
unprotected disks out.
While this would probably cause no harm to TSM,
the operating system itself froze completly (for hours, so not an I/O
> Write rate for RAID 5 is (note) again
> N times faster than single disk speed but decreases with penalty for
> recalculation if parity (highly controller dependent)
Often this calculation is not correct,
since raid-5 will be written in blocks which are typically
larger than the size o
need more information:
I cannot judge this,
because I do not know who "you" are/is.
"I" definitely can have more or less than two SCSI Interfaces per TSM NT
-Original Message-
From: Fletcher, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 4:53 PM
I usually label bunch of tapes at once
and simply use them then fo a long time,
even if swapping them among different storage pools.
Do you have any special requirement which forces you to re-label
existing tapes,
or do you purchase tapes in very small amounts?
-Original Message
I saw here reports about installations problems
where WEB-GUI would not display left frame.
I have got installed,
saw the very same problem,
in addition to it some of installation wizards
did not work at all (they simply did nothing).
The guy who installed it canceled the installati
does somebody tested this simple thing in on NT2000:
will TSM client backup all files on the disk?
1) dsmc select c:\winnt\* -subdir=yes
2) compare the count of files backed up to those found with DIR command
(there are no exclude´s in the . OPT file for test purposes,
I am
does somebody share this problem with me:
fresh installed TSM on NT2000, two manual scsi tape drives,
Each tape oeration (with the exception of dsmlabel)
results in errors like this:
ANR1134W Migration terminated for storage pool DISKPOOL -
insufficient number of
: Salak Juraj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: woensdag 17 juli 2002 17:11
Onderwerp: Question / NT2000 / ANR1134W Migration terminated for
s torage pool DISKPOOL -
does somebody share this problem with me:
fresh installed TSM on NT2000, two manual
-Original Message-
From: Mark Stapleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: Question / NT2000 / ANR1134W Migration terminated f
or s torage pool DISKPOOL -
Van: Salak Juraj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Hey, this has positive side effect - it helped me
to actually change the language to english even on dsmadmc sessions
(I had prevuiously mix of english in WEB and german in dsmadmc command line)
-Original Message-
From: Tobias Hofmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
I am sorry,
neither net stop "tsm server1" "net start tsmserver1"
nor reboot of the NT2000 server did help.
I guess it is time to open a PMR for me.
thanks anyway
-Original Message-
From: Fred Johanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:22 PM
/ NT2000 / Error 404
Try a AUDIT VOLUME XX FIX=YES (where XX=volume name) first.
Shannon Bach
Madison Gas & Electric Co.
Operations Analyst - Data Center Services
Office 608-252-7260
Fax 608-252-7098
Salak Juraj
/ Error 404
Try a AUDIT VOLUME XX FIX=YES (where XX=volume name) first.
Shannon Bach
Madison Gas & Electric Co.
Operations Analyst - Data Center Services
Office 608-252-7260
Fax 608-252-7098
Salak Juraj
identify your bottleneck.
It is not obvious what it is.
Your backup times were sub-standard even a couple years ago.
Some tips:
- check using FTP your network
- check the perform,ance of your SAN drives
- copy a part of your NT drive either into NUL or on another SAN
drive, how lo
how about using primary disk pool large enough to cache one night backups?
Multiple streams on tapes are not supported in TSM,
and if they vere they would slow restores down by they very nature.
> -Original Message-
> From: Rob Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: T
>> if TSM attempts to restore a file before the dir for it has
>> been restored it skips the file,
Last time I tried to restore files from expired directories
I was on TSM 3.1 and had OS/2 clients, i could swaer it worked fine.
Anyway, if your environment does not work this way, you have to
You have to know your business needs.
Just a notice:
Schould your directories expire,
you still will be able to restore your files.
The only difference is the directory tree will not be restored
(because of directories in TSM expired => lost),
but re-created, just like you would issue series of MK
in CMD you can play with redirecting of DATE output into temporary file
and SETtting a variable using input piped from this temp file.
Much simpler solution is to purchase 4NT (www.jpsoft.com)
which is very simillar to CMD but includes much more additional
Using it, the soluti
what the hell was your raid-10 like?
Raid10 is by no means slower than raid1, if correctly implemented (by the
means of the raid controller).
I had it previously on an ICP-Vortex controller, and it was real blessing.
But there are another curiosities as well - I see
worse performance on IBM
Hallo Zlatko,
both the originator and me wrote about disastreous performance
with stripping raid-10.
You write about read-before write penalty with raid-5.
I do not understand?
> -Original Message-
> From: Zlatko Krastev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 1
in addition to fine Steve´s reply,
there is one easily overlooked argument about what
is far from perfect perfect with with monthly backups:
low resolution on time axis.
This means, even if you have monthly backup from august the 1.st,
you do not have any files which changed on on september
> you can try to reach me telepathically.
I gave it a try, but it did not work.
Too much chinese wavelengths in the air over there.
J. Salak
> -Original Message-
> From: Gianluca Mariani1 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 1:28 AM
> Subjec
Files will be rebound to default copy group.
No idea about directories - they will
be either rebound to default copy group or to DIRMC.
> -Original Message-
> From: Emil S. Hansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 1:57 PM
> Subject:
Only among similar plattforms, like win9X, WinNT, W2K,
or among different unix flavours,
but not between unix and winx.
> -Original Message-
> From: Copper, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 5:11 PM
> Subject: Cross pl
Just 2 cents:
Assuming that
search for files spread over tape and tapes
consumes much of your restore time,
so that many small files count for significant amount of restore time
while large files count for most of your tape capacity
but not for most of the restore time
you could speed up things
I should have read your requirements more carefully, sorry
> -Original Message-
> From: Robin Sharpe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 3:42 PM
> Subject: Re: Strategies for DR recovery of large clients
> Juraj,
> You
to check the highest possible level
of the improvement through upgrade to Gigabit
you may want to check what the maximal backup/restore speed of your TSM
w i t h o u t influence of network cable is:
install tsm client locally on TSM server,
configure it for tcpip connection
create test
this definitely depends on compression alghoritm.
Different tapes uses different compression alghoritms, so you can ask the
On the other side - if you compress all of your data by software,
you will have no gain from tape compression at all,
so you can simply turn it off without ask
Hej Daniel,
ked sa dohovaras sukromne s Larsom tak je svedstina OK,
ale potom mu napis na sukromnu adresu.
Ked pises do verejneho fora, tak pouzivaj, prosim Ta, anglictinu
Juraj ;
-Original Message-
From: Daniel Sparrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 2:
>> Note.
>> In our country, like Eric van Loon the Netherlands, i have never seen TSM
>> advertisements or marketing. Not even in the business literature. ..
Our country is in this sense same as netherlands
Juraj from Austria
-Original Message-
From: Ilja G. Coolen [mailto:[EMAI
You are correct.
Another 2 cents:
long-term archive does not only consist of the sole problem to keep the
data safe for a long period of time.
Some other points are often overlooked, here only some of them:
- availabilty of system which the data can be restored on
(if you backe
pricing - I had only a short phone call and it looked like that:
you would need
- one *nx system (older pentium intel machine with n x 100MB disk would do)
for metainformation database
- space in your TSM server
- about 1000 Euro lizenz für the metainformation server - see above
- about 1000
The article sounds quite reasonably.
What is the real question behind your question?
Juraj Salak
-Original Message-
From: Pétur Eyþórsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 6:56 PM
Subject: Gartner Research article, Puts TSM in Second Place,
Your management confronts you with a required solution (full backup)
and wants you to implement it,
but the problem / business case
the solution shall solve is unknown.
So neither you nor we are able to check
what implementation will fix the problem.
Juraj Salak
-Original Message---
-Original Message-
From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Mirroring DB and Log
The RAID5 prevents outage due to a disk failure.
But there is
Yes please!
thanks in advance
Juraj Salak
-Original Message-
From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks to All That Provided Input for the Share Session on
SQ L Co mmands
I am curious about alternatives you keep in mind
when writing about this beeing "an increasing inhibitor".
It would be of some use for me as well
if I could combine quarterly backups with incremental forever paradigm,
but I am not aware of any product supporting this.
Juraj salak
I had previosly workaround for that,
managing hierarchy of clopsets outsided of TSM (ITSM?)
(making all changes in flat files hierarchy and updating cloptsets via
This worked but was for my small installation of 100 clients rather complex,
so I abandoned it.
So, you are not alone.
DIRMC makes it , for example,
possible to keep directories in dedicated primary disk pool.
Provided there are no new bugs related to DIRMC
this brings significant speed gain during restore of directory trees.
So, unless you are backing large files / large amount of files / in small
number of dire
I hesitate to answer your question,
because it would support you in a VERY BAD practise.
I find operation with only single copy of data simply irresponsible.
The costs for second copy are very low - only couple of tape media.
Do rethink this design, consider creating backup pool.
This mak
Hey roy,
this does not sound like a problem with TSM.
Possible scenario:
- create extra storage pools for Archives
(DiskA/primary, TapeA/secondary/NotCollocated and TapeB/backup)
- point your archives into DiskA
- run regular
backup stg DiskA TapeB
backup stg TapeA TapeB
This is a very old weakness of ADSM.
I did from v1.6 to V3.1 some GREP and post-execute commands and scripting
and colleague with HP Omniback laughed about me while
clicking on his expandable coloured tree formed backup results.
Maybe I will find something better in latest TSM versions
I am just
using of large disk stg pools minimises tape unload/load cycles which is
important in such situation
if you can afford two tape drives (you do can configure one tsm manual
consisting from more tape drives as opposite to impossibility of definig one
tsm library consisting of more (hw)
I know about large company in our area which swapped
from NT2000 to AIX because of TCPIP performance over Gigabit ATM
(they reached double! network performance after having tuned both, HW was
DB performance was simillar, but this depends very strongly on both HW
compnents and OS and t
this has been discussed very often, you may ant to have a look into
forums history on http://msgs.adsm.org.
Database performace is all about random access times, not about speed of
Basically, TSM will start one I/O in each database volume,
so having 4 database volumes spread over
Hi Farren!
What you are doing will delete the directories from the database,
the only question is when.
If you use on client concerned explicit managemnt class for directories,
then this one will apply.
If you do not use explicit directory management class (DIRMC),
then the management class with
basically, the only reason to use different storage pool at all
are d i f f e r e n t requirements for handling the data.
This can be different required degree of redundacy (one, two or three
copies of each file), different storage locations, different
requirements for time to restore, and
I have offerts for 3575, LTO and AIT-3 / Qualstar libraries
( AIT-2 available, AIT-3 coming soon)
but have only paper-based knowledges about AIT.
Weighted Time-to-data performance, capacity and price ratio
seems to be far the best with AIT for my needs,
but I have no experiencies with this
so please tell us !!
Michel DAVID
--- Salak Juraj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have offerts for 3575, LTO and AIT-3 / Qualstar
> libraries
> ( AIT-2 available, AIT-3 coming soon)
> but have only paper-based knowledges about AIT.
> Weighted
is -selective backup not doing exactly what you want to achieve with
mode=absolute ?
best regards
Juraj Salak
-Original Message-
From: Seay, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 6:51 AM
Subject: Future Share Requirement: W2K 4.2.1 D
his mail.
best regards
Juraj Salak
Asamer Familienholding
-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:51 AM
To: Salak Juraj
Subject: TSM and PC-BaX
Dear Mr. Salak
Hello Ray,
You are absolutely right we have to think in TCO (Total Costs of
Ownership) terms.
On the other side, the initial investment counts to TCO as well.
Generally speaking, the prices of each product,
will determinate the market share as well as other product attributes.
I had a look at
you have writen a lot about goot backup experiences with Galaxy.
May we assume you have had good experiences with (brick level) restore
as well?
Juraj Salak
-Original Message-
From: BURDEN,Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 12:05 AM
Hello Stuart,
I do not know theoretical limit of line count,
but the length and complexity of icl/exl list may effect the speed of
depending on your file & directory &incl/exlc structure.
You maybe will have a client CPU dependent penalty
if you have large amount of infrequently changing
Hi sreekumar,
you was right in setting bufpool as high as possible.
You do not mention plattform/version of you server.
I was told by IBM that in latest NT TSM Server versions there are no
limits for bufpoolsize
exept for usable free system memory (free RAM).
If TSM is the only application runnin
not even as strange idea as you think.
In fact, this configuration is recommended for backing-up directories
since years,
so this is only an uncommon idea expansion.
I am just going to implement this for file server backup,
but not for database backups.
Given the high price tag for libr
Good afternoon,
I am afraid you will have to setup as many disk storage pools as many
tape pools you wish to be migrated into.
This results in less effective sharing of disk space, maybe you will
have to add an extra
disk in order to prevent from excessive number of small migrations, but
if tune
it is the time to go with Murphy:
"if all attempts (to repair something) failed,
it is time to read the documentation".
There are recovery procedures described in admin guide
even for scenario like yours.
Basically you will have to configure your server so as it previously
define dr
there do is a command,
I guess DSMSERV QUERY DBVOLUME or similar,
which will list you what the content of the tape mounted in tape drive.
There is definitely no need to reinstall
TSM after you have queried a tape,either good or bad,
with this this command.
Please be sure to check the
.. still might want to disallow multiple backups in a single day.
I believe this is setting in management class.
regards, juraj
-Original Message-
From: Vint Maggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 6:59 PM
Subject: Copygroups
How do you reco
First deteremine what is the slowest chain in your restore path.
Following assumes tapes are the weak point.
First check the actual impact of tape speed on your restore time:
Try once a dsmc select backup
for small portion of file server, maybe 1 GB consisting from your
Joe and all who want to be unsubsribed:
just as your previous subscription
your unsubsription is an action to be done solely by you.
Basically, you have to send the unsubsribe command to listserver, which
is an automat,
not to the forum, which consists from users like me and you only.
I attach
this is typical question from people moving from classical backup
I had to switch my mind as well as I started with TSM.
Keep in mind, the requirements your customer has
are most likely not pure business requirements,
but his historical requirements
adapted to both existing and miss
from what i learned by myself and from couple of tsm users in our area,
the aix implementation is even more stable and scalable comparing to nt.
TSM itself on nt is as stable as nt itself,
if you are happy with nt you will likely be happy with tsm/nt as well.
I am just setting-up new nt/tsm
Oracle TDP is Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle,
which is the Oracle backup agent, which is TSM client able to backup
If I read your question correctly you backup oracle with standard tsm
client (cold backup with oracle shut-off),
and then yes, you can rebind your files as long they
I had the same problem on German W2k
and could help myself by both installing JRE4.1.0.1
and changing the language to AMENG in the servers OPT file.
juraj Salak
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Dan Carlo Freitas Peres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. Februar
once I run into same issue in simillar environment but it turned out to by
my fault:
I did quite often successfull
backup stg primary-disk-storage-pool backup-storage-pool
but it occasionaly happened that
migration from backup stg primary-disk-storage-pool to
due to concepts used Raid5 is the slowest solution available for sequential
Raid5 reads are always much faster than Raid5-5 writes,
simply because reads require less I/O´s on disks than writes do.
However, 1,5MB/sec means you have got either very slow controller
or your controller´
Hi Bill!
You are on right way.
Disk pool 1 has NextPool TapePool1,
which allows 20 scratch volumes max, and is collocated.
All 50 clienst from Diskpool1 have to fit on 20 volumes in TapePool1.
You have to ensure the capacity of those 20 volumes is
fairly larger than sum of all versions of
s International
Salak Juraj
T> cc:
Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: AW: progressiv
>> What worries me is the smaller
>> the backup the more nocollocated these tapes get,
>> and more time to restore,
Usually right.
Exactly - it depends.
But in scenario where you have more tape drives
and restore maybe one client only
you even can speed restores with limited collocation (client s
Hallo all,
how can I backup from command line (schedule) SystemObject ONLY?
dsmc incr -domain="systemobject"
will backup all domains from .opt file as well, which I do no want.
dsmc incr -domain="systemobject -c:"
works, but still backups D: E: etc.
dsmc incr -domain="sy
ast the crash?
Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (change eye to i to reply)
The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The comma
I WAS looking after scheduled method and used the commad line for testing
only ;=8)
Good news:
the crash is only related to my workstation.
Here even the
dsmc backup systemobject
command crashes. Since today..
I worked few things out:
dsmc incr -domain="systemobject -
ED] (change eye to i to reply)
The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/07/2003 1
as far as I now it is not possible neither with TSM nor with another backup
I did this on NT4 and on OS2
with http://www.lanicu.com/ utilities,
as far as I know they are still in business and support newer OS´es as well.
It worked like this:
1) capture (=backup) security i
. März 2003 15:14
Betreff: RES: TSM Web Admin
Hi Salak,
Where did you find this version of jre
I changed the language of my opt file to AMENG but it still doesn't work.
Dan Carlo.
-Mensagem original-
De: Salak Juraj [ma
You received warning from TSM about large results etc., did not you?
Large selects require appropriate large amount of free space in database to
save temporary results.
As I tried this script, my %util went from 27% to 32% and back.
Did you check free space in your database?
Curiously enough,
I upgraded to and added a relatively large node to daily
backup schedules on the very same day,
and my %hit grew from about 98% to about 98,5% :-)
Do not ask me why.
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Gill, Geoffrey L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwo
It would be interesting to learn what real business requirements
lead your manager to this double-retention requirements,
what danger or costs will arise if you use the longer retention
for onsite and offsite pools.
If your manager is really a manager
he will thing in this terms (dollars,ri
Hallo all,
restore of hidden files (nt2000, tsm
is apparently not possible without reboot.
Is this working as designed, or is it a bug?
NT2000/NTFS itself allow for replacing of hidden files,
I can delete the "aha" file without troubles from command line.
Juraj Salak
did you search in your ACCTLog for any traces of this "disapearing"?
I bet you will find there some explanation, if not, open a PMR.
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Shannon Bach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. März 2003 18:44
Betreff: Client
> If TSM can clean up after a shutdown
> while the copy is in process, it can
> bloody well clean up after a force
> termination of the process.
I am fully with you, Tom.
But saing this, I would like to express not only my criticism of this
wanted/missing functionality, but thanks as well
to deve
no idea about your DD problem,
but why do´nt you simply perform an out-of-bound backup to a disk (device
type=file) instead?
If you can afford the extra CPU and disk last generated through additional
backup process,
you will have supported configuration without extra external steps
during ba
disk (AIX)
Salak Juraj wrote:
> Hi,
> no idea about your DD problem,
> but why do´nt you simply perform an out-of-bound backup to a disk (device
> type=file) instead?
> If you can afford the extra CPU and disk last generated through additional
> backup process
quick ideas:
Maybe your primary storage pool is full and the sessions are in MediaWait
look at Q ACTL on server and
dsmsched.log and
dsmerror.log on clients
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Joni Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Freitag, 04. April 2003 21:13
this description from microsoft could help you further:
Actualy, looks like such restoration is a project per se
and due to diversity of possible sceanrii the restore propcess
is not eligible for practi
1 byte per night? from each client or from all total ;) ?
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Niklas Lundstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2003 12:09
Betreff: Re: 3000 clients bkp to TSM?
Just put it on a mainframe and you're fine.
So in average 0,003 bit per client, read 300 nanobit, I guess ;))
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2003 12:46
Betreff: Re: 3000 clients bkp to TSM?
>>Just put it on a mainframe and you
generally speaking,
a disk subsystem represents a low granular data store.
Inspite of Raid and redundant power supplies,
you still have a single point of failure,
it can fail as a whole due to surge, firmeware or cabling error
or due to anything alse.
In this case you will loose all data.
Not quite sure where is you problem:
You want both collocation and parallel backup threads.
Using a (large enough) disk primary storage pool
as backup cache gives you the ability to backup using many threads.
Migrationg from disk to tape can use multiple tapes as well.
The only things which do
Hello all,
I thought about backing up a nt200 boot including partitioning information
and boot sector disk using RAW image backup.
(of course, by connecting the boot disk on another NT2000 machine).
However, I found no way to do it - apparently once a valid logical volume is
on the disk only log
"using image backup with file system incremental"
and "incremental image restore"
in dsm help:
"5. Restore your data by performing an incremental image restore.
Ensure that you select the Image plus incremental directories and files and
Delete inactive files from local options
I had very same problem and played around. This wasted time.
I ended with purchasing disks and tapes.This helped ;)
seriously, there is some optimisation possible:
- allow for 2 migration processes if you can afford
- set HI to a low number, maybe 10 or 20
t available" type of message.
Alex Paschal
Freightliner, LLC
(503) 745-6850 phone/vmail
-Original Message-
From: Salak Juraj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 7:06 AM
Subject: AW: Forcing backup clients to disk...
I had very same pro
I am afraid you are out of luck.
Microsoft does not support restore of parts of system object.
You are able to restore SAM only, but the result is, from Microsfts point of
an inconsistent state.
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Eddie Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
how is it:
4)ignore restart message
6).. You will need to be in AD recovery mode in step 5
In order to be in AD recovery in step 5 I have to restart.
But a restart after (4) will probably not work because
of mismatch between system objects left from (1) install
once you have a proven process for restoring AD
it would be invaluable if you could post it here.
There have been many experiences with restoring W2k published here,
but as for AD Servers I am missing reports about
real succesfull restores.
I personally tried earlier Zlatko´s-like procedur
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