this definitely depends on compression alghoritm. Different tapes uses different compression alghoritms, so you can ask the manufacturer.
On the other side - if you compress all of your data by software, you will have no gain from tape compression at all, so you can simply turn it off without asking. regards juraj salak -----Original Message----- From: Wholey, Joseph (TGA\MLOL) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 7:00 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: compression Currently running TSM v 4.1.3 on System\390. Run compression on the client as well as harware compression on Device type Cartridge and 3590. Ideally this is not the way to go... but we need to run compression on the client due to network constraints. Is it a FACT that running a compression routine 2x will ultimately double the size of the original file? Where can I find more info on this? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Regards, Joe Wholey TGA Distributed Data Services Merrill Lynch Phone: 212-647-3018 Page: 888-637-7450 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]