hello all out there,
BMR related questions seem to repeat periodically
and good solutions are not obvious.
I would like to share results of my trivial search after tools for TSM
related BMR of W2000:
- virtually no support in current TSM clients, if any
- rumours about BMR (either additional functionality or additional
module$$) in the next version of TSM,
maybe adoption of the Kernel Group´s solution, maybe Tivoli´s own
- currently available BMR from Kernel group looks good, 
its limitation could be its high costs, 
and for some of us the necessity to install an additional unix-based
BMR-server applikation.
- there is currently available BMR solutions in different simpler backup
packages (not TSMM-related).
I gave a look to Pc-Bax from Cristie, Germany, because I know older
of this simple but good backup program, and I liked the support as well.
They currently do have a usefull BMR module but without TSM
They had TSM-conectivity in the past and they claim to offer this module
soon again.
They are much cheaper than the solution from Kernel Group.
For those interested I will likely test this in january or february,
but I currently do not know more details,
so please if you have questions do contact  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
I posted his name here with allowance from Mr. Svensson / Sweeden
who implemented mixed scenario of Pc-Bax and TSM.
His solutions is shortly desribed further, in appended copy of his mail.
best regards
Juraj Salak
Asamer Familienholding
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:51 AM
To: Salak Juraj
Subject: TSM and PC-BaX

Dear Mr. Salak! 
I have now work with both TSM (Tivoli Storage Manager) and Legato
NetWorker and found a small solution for are customer here in Sweden
there they use PC-BaX ass a BMR. (Bare Metal Recovery). 
Right now PC-BaX dose´nt have support to backup directly to TSM Server.
But we have talk to Tivoli and to Cristie in UK and we going to get a
TSM Module shortly. 
But the work around right now looking like this. 
1) TSM takes backup on D:, E: and et c. 
2) PC-BaX takes backup on C: every Sunday or more often. But you back up
to a Virtuel Tape Drive (VTD file) on a Virtuel hardisk Space on the
network. For exaple a NAS Server. 
3) And the TSM is back up the VTD files so you got 2 or more generation.

But how is the Recovery works? 
1) You run a normal PC-BaX DR (Disaster Recovery) and after that PC-BaX
is automaticloy starts TSM restore or the TSM Client. 

How do I configur PC-BaX to do this. 
1) Mr. Tillmann can help you to configure the PC-BaX disketts. 
2a) You create one CMD file in to the PC-BaX directory with name TSM.CMD

2b) Edit the CMD file and type in 
@Echo Off 
CD \ 
CD "Program Files\TSM" 
Net start "TSM Client Acceptor" 
Net start "TSM Scheduler" 
DSMC restore \\servername\d$\path\path\*  -subdir=yes 
3) And edit CBM.INI and insert this too linje in the bottom. 
[DR Options] 
PostDRCommand = TSM.cmd 

If you need any help with PC-BaX please take contact with Mr. Tillmann
on Cristie Germany or me. 
My mobile nr is below.

Med Vänliga Hälsningar / Best Regards
Christian Svensson 


Cristie Nordic AB
P.O Box 2
SE-131 06 Nacka

Phone : +46-8-641 96 30
Fax : +46-8-571 546 31
Mobil : +46-70-325 15 77

        Salak Juraj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

2001-11-19 13:49 

        To:        "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
        Subject:        FW: mail address Cristie Nordic

Dear sir,

I have got your address from mr. Tillmann.

I´d like to check the feasibility and sensiblity of following scenario:

- we will in short use TSM as our primary and centralized backup system.
The native TSM backup client is splendid for incremental backup and 
restores of limited file areas.

Backup/restore in sense of temporary storage space
and in the sense of bare metal recovery of operating system (BMR) 
is traditionaly better serverd by simple classical 
backup systems, like pc-bax.

- I would like to combine strengths of both systems,
using pc-bax for certain tasks like BMR
while saving data in automatically managed storage pools of TSM.

Can you make a statement about this aim?

best regards

Juraj Salak
Asamer Familienholding G M B H
Unterthalhamstraße 2
A-4694 Ohlsdorf

Büro: +43 7612 799 529
Mobil: +43 664 528 6474

-----Original Message-----
From: Reinhard Tillmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 1:09 PM
To: J.Salak
Subject: mail address Cristie Nordic

Hallo Herr Salak,

mein Kollege, Herr Hörig-Braun (VL Süd) ist informiert.  Er wird Sie
kontaktieren und Ihnen die nötigen Infos geben.

Die Mailadresse für die Geschichte mit dem TSM und PC-BaX ist
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mailen Sie bitte in Englisch. Erklären Sie am
ganz einfach, was Sie haben möchten. Wird Ihnen dann sicherlich erklären
können, ob das machbar ist. Meinem schwedischen Kollegen habe ich
diesbezüglich auch eine Mail geschickt.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen / kind regards
Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Tillmann

Cristie Data Products GmbH
Riemekestr. 160, 33106 Paderborn /Germany
phone +49 (0) 5251/1366-0
fax      +49 (0) 5251/1366-49

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