Hi sreekumar,

you was right in setting bufpool as high as possible.
You do not mention plattform/version of you server.
I was told by IBM that in latest NT TSM Server versions there are no
limits for bufpoolsize
exept for usable free system memory (free RAM).
If TSM is the only application running on the machine you simply can
a Bufpoolsize usin whole memory minus OS ant ADSM code size.

You surely restart TSM after having bufpoolsize changed, do you?

With 3.1 and 3.7 I had very good results with HW upgrade: 
splitting the DB acros 3 small raid1 arrays
and using a scsi controller with 128 on-board cache.

To my surprise the caching on controller seemed to 
work better than the one of TSM itself,
so using the max. bufpoolsize of DSM 3.1 which was, I believe, 128 MB,
consequently reaching cache hit of about 97% only,
was no problem at all (having DB as large as 9 GB ).


Asamer & Hufnagl

-----Original Message-----
From: Springer Friedrich ,VASL/FAI
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 10:50 AM
Subject: AW: cache hit percentage is low around 97%

You should set SEFTUNEBUF yes in Your options, because after an expire
TSM tunes the buffer automatically to the rigth value. Also define the
with BUFPOOlsize nnnn in dsmserv.opt.
 RESET BUFPOOL in the admin. Windows to see the results.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Pothula S Paparao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 04:23
Betreff: cache hit percentage is low around 97%

hi tsm'ers,
my cachehit pct utilization sometimes drops to 96.7% and few times i see
touches 99%.  due to this i see slow in server process like migration
expiration and sessions hanging for long period of time.
please advise me , how can i overcome this. I tried increasing the
bufferpoolsize to the limit mentioned in admin guide. still i see the
pct of cache hit.  RAM size is 2GB.
your help in this regard is highly appriciated.

here is the output of q opt and q db f=d

tsm: ADSMSRV1>q opt
Server Option     Option Setting       Server Option     Option Setting
----------------- -------------------- -----------------
CommTimeOut       6,000                IdleTimeOut       30
BufPoolSize       262144               LogPoolSize       102400
MessageFormat     1                    Language          en_US
MaxSessions       25                   ExpInterval       0
ExpQuiet          No                   EventServerLoggi- Yes
MirrorRead DB     Normal               MirrorRead LOG    Normal
MirrorWrite DB    Sequential           MirrorWrite LOG   Parallel
VolumeHistory     /tsm/config/volhist- Devconfig
                   ory.dsm                                ig.dsm
TxnGroupMax       40                   MoveBatchSize     40
MoveSizeThresh    500                  StatusMsgCnt      10
RestoreInterval   1,440                UseLargeBuffers   Yes
DisableScheds     No                   NOBUFPREfetch     No
AuditStorage      Yes                  REQSYSauthoutfile Yes
SELFTUNEBUFpools- No                   SELFTUNETXNsize   No
DBPAGEShadow      No                   DBPAGESHADOWFile  dbpgshdw.bdt
QueryAuth         None                 LogWarnFullPerCe- 90
ThroughPutDataTh- 0                    ThroughPutTimeTh- 0
 reshold                                reshold
NOPREEMPT         ( No )
TCPPort           1500                 HTTPPort          1580
HTTPSPort         1543                 TCPWindowsize     0
TCPBufsize        16384                TCPNoDelay        No
IPXSocket         8522                 NetbiosBufferSize 16384
NetbiosSessions   25                   LuName            DSMSERV1
TPNProfilename                         TPNAME            dsmserv
IPXBufferSize     4096                 CommMethod        TCPIP
CommMethod        ShMem                CommMethod        HTTP
MsgInterval       1                    Enable3590Library No
ShmPort           1510                 FileExit
UserExit                               FileTextExit
AssistVCRRecovery Yes                  AcsAccessId
AcsTimeoutX       1                    AcsLockDrive      No
AcsQuickInit      No                   SNMPSubagentPort  1521
SNMPSubagentHost            SNMPHeartBeatInt  5
TECHost                                TECPort           0

tsm: ADSMSRV1>q db f=d

          Available Space (MB): 4,000
        Assigned Capacity (MB): 3,516
        Maximum Extension (MB): 484
        Maximum Reduction (MB): 1,516
             Page Size (bytes): 4,096
            Total Usable Pages: 900,096
                    Used Pages: 141,089
                      Pct Util: 15.7
                 Max. Pct Util: 23.6
              Physical Volumes: 4
             Buffer Pool Pages: 65,536
         Total Buffer Requests: 40,149,837
                Cache Hit Pct.: 96.65
               Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00
           Backup in Progress?: No
    Type of Backup In Progress:
  Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 147.12
            Percentage Changed: 26.70
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 12/14/01   10:45:42

thanks and regards

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