Select command to show summary of bytes bound to managment class

2006-02-08 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi TSMers Just wondering if anyone has made a Select command that shows the total amount of data bound to each, or spesific managment class. with help in advance Regards peter

Re: performance scaling question

2006-01-06 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert  · MCSE · SNIA Professional  ·  SNIA FC-SAN Practitioner  ·  IBM C AIX S · TSM CP · TSRM CP · TASS DP · IBM SAN P Sími/tel: +354 569-7700 · GSM:

Re: TDP for Lotus Domino (license question)

2005-10-19 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
for the requierd license file, that you need to copy.     "It´s better to aim at perfection and miss than it is to aim at imperfection and hit it" Founder Thomas J. Watson Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced St

Re: Strange message in TSM 5.1.10

2005-08-20 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
it it" Founder Thomas J. Watson Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert  · MCSE · SNIA Professional  ·  SNIA FC-SAN Practitioner  ·  IBM C AIX S · TSM CP · TSRM CP · TASS DP · IBM SAN P Sími

Re: Anyone backing up Cisco Unity Product to TSM (Voicemail only)

2005-08-20 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
backup awaya, they use TSM to backup there informix database that awaya runs on (sun solaris machine).   Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert  · MCSE · SNIA Professional  ·  SNIA FC-SAN Practiti


2005-08-19 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
werry well.                 "It´s better to aim at perfection and miss than it is to aim at imperfection and hit it" Founder Thomas J. Watson Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert

Re: aix certification test tomorrow

2005-08-19 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert  · MCSE · SNIA Professional  ·  SNIA FC-SAN Practitioner  ·  IBM C AIX S · TSM CP · TSRM CP · TASS DP · IBM SAN P Sími/tel: +354 569-7700 · GSM: +354 863-0560

Re: How to delete copystg data for a single node?

2005-08-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
move the data and colocate it to one volume or to one place where you can delete it without deleteing any other information.   Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert  · MCSE · SNIA Professi

Re: LTO2 device class with LTO1 tapes!

2005-08-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
storage pool to max scrach to 0  make the gen 1 tapes in the gen 2 storagepool readonly and move the data to the same pool with move data command.   Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert  · MCSE ·

Re: Domino 6.5.4 w/ TDP 5.1.5

2005-08-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
/win32/v5151/                 "It´s better to aim at perfection and miss than it is to aim at imperfection and hit it" Founder Thomas J. Watson Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert

Re: LTO2 device class with LTO1 tapes!

2005-08-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
define the LTO gen 2 volumes manually to the storage pool and not have it take scratch volumes (chance Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed to 0 instead of 50), if you do that you can bee 100% sure that tsm wont take generation 1 tapes to that pool. Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson

Re: JR- Backup sets

2005-08-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
and is by no means the right way or beter than any other. Just go with what you think will be enugh for you.                 "It´s better to aim at perfection and miss than it is to aim at imperfection and hit it" Founder Thomas J. Watson Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur

Re: Disk Pool Volume Configuration

2005-08-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
J. Watson Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert  · MCSE · SNIA Professional  ·  SNIA FC-SAN Practitioner  ·  IBM C AIX S · TSM CP · TSRM CP · TASS DP · IBM SAN P Sími/tel: +354 569-7700 · GSM:

Re: AW: [ADSM-L] Migration Speed Has Plummeted

2005-08-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
on eatch volume you will hit a bottleneck on the I/O because of the head of the disk will be doing nothing more than jumping from one write operation to another. the same goes with read to tape. Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Ti

Re: HELP!!!! Migrations taking too long and pools filling up!

2005-08-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
your system?. What is the hardware you are running on? Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert · MCSE · SNIA Professional · SNIA FC-SAN Practitioner · IBM C AIX S · TSM CP · TSRM CP ·

Re: New Backup Process

2005-08-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
uicly turn into your worst nigthmare. so my tip for you rule 1. planning rule 2. planning rule 3. more planning   Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert  · MCSE · SNIA Professional  ·  SNIA FC-

Re: Image backup

2005-08-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
you try to open office. Hope this helps Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced Storage Solutons Techical Expert · MCSE · SNIA Professional · SNIA FC-SAN Practitioner · IBM C AIX S · TSM CP · TSRM CP · TASS DP · IBM SAN P

Re: Image backup

2005-08-16 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Win2003 for that matter, if you plan on using this i do not recomend useing it on mission critical machines, this is good for low profile machines, desktop machines and static servers. but then again sysprep is better in solving that. hope this helps. Kær kveðja / Best regards, Pétur Eyþórsson

Server-Free Backup is it for real or is it just a Hype

2003-04-04 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi Guys. I want to start a discussion on Server-Free Backup. Server-Free backup is to bee the holy grail in SAN backup. Server free backup is just when you tell something on the san backup these files, and it will copy disk to disk or disk to tape or what ever you want. This will make use of the

Re: exchange restore to different server

2002-11-27 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
i think you haft to have the same dns name, the only way i have gone around this is to create another network, where the exchange server has the same dns servername. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional

Re: Storage Pool Backup

2002-11-27 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi Tim It is not possible to have one process use 2 tapes. You have to have 2 process, and one process has one input tape and one output tape, witch requers 4 drives. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professiona

SQL Script

2002-10-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi TSM Friends. I am looking for a SQL Script, that a client of mine wants. He wanst to be able to see on what volume a spesific file is. and secondly he wants to be able to see on what volume(s) a filespace is on. has anyone a script like that. I know this script will be realy heavy in process

Re: Volume size

2002-10-09 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
if i remember correctly it is 999 Terabytes. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37

Re: Script problems

2002-10-09 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
What version level are you using in ITSM 5. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37

Re: Renaming a TSM server.

2002-10-08 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Questions: Is this possible without damaging the DB ? What other steps should be added ? Has anyone done this before ? Yes this is realy easy. This is a OS case. if your OS (Operatin System), if your Ip, DNS configurations have been configured there should be no problem. The only thing you

Re: 3583 FC Problem

2002-10-08 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
ohh sorry guys here you go Just type in the search box what book you are looking for. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROT

Re: APAR taken on the Quotes not working in the ADMIN GUI

2002-10-08 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
hey Paul in what version is this bug? Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37

Re: 3583 FC Problem

2002-10-08 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi Joshua If you are using SAN drives. I recomend you to read this readpaper "Of SAN attached tape, For use with Tivoli Storage Manager". It is not the same, configuring SAN Tape drives as you do with SCSI drives. In either case try doing this. Start your ITSM Management console. And start the D

Re: 3583 SCSI on iSeris

2002-10-07 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
several MgSysSAN clients. And it works! Zlatko Krastev IT Consultant Pétur Eyþórsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04.10.2002 14:15 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3583 SCSI on iSeris

2002-10-04 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
This is not a exact TSM case but we are having a extremely difficult time finding anyone with authority in these matters within IBM. We intend to install TSM with PASE on a new iSeris machine. This is the only reference we found. on This white paper "IBM LTO Tape Library Sharing White Paper V2"

ANS1228E Sending of object 'C:' failed

2002-10-04 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
I am using client Version 5 Release 1, Level 1.5 i have been getting failed in the log for some time now without figuring out what the problem is realy? The client seems to be backing almost everything up. This is the only errors that i can see in the dsmsched.log ANS1228E Sending of object 'C:

Event Report

2002-10-04 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi friends :) I am looking for a SQL script that reports to me when the backup is finished. If you do a q event * * begind f=d Policy Domain Name: REKSTRAR Schedule Name: SQLDBINCR Node Name: NSASQL_SQL Scheduled Start: 04-10-2002 00:00:00 Actual Start: 04-10-2002 00:11:3

Re: dsmcsvc.exe will not die

2002-09-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
yes i have had some problems with Anti-virus programs. But is almost impossible to say what caused it there can be so mutch. What kind of applications are running on your TSM Client? What version, maintenance, fix and patch is the Client you are using? What kind of configurations are you using in

differences in between version 4 and 5 in the SQL database

2002-09-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hello there friends :-) This has been buggin me the last week. There have been some changes in the database since it became version 5 I have a script that shows the total amount of data sent over last night. the output is like this in version 4.x and 3.x NODE NAME DOMAIN

Re: create additional diskpool in adsm3.1 on AIX problem

2002-09-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
helle -Original Message- From: Pétur Eyþórsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 1:06 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: create additional diskpool in adsm3.1 on AIX problem Dear Michelle. here are some tips for you make sure you have enough space when you

Re: create additional diskpool in adsm3.1 on AIX problem

2002-09-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Dear Michelle. here are some tips for you make sure you have enough space when you try to create the fylesystem. df -sk try not to have more than one disk volume per Paschal volume, due to performance issues. What commands are you running, Is there enough space for the file, and most import

Re: Large files > 2GB

2002-09-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
can you show us what errors you where getting when you where trying to back up this file. You need to give us more info, Have you made sure the file isn´t locked or in use. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Pro

Re: Optimal VMTUNE Guidelines for a TSM Server

2002-09-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hey Seay, here are a few hints on vmtune. Provided in the bos.adt.samples fileset found in /usr/samples/kernel (not in default path) Contorles varius aspects of the AIX virutal memory system. The virtual memory system contorls most filesystem activity on AIX. Changes to vmtune parameters do not

Re: Backup reporting

2002-09-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Yes Arty, I have the same problem, i solved it wit a select macro scripts, i bind toether in one executable file, I have a example of the output attacment, in a file called log.txt I alsow am workin on a new version, where i will show when the backup compleded, and how the sessions where. If a

Re: migration - when should it happen?

2002-08-29 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
to your second question here is your answer select date(days(current_date)-1) as "DATE" , cast((cast(sum(summary.bytes) as float) / 1024 / 1024) as decimal(10,2)) as MBytes , count(*) as "CONNECTIONS" from summary where summary.activity='BACKUP' and start_time >current_timestamp - 1 day Kvedj

Re: Backup of 300 GB Data within 12 Hours

2002-08-22 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi Sascha Bräuning Yes we are doing it in a few places, and I don't recommend using your LAN for it. I one place we insert another LAN adapter in the client and the TSM server and made a dedicated LAN just for those huge clients - This is the cheap way out of the situation. if you are dealing wit

TSM & Access ODBC

2002-08-21 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Has anyone made a report, in MS Access ? Like a daly report on the last nights backup schedule? Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf

Re: Archive or monthly capability for TDP MS-SQL and MS-Exchange

2002-07-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Dear Mr Donald It is not possible to archive data from SQL and Exchange. I hasn´t hear anything about that IBM will make this feature possible. Old SQL data and old Excahnge data is useless. the only reason for you to use this kind of data is perhaps that 2 years from now you would like to know

Re: TSM Platform ?

2002-06-25 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Dear Eric This, is my oppinion and in this order. 1´st AIX 2´nd SUN 3´rd HP-UX 4´th AS/400 5´th S/390 6´th Windows 2000 7´th Windows NT 8´th VMS Choose the platform on your TSM server you feel confortable supporting, if you don´t have AIX, don´t buy AIX just because TSM runs best on it

Paradox & Sybase

2002-06-07 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi fellow Technicians Can I Backup Paradox and Sybase. into TSM? If I remember correctly, there where adsm connect agents for it in the old days. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certi

TSM Encryption, Again :)

2002-06-05 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi everyone. For those who don't remember this discussion a few months ago here is some update. A few months ago we had a chance to offer TSM to one of the largest company here. Soon it became obvious that security where a large concern to them. They asked a lot of Encryption questions witch we

Re: anr4005e File Not Found Message

2002-05-23 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
hey brian. I have had similar problems with files that have strange names, like special German or Icelandic characters on Linux Clients. Check for anything strange regarding the path and the filename of your file. Also consider updating your TSM client to the newest fix level. Kvedja/Regards

Re: q access question

2002-05-23 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
is this what you are looking for select NODE_NAME, LASTACC_TIME from NODES hope this helps. :) Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf

Re: Please Help

2002-05-23 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
yes Lindy. Start your dsmc client and issue some command that will revoke the TSM sever then, specify your node name and password. then the password file will bee saved in the "ODM database", or what ever the Linux uses for storage information like these. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknim

Re: Monitoring tools

2002-04-24 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
here is one you forgot Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borga

[no subject]

2002-04-22 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
dear mr Eduardo Martinez I forgot that you could only have one drive and if you do then you cant do the thing I was talking about. there where discussion about this earlier today, you could find something there. hope this helps. pete out :) Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Techni

[no subject]

2002-04-22 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Dear Mr Eduardo. TSM isn't build to backup with this system that is Grandpa,Father,Son system. I would never recommend this kind of configuration. You should configure your system so that you can cover the whole time Spam you need. You will reduce tremendous cost in tapes with that kind of conf

Re: Locale on HP-UX 11.0 TSM Server

2002-04-22 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
dear Mr Bob smith The AIX, Solaris, and HP-UX support locales other than English that describe every user interface that varies with location or language. Solaris and HP-UX only support English, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese locale information. The default directories for system-supplied local

Re: dsmserv.opt

2002-04-19 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
you need to send your derect e-mail addres because the default dsmserv.opt exceeds the maximum bytes size on this mail list. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [

Re: unloaddb problem

2002-04-19 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
This error is probably device class related or there is an error in your library configuration. Make sure you can use the device class you are referring to. Try using the drive for other use, backup, copy storage pool e.g. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified S

Re: unloaddb problem

2002-04-19 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
doesn't matter if you can label the tape or not. You need to verify the availably, by taking database backup, backup, backup stg. the label libvolume command is unaffected by the no mount point awilible. I have seen libraries witch you can label the tapes, but you cant mount for backup of any k


2002-04-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi guys A big company here in Iceland is thinking about installing TSM on SUN, they will be the first one to have TSM on SUN here. My question is, Is there anything I should know about (bugs, problems) anything sun related that is different from the other systems. Or should I recommend just us

Re: Daily Backup Report

2002-04-17 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi guys This is the TSM backup log I have set up for my customers. This mail is sent every day to the administrator. This is a script I created for AIX and W2K. If anyone of you like to have it please contact me. I am willing to give it away free. some of the information here is in my native

Re: windows2000/NT client schedulers failing intermittently -Clash with NORTON AV ???

2002-04-12 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
have you checked out the W2K event viewer. is there anything there you can find. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Si

Logical volume Snapshot, to enable 'online' image backups.

2002-04-12 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi Fellow comrades. I am searching for information on how to take Online Image Backups in W2k. with TSM Client 5.1 I know I hasn't read the manual (so don't RTFM me :/ ). how do I do it. Do I need the TSM Server 5 for it or can I do it with TSM Sever 4 thanks in advance Kvedja/Regards Petur

Database Backup

2002-04-12 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi I have a customer who back up his database with server to server. when I do the command Q DB F=D I see that the last complete backup was done on the 4 of February 2002. this is strange because a full database backup is supposed to be done every mourning. When I backup the database to a serv

Re: Client Option Sets

2002-04-10 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Yes i agree with you Dale. although i don´t see it like that I would like to see a hierarchy in Client Option Sets. One Mother Client option for all, and then you can define it longer and in more details down the road. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specia

Re: TSM 5.1 Availability

2002-04-09 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
can we expect something new in TDP Oracle. a GUI would be nice :) Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569

Re: dsmerror.log location.

2002-04-08 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
yes William the only place i know about where you can define the errorlog retention is in the dsm.sys file. you can do it like this ERRORLOGNAME %the path and the name of the errrolog file% ERRORLOGRETENTION %how long you are going to keep the log% Example ERRORLOGNAME /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/b

TSM VS Omniback

2002-04-05 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
In the recent discussions I have been talking about Encrtipion in TSM and other for one HUGE potential TSM costumer. The main competition here in Iceland is somewhat different from the rest of the world. HP is very strong here and they are ore biggest competitor in storage solutions (HP Omniback)

Re: Technical comparisons

2002-04-04 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
go go Paul Seay. :) Thaths exacly what i needed to hear about that article. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi T

RE: don´t aynone know anything about Encryption in TSM.

2002-04-04 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
tion, there are no other TSM-enabled means of >encrypting the data. > >Regards, > >Andy > >Andy Raibeck >IBM Software Group >Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development >Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS >Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > >Th

Re: The schedule doesn't go back to its normal status

2002-04-04 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
What version of TSM BA/Client are you using? Try installing latest fixes, reseting the password, anf if that don´t work try reinstalling the client Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certif

TOTAL Data on the Backup System

2002-04-03 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi can anyone give me a Select statemnt witch gives the output of all the total data on the TSM Backup System. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTE

RE: don´t aynone know anything about Encryption in TSM.

2002-04-02 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. The command line is your friend. "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence. Pétur Eyþórsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "AD

RE: don´t aynone know anything about Encryption in TSM.

2002-04-02 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
ver, there is no way for the server to de-crypt the data before storage. Please let me know, as I would like to look at the documentation. Jack > > From: Pétur Eyþórsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: 2002/04/02 Tue AM 07:04:45 EST > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: don´t ayn

don´t aynone know anything about Encryption in TSM.

2002-04-02 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi i have posted this 2 times before here but havent receved a reply yet. thus led me to belive that knowlegde on this is wery limited. I have a big custemer who is considerating TSM for there backup system. However, they will be needing to take some of there backup offsite. They have extremly va

Encryption in TSM

2002-03-26 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi i am wondering about security in TSM. If i have a backupset, is it posible to encrypt it so that people cant use it without a password. If i use the encript enhancement does it encrypt the data to the tape? Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist -

ADSM Connect Agent for Lotus Notes.

2002-03-12 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Does the ADSM Connect Agent for Lotus Notes version 2.1.9 work on TSM Server Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf

TDP for Lotus Notes

2002-03-11 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi i am searching for the TDP Client for Lotus Notes. I have the lic file but i need the program. where can i download the latest update? Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified Syste

Gartner Research article, Puts TSM in Second Place, for the Best Enterprize Backup Solution!

2002-03-05 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
What do you guys think about this article? Source: Gartner Research As the amount of storage being backed up continues to grow exponentially and tight budgets increase the importance of improving staff productivity and utilization rates, the following trends have become obvious: the move to ent

Re: Please Respond for a Share Session on Wednesday 3/6 Your Favorite SQL Statement

2002-03-05 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
whats your e-mail then Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37105 Iceland

Re: TSM on Win NT, insufficient number of mount points

2002-03-04 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
yes Þórður Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37105 Iceland URL:

Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question

2002-03-01 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
. -Original Message- From: Pétur Eyþórsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 10:55 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question Just to be sure. This can be done with the server online. I must confess im a bit rusty in Exchange. Kvedja/Regards Petur

Re: my timesheet

2002-03-01 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
hi hi hi :) It seems yore not doing your disaster recovery :) Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-

Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question

2002-03-01 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
o the exmerge at same time (see above). As far as extra time? What ever your through-put is on "X gb's" of data, then that is the time that the backup will take in excess. -Original Message- From: Pétur Eyþórsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 6:07 AM

Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question

2002-03-01 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
but when i do a export of my Information store, to a pst files, does the Exchange haft to read the Entire IS for eatch PST Files, dosn´t that take a long time. and my backup could be running forever. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Stor

Re: logmode/bufpoolsize/mpthreading RECOMENDED BUFPOOLSIZE

2002-03-01 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Here is what i Recomend about Bufpoolsize. It depends on youre amount of system memmory and can vary a bit. SYSTEM MEMMORY (MB) RECOMENDED BUFFER POOL SIZE (KB) 32 2048 48 3072 64

Re: TSM Client

2002-02-26 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi Nazir Never use the base level clients. That is Clients ending with 0.0 My expirience is that they often contain bugs, witch are fixed in hiher level TSM Clients. example use this client. But youre question is Yes You can use all 4.1 clients on 4.2 and i think all 3.7 clients to, bu

Installing TSM 4.2 without Media CD

2002-02-26 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi i have a problem. I am supost to get TSM 4.2 Media Kit CD for one of my customers, but it sadly seem like the cd´s vent the wrong way around the world, because they aren´t showing up. I despredly need the 4.2 CD for windows. I have on the other hand access to a 4.2 Windows server, but as i sa


2002-02-21 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Send the the dump to IBM Support they should be able to figure it out. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +3

Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question

2002-02-21 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi Is there a way for me to restore a individual Mailbox, by NOT restoring the whole Information Store. and not backup PST files using TSM Backup Client. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft

Re: Default Mgment Classes

2002-02-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
and you need to remember to acticate your policy set Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgar

Re: TSM and RAID on NT

2002-02-13 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Thanks Kelly. But what is JBOD? My Hardware guys say that on Application Servers, they get best perfomance when setting the stripe size to 16K instead of 8K default (witch is ideal for File & Print Servers) thanks in advance Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified


2002-02-13 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
defaulting to 63. Regards Stuart Infrastructure Services Operations Bridge Innogy Swindon * 01793 896060 Fax 01793 896065 * mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Pleas note the change of company name from National Power to Innogy > -Original Message- > From: Pétur Eyþórsson [SMTP:


2002-02-13 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi i am wondering about TCPWINDOWSIZE, regarding perfomance tuning. This senario has WINNT TSM Server Tivoli Recomends this option in dsmserv.opt TCPWINDOWSIZE 2048 But the info cleary sates that only WIN2K has the option to have so large window. WIN2K 1-2048 WIN9X,NT,ME

Test Restore on Exchange.

2002-02-13 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi i am doing a TEST Restore on TDP for Exghange 5.5 I am using the old TSM Client TDP for Exchange. Now i can restore the Information Store. But i can´t restore the Diricetory. I get this error ACN4218E -- Directory databases can only be restored to their origination Exchange Server. My ques

TSM and RAID on NT

2002-02-13 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Hi what is the best RAID for TSM on NT and how large should the Stripe Size be on the RAID CONTROLER. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ny

TSM Backup Script, bytes sent over last session.

2002-02-12 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
I know this has been posted here a hundred times but i would like it wery mutch if somone nice would send me a admin script, that displays the amount of data sent thourh the last 24hrs for nodes? Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storag

Re: Splitting Library LTO3584

2002-02-07 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Are you talking about Library partitioning? Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37

Re: 3584 microcode

2002-02-07 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
I have had simmilar problems on IBM 3583. They all got solved by Installing the firmware, Restarting the stuff and check the firmware again. i sometimes had to do this up to 3 times befor all the LTO drives firmware kicked in. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certifie

Re: How to restore x server s data to Y server .

2002-02-07 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
You need to grant authority from the x nodes to the Y node, so it can restore other client´s data. You can do this both on the x nodes and on the TSM Server. REMEBER. the filesystems on the clients need to be compatable. Like you can restore data from Win9x to WinNT or WIN2k. But you CAN NOT res

Re: Client in Cluster.

2002-02-07 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
Yes you can use the standard TSM Client. You need to do a few modifacations though, you can find the instructions in the TSM Client manual. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified Syste

Re: Canceling process so long ........

2002-02-07 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
you have to wait until the Space Reclimation has finished the curent file it was transfering. If the file is Huge you just have to wait the time for it to finish. You can halt the server, but then you could end up with corupt database, damaged files and so on. basicly NOT RECOMENDED. Kvedja/

Re: Has anyone been able to get an AIX mksysb backup to backup to TSM -lto or tape using tsm

2002-02-07 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson
PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Intranet : Storage Web <http://intranet/cis_bstb/html_content/sm/index_sm.htm> _ - Everybody has a photographic memory, some just don't have film. - -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: Pétur Eyþórsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Ver

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