Hi i am wondering about TCPWINDOWSIZE, regarding perfomance tuning. This senario has WINNT TSM Server
Tivoli Recomends this option in dsmserv.opt TCPWINDOWSIZE 2048 But the info cleary sates that only WIN2K has the option to have so large window. WIN2K 1-2048 WIN9X,NT,ME 1-64 UX-Systems 1-2048 SUN 1-1024 NETWARE 1-64 MAC 1-128 VMS NA what happens if i have the window 2048 on NT? And shouln´t i always have the largest windows possible on both the Clients & Server? Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37 105 Iceland URL: http://www.nyherji.is