the famus ANR9999D is an error message that happens wen the server/client does something that is not expected of them, or the programers at Tuscon Arizona did not expect the Client/server to do that operation. when you recive this message, and it causes serius effects, you can only turn to IBM for support. but they always ask you to do the same thing first so you migth as well do that before you contact them, and that is to upgrade the client and server to the latest patch level and test it then, if these clients are on windows, try restarting, re-installing and the usual windows crap that you need to do.
I can´t help you more than this, since i don´t know what the C subprogram smutil.c does, and I would only expect tha IBM service level 2 and above holdes that information.
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Bob Booth - CITES/UIUC
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> 20.08.2005 13:55
Can anybody explain this message:
ANR9999D smutil.c(11273): ThreadId<26> Affinity ID is 0 for session nnnn
I only see them when a couple of different clients connect. It seems that
the client doesn't get its session when this happens and it happens every
time they connect.
TSM 5.1.10 on AIX 5.2 ML 5
Bob Booth