Thanks for your help Tony You saved my ass :)
Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37 105 Iceland URL: -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Consiglio, Tony Sent: 1. mars 2002 16:32 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question Yes Petur, the Exmerge can run either or. You will most likely want to do this while the servers exchange services are running. We are in the midst of creating a new scheduled *.cmd file that does this M-F then on the following Monday, it deletes entire directory and starts the process all over again. -----Original Message----- From: Pétur Eyţórsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 10:55 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question Just to be sure. This can be done with the server online. I must confess im a bit rusty in Exchange. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37 105 Iceland URL: -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Consiglio, Tony Sent: 1. mars 2002 13:08 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question Info store question: Yes, the exmerge does have to read from the Info Store (if that's what you meant by IS) for each PST. Time Frame question: No, not at all. Actually the Exmerge utility goes very fast. We have a 6.5gb DB and that takes about 20-25 minutes to do a Exmerge on it. Also, you do not schedule the Exmerge at same time, I would say run the exmerge during an off-time and clock it. We are setting our time to do exmerge 1 hour before backup goes off. Then PST are written to a folder and the rest is history. Backup Question: You do not do the exmerge at same time (see above). As far as extra time? What ever your through-put is on "X gb's" of data, then that is the time that the backup will take in excess. -----Original Message----- From: Pétur Eyţórsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 6:07 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question but when i do a export of my Information store, to a pst files, does the Exchange haft to read the Entire IS for eatch PST Files, dosn´t that take a long time. and my backup could be running forever. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37 105 Iceland URL: -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Consiglio, Tony Sent: 1. mars 2002 00:15 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question Confused? Actually Mark, what I wrote came straight from M.S. And yes the MAPI is used to do "online" backups. How else would your backup software system (i.e. Arcserve 2000) be able to see the Information Store? As far as the difference of MAPI/API? MAPI's are sub-sets of API's. MAPI just like a AVAPI (or VAPI). MAPI's are not old at all, they are still being used (from 3rd party vendors) so I do not know what you meant by "older Microsoft Mail client". Yes MAPI is the API call that is used to look at the database in a "3 dimensional" sort of way, but it is not M.S.'s MAPI. It is a 3rd party MAPI. However, you do not have to restore "entire" information store in order to get back one or more mailboxes or folders with in a mailbox. You run Exmerge, export to a PST file. That gets backed up as a regular file. You then can go from there as to what you need from that PST file and how you use it. For example: (from personal experience) the mailbox was corrupted. I re-created the mailbox exactly how it was before. Then logged in to initialize the new mailbox, created a personal folder, and imported my entire PST into that personal folder. Then I methodically copied up what I needed. (i.e. inbox, calendar, etc...). Without mincing words, a PST is a personal folder, yes, but you still need a place to import it to, and that place is a "personal folder" in outlook. However, the only problem was the public folders. We still needed an agent for those. As a matter of fact, I have not done testing on how to backup/restore Pub Folders "with-out" and agent. :-( -----Original Message----- From: Remeta, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 1:11 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question Tony I think your a little confused. On-line backups are not done with 'M.S's MAPI', it's done through MS's api calls. MAPI is a interface used by the older Microsoft Mail client. MAPI is the interface that the brick level backup people use to extract the information from the Exchange Information Store. PST files are personal folders that can be stored locally and hold Outlook information such as email, calendar, etc. The recommended Microsoft approach is to restore the entire Information Store to another server and export the user's mailbox to a personal folder, ie:PST. Then import that information into the production Exchange servers information store. Mark -----Original Message----- From: Consiglio, Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 12:16 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question Hi, Here is what I have found to be "FACT" from M.S. They do not support Brick Level layer backup, simply because ALL 3rd party vendor's DO NOT use M.S.'s MAPI for the brick's. They all use their own version as a gentleman stated in past e-mails. However, They "Do" support "ONLINE" backups with any 3rd party vendors software. WHY? because they all use M.S.'s MAPI to do it. So this only leaves us to backup up PST files, and do restore- import - copy over (or copy up) to existing user mail box. So, to answer your question: Since you can not do Brick level backup/restores, you should at least backup the PST files. and no, you do not have to restore the entire Info Store. Now TSM says to do an "entire duplicate Exchange server build" in order to recover your mail. Here is what M.S. has suggested. Schedule CMD files with the "AT command (or WinAT)" to use EXmerge utility (Exchange resource kit). Export them to a PST file, import them into a personal folder and copy up the data needed. Now you can get as fancy as you want with the CMD files and piping them to a TXT file for Exmerge and what it is doing (makes for a good Exchange Admin log). Keep in mind though. Not only do you need enough H.D.D. space for the offline defrags but you also need to have enough H.D.D. space for the PST files. How much? Well if your database is 4 gb? then you need at least that amount to run defrag plus (if you are using Exmerge on entire Exchange server mailboxes) 1.5(x's) the space for the exported PST's. All together (doing the math), using the 4gb base #, you will need 10gb of free space, in order to do all this. Yes, also keep in mind that the PST files can be kept elsewhere AND your Exmerge can be done elsewhere as well as the PST's can be placed on other machine's. If you read up on Exmerge you will know what I am speaking of. Hope this helps. Tony -----Original Message----- From: Pitur Ey~srsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 2:47 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Exchange TDP 2.2 Restore Question Hi Is there a way for me to restore a individual Mailbox, by NOT restoring the whole Information Store. and not backup PST files using TSM Backup Client. Kvedja/Regards Petur Eythorsson Taeknimadur/Technician IBM Certified Specialist - AIX Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional Microsoft Certified System Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nyherji Hf Simi TEL: +354-569-7700 Borgartun 37 105 Iceland URL: Confidentiality Note: The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to whom or which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. 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