Re: Most DVDs Won't Play All of a Sudden

2012-03-12 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Teresa,

YOu most likely have some kind of hardware issue, probably something stuck in 
the drive itself. This happened to me and it ended up being a piece of paper. 
Take your machine to an Apple Store and they can remove it for you. 

Hope this helps,
Kevin Shaw
On 2012-03-12, at 7:33 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> In the last month, I've noticed that DVDs won't play. The player seems to 
> consider them a foreign object. It spins for about 30 seconds and then spits 
> them out again. I don't know if this is a hardware or software issue. What 
> can I try on the software side to reset drivers or disk permissions, etc.?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "On the other hand, there are different fingers."
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Where's My Mail?

2012-03-14 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi guys,

I've got a Mobile Me account which I've successfully ported over to iCloud. 
Yesterday, my In Box had about 2030 messages in it and today it's only 
displaying the 4 latest messages. I know the mail is still there, because it 
shows up on my iMac which is running Snow Leopard.

On my iPhone, the mail shows up the same way—the 4 most recent messages and 
nothing else. Does anyone know how I can get my mail back?


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Workflow not Flowing

2012-04-08 Thread Kevin Shaw
Here's a question about workflows.

I have a folder action set up on my downloads folder. 

when MP3 files beginning with specific words appear in the Downloads folder, 
move it to a separate folder.

This has worked out well, however only some of the time. The files are all 
prefixed the same. Anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?


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For Moderator: Re: A question regarding

2012-04-27 Thread Kevin Shaw
Could Cara or another mod address this please?

The site is a legitimate  e-commerce site. The movie 
vault portion of that site is an illegal file sharing website that has been 
reported to the Motion Picture Association of America and the FBI for copyright 
infringement. As a list subscriber and someone who works in the entertainment 
industry, I'm going to ask that discussions of this nature not be carried out 
on this list. 

Thank you,
Kevin Shaw

On 2012-04-27, at 1:12 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote:

> Hello,
> On which link did you find the movies? I cannot seem to find them on this new 
> site. :/
> Ezzie Bueno
> Sent from my Macbook Pro
> (323) 448-0757
> Check out daily jokes and more!
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> On Apr 27, 2012, at 9:11 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I recently came to know about a site called
>>> The site contains some really good audio described Hollywood movies.
>>> I even tried a couple of them and the quality of the audio description was 
>>> really awesome.
>>> However, when I tried downloading a few movies today, I was directed to the 
>>> SendSpace page as usual, but when I clicked on the ' click here to start 
>>> the download' link,  the download didn't start and I got weird errors like 
>>> 'You can only download one file at a time' or 'There are no slots available 
>>> for download'.
>>> This happened when I tried downloading the Harry Potter Movies and also the 
>>> Hangover part 1 and part 2.
>>> I've tried downloading them on a number of occasions, but I haven't had any 
>>> success yet.
>>> Please help me if you can to solve this problem.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rahul
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Re: Data Detecter

2012-04-27 Thread Kevin Shaw
Is there something in the Announcements pane of the VO control panel that 
allows you to turn the notificaiton of Data Detectors into tones instead?


On 2012-04-27, at 4:50 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Well as far as I can tell! there is no way to stop it!
> I'm not sure if it can be tamed in the custom verbosity settings in VO 
> utility!
> But it would be nice to have the option to turn it on or off!
> Maybe a suggestion to them nice people at Accessibility!
> Colin
> Unless someone knows different! :]
> On 27 Apr 2012, at 19:52, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>> Hi Steve and everyone!
>> I too am watching to see if anyone chimes in here. It annoys me too. Thanks.
>> Veronica
>> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing the Star-spangled Banner at 
>> Then find more music from The Guide Dog Glee Club and Veronica Elsea at 
>> Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>> On Apr 27, 2012, at 1:46 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> Anyone have an answer to this question? I got no replies from before
>>> and I still haven't found a way to get Data Detecter to go away.
>>> On 4/23/12, Steve Holmes  wrote:
 Hi, Is there any way to get VO on the mac to stop saying "data detecter"
 every time you arrow across what text is perceived to be an address or 
 number? I find this to be especially annoying when arrowing through emails
 in particular. It also says that every time you left or right arrow through
 a link to spell it out letter by letter.
 Any ideas?
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Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-27 Thread Kevin Shaw
I can appreciate your frustration with having no access to descriptive video 
content through reliable channels outside of broadcasting. I see both sides of 
the issue. I am blind and appreciate described content. I also make a living 
from intellectual property and have a media business background. I'm involved 
in an initiative under non-disclosure with the major studios regarding 
descriptive video. Sites like the movie vault will seriously undermine the goal 
I am trying to accomplish. In my meetings with the  studios over the next few 
weeks, I'll be showing them the Blind Mice movie vault to be sure as well as 
your email as part of my venture. I can't say anything more on this.

The complaints against the movie vault were FILED last fall with the FBI and 
MPAA. American bureaucracy being what it is, the complaints are being processed 

Cara and mods, your input will be appreciated on this matter.


On 2012-04-27, at 10:51 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Naturally, if the moderator deems this discussion verboten, I will refrain 
> further, but I would feel remiss not to point out the following for 
> consideration:
> 1. As of several hours ago, there was nothing on the FBI's official web site 
> regarding an investigation, nor were there any press releases or other 
> comparable references to an investigation of the movie vault. A reference 
> would be appreciated; mere speculation or rumor could be deemed libelous.
> 2. The problem industries have with illegal file-sharing is loss of revenue. 
> Since, at least in the United States, there is virtually no way to purchase 
> audio-described movies or television shows, the industry is not being cheated 
> of revenue.
> 3. The files are straight audio, with no ability, for example, to "watch" 
> with sighted peers while having the benefit of the audio description. This is 
> not at all remotely similar to downloading a film for the family to watch. 
> That being said, the vast majority of the sighted community does this with 
> impunity, even though many of the shows and movies they download can be seen 
> for free when they are are shown on television. We, on the other hand, cannot 
> even enjoy full access to these shows when they *are* on television. Either 
> they are not audio-described at all, or it is not easy to turn on the 
> secondary audio channel, or a particular station only carries foreign 
> language broadcasts on the SAC rather than audio description. Comparing 
> access to audio-described movies and shows in mp3 format to the type of 
> file-sharing which goes on 24/7 on hundreds and thousands of sites is a 
> stretch.
> 4. If the government and/or the involved industries  wish to do something 
> about the existence of resources like the movie vault, the former should 
> mandate, and the latter should provide a market from which we can obtain 
> these items. I have been able to watch a non-described movie with others 
> after listening to an mp3 file and tell another blind person what is going on 
> thanks to that previous experience.  My two blind children have been able to 
> enjoy fare which their peers enjoyed months or years ago. Until the 
> entertainment industry levels the playing field, I will utilize resources 
> like the movie vault with the same guiltless pleasure I take in 
> (and, by the way, it is possible to download books from which 
> are available commercially.) We cannot use the Kindle as others do.  WE 
> cannot use the Nook.  We are severely limited in what we can access 
> independently when it comes to entertainment, and we must even still fight 
> for access to education at every level, despite technological advances. 
> Holding us to the same standards as the vast majority of illegal file-sharers 
> is  legally, morally, and economically inequitable.
> Christine
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Re: automatically add to itunes folder?

2012-05-11 Thread Kevin Shaw

I use the Automatically Add to itunes smart folder as well. tings in the Not 
added folder include:
•   Album artwork, such as JPEGs and PDF files with track listings.
•   Files in formats not supported by iTunes, such as FLAC, OGG, WMA and so 
•   Other misc. file formats that aren't music.

Hope this helps,
On 2012-05-11, at 11:19 AM, Caitlyn Furness wrote:

> Hi,
> Ok,, this should be a no brainer, but is there a trick to using this folder 
> to add music to my i tunes library?  I've been happily pasting songs into it, 
> and thought they were being added, but today saw a couple of sub folders 
> called "not added"!  Now, I'm confused!  What can I do about this, and how do 
> I used this folder if this isn't the way to use it?
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
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Re: radio automation software for the mac?

2012-06-22 Thread Kevin Shaw
Also check out MegaSeg. I am not sure how accessible it is, but I know of 
stations running Macs that use this software.


On 2012-06-21, at 7:29 PM, Hank Smith wrote:

> thanks I will give this a look at.
> Hank
> On 6/21/2012 2:18 PM, andre carioca wrote:
>> In Brazil, Some Mac users runing an application called Audiorack Suite.
>> 2012/6/21, Hank Smith :
>>> Hello am curious any one know of any radio automation software for the mac?
>>> hope to hear back.
>>> Hank
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Voice Changer that Works Through Skype

2012-08-07 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi gang,

I've got a friend who needs to interview someone through Skype, but for privacy 
reasons, the interviewee's voice needs to be changed/modulated. Does anyone 
know of software that can do this?

Any help is appreciated.


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Re: Voice Changer that Works Through Skype

2012-08-08 Thread Kevin Shaw
I should have been more specific. The person is being interviewed live on the 
radio via Skype. It's important that we protect the person's identity for 
reasons of privacy and safety. the interview cannot be pre taped, as the 
interviewee insists on doing the interview live.

So, again, if anyone knows of software that can achieve this, I'd be most 


On 2012-08-08, at 11:22 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> It also depends on how much security is required. If they need obfuscation 
> then you doing a pitch drop can just as easily be undone by somebody else. I 
> wouldn't rely on tools built just for fun if you're really in need of 
> protecting somebody's identity. Might be best to just have them send text and 
> record it being read by VoiceOver. Anything that is driven by the original 
> audio can be unmasked.
> CB
> On 8/8/12 1:27 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>>  Hi Kevin, what your friend could do after the call is initially recorded, 
>> is to edit the call in an audio editor, dropping the voice of the 
>> interviewee in pitch.  I'd say that'd be their best bet.
>> On 2012-08-07, at 11:46 PM, Harry Hogue  wrote:
>>> Kevin,
>>> I know there is an iPhone app called "Voice Changer" that will do this, but 
>>> I can't imagine any legitimate job position which would require this as an 
>>> initial part of the interview process.  That sounds very fishy to me.  
>>> however, please check out that app, which is mentioned as a way to have fun 
>>> with your friends, etc.
>>> I hope this helps.
>>> Harry
>>> On Aug 7, 2012, at 9:16 PM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
>>>> Hi gang,
>>>> I've got a friend who needs to interview someone through Skype, but for 
>>>> privacy reasons, the interviewee's voice needs to be changed/modulated. 
>>>> Does anyone know of software that can do this?
>>>> Any help is appreciated.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Kevin
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Moving Mobile Me to iCloud Issues

2011-11-17 Thread Kevin Shaw
Sorry guys. Not sure if I'm late to the party on this, but I'm having 
difficulty using VO to click buttons on the site to move my Mobile Me account 
over to iCloud. Here are the steps I followed.

•   I'm running iOS 5.0.1 on my new 4S and Lion 10.7.2 on my Mac.
•   I opened iCloud in System Prefs. Clicked the Move to iCloud button.
•   Clicked the checkboxes and buttons on the move to iCloud site. The, 
clicked the Move to iCloud button after agreeing to the terms and conditions.
•   Progress bar remains indeterminate and it appears that nothing happens.
•   On my iPhone, I click iCloud in Settings. I log in and get a message 
telling me to move to iCloud on the website.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,

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Re: Moving Mobile Me to iCloud Issues

2011-11-19 Thread Kevin Shaw
I've tried using Webkit and Safari with no success. I'll try with JAWS version 
9 million at work with Firefox. I have also written to Apple Accessibility 
asking them if they can help at all. Let's see if they come up with anything to 
help people make the switch.


On 2011-11-19, at 5:18 AM, Candie Stiles wrote:

> I also tried moving my mobileme account to Icloud using vo and had 
> difficulty. When I was at the mobileme/move website, all vo read was one 
> button and then a pop up button. The rest were a bunch of images. I clicked 
> on everything several times and couldn't get anything to happen. I finally 
> asked a friend who is sighted to set it up for me. It is a very simple and 
> quick process if only the info on the screen was read by vo.
> Candie
> On Nov 18, 2011, at 1:14 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hello Kevin.
>> I also had this problem but Mark Taylor was very kind to help me. 
>> The steps are here for you to follow.
>> 1. Please go to HTTP://
>> Then follow the instructions. This may not work with Jaws as there is some 
>> kind of graphics. Hopefully this should work with Voice Over. If not, try 
>> another screenreader in Windows. I could not use Safari to do it, but Mark 
>> did it fine for me at the time over Skype.
>> Kawal. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 18 Nov 2011, at 03:48 AM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
>>> Sorry guys. Not sure if I'm late to the party on this, but I'm having 
>>> difficulty using VO to click buttons on the site to move my Mobile Me 
>>> account over to iCloud. Here are the steps I followed.
>>> •I'm running iOS 5.0.1 on my new 4S and Lion 10.7.2 on my Mac.
>>> •I opened iCloud in System Prefs. Clicked the Move to iCloud button.
>>> •Clicked the checkboxes and buttons on the move to iCloud site. The, 
>>> clicked the Move to iCloud button after agreeing to the terms and 
>>> conditions.
>>> •Progress bar remains indeterminate and it appears that nothing happens.
>>> •On my iPhone, I click iCloud in Settings. I log in and get a message 
>>> telling me to move to iCloud on the website.
>>> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
>>> Kevin
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Re: siri

2011-11-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Rachel,

SIRI is still in beta mode and there are service outages from time to time. My 
phone in Canada goes through the same thing every so often. the best thing to 
do is wait a bit for the service to get less congested and try again. At least, 
this is the approach I take.


On 2011-11-28, at 4:47 PM, Rachel Magario wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> anyone having issues with siri? My often say something is wrong and she 
> cannot do something at the moment and I should try again later, or she does 
> not find people on my contacts I know are there and she is getting the name 
> right.
> Any ideas? Could it be a software or hardware issue?
> Thanks for any info.
> Rachel
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Re: algoriddim DJ 4 updated and accessible

2011-11-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Yuma and others using DJ,

I just got the software. Pretty cool. I was a mobile DJ for 7 years using CDs 
and Denon CD players with pitch controls. The interface of the program looks 
okay so far and I've been having fun playing with transitions and so on.

I've got a couple of questions  you may be able to help with:

1.  Can you recommend a good and accessible DJ controller? I'm going to 
assume that once I get the controller, there is nothing else I need to do when 
installing it with OS X?
2.  Is there an easy way to set a cue point using the keyboard? I've tried 
using the keyboard commands, but it doesn't seem to recognize the downbeat when 
I do this, even though I'm trying to be as precise as possible.
3.  Has anyone been able to get the sampler to load up different samples?

On 2011-11-22, at 3:47 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Christer, 
> You're right. I tend to use midi controllers and map everything to them and 
> use individual effects on and off with their dry/wet paremeters.
> As for the sampler, check the samples folder in dj and play around with them, 
> then you can map them to your own pads. There's still no sequencing 
> capability with the samples, all being one shots, hopefully they'll update 
> that.
> Also, try telling @algoriddim on twitter to make the sampler/audio effects 
> panels accessible just as i did. I think they had made them accessible but 
> that was the reason for the sluggishness at the start. Maybe. Hopefully 
> Best 
> Yuma 
> On 22/11/2011, at 2:59 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> 19 nov 2011 kl. 16:25 skrev Yuma Decaux:
>>> Full set of audio effects and one shot effects that can all be configured 
>>> and paremetered for custom transitions.
>> I couldn't see the fx at all, just like in earlier versions. Am i doing 
>> something wrong?
>>> A sampler section for up to 8 samples that can be triggered during mixes
>> Saw that and it looks cool.
>> How about the new looping possibilities? When i checked that tool i couldn't 
>> see it at all. This was under the buggy version though, in the latest 
>> version i can't see anything but just the main interface, not even the check 
>> boxes for showing/hiding effects, samples, loops, cue points etc.
>> /Krister
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Re: Questions about sound check

2011-11-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
> Hello all,
> Does anyone use sound check for their iPods or iTunes?
Yes. I use it on both my iPhone and in my iTunes.

> Can you use sound check on a Nano but not iTunes?
yes. This can be turned on in the settings/preferences for each. 

> Any guidance on how to best use it?  

Simply turn it on. what it does is adjusts the perceived loudness of your song 
relative to other songs. This way, you're not constantly turning your volume up 
and down because the following track is too loud/quiet.

> Do you like it?
It's great for worry-free playlists and shuffling a wide variety of styles and 
> Lastly, if you use sound check, do you have a volume limit on your Nano?
I tend to leave the volume limit off on the iPhone. A good pair of headphones 
means I can listen to the music at lower volume.

> Thanks,
> Traci
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Re: speaker on iPhone

2011-12-19 Thread Kevin Shaw
Try rebooting your phone. Hold the Sleep/Wake button for 7 sec and then tap the 
"Slide to Power Off" button. Wait for a minute or so and then hold the 
sleep/wake button agian.

I've encountered a similar problem with my 4S and my old 3GS. It seems that the 
accelerometer needs to be whipped into position every once in a  while for 
speaker phone to take. Try moving it away from your face quickly. 

On 2011-12-19, at 8:01 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:

> I believe the correct way to make the phone go into speaker phone is to take 
> the phone away from your ear and hold it as if it was sitting on a table.  
> I.e. flat.  It then thinks it is resting on a table and will go into speaker 
> phone mode.
> Hth,
> Jeff
> On 2011-12-19, at 6:55 PM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi guys.
>> I have a question, and it is driving me crazy. I just called Apple Care 
>> about this, and basically, I don't think they believed me. 
>> I use the feature I'm describing all the time. Until two days ago, it was 
>> working just fine. If you're on a call and you want to go to speaker phone, 
>> the manual used to say (it did when I got my iPhone back in January) to take 
>> the phone away from your face and it would become a speaker phone. As I 
>> said, it worked like a charm until two days ago.
>> Now, all of a sudden, for no reason I can figure out, I have to go to hide 
>> keypadnd then Speaker, a pain with VoiceOver when someone is talking and you 
>> need to switch them over to speaker phone. Also, VoiceOver is quietly 
>> talking into the earpiece, and I'm finding it hard to hear the choices so I 
>> can get the thing turned on.
>> I could not find this feature in the iPhone manual any more. Is this 
>> something they changed because of Siri? If so, it would have been really 
>> nice if Apple Care people had just said so from the start.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> nd speaker. This is a real pain with 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 19, 2011, at 4:55 PM, ezzie bueno  wrote:
>>> Hello Esther and others,
>>> My thumb drive is not in use when I try to eject it.  COMMAND E is not 
>>> working.  What else can be going on?
>>> Ezzie
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Esther >> To:
>>> Date sent: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 12:00:09 -1000
>>> Subject: Ejecting a USB flash drive with a keyboard shortcut [was Re: 
>>> MBPKeyboard]
>>> Hi Ezzie and Others,
>>> The usual reason that a drive fails to eject is that it is still in use.  
>>> This could be either because a copy or write operation is still going on 
>>> and transferring data, or because you have navigated into the file 
>>> structure of the drive in Finder to query contents.  I do find that 
>>> Command-E works to eject drives provided they are not in use, but there's 
>>> nothing wrong with following either Ricardo's method with the context menu 
>>> or Gigi's checks that the device is not active.  I've retitled the subject 
>>> line to better reflect the content of the discussion.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Dec 19, 2011, at 11:32, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I guess I'm old fashion.  lol.  I prefer to bring up the context menu with 
>>> VO shift M and just press enter on eject.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Dec 19, 2011, at 4:31 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Y'all.
>>> Command E does not always work for me, especially on thumb drives.  I was 
>>> told by Apple that if you are writing to the drive and it gets ejected too 
>>> soon, you can mess up your thumb drive.  Therefore, these days I always 
>>> check to see if my drive is on my list of active devices before I take it 
>>> out.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Dec 19, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Hi Ezzie,
>>> Command+E should eject the drive.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of ezzie bueno
>>> Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 1:55 PM
>>> To:;
>>> Subject: MBP Keyboard
>>> Hello list:
>>> When I try and eject a USB flash drive, it will not eject.  I know I've got
>>> it selected.
>>> However, when I eject one on my sister's account, it ejects properly.  Is
>>> there a setting I may have modified on my account that I shouldn't have?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ezzie Ez Bueno
>>> Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
>>> Skype: sillyez
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Re: Question about making itunes playlists

2011-12-20 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Missy and others,
There is an easy way to manage your christmas music in iTunes without creating 
a separate music library.

I recently imported all of my christmas music at once so I could manage the 
files as a huge block in the Recently Added playlist that comes with iTunes. 
From there, you can do one of two things:

1.  Create a new playlist and call it "Christmas Music." Select your files 
and choose Add to Playlist from the contextual menu. (VO-Shift-M.) Choose the 
christmas Music playlist you just created. 

This method works if you can quickly grab a bunch of songs at once and throw 
them into the playlist. There is another way that is a little more efficient 
and requires a few more steps. You can do this with a smart playlist.

Find the songs you want to add to your smart playlist. Choose Get Info 
(command-I) on the song or songs. 

You are going to navigate to the "Grouping" field. There, type in a descriptive 
term like "Christmas". If you need to hunt for your Christmas music among all 
of your music, set a VO hot spot so you can quickly get back to the Grouping 

Repeat this with all of your Christmas music. 

When you've finished your 200 tracks, create a new smart playlist from the File 
menu, or use command-option-N. 

You'll be presented with a dialog box that will let you set rules for the 
playlist. Set it up like this:

Match the following rule: Grouping contains "Christmas". 
Uncheck the "Limit to X items" checkbox. 
Uncheck the "Match only checked items" checkbox.
Check the "Live Updating" checkbox.

Hit OK. You'll be asked to name your new smart playlist. Name it and hit enter.

Voila! You'll have a smart playlist containing all of your  Christmas music. 
Once you're in this playlist, you can check and uncheck these items in bulk by 
selecting all and choosing check or uncheck al in the context menu.

I've done this for my christmas music and it's a really good way of sorting the 
good stuff into a playlist. It also lets you customize other smart playlists by 
genre or other terms you stick in the grouping field. i.e. Christmas 
instrumentals, christmas jazz, Christmas cocktail party and so on. the benefit 
of using the grouping field is that you are able to customize the genre 
specifically to the music without using a catch all term like christmas.

Email me off list if you  get stuck.

On 2011-12-19, at 10:36 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> What you ask is not possible.  For a song to be in a playlist, it need to be 
> in the main music playlist.  But, there is a way you can have all the 
> christmas music skipped if your just letting the music in your music playlist 
> play.  After you've moved your christmas songs to a playlist, just uncheck 
> them.  This is as close as you can get to what your trying to achieve in 
> iTunes.  Well, now that I think about it a little more, I don't see why you 
> couldn't make a brand new music library and just put your christmas music in 
> it.  Actually, thats probably the best way to go here.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Dec 19, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> Hello, all. I don't even know if what I'm wantting to do is possible, but I 
>> figured I'd ask on here to find out. I know how
>> to buy music on Itunes, but so far, that's about all I've learned. What I'd 
>> ideally like to do is find a way to make a
>> playlist containing all of my Christmas music, but have it be completely 
>> separate from the main music list. That way, if I'm
>> navigating my list of songs during the rest of the year, I don't keep 
>> encountering my 200 or so Christmas songs. Is there
>> even a way to do what I want, or even if I make a playlist for the Christmas 
>> stuff, will it be permanently in the master
>> music list. Is there a way I can cheat and accomplish what I want using cut 
>> and paste in finder?
>> Any assistance you could provide would be extremely appreciated, even if 
>> there's no way to do precicely what I want, any tips
>> on building a playlist would be extremely appreciated. Thank you all very 
>> much for your time, and I hope that this message
>> makes at least a little sense.
>> Missy
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Re: accessing youtube playback controls

2011-12-21 Thread Kevin Shaw
You can access the playback controls by singing up for the HTML 5 player on 
YouTube. there were instructions a while ago on the list as to how to do this.

On 2011-12-21, at 4:15 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I have never been able to get them to work here. I think the embedded player 
> is flash based (good luck getting it to work with safari).
> -eric
> On Dec 20, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> What is the best way to have youtube playback controls in safari? 
>> Thanks,
>> Ioana
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Re: adding a printer

2011-12-22 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Kirsten,

Try plugging in the printer via USB. OS X should recognize the printer right 
away and will install/activate the necessary drivers.
Let me know if you have trouble off list. 

On 2011-12-22, at 7:01 AM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

> Hi, 
> What is the easiest way of adding a printer? 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten. 
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Re: more on organizing holiday music

2011-12-30 Thread Kevin Shaw
I've found no need whatsoever to create a separate iTunes library for 
organizing Christmas music. I have used the grouping field to organize 
Christmas music into smart playlists and have unchecked them all, so during the 
year, none of them will sync with my iPhone. I have gone so far as to organize 
Christmas music by genre and occasion. (Family party, Christmas cocktail party, 
instrumental jazz, etc.)

There are times in the Christmas season where I want Christmas music and 
non-Christmas music to be mixed together, say at a party or just for my own 
sanity. Separate libraries don't work in this case, which is why everything is 
managed in the same music library. this approach also keeps me out of the 
Finder and the file system, which is fine with me.

I posted some instructions on how to group tracks and create smart playlists in 
an earlier post. Find this and you will have found great wisdom. ;)


On 2011-12-26, at 5:52 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:

> Hi.  Since I started using iTunes, I've maintained a separate library for 
> Christmas music.  My reasons for doing this were that I didn't want my 
> Christmas music syncing over to my iDevices, and I also wanted that music 
> sorted in to multiple genres.  At the end of each year, I create a disk image 
> of my iTunes Christmas library folder, and move that over to my backup drive. 
> There are of course some drawbacks to this approach.  Mainly that if you use 
> iTunes for podcasts and audio books, you have to switch back and forth 
> between libraries.  
> I haven't decided for sure yet, but next year I may move all my Holiday music 
> to my main iTunes library.  I'm thinking that I might change the genres on 
> all the music to Holiday, and then use the grouping field for sub-genres.
> Darcy
> On 2011-12-26, at 4:26 PM, Traci wrote:
>> So, the holidays are wrapping up, and I'm guessing most of us will be taking 
>> off all the holiday music from our iDevices.
>> Something I read about today was creating a separate iTunes library just for 
>> holiday music.  I found this idea kind of clever.  Has anyone gone this way? 
>>  If so, is it pretty easy to move all the music to that new library?  Also, 
>> I'd possibly like to then move that library to an external hard drive, 
>> including playlist settings and such.
>> The other idea I read was creating a holiday music folder inside the main 
>> iTunes library.  *Grin,* I didn't read further on this idea, so I don't 
>> fully understand iTunes folders.
>> Anyway, what are your thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> Traci
>> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
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iTunes Match Question

2012-01-14 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi List,

I've signed up for iTunes  Match. Most of my library is already AAC 256k, so I 
don't have a lot of MP3 files to move over to the new format.

I do have a few MP3 files that are not obscure songs at all. they're 80s pop 
ballads, rock songs you'd hear on radio, that type of thing. For some reason, 
they are not being matched. Is there a way to do this even if the download 
button doesn't show up next to the song title in the list view? Please let me 
know if you have any insights to this.


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Re: iTunes Match Question

2012-01-19 Thread Kevin Shaw
when I download a matched item, why does the metadata in the file not change? 
It'd be nice to get album information for some of the tracks I have.


On 2012-01-16, at 9:29 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> 1.  iCloud Download, - Error - There's something wrong with the original 
> local file and it can't be uploaded.  You can translate it to AIFF, then 
> delete the old AAC or MP3 file.  The AIFF will be uploaded to iCloud then you 
> can download the matched AAC version right after that.
> 2.  iCloud Download, Ineligible - Wrong file type, like digital booklets, 
> some MP3s and numerous other reasons.
> 2.  iCloud Download, Download - Item is in your Library but not stored 
> locally.  You can press this button to get the matched version downloaded to 
> your local machine.
> 4.  iCloud Download, Need Upload - The file is damaged or incomplete and 
> cannot be uploaded.
> I think that there's a few others but I haven't seen them yet so I can't 
> comment on them.
> Later...
> On 2012-01-16, at 1:29 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> Tim,
>> I've noticed the iCloud error button at least once.  Could you explain
>> the various buttons and their meanings?
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: Experience Switching to Mac

2014-04-05 Thread Kevin Shaw
> Hi,

*   Hi Scott.

> As I have said, I am thinking about switching to the Mac and have been trying 
> to gather more information about it.  To that end, I have been asking 
> specific questions.  I will continue to do that but I would like some general 
> feedback from people who have made the switch from Windows to the Mac.  Why 
> did you switch In the first place? 

*   I didn't switch at first. I got a Macbook Pro in 2009 because I was 
going back to school and wanted a laptop that would take notes and that I 
didn't have to install JAWS on. In terms of cost savings, I looked at the costs 
vs. benefits of buying a Windows machine, a Windows license, Office, JAWS, plus 
the time required to reinstall and configure the system the correct 
way--including all of the anti-malware apps, disk configuration and all of the 
other tweako things you do with a Windows machine. When I got my Mac, I turned 
it on and was surfing the web and checking my email in 10 minutes flat. I've 
never had to defrag, do disk clean up, tweak an app, nor have I had a single 
virus or case of malware. For me, the benefit outweighed the cost. I kept a PC 
running to use Office until its power supply nearly caught fire in my house. I 
completed my Master's degree by learning to mark up documents in Pages with 
formatting, table of contents, pagination and sectioning. As an entrepreneur 
who needs complex spreadsheets, Numbers has worked like a champ. The holy grail 
of Mac accessibility is MS Office, but I think that is far in the distant 

> Having switched, do you feel that it was the right choice for you? 

*   Yes. I've saved lots of time and frustration by making the Mac my sole 
computer. I will probably get a PC for my office to work in Excel much faster 
than in Numbers, but all in all, I'm happy with the Mac as a platform. 

> Do any of you regret having switched or have you even gone back to the PC?

*   No regrets for what I need to do. I've used PCs for work since 
switching and I still do all of the tweako things to get it to work right, but 
I doubt I'd make a PC my main machine. I have the Windows 7 DVD sitting in my 
desk, as I thought I'd be using BootCamp, but it's been a glorified paperweight 
ever since I got it.

I've used my Mac to administer websites in WordPress, run MOnte Carlo 
simulations in Numbers, convert high-res video and audio, record bands and much 
more without any complaints, system hangs, kernel panics or critical software 
failures. Both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages and having a 
machine that's accessible out of the box for 97% of the most common tasks you 
need to do on a computer is a huge bonus.


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Re: Importing Vcards into Mac Contacts

2014-04-15 Thread Kevin Shaw
I just did this today.

Navigate to the cards in Finer.
Highlight the cards you want to import. 
I right-clicked and and chose Open With> Contacts.
I was prompted to import the cards and hit return for the default. 
Now the Vcards are in my contacts. 

Hope this helps,

On 2014-04-15, at 4:18 PM, Robert C  wrote:

>   I am trying to import some vCard files into Mac Contacts. When I click the 
> Import option on the file menu then locate the folder that contains the 
> Vcards, at that point I am not sure what the next steps are. Any help would 
> be wonderful.
> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
> I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
> E-mail-
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Re: Importing Vcards into Mac Contacts

2014-04-15 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hold down shift with the appropriate arrow keys to select files contiguously. 
For non-contiguous files, interact with the list view, select the first item 
and move down with VO down arrow. Press VO-command space on the files you want. 
YOu'll hear the file name and number of items selected.

As a tip, I lock my VO keys while moving through and selecting multiple 
non-contiguous files. Just remember to unlock  them once you have the last one.

On 2014-04-15, at 9:48 PM, Robert C  wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
>   Thanks, I see how that works. But how to select all the cards at one time?
> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
> Why do we want intelligent terminals when there are so many
> stupid users?
> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
> E-mail-
> On 4/15/2014 5:07 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>> I just did this today.
>> Navigate to the cards in Finer.
>> Highlight the cards you want to import.
>> I right-clicked and and chose Open With> Contacts.
>> I was prompted to import the cards and hit return for the default.
>> Now the Vcards are in my contacts.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Kevin
>> On 2014-04-15, at 4:18 PM, Robert C  wrote:
>>>   I am trying to import some vCard files into Mac Contacts. When I click 
>>> the Import option on the file menu then locate the folder that contains the 
>>> Vcards, at that point I am not sure what the next steps are. Any help would 
>>> be wonderful.
>>> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
>>> I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
>>> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
>>> E-mail-
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Re: slightly ot: icloud based audio discription indiegogo project.

2014-04-17 Thread Kevin Shaw
Indiegogo is priced in Canadian dollars, but the service will be priced in the 
local currency when it launches. Hope this clears things up. :)

Stay tuned, and thanks Karen for posting this. I've been talking to Cara about 
doing this with a Macvisionaries endorsement and she's a fan.

Kevin. Yes, that Kevin.
On 2014-04-17, at 2:48 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> as would I, sign me up too. The only issue is true Canadian dollar is lower 
> than the American so it would invariably cost us more.
> On Apr 17, 2014, at 9:29 AM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> Definitely. Sign me up. 
>> On Apr 17, 2014, at 10:05 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>> wrote:
>>> thanks!
>>> I hope this gets off the ground!
>>> I'd shell out for it myself.
>>> Cait
>>> On Apr 16, 2014, at 6:37 PM, Karen Lewellen  
>>> wrote:
 Sharing in case this has not been posted here.
 What I love about this company besides the strong effort making the 
 platform work is their ethical commitment.   Unlike the "no one cares 
 about blind people so we will steal content," approach.  This is a real 
 company who is providing a variety of the many many describes titles, and 
 doing it on a global platform.  If you cannot contribute to the Indiegogo 
 campaign,  I hope you will share this far and wide.
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Re: Selecting non-contiguous items

2014-04-18 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Lisette,

Do the following:

*   Navigate to the desired table or lsit view.
*   Interact
*   Down arrow to the first item you want. 
*   VO down to the next item. While holding down VO keys, press command 
spacebar. YOu'll hear VO report you have 2 items selected.
*   Repeat until you have all items you want.
*   ¬Copy with command C when finished.

To speed up the process, I lock VO keys on once I have the first item and use 
command-space to mark the items I want.

Hope this helps.


On 2014-04-18, at 8:08 PM, Lisette Wesseling  wrote:

> Hi,
> Can somebody please explain how to do this? I'm not having any luck using vo 
> enter.
> In finder, in list view, I'm interacting with the table of documents. I press 
> vo enter twice on the first item. I move down to the next item but one (with 
> or  without  vo keys held down), and press vo enter again. I hear "no row 
> selected". Command c to copy to the clipboard does nothing.
> I'm sure I'm doing something obvious wrong but can't figure it out. Thanks 
> for any help.
> Does it not work in list view? Should I interact or not? Should I arrow down 
> with or without vo keys?
> Lisette
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Facebook Tagging

2014-04-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi list,

I use the mobile version of Facebook quite a bit and prefer it to the standard 

I've tried a couple of different way of tagging people in posts and comments on 
the mobile site and none of them seem to work. On the standard site, I know 
Voiceover gives me some indication there's a dropdown, but I don't know how to 
select the right person.

Can anyone let me know how to do this?

Kevin Shaw

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Re: Facebook Tagging

2014-04-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
I'm on the standard interface and everything seems to work when I click the Tag 
People in this Post button. However, it seems to default to "with John Doe" 
instead of "John Doe." So now my post reads "Thank you with John Doe for XYZ." 
Also, up and down arrow doesn't read the name in the edit combo, but that's 
okay 'cause i can type the person's name.

On 2014-04-26, at 12:32 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> On the standard interface, once you type your message, if you navigate with 
> vi-right or flicking right on the trackpad, there's a tag button. If you hit 
> that, a text box will pop up and VO will be focused there. You can start 
> typing someone's name, and then press down arrow and it will read through the 
> options. Just press enter when you get to the name you want. Then you can hit 
> post and that person will be tagged.
> On Apr 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I use the mobile version of Facebook quite a bit and prefer it to the 
>> standard site.
>> I've tried a couple of different way of tagging people in posts and comments 
>> on the mobile site and none of them seem to work. On the standard site, I 
>> know Voiceover gives me some indication there's a dropdown, but I don't know 
>> how to select the right person.
>> Can anyone let me know how to do this?
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin Shaw
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Re: Facebook Tagging

2014-04-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
So, I can type @Theresa C, hit enter and my post will say

"Thanks Theresa Cochrane for being awesome"?


On 2014-04-26, at 12:45 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Also, on both sites and in the command-line interface, you can type the at 
> symbol @ (shift-2 on most keyboards for US) immediately followed by the name. 
> You can even write as much of the name as you consider to be unique and it 
> will be completed for you. So, to recap; at symbol, @, immediately followed 
> by the name, then return key. It doesn't always give feedback, but it works 
> consistently for me.
> htH,
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Apr 26, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> On the standard interface, once you type your message, if you navigate with 
>> vi-right or flicking right on the trackpad, there's a tag button. If you hit 
>> that, a text box will pop up and VO will be focused there. You can start 
>> typing someone's name, and then press down arrow and it will read through 
>> the options. Just press enter when you get to the name you want. Then you 
>> can hit post and that person will be tagged.
>> On Apr 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I use the mobile version of Facebook quite a bit and prefer it to the 
>>> standard site.
>>> I've tried a couple of different way of tagging people in posts and 
>>> comments on the mobile site and none of them seem to work. On the standard 
>>> site, I know Voiceover gives me some indication there's a dropdown, but I 
>>> don't know how to select the right person.
>>> Can anyone let me know how to do this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kevin Shaw
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Re: Facebook Tagging

2014-04-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
I just tried it and it failed miserably. How do I delete a post? :)


On 2014-04-26, at 12:50 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Teresa, what's this command line interface you're talking about here?
> Also I'll have to try again but I thought the @name syntax didn't work for me.
> On Apr 26, 2014, at 12:45 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Also, on both sites and in the command-line interface, you can type the at 
>> symbol @ (shift-2 on most keyboards for US) immediately followed by the 
>> name. You can even write as much of the name as you consider to be unique 
>> and it will be completed for you. So, to recap; at symbol, @, immediately 
>> followed by the name, then return key. It doesn't always give feedback, but 
>> it works consistently for me.
>> htH,
>> Teresa
>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
>> Feynman
>> On Apr 26, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Brandon Olivares  
>> wrote:
>>> On the standard interface, once you type your message, if you navigate with 
>>> vi-right or flicking right on the trackpad, there's a tag button. If you 
>>> hit that, a text box will pop up and VO will be focused there. You can 
>>> start typing someone's name, and then press down arrow and it will read 
>>> through the options. Just press enter when you get to the name you want. 
>>> Then you can hit post and that person will be tagged.
>>> On Apr 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I use the mobile version of Facebook quite a bit and prefer it to the 
>>>> standard site.
>>>> I've tried a couple of different way of tagging people in posts and 
>>>> comments on the mobile site and none of them seem to work. On the standard 
>>>> site, I know Voiceover gives me some indication there's a dropdown, but I 
>>>> don't know how to select the right person.
>>>> Can anyone let me know how to do this?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kevin Shaw
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A Sincere and heartfelt Thank You/Campaign

2014-05-15 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi friendly listers,

I wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely thank each and every one of you 
who has kindly contributed to the Zagga Entertainment crowd funding campaign on you have no idea how much it means to me as the founder of the 
company. It reminds me that all of the hard work I've put into this over the 
past 3 years has been well worth it. I'd like to recognize and mention Cara for 
her continued support and encouragement. You're the best! 

If it's okay with everyone, I'd like to mention a few updates:

*   We are now developing our site and an accessible iOS app right out of 
the gate. Android users, we didn't forget about you, but you may have to wait a 
bit longer because all the cool kids develop for iOS first. :)
*   We're days away from closing our first 3 content deals. I'm proud of 
the work our content team has done and that is opening up doors for us to get 
more folks involved. As an aside, our service will be presented with video, as 
our market research has shown that co-viewing is important to our audience.
*   Flash sucks and now one of our content partners knows that after I 
demonstrated Voiceover running with their Flash player. It was comical, as I 
was trying to pause the player because it was too loud. We ended up having to 
shout over the video as I was showing him that Voiceover couldn't find the 
Play/Pause button. He sheepishly smiled indulgently  as I showed him the 
prototype of our player. 
*   We were recently featured on the maccessibility Round Table Podcast. 
Thanks to the Maccessibility "it" couple, Darcy and Holly for hosting. 

As a Voiceover user and recovering JAWS for Windows user, I've been preaching 
the gospel of accessibility to folks in the development and startup community 
here in Canada. They understand and they're listening to us. Please continue to 
spread the word that including accessibility in Apple software is easy and 
makes their applications usable by everyone, not just those who live with 
vision loss.

Again, thanks so much for your continued support!

...And may the Zagga be with you.

Best wishes,
Kevin Shaw

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Re: Audio description app for IOS

2014-06-01 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi list,

If it's all right with the moderator, I'd like to weigh in on this. 

I've posted here before about my startup, Zagga Entertainment  We're creating a 
fully accessible VOD service featuring movies and TV shows with described 
video. I started the company when I didn't want to have to put up with the 
frustration of navigating silent DVD menus and after I couldn't find audio 
description online. I put together a prototype of the site and service I'm 
creating and we've made incredible progress over the last year with getting 
investors and the studios interested in what we're doing. 

Our development is underway and an iOS app is in the works with full VO 
compatibility, Airplay support and a secure back end. I recognize that all of 
the other solutions that have been tried aren't working very well. The onus 
gets put on the studio and there are additional steps in the workflow that are 
required to make other apps work. It's not just description that suffers, it's 
language dubs, closed captioning, versioning for foreign distribution and so 
on. I've got a background in this as someone who's worked in the media business 
for a long time.

Right now, we're crowd funding to make the full version of our site happen. 
It's our way of letting our investors know that there's a demand for a service 
like this. In my meetings with these guys, they fall over in shock when i pull 
out my iPhone to show them how their own video apps aren't accessible or their 
Flash-based websites that feature described video films can't be operated with 
Voiceover. They know there's a need for this service and want to help us. I 
want to help us.

If you haven't checked it out already, here's the link t our crowd funding 

You can test drive our prototype player at

Feel free to bug me. I'm glued to my Macbook Pro. Email and I'd 
be happy to talk about this with you off list.

Thank you and I hope we can get something going that will benefit blind people 
and their friends and families.

On 2014-06-01, at 11:41 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> I don't know if or how much would be charged for the description, but 
> somebody may have to pay for the on-going app development, servers, etc. 
> These other guys offered it for free and guess what happened. they went 
> broke! That's right, they're broke. You have to have a viable business model 
> to keep something like this going. You can't rely on grants; ads suck; at 
> least, I don't like invasive ads so I'm willing to pay for such things if 
> reasonably priced. One idea is that the movie industry should underwrite the 
> cost of distributing video description. In fact, some theater chains are 
> offering description for no additional charge. But if it can only be done by 
> a 3rd party company, then they need to stay in business some how and we may 
> as well step up to the plate to offer support to the same.
> On Jun 1, 2014, at 6:25 AM, Jessica  wrote:
>> The application is still in the App Store. The audio description used to be 
>> free. Why would they start charging us now?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jun 1, 2014, at 3:43 AM, Lisette Wesseling  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for letting me know the company is no more. I'm glad I didn't spend 
>>> money buying the audio description track. It did seem odd there was only 
>>> one film there which was making me suspicious.
>>> Thanks to all who answered my original question.
>>> Lisette
 On 1/06/2014, at 7:31 pm, Steve Holmes  wrote:
 The Movie Reading app is the one you're looking for. You have already 
 found it though, based on your earlier messages in this thread. Problem 
 now is Solo DX, the original developers of this app have gone belly up. 
 the better news is that apparently another group is going to offer a 
 similar service. I'm not sure if they will pick up with this app or start 
 over with something else. I forget the name right now. I think there are a 
 couple groups getting into this game so I hope somebody gets going with a 
 successful business model so we can have something more reliable.
> On May 31, 2014, at 4:19 PM, Jessica Moss  
> wrote:
> Oh wow, will have to check that out, would love an app that could do that 
> on its own though, considering the fact that to my understanding, unless 
> things have changed, it's a pain to set your TV up to do it.  Maybe there 
> will be one at some point though, considering how quickly technology is 
> evolving.
>> On May 31, 2014, at 6:24 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> I was doing some poking around, and noticed a lot of audio-described 
>> movies when I put "DVS" inthe search field on the app store. I haven't 
>> checked out tv shows yet.
>> Teresa
>> Winging its way from my iPod
>>> On May 31, 2014, at 9:00 AM, Jessica Mo

Re: iTunes cannot import CDs

2014-06-02 Thread Kevin Shaw
hi Kristeen,

Set iTunes and Finder to do nothing and try manually importing by VO-Shift-M in 
the track list and choosing Create AAC Version. If you're still getting 3k file 
names, something's up with your iTunes configuration. A little extra work, but 
this way you can spot any problems.


On 2014-06-01, at 7:59 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:

> When I put a CD in my Mac Mini, it appears in Finder and iTunes. I have 
> iTunes set to import and eject. No matter what CD I try, it finishes 
> importing them and it ejects them. THe problem is, all it has imported is the 
> title of each song on the CD. They are all about 3 KB in size and have no 
> audio. They are in the iTunes library, but are useless. I've tried to do them 
> as iTunes Plus and as MP3 files. I've used the AAc encoder and the MPEG 
> encoder. Does nayone know why this is happening?
> Kristeen
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Re: mp4 to avi?

2014-06-10 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Maria,

Try Miro Video converter. It's fairly accessible and will convert between 
formats. It's also free.

On 2014-06-10, at 12:53 AM, Maria and Joe Chapman  

> Hi.
> is it possible to convert mp4 to an avi file? If so, is there an accessible 
> app to do this?
>   regards
> Maria and crew from australia
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An Update on Zagga

2014-06-25 Thread Kevin Shaw
Send with the kind permission of the group moderator. 

Hi Friends,

First of all, I'd like to say a big, sincere and heartfelt thank you to those 
of you who contributed to our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. As you can see 
from visiting our Indiegogo page, we did not reach our goal. Fear not. All hope 
is not lost.

Over the course of our campaign and during the course of building Zagga, we 
have met and spoken to many people in the investment community here in Canada 
and the United States. The good news is that they like what we are doing. The 
better news is that they are enabling us to leverage our Indiegogo crowdfunding 
to raise the capital we need to build the website and mobile app. We've lowered 
the cost of our technology build and have managed to cut 8 weeks off of our 
time to market. 

Long story short, we are still moving ahead with building Zagga and you can 
expect a launch in the fall of 2014. We will be rolling out with a fully 
accessible HTML 5 website and native iOS apps for iPad and iPhone. We will add 
more platforms down the road including Android and the Amazon FirePhone.

On the content side, we have secured our first 3 deals and are pursuing more. 
Our conversations with the major studios have been going very well and we'll be 
ready to announce details in the next 8 weeks.

Again, thank you for your support, your patience and your enthusiasm for this 
project. Please feel free to reach out to me directly at if you 
have any questions. We'll be updating the Indiegogo and Zagga pages very soon.

Kind regards,
Kevin Shaw

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Re: Recommendations for learning to program on a Mac

2014-07-05 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Dawn,

One of the best resources is sitting on your Mac in iTunes. iTunes U has 
several Mac programming courses that will help you conceptually understand 
what's happening under the hood of your iDevice. some courses come with 
material to follow along with, but you can also supplement this by looking up 
tutorials. I've taken one itunes U course on Python and it was great.

Good luck,
On 2014-07-05, at 8:30 AM, Dawn Benbow  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
>   I've been a lurker on this list for a while now. I've become interested 
> in learning how to program, specifically to build apps for iOS, to start with 
> at least. But, I'm wondering where is a good place to start learning, and 
> where are there good educational resources for learning that don't cost a lot 
> of money. Free is best if possible! :) 
> Thanks,
> Dawn
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: anyone using iMessage on their Mac

2014-07-09 Thread Kevin Shaw
VO-command T to the table of conversations. 
VO right or left arrow to the one you want. 
VO-J to the edit field where you can type. To be sure you're on the right 
message, VO-up arrow to hear the name of the recipient. 

Hope this helps,

On 2014-07-09, at 9:13 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I've always had trouble being able to navigate properly between different 
> conversations without the thing just automaticly placing me in a typing 
> field, which is usually the the last person I happened to be messaging.  Can 
> someone give me some tips on how to do do this?
>   I think I managed to do it a couple times, but can't remember how I did it.
> On Jul 8, 2014, at 9:10 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Usually, you are placed in a window showing all past conversation threads in 
>> a table. Next to that is an HTML content area showing the history for the 
>> selected thread, then a place to type a message to that thread. Left of the 
>> threads table is a place showing who that thread goes to, which you can 
>> modify if you like. Again, the fastest way to make a new message is cmd-n, 
>> or just interact with the table and choose the thread with the person or 
>> people you want to keep talking to. Let us know if you have more questions.
>> On Jul 8, 2014, at 9:03 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Thanks, Alex.  this time when I opened messages it went straight to the To 
>>> field, and when I typed her name, it autofilled her phone number, which was 
>>> what I wanted.  thanks for the help, not sure why it went awry before.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jul 8, 2014, at 7:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Just hit cmd-n and start typing the name. If the person is in your 
 contacts, they will be auto-filled, just like typing an email recipient. 
 If not, type the Apple Id or phone number of the person instead. Move to 
 the next text field, type your message, and press enter. I'm not sure what 
 you mean by selecting how a message is sent; can you explain that more? 
 On Jul 8, 2014, at 8:51 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm running Mavericks, haven't installed the latest update.
> I'm trying to send a message using iMessage.  I don't seem to be able 
> either to select a contact, or to indicate how I want the message sent, 
> e.g. email, text, etc.  Is anyone able to use iMessage running Mavericks? 
>  If so, how are you selecting the message recipient?
> Thanks,
> Donna
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 Have a great day,
 Alex Hall
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
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Removing All of my Old GMail

2014-07-13 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi guys,

I want to permanently delete all of my GMail. I found a mailbox in Mail that 
has mail going back to 2004 if you can believe it. But, I don't want any of 
that mail synced over to my computer or in my GMail account. I've tried 
delteing and exponging from the IMAP mailbox, but the mail keeps coming back. 
Any suggestions on how to do this would be appreciated.

Kevin who is haunted by old GMail. 

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Re: Creating a keyboard shortcut for checking the time.

2015-03-02 Thread Kevin Shaw
Alternatively, VO-Shift-K turns on keyboard commander. The default is right 
option T  for the time of day script. 
> On Mar 2, 2015, at 8:47 AM, David Taylor  wrote:
> You don’t need to create it. Simply make sure that keyboard commander is 
> turned on and go. To do this, press VO-F8 to get to VO utility, go down to 
> commanders in the categories, then selected keyboard commander in the tabs 
> and vo across until you hear the option to turn it on, and decide which 
> option key you wish to use. I would suggest you spend a lot of time going 
> through all your settings, I bet you get a lot back that way.
> Cheers
> Dave
>> On 2 Mar 2015, at 1:45 pm, Stacey Robinson > > wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> How do I create a keyboard shortcut for checking the time on my macbook air?
>> I had one on my older white macbook but somehow lost lots of things when it 
>> died.
>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Blessings,
>> Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk.
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Re: Pages or google docs?

2015-07-02 Thread Kevin Shaw
Pages is very accessible. I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve done complex 
documents in Pages with tables, table of contents, headings and the like before 
with few issues. Track changes works better for VO users as a modal dialog pops 
up with the suggested change which you can accept or ignore.

Google Docs is somewhat accessible if you’re contributing to a document and are 
just focused on writing and correcting. VO-L doesn’t read the current line, so 
there is up and down arrowing you must do to read what you’ve written. You can 
read comments and changes made by others. As for formatting and making things 
presentable, I stick to Pages. I’ve only ever used Google Docs in Chrome on the 


> On Jun 26, 2015, at 9:11 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:
> Hi all. I’ve been wondering if anyone has used both Pages and Google docs, 
> and which is more accessible and which is more useful?
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Re: printing a text message

2015-07-05 Thread Kevin Shaw
Yes, there is a way to print a text message.

Way #1.

Take a screen grab of your iPhone’s screen. Press Sleep/Wake and Home buttons 
simultaneously. This photo will appear in the Photos app with the time stamp of 
when you took it. 
Send to yourself using the Share feature in Photos.

Way #2.
You’ll need a Mac to do this in the Messages app and the you’ll need your 
iPhone and Mac set up to use the same iMessage account.
Open messages.
Choose the conversation you want from the conversations table.
Select File menu, then Print. 
The transcript of your message can be printed the same way as printing a 

good luck.


> On Jul 3, 2015, at 11:29 AM, Jean  wrote:
> Hello All:
> Is there any way to print an sms message or to forward it to an email address 
> from where it could be printed?
> Thanks,
> Jean
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Amazon Fire TV Accessibility

2015-07-09 Thread Kevin Shaw
A friend of mine is a software engineer on the Fire TV team at Amazon. I’ve 
told her about the discussions on this list around the Fire TV iPhone app being 
inaccessible to VO users and she’s given me her promise that she will bring it 
up with the dev team. 

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Re: Amazon Fire TV Accessibility

2015-07-13 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Mary,

No, I don’t know anyone on the Echo team, but my friend tells me it’s not hard 
to get the message across to the right people. I’ve already told her the 
“community” is hating on Amazon products for lack of screen reader 

My friend has worked on some motor accessibility stuff for Fire TV, so it’s not 
a far leap to get them to put a screen reader on it. 

I suggested they take the screen readers from the Fire Phones and put them into 
the Fire TVs, but the Fire Phones are all being used to prop up wobbly desks 
and chairs at Amazon. Only kidding.

Will keep you guys in the loop.
> On Jul 9, 2015, at 11:54 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
> Good, Kevin. I hope something comes of it. You don't happen to know anybody 
> on the Amazon echo team do you? It seems that requests from ordinary echo 
> users don't do any good, as the updates they release do not help. The iPhone 
> app remains a loser. The website is barely usable in my opinion and not 
> usable and that of some others I know.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 9, 2015, at 8:31 PM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
>> A friend of mine is a software engineer on the Fire TV team at Amazon. I’ve 
>> told her about the discussions on this list around the Fire TV iPhone app 
>> being inaccessible to VO users and she’s given me her promise that she will 
>> bring it up with the dev team. 
>> Kevin
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Re: slightly OT: posting Youtube comments using Safari and VO on Mac?

2015-07-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Alex, 

I’ve noticed that the comments and comment field are not visible right away. I 
have a feeling that there is some scripting behind this hides the comments to 
visually reduce clutter on the page until you want to interact with the 

Try the following:

Find the heading for the video title. If you navigate by links or headings from 
this point, you’ll miss the comment field. VO-right until you’re past the name 
of the contributor and wait a second or two. This should allow the script to 
work revealing the comment field and the always enlightening Youtube comments. 
Keep VO-right arrowing until you see the link with your name. The next element 
will be a clickable element that says “Share your Thoughts”. VO-space. The edit 
field will then show up. I had to VO-space again on the edit field and then 
type something for the Post Comment button to appear along with the checkbox to 
also post to GooglePlus. 
> On Jul 21, 2015, at 8:11 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> That's just it though, I don't see anywhere to make a comment. I'm on the 
> video page (it's not mine, it's from someone else) but I see no way of adding 
> a comment. I'm logged in, so that shouldn't be a problem.
>> On Jul 21, 2015, at 3:54 PM, Ray Foret Jr > > wrote:
>> I seem to recall that what you need to do, after you've made each video and 
>> uplodaded it, you can click where you'd normally make a comment, and then, 
>> there should be a button near by that let's you choose a video to add.  
>> Could be wrong as it's been a while since I've bothered.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and Apple TV user!
>> Sent from my Mac,
>> the only computer with full accessibility for the blind built-in
>>> On Jul 21, 2015, at 11:05 AM, Alex Hall >> > wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> To enter a contest, I have to post a comment on each of three videos on 
>>> Youtube. I can see the comments others have posted, and I can see buttons 
>>> to like and all that, but I can't figure out how to post my own comment. Is 
>>> there a trick to this? Something I can do a text search for? Is the button 
>>> or text field hiding somewhere strange? Any help would be great. Thanks in 
>>> advance.
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex Hall
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TVOS Accessibility

2015-09-10 Thread Kevin Shaw
Apple’s page on TVOS accessibility. 


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Audio Cuts in and Out

2016-01-11 Thread Kevin Shaw

My mid-2009 Mac is starting to show a bit of its age. Voiceover audio and 
system audio are starting to cut in and out as if OS X is switching audio 
outputs. Anyone ever experienced this or knows how to troubleshoot? It seems to 
be isolated to Voiceover.

Mid-2009 MBP running 10.11.2.
I reset NVRAM.
Bluetooth off. 
It happens with wi-fi turned on and off, so it’s not trying to send audio to 
Airport Express.
Does the same regardless of headphones. 

Any ideas?


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Voiceover Hanging with Audio Cutting in and Out

2016-01-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
Further to a message I posted last week.
running 10.11.3 on mid-2009 Macbook Pro. I don’t customize Voiceover that much, 
so not running activities or anything like that.

I’m encountering and issue where system audio cuts in and out. Voiceover seems 
to hang while this is happening and picks up reading where it left off. I have 
turned off sound effects in VO Utility and the problem went away for a bit but 
now it’s back, as I thought there may have been audio interference. 

Wondering if anyone has encountered this. Could this be a hardware issue?


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Re: Voiceover Hanging with Audio Cutting in and Out

2016-02-12 Thread Kevin Shaw
Yes. I’ve got Voiceover audio routed to Internal speakers, OS X sounds going 
through the system default card. Bluetooth is off and I’ve reset my Airport 
Express. The problem is reproducible, which is a little annoying as every time 
I go to show someone the problem, the computer behaves properly. 

Is there a diagnostic tool that can look at the audio hardware and check for 
errors there?

> On Jan 27, 2016, at 1:47 AM, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Kevin,
> Have you confirmed your audio source in the Sound preferences pane?
> A while back, I had installed a program that added an additional audio source 
> to my list of possible sources.  From time-to-time, the source would switch 
> to the third-party source at which time I would experience audio cut-out, 
> such as you describe.
> My point, just make certain that your output is set to your desired speakers 
> such as the internal speakers.
> Mark 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Shaw
> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Voiceover Hanging with Audio Cutting in and Out
> Further to a message I posted last week.
> running 10.11.3 on mid-2009 Macbook Pro. I don’t customize Voiceover that 
> much, so not running activities or anything like that.
> I’m encountering and issue where system audio cuts in and out. Voiceover 
> seems to hang while this is happening and picks up reading where it left off. 
> I have turned off sound effects in VO Utility and the problem went away for a 
> bit but now it’s back, as I thought there may have been audio interference. 
> Wondering if anyone has encountered this. Could this be a hardware issue?
> Kevin
> -- 
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Re: adding more security on my mac

2015-10-10 Thread Kevin Shaw
File Vault works in the background, so no need to do anything else once it’s 
turned on. 

Make a login password. This should not disappear with a PRAM reset, as this is 
stored with your user account data.

If you can, set up a separate guest zone for your wifi network. 

> On Oct 9, 2015, at 5:08 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  
> wrote:
> Good day to all, i would like to ask what dows it feels to have a mac 
> encrypted with file vault? i think you have to open over over on the log on 
> screen. i would like to turn that on and the file utility on the system 
> recovery but when i turn the password on the system utility i can't type my 
> password when i restart my pRam. i want to turn all the security that mac 
> would give me because we are having a new tenant on the house. thanks
> -- 
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Compressor for FCP and voiceover

2015-11-29 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi friends,

I’ve checked on the web before coming here. 

Does anyone here have experience using Compressor with Voiceover? Are controls 


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Re: video formats and iphone?

2015-11-29 Thread Kevin Shaw
Here’s what iOS supports.
H.264 video, up to 768 Kbps, 320 by 240 pixels, 30 frames per second, Baseline 
Profile up to Level 1.3 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48 kHz, stereo audio 
in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple 
Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48 kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, 
and .mov file formats

Compressor can turn around video formats for iOS delivery. For something more 
robust, you can use something like HandBrake which is somewhat accessible. 

If anyone knows whether Compressor is accessible, I’d love to know.

> On Nov 28, 2015, at 12:09 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> File formats is one area where the IoS devices really fall over.  As far as I 
> know, the deal is that you can only play mp4 files, period.  No avi, no .mov, 
> no .mpeg,, and no streaming of authored DVD's.
> Unfortunately, converting video formats is a very inexact science.  The 
> various formats all seem to handle video streaming so differently that 
> preserving the aspect ratio and other atributes so that the video still looks 
> good to the sighted eye is difficult to impossible and that really has to be 
> taken into consideration when choosing a stream converter.  Even if you found 
> a high quality, accessible video converter, it could take almost as long as 
> real time to make the conversion.  You need to count on at least half of real 
> time depending on your system, the software, and the source and destination 
> formats.  It's not undertaken lightly.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
>> On Nov 28, 2015, at 4:19 AM, Maria Chapman > > wrote:
>> HI.  wondering what video format the iPhone will play?  I have vlc.  Will I 
>> be able to play mp4? Speaking of which does anyone know of an acessible 
>> converter for the mac?
>> thanks
>> please send answers to the list.
>> Maria
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Re: best way to import music into itunes

2013-11-16 Thread Kevin Shaw
I have made an alias of the Automatically add to iTunes folder and it sits on 
my desktop. I drop files on there. Command O works as well from within the 
On 2013-11-13, at 11:47 PM, Aser Tolentino  wrote:

> The "automatically add to iTunes" folder in your iTunes Media directory seems 
> like what you'd want to try.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Nov 13, 2013, at 8:39 PM, don bishop  wrote:
>> I have a couple of mp3 tracks on an sd which I’d like to import into my 
>> itunes library.  Would I use “add to library” and then paste the filenames 
>> in or is there a better way.
>> Thanks much,
>> Don
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Random Walk Simulationin Numbers

2013-11-25 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi friends,

I'm running a random walk simulation in Numbers with a number of cells 
generating random numbers and these cells in turn being referenced across 
multiple sheets. In other words, Rows 5 and 7 of sheets 1, 2 and 3 are 
generating the random value and every other cell that refers to these cells 
fluctuate, including cells in other sheets.

Now in my last sheet, I have 3 values that are the bottom line calculation in 
my simulation. 

I want to create another sheet that generates this simulation 100 times and 
then crete a scatter plot to show a Gaussian distribution so I can generate a 
reasonable idea of where the average distribution points are for the 3 values.

So, the easy way to do this is to create a cell that equals the final result. 
This is the first simulation. What I need is to create 99 more of those, but 
each having a different result. Can anyone recommend how to do this?


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Re: I like Numbers under Mavericks now

2013-11-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
If there were only a way to automate a simulation.


On 2013-11-28, at 9:40 AM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> I’ve just been playing with Numbers, having abandoned this application under 
> Mountain lIon. It seems to work like a charm now. I love the formatting which 
> is always on to the left of the sheet layout area. I like the way we can add 
> sheets and choose them to work on using the dedicated area. Voiceover is very 
> responsive even in a long sheet which is such a relief. Command up arrow, and 
> I think control up arrow takes you straight up to the top of the sheet and 
> combined with the down arrow will take you to the bottom. Selecting an entire 
> column or row is a breeze too. Control shift down arrow will select the 
> entire column from where the cursor is located, and control shift left or 
> right arrow will select a row or part of it depending where the cursor is. 
> Option down arrow will add a row below, and I assume that option+up arrow 
> will do it above, and option left or right arrow will add a column. 
> Vo+shift+m opens the contextual menu with more choices, and there is no 
> problem with this command any more. What a relief. I won’t have to use 
> Windows for spreadsheets any more. Mind you, my spreadsheets are pretty 
> simple although they are big.
> Also, Command left arrow and command + right arrow will take you to the 
> beginning or the end of a row. And the find function works fine.
> By the way, has anyone found a shortcut key command to move a page at a time 
> in spreadsheet? That’s the only thing that’s missing for me now. 
> Best wishes
> Andrew
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Better Description of Numbers Issue

2013-11-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
I may have found something Numbers cannot do. 

I am trying to trick Numbers into creating 100 iterations of a calculation with 
random variables and then place them into a table so I can calculate an average 
as well as standard deviation.

In Excel, I understand there's something called a two-way table where a column 
and row input can then be hinged to the output of another table. 

I'm still using iWork 09 under Mountain Lion, as I don't want to lose any 
advanced functionality in iWork.

Does anyone know how to create a two-way table in Numbers? If not, I may have 
to take this one to a PC running JAWS. 


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Re: creating a smart play list

2013-12-04 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Cait,

I'm the one who manages the Christmas music playlist n my family, so I have a 
sure fire way for you to create your smart playlist.

Instead of using the Genre field to create the playlist, I use the Grouping 
field to indicate that the files are christmas songs.

YOu can do this easily by pressing command-I on the particular song, navigating 
to the grouping field and typing "Christmas". YOu can do multiple songs at a 
time this way. I do this for particular songs on an album, especially if I 
don't want the entire album in my christmas playlist. 

Once you have "Christmas" in the Grouping field, you can specify that Grouping 
contains "Christmas" in the smart playlist rules. YOu'll have a smart playlist 
containing all of the songs you want. 

To prevent the songs from coming up on shuffle when you've got the rest of your 
library playing, you can select all in the Christmas playlist and uncheck them. 
(I do this after the Christmas season.) If you check "Skip when Shuffling" in 
the options dialog, they will skip when you use shuffle, but not if you're 
playing the songs one after the other in your playlist. 

I personally check and uncheck the songs in the playlist, as I prefer the 
occasional surprise Christmas song when I am shuffling through the rest of my 
music or when programming music for a party.

Contact me off list if you need a hand with anything here.

On 2013-12-03, at 6:53 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to create a smart play list of all my christmas music in i tunes.
> I have ahuge huge library, so don’t want to do this by hand!
> I started to create the list by selecting genre, then told it that it was 
> christmas music, picked live update, then saved it.
> What am I missing?
> Oh, and I also don’t want the play list to be played when I shuffle other 
> songs..
> Thanks for any help!  I thought I had a handle on this, but obviously I’m 
> lost!
> Bread crumbs welcomed!
> Cait
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Re: Taking notes while reading

2013-12-04 Thread Kevin Shaw
Set up your tab order so you can quickly command-tab between Pages and Preview.

In Preview:
> Edit menu, Speech, Start speaking. 
> Command tab to Pages and type away.

You can turn off speech while typing. VO-command-V and cycle through until you 
get to typing feedback and set it to none.

The only thing you won't be able to do is pause and resume speech.

Alternatively, find a way to export the text to an audio file and play it back 
in iTunes or your playback program of choice.


On 2013-12-04, at 9:23 AM, Jon Solitro  wrote:

> What is the best way to set up Voiceover so that I can read a document and 
> take notes without having to switch between applications? Can I be typing in 
> Pages without VO giving me feedback on what I'm typing? Can I have VO stay on 
> the PDF while I"m typing in another application?
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Re: creating a smart play list

2013-12-04 Thread Kevin Shaw
One way around this is to use the search function to grab a batch of 
"Christmas"-related songs. the song may have "Christmas" in the title, the 
genre, the album name and so on. This is a good way of grabbing most of the 
content to tag it. 

You can then do a search for terms like "Holiday" "Seasonal" and so on. Don't 
forget to do a search for Xmas spelled with an X. This should help you avoid 
doing a search by hand. 

I've done grouping on things like:
christmas: The catch all playlist that holds all Christmas music.
Family Christmas: Family-friendly Christmas music I put on with family so they 
aren't tortured by west coast cool jazz versions of Santa Claus is Coming to 
Town. (I don't see a problem with that, but they don't have good taste in music 
anyway.) ;)
Instrumental Christmas: Christmas music without words.
Modern Christmas: New Christmas music that lives or dies depending on whether I 
or family likes it. This is a very small playlist.

These can reside in a playlist folder. 


On 2013-12-04, at 2:25 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  wrote:

> Kevin,
> this makes perfect sense, so thanks!
> doing it this way, though, I’d have to go through my 7,000 plus library by 
> hand and tag each song with the christmas grouping, right?  I was trying to 
> avoid that, if possible..
> Cait, probably being lazy
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 5:38 AM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
>> Hi Cait,
>> I'm the one who manages the Christmas music playlist n my family, so I have 
>> a sure fire way for you to create your smart playlist.
>> Instead of using the Genre field to create the playlist, I use the Grouping 
>> field to indicate that the files are christmas songs.
>> YOu can do this easily by pressing command-I on the particular song, 
>> navigating to the grouping field and typing "Christmas". YOu can do multiple 
>> songs at a time this way. I do this for particular songs on an album, 
>> especially if I don't want the entire album in my christmas playlist. 
>> Once you have "Christmas" in the Grouping field, you can specify that 
>> Grouping contains "Christmas" in the smart playlist rules. YOu'll have a 
>> smart playlist containing all of the songs you want. 
>> To prevent the songs from coming up on shuffle when you've got the rest of 
>> your library playing, you can select all in the Christmas playlist and 
>> uncheck them. (I do this after the Christmas season.) If you check "Skip 
>> when Shuffling" in the options dialog, they will skip when you use shuffle, 
>> but not if you're playing the songs one after the other in your playlist. 
>> I personally check and uncheck the songs in the playlist, as I prefer the 
>> occasional surprise Christmas song when I am shuffling through the rest of 
>> my music or when programming music for a party.
>> Contact me off list if you need a hand with anything here.
>> Kevin
>> On 2013-12-03, at 6:53 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to create a smart play list of all my christmas music in i 
>>> tunes.
>>> I have ahuge huge library, so don’t want to do this by hand!
>>> I started to create the list by selecting genre, then told it that it was 
>>> christmas music, picked live update, then saved it.
>>> What am I missing?
>>> Oh, and I also don’t want the play list to be played when I shuffle other 
>>> songs..
>>> Thanks for any help!  I thought I had a handle on this, but obviously I’m 
>>> lost!
>>> Bread crumbs welcomed!
>>> Cait
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Re: Problem with Itunes Match

2013-12-15 Thread Kevin Shaw
Try turning off and then turning on iTunes Match. I've had this issue as well 
and that seems to work. 
On 2013-12-15, at 4:27 AM, Graham  wrote:

> Hi,
> I subscribe to Itunes Match which so far has been excellent. Currently I run 
> ML and the latest Itunes. IOS on my Iphone and Ipad is v6.
> This week I amended a couple of the playlists on my Mac and created a 
> completely new one.
> Now, the playlists I amended aren't showing on any of my I devices and on the 
> Mac they are saying Icloud error against them. The new playlist works 
> perfectly.
> Has anyone any ideas on how I can fix the issue?
> Kind regards
> Graham
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Re: Itunes output

2013-12-19 Thread Kevin Shaw
SoundFlower used to do this, but not sure if it's supported under Mavericks. 

You could set the system output to your Mackie device and set Voiceover back to 
the internal sound card. 

You may also have success by playing back using VLC.


On 2013-12-19, at 1:34 PM, Terje Strømberg  wrote:

> Have you tried system preferences, hardware, sound, sound output, chose a 
> sound output device: ?
> Take care 
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Re: Taggin on Facebook

2013-12-20 Thread Kevin Shaw
How is tagging done in the Facebook mobile layout on Facebook itself?
On 2013-12-20, at 11:42 AM, David Taylor  wrote:

> Hi,
> If you are using the desktop layout you type the at sign @ and then start 
> typing their name. When you've typed enough, it will be filled in for you and 
> you simply press return to enter it.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 20 Dec 2013, at 16:23, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Anyone out there that uses menuTab for Facebook?  Have you figured out how 
>> to tag friends?  I’ve been so close, but no cigar, as they say.
>> I have a feeling I really need to manipulate the mouse with VO; this is not 
>> my strength.  :)
>> Traci
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Re: Reading column and row titles automatically in Numbers

2014-01-17 Thread Kevin Shaw
Whenever I create a new sheet in Numbers, the first thing I do is turn off 
header rows and columns. Right click on the header row and column and set 
header rows and columns to 0.

>From that point on, you should hear standard spreadsheet coordinates when 
>navigating around. A1, B1, C1, etc. 

On 2014-01-17, at 5:08 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi there 
> Apple told me that the top row and the first first column are considered to 
> be heading rows and columns by default, at least that's the way I understood 
> it. Have you tried to change the file a little when you export it to have the 
> labels set up that way? You can increase headers in Numbers also, and maybe 
> that would make a difference. I have not tried this, so if you try it, you 
> might want to make a copy of the file first. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Jan 17, 2014, at 2:01 PM, Vic  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I noticed that when creating new spreadsheet in Numbers, the column and row 
>> titles are read automatically. This, however, doesn't seem to be the case 
>> when when reading spreadsheets from other people, eg when they are imported 
>> from Excel.
>> Has anyone found a solution to this?
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Best,
>> Victor
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Re: Writing and Reading Mathematics with VO

2014-08-04 Thread Kevin Shaw
In the special characters box, you can find additional math symbols, such as 
trig functions, calculus symbols and so on.

On 2014-08-04, at 10:11 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:

> Dear List,
> Hope you're all well. Does anybody have work arounds for writing math and 
> reading it back with VO? Is there a font that's accessible to VO? I'm 
> creating math worksheets for students to complete for homework, but not sure 
> how to write it in an accessible manner. In my days of studying math, I use 
> to spell things out with words E.G. square root 9 + square root of 9. Perhaps 
> there's since been progress from my days in noting mathematics.
> Thanks so much for any suggestions.
> All best,
> I
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Re: Writing and Reading Mathematics with VO

2014-08-04 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Tim,

As said before, you can use the Special Characters under Edit to generate more 
complex math symbols. You may have to read these by navigating with your arrow 

⋿ (read as Z notation bad membership)
⋜ 3 (read as equal to or less than 3)
ℇ (read as Euler constant)

On 2014-08-04, at 11:33 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> I hope that my response read out alright to you.  Depending on your settings 
> for punctuation, some things may not have been read properly.  Sorry, for not 
> making that clear in my initial response.  These special characters do fine 
> for basic math equations, some algebra and such but when you get into more 
> complicated quadratics and “all overs”, it becomes much more challenging.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Aug 4, 2014, at 9:05 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>> Tim,
>> Thanks so much!
>> Peace,
>> I
>> On Aug 4, 2014, at 10:49 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Some of the math functionality is built right into the MacOS.  for example:
>>> • Option > becomes ≥.
>>> • Option < becomes ≤.
>>> • Option = becomes ≠.
>>> • Option v becomes √.
>>> • Option p becomes π.
>>> There are numerous others and you can learn them easily by opening a blank 
>>> TextEdit document, holding down your Option key and pressing the specific 
>>> letters or symbols to learn their corresponding use with the Option key.  
>>> You can also use shift and Option to see if there are others beyond that.
>>> HTH.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Aug 4, 2014, at 8:11 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
 Dear List,
 Hope you're all well. Does anybody have work arounds for writing math and 
 reading it back with VO? Is there a font that's accessible to VO? I'm 
 creating math worksheets for students to complete for homework, but not 
 sure how to write it in an accessible manner. In my days of studying math, 
 I use to spell things out with words E.G. square root 9 + square root of 
 9. Perhaps there's since been progress from my days in noting mathematics.
 Thanks so much for any suggestions.
 All best,
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Re: How to remove unwanted line breaks.

2014-08-25 Thread Kevin Shaw

In either Pages or TextEdit, highlight the line break and copy. 
Open Find/Replace.
Paste the line break into the Find field.
Enter the replacement character in the repalce with: field. Don't leave it 
blank as you'll get words smushed together.
Press Replace All.

Note, you may have to put in your own paragraph indicators  if you want the 
text broken up by paragraph. The program will ignore these.

Undo if not satisfied. 

On 2014-08-25, at 4:44 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi all.
> I have a text, which I at last succeeded converting with stanza from PDf to 
> RTF. I have got a lot of short lines, which I would like to get rid of, but I 
> still want to keep the paragraph breaks, can anyone suggest how I can remove 
> some of these line breaks in an easy way.
> Best regards Annie.
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Re: how to change a page document to a word document on the mack using voice over

2014-08-27 Thread Kevin Shaw

In Pages,this is easy.

Go to File menu
Select Export
>From the submenu, choose Word...
You'll be prompted again for the format you wish to export to, Word will be 
selected, but to double check, VO arrow to the Word option and confirm.
You'll be presented with the typical save dialog box. Choose the location, 
change the name if desired and press return. Your file will be saved as a .doc 

On 2014-08-27, at 6:32 PM, becky sabo  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a document that i have wrote in pages .  My supervisor wants me to 
> change it to  a word document.  How do I change it using voice over ?
> Any help would great .
> Becky Sabo 
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Re: What a disappointment.

2014-09-10 Thread Kevin Shaw
The problem was definitely on Apple's end. Akamai will scale up or down with 
traffic load across their CDN. Other Apple events have streamed fine in the 

Leave it to JavaScript to ruin the day.

On 2014-09-10, at 10:58 AM, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 

> I just waited until later last night and played the archived version. Worked 
> perfectly fine. That said, the press was full of notes about the live stream 
> failures so it wasn't just a particular ISP or user. I poked at the page and 
> the video stream actually was served from a machine named 
> which is a DNS alias to 
> So, in reality, Apple probably just had one or two origin 
> video servers feeding Akamai and all the users were hitting Akamai. Issues 
> probably lived somewhere in Akamai's network unless Apple somehow botched the 
> video feed on their origin servers. CultofMac claims it was a problem on 
> Apple's end where they had embedded a live blog on the video page making it 
> uncachable so the Akamai network couldn't do its thing.
> CB
> On 9/9/14, 9:38 PM, The Believer wrote:
>> Too many people tried to connect world wide and thus created a huge 
>> bottleneck.
>> From The Believer. . .
>> . . . what if it were true?
>> On 9/9/2014 6:14 PM, David Tanner wrote:
>>> I am guessing much of your problems were with your internet connection. I
>>> had almost no problems and was streaming on my work network with a iPhone 5.
>>> Perhaps your internet connection is more of a problem than the internet or
>>> Apple???
>>> s
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Anders Holmberg
>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 12:36 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: What a disappointment.
>>> Hi!
>>> Have some coffee for instance.
>>> /A
>>> 9 sep 2014 kl. 19:33 skrev BobH. :
 I soon gave it up too, moved stuff about instead. Found it didn't fit,
 so put it back and came on here instead.
 RobH, might go do something else yet.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Anders Holmberg" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 6:15 PM
 Subject: What a disappointment.
 I am trying to watch the apple live stream.
 Can't hear a thing.
 Well sometimes i do but i guess the pressure is so high that the video
 is choppy on my ipad and mac.
 Frustration grows!
 /A as angry.
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> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Anyone Using Slack?

2014-09-10 Thread Kevin Shaw
hi Listers,

Anyone out there use Slack for team communication? I'm using the website and 
iOS app, as well as the Mac app. Any accessibility tips would be appreciated, 
as I've got an open line to the developer.


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What's the Deal with new Numbers in Mavericks?

2014-09-24 Thread Kevin Shaw
I've upgraded to the new Numbers. Thankfully, I still have old Numbers.

A few questions:

Does VO no longer read the content of merged cells?
what's the deal with the Inspector? Does it not gain focus when pressing the 
keyboard shortcut?
I'm missing advanced functions, namely FLOOR, ROUND and some stats functions. 
Will Apple put these back?
Do you guys have workarounds that you love? Or hate? Or that are usable?
Where are we, collectively, on VO accessibility for Microsoft Office on the 
Mac? Microsoft, I'm looking in your direction. 


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Cloning Account Settings Across Macs

2011-06-21 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi there,

I'm wondering if there's a way to clone an account's settings (user name, 
password, mail, etc) between two Macs without having to set up an account from 
scratch on the second machine.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Graphing calculator software for the Mac

2011-07-12 Thread Kevin Shaw

I believe there's a utility called Grapher that does this built into SL. Check 
your Utilities folder. I believe this should work with Zoom.


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Re: mac keeper?

2011-07-13 Thread Kevin Shaw
HI Cliff,

Here's a Youtube video that explains what Mac Keeper does. There seems to be a 
lot of misinformation about the app, as the company that makes it used some 
pretty terrible pop-up marketing techniques. I have seen the pop-up many times 
in my web travels. This is what has turned many off of the app.

This review comes from MacWorld's Dave Hamilton.

I haven't used the app myself as I see little need to tweak my Mac. My tweaking 
days ended when my PC died.


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Re: a possible suggestion concerning drag and drop

2011-07-21 Thread Kevin Shaw
Keeping both source and destination folders/objects open would seem logical. 
Visually, the mouse pointer is moving from one place to the other on screen, so 
having both source and destination open should perform drag and drop.

Kevin has a lot of discovering to do in Lion. You can complain to him about 
anything at

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Re: updates for Itunes and Iwork

2011-07-22 Thread Kevin Shaw
I'm discovering that iTunes is sluggish and quite unresponsive with VO under 
Lion. First letter navigation worked for me some of the time and the 
sluggishness disappeared when I made a Genius playlist. In other words, I could 
use my arrow keys to navigate fine within the playlist, just like the previous 
version of iTunes under SL. 

Is anyone else having iTunes performance issues?
On 2011-07-20, at 6:25 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> In all the Lion excitement, people may have missed the updates to ITunes and 
> IWork that came out today. Both applications can now be run full screen if 
> you have Lion. No clue what bugs might have been fixed.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: saving audio form a flash video?

2011-07-25 Thread Kevin Shaw
I know some others have had success with putting the letters pwn
 in front of the youtube address to get to a web service that lets you take the 
audio off. So, you'd put in and then get a choice 
of services to use. 

That's PWN by the way, just in case VO pronounces it as pone which apparently 
it does on my end. 


On 2011-07-25, at 8:00 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> I may be revisiting an old dance number, but is there a concrete way to draw 
> the audio only from a flash video?  I know it can be done in youtube, so 
> guess? it can be done from other things?
> as I shared, I believe this has been covered before, yet the question arose 
> on another list, so I am asking.
> Karen
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Re: saving audio form a flash video?

2011-07-25 Thread Kevin Shaw
Yes Karen. As far as I know, the PWN before the YouTube link in its entirety 
will bring up the service. I'm not sure if anyone else out there has experience 
using this in an accessible way, but it has worked on the Windows side for me 
at work.

I'm not sure if that works with other sites with Flash content. 

On 2011-07-25, at 8:18 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> what a nifty looking trick, I may have to try it myself, like this Kevin to 
> be sure i have it correct?
>, all the rest that follows.htm
> or something?
> thanks,
> Karen
> On Mon, 25 Jul 2011, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>> I know some others have had success with putting the letters pwn
>> in front of the youtube address to get to a web service that lets you take 
>> the audio off. So, you'd put in and then get a 
>> choice of services to use.
>> That's PWN by the way, just in case VO pronounces it as pone which 
>> apparently it does on my end.
>> Kevin
>> On 2011-07-25, at 8:00 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>> I may be revisiting an old dance number, but is there a concrete way to 
>>> draw the audio only from a flash video?  I know it can be done in youtube, 
>>> so guess? it can be done from other things?
>>> as I shared, I believe this has been covered before, yet the question arose 
>>> on another list, so I am asking.
>>> Karen
>>> --
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Macvisionaries Wiki

2011-07-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hello list members,

I'm discovering a lot of messages on the list that seem to be asking the same 
questions over and over. I'm wondering if it would be more efficient for 
several creative people out there to create a Macvisionaries wiki which would 
contain answers to common questions and cover several common topics such as:

•   Primers on switching from PC screen readers to the Mac
•   Voiceover basics and common keystrokes in Mac OS X.
•   Common commands, workarounds and techniques for programs such as 
Safari, Mail, Address Book and so on.
•   Tutorials on working with said programs and others such as Garage Band, 
Logic, twitter clients and other third party software.
•   Contacts for developers, accessibility status and other information 
about less accessible programs.
•   Other things I haven't thought of.

Just thought I'd throw this idea out there. 


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Re: Bookmarks bug in Safari?

2011-07-29 Thread Kevin Shaw
HI Riccardo,

I've experienced this within Safari as well as other applications where 
Voiceover will lose focus on the forward most window. Odd behaviour for sure. 
If a simple workaround is restarting VO, then it's not an insurmountable 
problem. It is frustrating though.


On 2011-07-29, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I noticed when in Safari, when I press command D to save a webpage to 
> bookmarks, voiceover does not see the add to bookmarks window.  I have to 
> toggle voiceover on/off for voiceover to see it.  Are others having this 
> problem?
> Thanks.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
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iTunes Keystroke Discovery

2011-07-29 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi friends,

I've discovered a keystroke in iTunes rather by accident. In the main music 
library playlist and with Shuffle off, option + the arrow left and right keys 
will jump to the previous and next artist in the main playlist. For example,e I 
was able to jump from Fitz and the Tantrums to The Fixx by hitting option + 
right arrow. A cool feature which is way better than just hitting right arrow 

Unfortunately, option and F9/F7 does not reproduce this, so you have to be in 
the main iTunes window for this to occur.

Please forgive me if this is common knowledge, but I thought it was pretty rad. 


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Re: A question about a specific example of slowness in iTunes 10.4

2011-07-30 Thread Kevin Shaw

I've experienced the exact same thing running on a mid-2009 MBP with 8 GB of 
RAM, and SSD and running in Lion. Moving up and down through my playlists is 
rather speedy and other than the main music library playlist, I have no issues. 

I'm wondering two things:
1.  In upgrading to 104, did the iTunes music database get corrupted 
somehow and is this what is causing the sluggish performance?
2.  Is there a way to repair/rebuild the database?

that's my shot in the dark.

On 2011-07-30, at 11:17 AM, Bryan Jones wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I think there's already been some discussion about slowness in iTunes 10.4, 
> but I'm wondering if other folks are experiencing the following specific 
> behavior:
> If I select "Music" in the sources list and then attempt to navigate through 
> my songs, it takes several seconds to VO up and down through my songs or left 
> and right through the fields in each song. However, I experience no delays 
> when navigating through my lists of Books, Movies, TV Shows or even through 
> the contents of my playlist folders.
> My music library is 30GB, movies library is 10GB, other libraries are 
> smaller, but regardless of size or number of items, I don't recall having 
> this issue in the previous version of iTunes running under SL.
> This is on a late 2010 macbook air with 4GB RAM and a speedy SSD. The whole 
> library is located on the SSD. I've tried changing views, columns, and any 
> other options I could think of.
> TIA,
> Bryan
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Where's Front Row in Lion?

2011-07-30 Thread Kevin Shaw
HI list,

Anyone know what happened to Front Row in Lion?¬ It doesn't seem to be anywhere 
on my Mac. 

If there's somewhere I can download it again from Apple, I'd appreciate any 


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Friendly Hello And Introduction

2010-07-20 Thread Kevin Shaw
Greetings fellow Mac users,

My name is Kevin Shaw and I've just joined the MV list. I've got a Macbook Pro, 
an iPhone and iMac and I'm really enjoying being back on the Mac platform after 
swimming for years in shark-infested waters.

I've just completed a Masters thesis on using Voiceover and ProTools to record 
a five piece rock band. You can expect to hear more about this once I defend my 
research in August. 

I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and learning about some things 
on the Mac, such as AppleScript and possibly some more advanced programming 

Thanks and see you around.

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Re: Excell on the mac?

2010-07-21 Thread Kevin Shaw
You can use's spreadsheet function which will open and read 
Excel files with no hassles. As said before, try Numbers which comes with 
iwork. It will import XLS files as well.


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Time machine and NAS

2010-07-21 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi guys and gals,

I am interested in setting up a 2-bay NAS box for backup over a home network. 
Will time Machine see that drive as a suitable backup drive? Or, do I need 
something connected to USB or Firewire.


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Re: filters in mail

2010-07-21 Thread Kevin Shaw
>From my experience, smart mailboxes keep the original message in your main 
>mailbox, whereas rules will move the physical message. This is with a POP3 
>account. Your mileage may vary.


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Re: introduction and questions about switching to mac

2010-07-21 Thread Kevin Shaw
HI there,

For someone who has just finished a Master's degree, I can honestly say that a 
Mac was well worth the money and investment. I just wrote my 31-page Master's 
thesis in Pages and had few issues with creating a table of contents, 
pagination and document markup.

iWork and are suitable programs for dealing with MS Word files 
and other MS office documents.

My school used Blackboard quite extensively and I had few to no problems with 
Blackboard. In fact, our school just upgraded to Blackboard 9 and I've noticed 
very few differences or accessibility snags.

Learning Voiceover is relatively straight forward, as you are able to fire up a 
tutorial once you load it for the first time. That will get you up and running 
relatively quickly. Mac OS and Mac programs have built-in keyboard shortcuts 
that make things very speedy.

Preview is excellent for reading PDF files and it will let you bookmark your 
documents. I made it through an entire semester of heavy readings using Preview.

If your school has a library service that scans your books/articles for you, 
use that as much as possible. It saves you valuable time. As others have said, 
OCR stuff can be done on the Windows side with Boot Camp, but who wants to scan 
10 articles and 2 doctoral dissertations for a mid-term paper? Luckily for me, 
90% of my courses and reading material were completely paperless, meaning 
computer access was much easier and straight forward.

Check the and websites for some articles and 
tips. Apple's site is great and you also have the list here.

Good luck with your M.Ed.


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Re: A Question Regarding Menu Hotkeys

2010-07-24 Thread Kevin Shaw
If you have a Macbook with a multitouch trackpad, you can create a gesture that 
will take you right to the menubar. From there, it's first letter navigation 
which should be straight forward. Might be a little easier than VO-M.

Mine is Shift-Swipe Down.


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Re: screen curtain

2010-07-25 Thread Kevin Shaw
HI there,

Each time you launch Voiceover, you will need to reactivate the screen curtain. 
Perhaps this is a feature request for future versions of VO. Each time you  
relaunch VO, it would tell you the status of the screen curtain.


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Re: Copying audio CDs

2010-07-25 Thread Kevin Shaw
I am not sure if iTunes will give you the option, but if you can lower your 
burning speed to 4x, this should eliminate skip issues. 

As for other accessible burning applications, try Toast. I remember seeing that 
on a VO compatible page. I'm not sure if Wave Burner is VO accessible, but it 
will bit accurate CDs if that's what you're looking for.


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Re: Copying audio CDs

2010-07-25 Thread Kevin Shaw
Me again,

In iTunes, click the Burn Disc button. You will be able to access your burner's 
speed settings from there. Set it to 4 or 2x for optimal burning speed.

Hope this helps,

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Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
The full iWorks suite is available specifically; for iPad. This includes Pages, 
Numbers and Keynote. 

Good luck,

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NAS and Time Machine

2010-07-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
HI all,

I don't know if my original message went through to the list. I was wondering 
if anyone is successfully using a NAS box with Time Machine or whether the 
backup drive has to be a USB or Firewire drive only.


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Re: NAS and Time Machine

2010-07-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
NAS stands for Network Attached Storage. It's essentially a hard drive case for 
two drives with an Ethernet jack on the back. Data is sent via Ethernet 
protocols to the drives. This allows the drive to sit in a corner, connected  
to a router and accessible over a network. 

My box will allow me to format the drives as JBOD (just a bunch of disks), as 
RAID 0 or RAID 1. 

I'm wondering whether Time Machine will recognize this as a valid backup drive 
or if it only works with something connected to a USB or Firewire port.


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Re: NAS and Time Machine

2010-07-26 Thread Kevin Shaw
Similar to Time Capsule, but not an Apple product. The drive will show up as a 
standard disk in Finder, but I am wondering if Time Machine will do automatic 
backups to that drive.


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Re: macbook versus Macbook pro

2010-07-27 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Laura,

The Macbook Pro features a Firewire port, the Macbook does not. That and the 
points mentioned earlier are the difference.

Voiceover will run on any Mac, from their smallest laptop to their professional 
grade servers, once it is running any OS past OS X 10.4 Tiger.

Good luck with the switch. You'll save quite a bit of money.


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Re: NAS and Time Machine

2010-07-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
Yes, I realize NAS boxes come in larger configurations. what I meant to say was 
that mine in particular has two drives in it. We use NAS at my station with up 
to 15 drives in it.

As for the formatting information, I will look into that. the manual does have 
information on using the NAS as an iTunes server, so I would imagine that it 
would be Time Machine compatible.


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Re: Tornado warning! (get away from windows)

2010-07-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Samuel,

Running Windows on a Mac doesn't defeat the purpose of buying a Mac. Apple 
encourages, albeit in a round-about way, people to run Windows on their Macs. 
This is why Apple made BootCamp in the first place.

Having said that, I'm not aware of any comparable product to K-1000 running on 
a Mac. I used to have two computers until my PC died recently. Once my iMac is 
set-up, I'll be installing Windows on it so I can run K-1000 and a few other PC 
specific programs for my work.

I tried the website in my Safari and it loaded in about 2 seconds. Perhaps 
you've got some type of DNS resolving issue, but this is speculation on my part 
as I'm not familiar with how your system is set-up.

Someone else can speak to the quality of Spanish voices, I'm sure.

Hope this helps.

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OLd School ClarisWorks Translator

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hello there,

Way back in the day, I used to use a productivity package called ClarisWorks. I 
have a few hundred files still left in that format and am wondering if there is 
some type of extension or application that will allow me to convert or read 
these files. 

Any help would be appreciated.


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DVS Movies in itunes Store

2010-08-01 Thread Kevin Shaw
HI there,

Does anyone know if there are movies in the iTunes store that come with 
descriptive video? Is there a way to tell or activate this feature with a 
downloaded movie? Is there a way to search the store for movies with DVS 

If there are described movies available, then I'm going to have a rather busy 


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