Hi friendly listers,

I wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely thank each and every one of you 
who has kindly contributed to the Zagga Entertainment crowd funding campaign on 
Indiegogo.com. you have no idea how much it means to me as the founder of the 
company. It reminds me that all of the hard work I've put into this over the 
past 3 years has been well worth it. I'd like to recognize and mention Cara for 
her continued support and encouragement. You're the best! 

If it's okay with everyone, I'd like to mention a few updates:

*       We are now developing our site and an accessible iOS app right out of 
the gate. Android users, we didn't forget about you, but you may have to wait a 
bit longer because all the cool kids develop for iOS first. :)
*       We're days away from closing our first 3 content deals. I'm proud of 
the work our content team has done and that is opening up doors for us to get 
more folks involved. As an aside, our service will be presented with video, as 
our market research has shown that co-viewing is important to our audience.
*       Flash sucks and now one of our content partners knows that after I 
demonstrated Voiceover running with their Flash player. It was comical, as I 
was trying to pause the player because it was too loud. We ended up having to 
shout over the video as I was showing him that Voiceover couldn't find the 
Play/Pause button. He sheepishly smiled indulgently  as I showed him the 
prototype of our player. 
*       We were recently featured on the maccessibility Round Table Podcast. 
Thanks to the Maccessibility "it" couple, Darcy and Holly for hosting. 

As a Voiceover user and recovering JAWS for Windows user, I've been preaching 
the gospel of accessibility to folks in the development and startup community 
here in Canada. They understand and they're listening to us. Please continue to 
spread the word that including accessibility in Apple software is easy and 
makes their applications usable by everyone, not just those who live with 
vision loss.

Again, thanks so much for your continued support!

...And may the Zagga be with you.

Best wishes,
Kevin Shaw

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