Re: FaceTime And 3G

2011-09-27 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
Face Time at this juncture is only available when both devices involved are 
using WiFi, this applies to any iOS device. You can also Face Time using Mac's. 
I would assume that the Mac to has to be connected using WiFi or Ether net, but 
you might get away with a 3G USB key.


Neil Barnfather

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On 27 Sep 2011, at 06:50, Georges Zaynoun wrote:


In this house we have two ipads with 3G, we wonder if we can use facetime with 
it or we must stick to wifi, thanks.

Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315

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Re: FaceTime And 3G

2011-09-27 Thread Cody
You need to stick to wifi unless you have jailbroken your device
On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:50 AM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:

> Hi!
> In this house we have two ipads with 3G, we wonder if we can use facetime 
> with it or we must stick to wifi, thanks.
> -- 
> Georges Zeinoun
> Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
> Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
> Mobile: +46707567315
> E-mail:
> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit 
> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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Re: FaceTime And 3G

2011-09-27 Thread Aman Singer
To the best of my understanding, the only way to use Facetime over 3G
is to jailbreak the device and install a program like My3G
to make the Facetime application think it is on WiFi. Note that 3G
does use quite a bit of data, and also that the 3G connection may not
be good enough for it depending on your location relative to the
towers, network capacity, and other issues.

On 9/26/11, Georges Zaynoun  wrote:
> Hi!
> In this house we have two ipads with 3G, we wonder if we can use
> facetime with it or we must stick to wifi, thanks.
> --
> Georges Zeinoun
> Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
> Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
> Mobile: +46707567315
> E-mail:
> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit
> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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Re: VMWare and lion

2011-09-27 Thread
Did you use sharp keys to remap your key configuration?  I don't have the same 
issue your having, and use qwitter everyday.

Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog)
(Marriage group)

On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:59 AM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:

> Thanks. Not sure if this would fix the problem, but when I am
> attempting to use Qwitter client and press control windows D to send a
> direct message, there is no response.
> On 9/25/11, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
>> I mapped my forward slash key to be the right control key since I don't use
>> the left one that much, and never use the forward slash key.  That's how I
>> avoid using it.  HTH
>> Kliphton SR
>> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>> (Marriage Blog)
>> (Marriage group)
>> On Sep 24, 2011, at 10:35 PM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone, The problem still persists despite my trying Mike's
>>> suggestions. Whenever I press control + right arrow, the control key
>>> seems to stick and I can only unstick it by hitting it once again by
>>> itself. Does anyone else have any input? This problem is getting to be
>>> highly annoying and now I'm experiencing issues with certain commands
>>> in other Windows applications which require the use of the control
>>> key. Please let me know if there is anything else I should try! Thanks
>>> in advance.
>>> On 9/15/11, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
 You might check your sticky key settings and see if this was accidentally
 enabled in windows. Also, in the fusion preferences, you may want to turn
 off the key mapping feature.
 On Sep 15, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed Lion, and have since been experiencing a rather
> annoying problem with VMWare Fusion 4 running JAWS. While in the
> virtual machine, the control key seems to virtually stick, such that I
> often have to either press the control key again or shift focus away
> from the Fusion window in order to temporarily resolve the problem.
> Has anyone else experienced this issue? It makes JAWS text reading
> commands very difficult to execute, and I'd appreciate any tips.
> Please let me know if you'd like me to explain this issue further.
> Thanks.
> Lindsay
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Re: VMWare and lion

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Lindsay,
To find out what the problem is, it would be helpful if you could provide some 
more detailed explanation on what works, and what does not work. Can you use 
quitter at all yet? One possible cause could be a problem with the keys you 
press or have configured.

On an average  windows keyboard, the alt is the first key to the left of your 
spacebar, the windows key is the second key and is to the left of it, and the 
control key is the third, one more to the left. If you have been using windows 
on a normal pc, this is probably the layout that you are used to. On a mac 
however, when using fusion, the command key is not mapped to the alt key like 
one would expect, nor is the option key mapped to your windows key. By default, 
if you have not changed this yourself, then inside vmware fusion, it is the 
other way around. Your command key, left of the spacebar, becomes your windows 
logo key, and the option key, second key left of the spacebar, becomes your alt 
key inside windows. For quitter in windows, you need windows plus control plus 
another key, so if alt and windows keys happen to be swapped because of the 
default behavior in fusion, then this might be the cause of qwitter not working.

On my machine, quitter inside fusion runs smoothly without a problem. So I 
think what you are experiencing is either a pebkac or a configuration issue. 
Are you working on a mac laptop? Can you experiment, to see if the keys you 
hold down for quitter are the correct ones? Could it be that you have a 
configuration problem inside quitter? If you want, please explain a bit more 
about your problem. I think it can be easily solved if you provide some extra 
On Sep 27, 2011, at 7:59 AM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:

> Thanks. Not sure if this would fix the problem, but when I am
> attempting to use Qwitter client and press control windows D to send a
> direct message, there is no response.
> On 9/25/11, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
>> I mapped my forward slash key to be the right control key since I don't use
>> the left one that much, and never use the forward slash key.  That's how I
>> avoid using it.  HTH
>> Kliphton SR
>> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>> (Marriage Blog)
>> (Marriage group)
>> On Sep 24, 2011, at 10:35 PM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone, The problem still persists despite my trying Mike's
>>> suggestions. Whenever I press control + right arrow, the control key
>>> seems to stick and I can only unstick it by hitting it once again by
>>> itself. Does anyone else have any input? This problem is getting to be
>>> highly annoying and now I'm experiencing issues with certain commands
>>> in other Windows applications which require the use of the control
>>> key. Please let me know if there is anything else I should try! Thanks
>>> in advance.
>>> On 9/15/11, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
 You might check your sticky key settings and see if this was accidentally
 enabled in windows. Also, in the fusion preferences, you may want to turn
 off the key mapping feature.
 On Sep 15, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed Lion, and have since been experiencing a rather
> annoying problem with VMWare Fusion 4 running JAWS. While in the
> virtual machine, the control key seems to virtually stick, such that I
> often have to either press the control key again or shift focus away
> from the Fusion window in order to temporarily resolve the problem.
> Has anyone else experienced this issue? It makes JAWS text reading
> commands very difficult to execute, and I'd appreciate any tips.
> Please let me know if you'd like me to explain this issue further.
> Thanks.
> Lindsay
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Re: cannot find link to download Skype 5.4 beta on 5.4 page

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Ray and Teresa,
Did any of you try the new Skype connection to Facebook? I don't know if it is 
just me, but I'm having a hard time using the normal Facebook webpage. I'm 
hoping that it will be easier to do from Skype. Any experiences with that?

On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:04 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Found it.  thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Sep 26, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Ray,
>> Try this link:
>> and do a text search for 5.4 beta.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> On Sep 26, 2011, at 12:39 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Okay.
>>> Where is the blasted link to download Skype beta 5.4 on the Skype 5.4 page? 
>>>  There is no button or link to download it.  I tried the "Download the 
>>> latest Skype" I also tried the "Get Skype" I also tried the "Download Skype 
>>> for Mac" link right next to the technical information about 5.4 but, Every 
>>> single time, It downloads 5.3 instead.  I'm signed in when I try it.  
>>> What's going on with this?
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> -- 
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Re: just discovered computer braille

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Gigi,
Can we actually edit the braille table in use?
On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> I sure wish that when I wrote Apple they had saiD back to me there indeed is 
> a way to display in computer braille. I have found that you don't have to go 
> to Unified Braille. For all I know this works in all the languages. 
> If you choose English and uncontracted braille and then turn on dots 7 and 
> eight, you get computeer braille, complete with control characters. This 
> means you can get a braille display of new lines, tabs, etc. I can't even do 
> that on my PacMate these days, although I could on my old Braille Lite 40. I 
> was really upset when I lost this ability. Now I think I have it back. I 
> can't wait to tell my friend in Nebraska who was disappointed that VoiceOver 
> didn't have computer braille.
> Regards,
> Gigi 
> -- 
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Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Jenny Wood,
Dropbox is usable on the mac. Not entirely accessible, but it is now usable. If 
you downloaded the installer from recently, you will have noticed 
that at least the dropbox mac setup is now fully accessible. That was not the 
case a while ago, so that is a nice improvement.

Second: why bother with the web interface. If you have more than one device 
that you want to use dropbox on, then the idea is simple. The dropbox website 
is your main place of storage. You can fill it with files, by having your mac 
dropbox client upload stuff to that space on the web. 
On your mac, inside your home folder, you have a new folder named dropbox. You 
can reach this folder by hitting command shift h for your home folder in 
finder. You will see documents, music and all your stuff there, plus this new 
dropbox folder. Go into it, and drop anything you want uploaded to the sight 
inside this home dropbox folder on your mac. The upload will happen 
automatically, without any other user intervention. A while later, you will 
find these files on the web in your dropbox account. Of course, dropbox will 
have to be running on the mac for this to happen.

If you now install dropbox on a second device, say an iPod touch, an iPhone, or 
a windows computer, then all files in the dropbox space on the web will 
automatically be downloaded to the new device. All you need to do to make this 
happen, is install dropbox on the new device, and login with your account. 

To know if dropbox is running or not on your mac, you can check your users and 
groups item in system preferences. Go to the menu bar, vo m, go down to system 
preferences with vo down arrow, vo space on it, then move over to preference 
panes, and interact with that. Now go to users and groups. You can arrow 
around, or you can hit u s e in quick succession to have the vo cursor move to 
users and groups. Hit vo space to open this item. Then hit vo space on the 
login items tab. Move right, till you are on a list box with your programs that 
startup automatically each time you turn on your mac, and interact with the 
table. Look up and down and see if there is an item called dropbox. If you find 
it here, then you know that dropbox is always active from now on, and that the 
installation of dropbox succeeded. If you don't find it, you will have to redo 
the installation of dropbox, so that the dropbox item appears here. Once you 
have it in place, simply copy or move files into your home dropbox folder on 
the mac to have them uploaded to the web space. As soon as you synch your 
second device with the internet, all files you uploaded on the mac will appear 
there as well. If you delete something, doesn't matter from which device, it 
will also be deleted from all other drop boxed devices. You don't need the web 
interface at all, nor do you need to see the interface of your mac dropbox 
client. Just be sure that it is running, and if it's not, just start it from 
your applications folder, command shift a. If at some point you want to get rid 
of dropbox, simply remove the dropbox entry from your user and groups login 
items table, reboot your mac so that the dropbox process is no longer running, 
and then trash the dropbox app away from your applications folder
On Sep 26, 2011, at 10:06 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Good day all.  I have just started playing with dropbox, so I am very new to 
> this particular service.  I understand that there are all kinds of 
> accessibility issues with dropbox on Lion, but I am curious, if there is a 
> way to download an entire folder from the website interface without sight?  
> The instructions are most definitely geared toward the sighted, and I haven't 
> been able to find a work around as of yet.  I can manage to download 
> individual files, but going about it this way will take an eternity I'm sure. 
>  As expected, I haven't been able to make heads or tails of the desktop app.  
> I am running Lion, btw, with the latest updates.  Thank you for any help you 
> can offer!   
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> -- 
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Re: just discovered computer braille

2011-09-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Paul E. 
I do not know if you can edit the table. In my case, I have no reason to. It 
looks fine. So far, I can't see any problem with it. Are you thinking about 
taking out the control characters? If so, I would rather be able to turn them 
on and off, but right now I'm just glad I can do it at all. My PacMate display 
is starting to give me some trouble, although it's still usable. If it costs 
too much money to fix it, I just may need to use my other display on the Mac. 
At least I won't have to install Windows just for that now.


On Sep 27, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Gigi,
> Can we actually edit the braille table in use?
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> I sure wish that when I wrote Apple they had saiD back to me there indeed is 
>> a way to display in computer braille. I have found that you don't have to go 
>> to Unified Braille. For all I know this works in all the languages. 
>> If you choose English and uncontracted braille and then turn on dots 7 and 
>> eight, you get computeer braille, complete with control characters. This 
>> means you can get a braille display of new lines, tabs, etc. I can't even do 
>> that on my PacMate these days, although I could on my old Braille Lite 40. I 
>> was really upset when I lost this ability. Now I think I have it back. I 
>> can't wait to tell my friend in Nebraska who was disappointed that VoiceOver 
>> didn't have computer braille.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi 
>> -- 
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Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Kevin Chao
HI Paul,

Please see response below inline.

On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens  wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so happy
> about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that people
> have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
> already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.
As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
empowering, and equalizing that I am able to use it as well with a
consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.
> 1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like safari
> is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with voiceover to
> start with?
Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
require several attempts, and many other issues.
> 2. If you can, what does the chromevox extension give you on top of it? If
> you can not use chrome with voiceover, does chrome plus chromevox then give
> you equal performance than safari does, when visiting other websites? In
> other words, would you say that chrome is a good replacement for safari?
ChromeVox is an extension that has very deep integration with Chrome,
removes several layers of abstractions, and allows for things to be
done that traditional desktop screen readers cannot due to it being a
web browser extension. All the issues I detailed with Safari/VoiceOver
do not exist in Chrome/ChromeVox.
> 3. When using google docs, is it true that many people can work on a
> document simultaneously, and can you now easily see who changed what?
Yes, all of this is possible with Docs, is accessible, and it's
possible to use other real-time features, such as chat to discuss
various points with others who you are collaborating with, several can
make changes, and it's possible to review/edit all these changes as
they're occurring. Inserting, viewing, and editing comments are also
accessible. All of this and much more with Docs applies to documents
and spreadsheets.
> 4. What are the current do's and don'ts, that you found out about, in the
> environment? In other words, what things is the environment good at, from an
> accessibility point of view?
It's a work in progress, with Google being very interested in
feedback/input, great open communication, and will soon have updates
addressing lots of areas, which includes new features, bug fixes, and
other items, which are based on feedback. Essentially, a great web
browser and access to standard/new versions of Docs, Calendar, and
Gmail are the great highlights.
> Very curious.
Please give it a try. Google has great documentation (user guide,
keyboard command reference, Docs screen reader help, and interactive
> Paul.
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Google is very committed, understanding, and has done an incredible
>> job with accessibility. In particular, Chrome, ChromeVox (Chrome
>> extension), Apps (Docs [documents/spreadsheets], Calendar, and Gmail).
>> This package results in a very effective, efficient, powerful, and
>> top-notch productivity suite. All is needed is Chrome, ChromeVox, and
>> a Gmail/Apps ID. I've been using Google apps, especially
>> documents/spreadsheets for the last several days within Chrome and
>> ChromeVox extension and find it to be great.
>> Please see below for all the links/details needed to get going with a
>> universally accessible, powerful, robust, and first-class productivity
>> suite.
>> Google Chrome Canary (Mac/Windows platform powering ChromeVox/Apps):
>> Installing ChromeVox as a packed extension
>> ChromeVox User Guide:
>> Use Google Docs with a screen reader
>> Google accessibility feedback:
>> FYI: new/standard UI/look/view is recommended and will work with
>> Chrome/ChromeVox.
>> Kevin
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Re: brf Web Braille files

2011-09-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Teresa.
I haven't tried yet to global replace control characters. In my case I have to 
keep a brf file the way it is. Actually, I haven't yet figured out exactly how 
to do global replaces in TextEdit. I have Pages also, but I have to switched to 
TextEdit for most of my files because it has given me less grief. 


On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:49 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Gigi,
> Thanks a lot for the heads-up. I will check this out. I'm wondering if you 
> couldn't do a search-and-replace with a brf file in text-edit and remove the 
> control characters that way. Another entirely different way to go about it 
> might be to use Louis and back-translate the file into a text file. Of 
> course, the Braille formatting would probably be lost, and I must admit that 
> I like the pretty spacing and paragraphs very much.
> HTh,
> Teresa
> On Sep 26, 2011, at 6:16 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Guys.
>> We've had some discussion before and had decided we couldn't read grade 2 
>> files on our Macs. Well, I just did it. To make it more readable, the file I 
>> had first came out all in uppercase. I first selected all the text. I had 
>> some bad moments at first when I tried to do a global replace and almost 
>> erased all the text. However, I finally went into edit and chose 
>> Transformations. One of the choices was to make the file lower case. If you 
>> do that, the brf file is easier to read. The only thing is, and it's really 
>> pretty minor, that I haven't figured out how to turn off the control 
>> characters if you just want to read the file. I like them when I'm editing, 
>> but I used to turn them off on the Braille Lite when reading. When I 
>> withurned speech off, I was able to read it just fine. 
>> I think a lot of Web braille files, if I remember, end in cell 38, so that 
>> will mean that, for the most part, the control characters will just show up 
>> in cell 39 and 40. 
>> For those out there who want to read braille music, it might work just fine 
>> this way, too. I'm not an expert on that subject. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> -- 
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Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi list,
When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money finally, I 
went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the canadian store says 
1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if its the wrong one. Can 
anyone confirm this?

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Garth Humphreys
I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as it 
normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. Having 
said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before putting down the 

On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hi list,
> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money finally, 
> I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the canadian store 
> says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if its the wrong one. 
> Can anyone confirm this?
> Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> -- 
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Re: FaceTime And 3G

2011-09-27 Thread Garth Humphreys
I have a vague memory of reading somewhere that Facetime over 3G was going to 
be opened up under IOS 5.
On 27/09/2011, at 6:28 PM, Aman Singer wrote:

> Hello.
> To the best of my understanding, the only way to use Facetime over 3G
> is to jailbreak the device and install a program like My3G
> to make the Facetime application think it is on WiFi. Note that 3G
> does use quite a bit of data, and also that the 3G connection may not
> be good enough for it depending on your location relative to the
> towers, network capacity, and other issues.
> HTH.
> Aman
> On 9/26/11, Georges Zaynoun  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> In this house we have two ipads with 3G, we wonder if we can use
>> facetime with it or we must stick to wifi, thanks.
>> --
>> Georges Zeinoun
>> Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
>> Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
>> Mobile: +46707567315
>> E-mail:
>> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit
>> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page opensource, 
which according to my experience means very messy web site and documentation. 
Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain the chromevox 
extention. So i wonder where to get the extention. can i get it directly from 
chrome using something or other to get extentions? Do i have to turn vo off 
every time i want to use the browser?
27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:

> HI Paul,
> Please see response below inline.
> On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so happy
>> about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that people
>> have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
>> already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.
> As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
> co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
> empowering, and equalizing that I am able to use it as well with a
> consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
> me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
> browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
> tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
> tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
> However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
> and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.
>> 1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like safari
>> is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with voiceover to
>> start with?
> Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
> with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
> HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
> key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
> require several attempts, and many other issues.
>> 2. If you can, what does the chromevox extension give you on top of it? If
>> you can not use chrome with voiceover, does chrome plus chromevox then give
>> you equal performance than safari does, when visiting other websites? In
>> other words, would you say that chrome is a good replacement for safari?
> ChromeVox is an extension that has very deep integration with Chrome,
> removes several layers of abstractions, and allows for things to be
> done that traditional desktop screen readers cannot due to it being a
> web browser extension. All the issues I detailed with Safari/VoiceOver
> do not exist in Chrome/ChromeVox.
>> 3. When using google docs, is it true that many people can work on a
>> document simultaneously, and can you now easily see who changed what?
> Yes, all of this is possible with Docs, is accessible, and it's
> possible to use other real-time features, such as chat to discuss
> various points with others who you are collaborating with, several can
> make changes, and it's possible to review/edit all these changes as
> they're occurring. Inserting, viewing, and editing comments are also
> accessible. All of this and much more with Docs applies to documents
> and spreadsheets.
>> 4. What are the current do's and don'ts, that you found out about, in the
>> environment? In other words, what things is the environment good at, from an
>> accessibility point of view?
> It's a work in progress, with Google being very interested in
> feedback/input, great open communication, and will soon have updates
> addressing lots of areas, which includes new features, bug fixes, and
> other items, which are based on feedback. Essentially, a great web
> browser and access to standard/new versions of Docs, Calendar, and
> Gmail are the great highlights.
>> Very curious.
> Please give it a try. Google has great documentation (user guide,
> keyboard command reference, Docs screen reader help, and interactive
> tutorial).
>> Paul.
> Kevin
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>>> Google is very committed, understanding, and has done an incredible
>>> job with accessibility. In particular, Chrome, ChromeVox (Chrome
>>> extension), Apps (Docs [documents/spreadsheets], Calendar, and Gmail).
>>> This package results in a very effective, efficient, powerful, and
>>> top-notch productivity suite. All is needed is Chrome, ChromeVox, and
>>> a Gmail/Apps ID. I've been using Google apps, especially
>>> documents/spreadsheets for the last several days within Chrome and
>>> ChromeVox extension and find it to be great.
>>> Please see below for all the links/details needed to get going with a
>>> universally accessible, powerful, robust, and first-class productivity
>>> suite.
>>> Google Chrome Canary (Mac/Windows platform powering ChromeVox/Apps):
>>> Installing ChromeVox as a packed extension
>>> ChromeVox U

Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread erik burggraaf
It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one for 


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:

> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as it 
> normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
> Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before putting 
> down the money. 
> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money finally, 
>> I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the canadian store 
>> says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if its the wrong 
>> one. Can anyone confirm this?
>> Thanks.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> -- 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for free?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one for 
> free?
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as it 
>> normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
>> Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before putting 
>> down the money. 
>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
>>> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
>>> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
>>> its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Matt Dierckens
I have a money reader that I got about 5 years ago, not sure if they've updated 
it since.
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-09-27, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one for 
> free?
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as it 
>> normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
>> Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before putting 
>> down the money. 
>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
>>> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
>>> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
>>> its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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new user app install question

2011-09-27 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi Guys

I tried installing  my first downloaded app today. I have done a few from the 
app store and this was of course very straight forward.  My problem was when I 
tried installing  Skype from the web. 
It worked in that I was able to run Skype  however it doesn't seem to be 
installed in the correct location. I just have the dng file in the Application 
folder. I also have a Skype volume in the same window as my Macintosh HD. In 
this Skype volume I have the Skype app and an application alias. 

I have tried using the drag and drop and cut and paste to rectify but haven't 
got anywhere yet. What's my best approach from here and how should I do it next 

Any help appreciated . 


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Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Kevin Chao
Hi Krister,
Pleas see response below inline.
On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:
> Hi,
> Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
> opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web site and
> documentation.
ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.
> Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
> the chromevox extention. So i wonder where to get the extention. can i get
> it directly from chrome using something or other to get extentions?
Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
the links to all the details you'll need to get going.
> Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?
Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.
> /Krister
> 27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:
>> HI Paul,
>> Please see response below inline.
>> On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so
>>> happy
>>> about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that people
>>> have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
>>> already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.
>> As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
>> co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
>> empowering, and equalizing that I am able to use it as well with a
>> consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
>> me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
>> browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
>> tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
>> tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
>> However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
>> and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.
>>> 1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like
>>> safari
>>> is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with voiceover
>>> to
>>> start with?
>> Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
>> with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
>> HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
>> key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
>> require several attempts, and many other issues.
>>> 2. If you can, what does the chromevox extension give you on top of it?
>>> If
>>> you can not use chrome with voiceover, does chrome plus chromevox then
>>> give
>>> you equal performance than safari does, when visiting other websites? In
>>> other words, would you say that chrome is a good replacement for safari?
>> ChromeVox is an extension that has very deep integration with Chrome,
>> removes several layers of abstractions, and allows for things to be
>> done that traditional desktop screen readers cannot due to it being a
>> web browser extension. All the issues I detailed with Safari/VoiceOver
>> do not exist in Chrome/ChromeVox.
>>> 3. When using google docs, is it true that many people can work on a
>>> document simultaneously, and can you now easily see who changed what?
>> Yes, all of this is possible with Docs, is accessible, and it's
>> possible to use other real-time features, such as chat to discuss
>> various points with others who you are collaborating with, several can
>> make changes, and it's possible to review/edit all these changes as
>> they're occurring. Inserting, viewing, and editing comments are also
>> accessible. All of this and much more with Docs applies to documents
>> and spreadsheets.
>>> 4. What are the current do's and don'ts, that you found out about, in the
>>> environment? In other words, what things is the environment good at, from
>>> an
>>> accessibility point of view?
>> It's a work in progress, with Google being very interested in
>> feedback/input, great open communication, and will soon have updates
>> addressing lots of areas, which includes new features, bug fixes, and
>> other items, which are based on feedback. Essentially, a great web
>> browser and access to standard/new versions of Docs, Calendar, and
>> Gmail are the great highlights.
>>> Very curious.
>> Please give it a try. Google has great documentation (user guide,
>> keyboard command reference, Docs screen reader help, and interactive
>> tutorial).
>>> Paul.
>> Kevin
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:
 Google is very committed, understanding, and has done an incredible
 job with accessibility. In particular, Chrome, ChromeVox (Chrome
 extension), Apps (Docs [documents/spreadsheets], Calendar, and Gmail).
 This package results in a very effective, efficient, powerful, and
 top-notch productivity suite. A

Re: new user app install question

2011-09-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

Just copy the skype app with command C then paste it in your applications 
folder found on the Mac HD.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:

> Hi Guys
> I tried installing  my first downloaded app today. I have done a few from the 
> app store and this was of course very straight forward.  My problem was when 
> I tried installing  Skype from the web. 
> It worked in that I was able to run Skype  however it doesn't seem to be 
> installed in the correct location. I just have the dng file in the 
> Application folder. I also have a Skype volume in the same window as my 
> Macintosh HD. In this Skype volume I have the Skype app and an application 
> alias. 
> I have tried using the drag and drop and cut and paste to rectify but haven't 
> got anywhere yet. What's my best approach from here and how should I do it 
> next time.
> Any help appreciated . 
> Garth 
> -- 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Garth Humphreys
I don't know of any free Australian ones so i'm looking forward to having it as 
a backup. Our money is already fairly accessible in that the notes get bigger 
as the value goes up. 
Still it will be handy to have. 


On 27/09/2011, at 10:25 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> IDK,
> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for free?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
>> for free?
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
>>> it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
>>> Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
>>> putting down the money. 
>>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Hi list,
 When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
 finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
 canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
 its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
 Sent from my macbook pro
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread erik burggraaf
That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain accessibility 
standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were worth the paper 
they were printed on, but the money identification one has been taken very 
seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out first was a bit lame 
but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel that we already had a free 
piece that covered all the bases, but as you say, for some one travelling 
either two or from canada the IPhone app is quite useful.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> IDK,
> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for free?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
>> for free?
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
>>> it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
>>> Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
>>> putting down the money. 
>>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Hi list,
 When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
 finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
 canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
 its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
 Sent from my macbook pro
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread erik burggraaf
It's a square piece of kit with two switches on the front and a clip on the 
top.  Sound familiar?


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-27, at 8:27 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> I have a money reader that I got about 5 years ago, not sure if they've 
> updated it since.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
>> for free?
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
>>> it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
>>> Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
>>> putting down the money. 
>>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Hi list,
 When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
 finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
 canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
 its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
 Sent from my macbook pro
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Re: new user app install question

2011-09-27 Thread Garth Humphreys
Thanks Ricardo.  
That worked. I think I was trying to interact with the Image browser Group for 
the application folder before so was actually trying to paste the app into 
another app rather then into the folder.  I am feeling pretty dumb now. Smiles 
Any idea how I got it like this in the first place.  I  moved the download to 
the app folder before I opened it. was this my mistake?

Thanks Garth  , 
On 27/09/2011, at 10:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Just copy the skype app with command C then paste it in your applications 
> folder found on the Mac HD.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> Hi Guys
>> I tried installing  my first downloaded app today. I have done a few from 
>> the app store and this was of course very straight forward.  My problem was 
>> when I tried installing  Skype from the web. 
>> It worked in that I was able to run Skype  however it doesn't seem to be 
>> installed in the correct location. I just have the dng file in the 
>> Application folder. I also have a Skype volume in the same window as my 
>> Macintosh HD. In this Skype volume I have the Skype app and an application 
>> alias. 
>> I have tried using the drag and drop and cut and paste to rectify but 
>> haven't got anywhere yet. What's my best approach from here and how should I 
>> do it next time.
>> Any help appreciated . 
>> Garth 
>> -- 
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Re: new user app install question

2011-09-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

you should open the dmg file where it is then when the new window opens, you 
can usually just arrow down to the app itself and copy it.  sometimes you need 
to interact with the browser in order to get focus on the application I've 

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:

> Thanks Ricardo.  
> That worked. I think I was trying to interact with the Image browser Group 
> for the application folder before so was actually trying to paste the app 
> into another app rather then into the folder.  I am feeling pretty dumb now. 
> Smiles 
> Any idea how I got it like this in the first place.  I  moved the download to 
> the app folder before I opened it. was this my mistake?
> Thanks Garth  , 
> On 27/09/2011, at 10:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just copy the skype app with command C then paste it in your applications 
>> folder found on the Mac HD.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> Hi Guys
>>> I tried installing  my first downloaded app today. I have done a few from 
>>> the app store and this was of course very straight forward.  My problem was 
>>> when I tried installing  Skype from the web. 
>>> It worked in that I was able to run Skype  however it doesn't seem to be 
>>> installed in the correct location. I just have the dng file in the 
>>> Application folder. I also have a Skype volume in the same window as my 
>>> Macintosh HD. In this Skype volume I have the Skype app and an application 
>>> alias. 
>>> I have tried using the drag and drop and cut and paste to rectify but 
>>> haven't got anywhere yet. What's my best approach from here and how should 
>>> I do it next time.
>>> Any help appreciated . 
>>> Garth 
>>> -- 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Matt Dierckens
Ah yes, That's the one that I have.
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-09-27, at 8:45 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> It's a square piece of kit with two switches on the front and a clip on the 
> top.  Sound familiar?
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:27 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> I have a money reader that I got about 5 years ago, not sure if they've 
>> updated it since.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
>>> for free?
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
 I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
 it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
 Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
 putting down the money. 

 On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hi list,
> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
> its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
> Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> -- 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more likely to 
forget their money reader at home than their phone I would think.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain 
> accessibility standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were 
> worth the paper they were printed on, but the money identification one has 
> been taken very seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out 
> first was a bit lame but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel that 
> we already had a free piece that covered all the bases, but as you say, for 
> some one travelling either two or from canada the IPhone app is quite useful.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> IDK,
>> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for 
>> free?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
>>> for free?
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
 I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
 it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
 Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
 putting down the money. 

 On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hi list,
> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
> its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
> Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> -- 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread May McDonald
There's a bank of Canada reader? Where? I sure haven't seen one.

May and Prince Noah
On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> IDK,
> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for free?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
>> for free?
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
>>> it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
>>> Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
>>> putting down the money. 
>>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Hi list,
 When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
 finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
 canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
 its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
 Sent from my macbook pro
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Jenny Wood
Hi Paul.  Thank you very much for the response!  For some reason, I have never 
successfully setup dropbox on my mac, apparently.  So, I scrapped all of the 
previous installation and installers, revisited and started fresh.  
This time, I did manage to make get through the setup process without a hitch.  
Dropbox is running, and my dropbox folder is created and ready for use.  I 
think my only question at this point is, I still have a folder containing many 
files on the website.  I would love to have them sync to my mac, or somehow 
retrieve them.  They were placed there by another dropbox user who I had 
invited to access my new folder.  However, I am unable to find a way to 
actually download them to my computer.  As I say, dropbox is definitely 
running, but I don't see anything at all in the new dropbox folder.  Does it 
perhaps take some time for this to happen?

Thank you!


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:30 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Jenny Wood,
> Dropbox is usable on the mac. Not entirely accessible, but it is now usable. 
> If you downloaded the installer from recently, you will have 
> noticed that at least the dropbox mac setup is now fully accessible. That was 
> not the case a while ago, so that is a nice improvement.
> Second: why bother with the web interface. If you have more than one device 
> that you want to use dropbox on, then the idea is simple. The dropbox website 
> is your main place of storage. You can fill it with files, by having your mac 
> dropbox client upload stuff to that space on the web. 
> On your mac, inside your home folder, you have a new folder named dropbox. 
> You can reach this folder by hitting command shift h for your home folder in 
> finder. You will see documents, music and all your stuff there, plus this new 
> dropbox folder. Go into it, and drop anything you want uploaded to the sight 
> inside this home dropbox folder on your mac. The upload will happen 
> automatically, without any other user intervention. A while later, you will 
> find these files on the web in your dropbox account. Of course, dropbox will 
> have to be running on the mac for this to happen.
> If you now install dropbox on a second device, say an iPod touch, an iPhone, 
> or a windows computer, then all files in the dropbox space on the web will 
> automatically be downloaded to the new device. All you need to do to make 
> this happen, is install dropbox on the new device, and login with your 
> account. 
> To know if dropbox is running or not on your mac, you can check your users 
> and groups item in system preferences. Go to the menu bar, vo m, go down to 
> system preferences with vo down arrow, vo space on it, then move over to 
> preference panes, and interact with that. Now go to users and groups. You can 
> arrow around, or you can hit u s e in quick succession to have the vo cursor 
> move to users and groups. Hit vo space to open this item. Then hit vo space 
> on the login items tab. Move right, till you are on a list box with your 
> programs that startup automatically each time you turn on your mac, and 
> interact with the table. Look up and down and see if there is an item called 
> dropbox. If you find it here, then you know that dropbox is always active 
> from now on, and that the installation of dropbox succeeded. If you don't 
> find it, you will have to redo the installation of dropbox, so that the 
> dropbox item appears here. Once you have it in place, simply copy or move 
> files into your home dropbox folder on the mac to have them uploaded to the 
> web space. As soon as you synch your second device with the internet, all 
> files you uploaded on the mac will appear there as well. If you delete 
> something, doesn't matter from which device, it will also be deleted from all 
> other drop boxed devices. You don't need the web interface at all, nor do you 
> need to see the interface of your mac dropbox client. Just be sure that it is 
> running, and if it's not, just start it from your applications folder, 
> command shift a. If at some point you want to get rid of dropbox, simply 
> remove the dropbox entry from your user and groups login items table, reboot 
> your mac so that the dropbox process is no longer running, and then trash the 
> dropbox app away from your applications folder
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Sep 26, 2011, at 10:06 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Good day all.  I have just started playing with dropbox, so I am very new to 
>> this particular service.  I understand that there are all kinds of 
>> accessibility issues with dropbox on Lion, but I am curious, if there is a 
>> way to download an entire folder from the website interface without sight?  
>> The instructions are most definitely geared toward the sighted, and I 
>> haven't been able to find a work around as of yet.  I can manage to download 
>> individual files, b

Re: FaceTime And 3G

2011-09-27 Thread Chris Blouch
The restriction is artificial and the going assumption is that it was a 
restriction request by AT&T. Others have written that using the AT&T 
MiFi devices which make a wifi hotspot connection to AT&T's 3G network, 
the iPhone does Facetime just fine. In other words, the same data rate 
for facetime and all its protocols when shunted through the external 
Wifi to 3G bridge had no problems. So there is no reason this couldn't 
be activated without an external device. Probably AT&T didn't want to 
get swamped with folks going over their data plan limits etc. Rumors are 
of course that this software restriction will be removed in the near 
future and, as others noted, there are hacks for jailbroken phones which 
remove it today. Then they need only port it to Android and really have 
a Skype killer.


On 9/27/11 1:50 AM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:


In this house we have two ipads with 3G, we wonder if we can use 
facetime with it or we must stick to wifi, thanks.

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Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Chris Blouch
Odd. So you have to disable the screen reader to use it? What if I want 
to flip over to answer a Skype or IM while I'm wordprocessing? How will 
I even know that someone is calling? What if I want to navigate to the 
finder and copy a file? Howabout reading my email in mail app to copy 
paste some text into a Google Doc file? Requiring the screen reader to 
be turned off for their web app to work seems very problematic.


On 9/27/11 8:36 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:

Hi Krister,
Pleas see response below inline.
On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:

Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web site and

ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.

Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
the chromevox extention. So i wonder where to get the extention. can i get
it directly from chrome using something or other to get extentions?

Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
the links to all the details you'll need to get going.

Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?

Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.

27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:

HI Paul,

Please see response below inline.

On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens  wrote:

Hi Kevin,
What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so
about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that people
have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.

As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
empowering, and equalizing that I am able to use it as well with a
consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.

1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like
is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with voiceover
start with?

Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
require several attempts, and many other issues.

2. If you can, what does the chromevox extension give you on top of it?
you can not use chrome with voiceover, does chrome plus chromevox then
you equal performance than safari does, when visiting other websites? In
other words, would you say that chrome is a good replacement for safari?

ChromeVox is an extension that has very deep integration with Chrome,
removes several layers of abstractions, and allows for things to be
done that traditional desktop screen readers cannot due to it being a
web browser extension. All the issues I detailed with Safari/VoiceOver
do not exist in Chrome/ChromeVox.

3. When using google docs, is it true that many people can work on a
document simultaneously, and can you now easily see who changed what?

Yes, all of this is possible with Docs, is accessible, and it's
possible to use other real-time features, such as chat to discuss
various points with others who you are collaborating with, several can
make changes, and it's possible to review/edit all these changes as
they're occurring. Inserting, viewing, and editing comments are also
accessible. All of this and much more with Docs applies to documents
and spreadsheets.

4. What are the current do's and don'ts, that you found out about, in the
environment? In other words, what things is the environment good at, from
accessibility point of view?

It's a work in progress, with Google being very interested in
feedback/input, great open communication, and will soon have updates
addressing lots of areas, which includes new features, bug fixes, and
other items, which are based on feedback. Essentially, a great web
browser and access to standard/new versions of Docs, Calendar, and
Gmail are the great highlights.

Very curious.

Please give it a try. Google has great documentation (user guide,
keyboard command reference, Docs screen reader help, and interactive



On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:

Google is very committed, understanding, and has done an incredible
job with accessib


2011-09-27 Thread banu.bc
hi there
I've just bought mac book pro. how can I  activate voice over??

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Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Krister Ekstrom
This would be where activities in Voiceover would really come in handy. Let's 
say that there was a setting to temporarily put VO to sleep, is there such a 
beast? If so, one could do an activity that was for Chrome and that put VO to 
sleep as long as you were in chrome, but when you got out of it, VO would work 
as expected. Unfortunately however, i don't think such a setting exists. Maybe 
one should put in a suggestion for this to Apple a11y.

27 sep 2011 kl. 16:16 skrev Chris Blouch:

> Odd. So you have to disable the screen reader to use it? What if I want to 
> flip over to answer a Skype or IM while I'm wordprocessing? How will I even 
> know that someone is calling? What if I want to navigate to the finder and 
> copy a file? Howabout reading my email in mail app to copy paste some text 
> into a Google Doc file? Requiring the screen reader to be turned off for 
> their web app to work seems very problematic.
> CB
> On 9/27/11 8:36 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Hi Krister,
>> Pleas see response below inline.
>> On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
>>> opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web site and
>>> documentation.
>> ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
>> documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.
>>> Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
>>> the chromevox extention. So i wonder where to get the extention. can i get
>>> it directly from chrome using something or other to get extentions?
>> Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
>> still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
>> the links to all the details you'll need to get going.
>>> Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?
>> Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.
>>> /Krister
>>> 27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:
 HI Paul,
 Please see response below inline.
 On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens  wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so
> happy
> about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that people
> have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
> already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.
 As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
 co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
 empowering, and equalizing that I am able to use it as well with a
 consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
 me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
 browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
 tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
 tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
 However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
 and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.
> 1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like
> safari
> is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with voiceover
> to
> start with?
 Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
 with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
 HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
 key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
 require several attempts, and many other issues.
> 2. If you can, what does the chromevox extension give you on top of it?
> If
> you can not use chrome with voiceover, does chrome plus chromevox then
> give
> you equal performance than safari does, when visiting other websites? In
> other words, would you say that chrome is a good replacement for safari?
 ChromeVox is an extension that has very deep integration with Chrome,
 removes several layers of abstractions, and allows for things to be
 done that traditional desktop screen readers cannot due to it being a
 web browser extension. All the issues I detailed with Safari/VoiceOver
 do not exist in Chrome/ChromeVox.
> 3. When using google docs, is it true that many people can work on a
> document simultaneously, and can you now easily see who changed what?
 Yes, all of this is possible with Docs, is accessible, and it's
 possible to use other real-time features, such as chat to discuss
 various points with others who you are collaborating with, several can
 make changes, and it's possible to review/edit all these changes as
 they're occurring. Inserting, viewing, and editing comments are also
 accessible. All of this and much more with Docs applies to documents
 and spreadsheets.
> 4. 

Re: hello

2011-09-27 Thread Chris Blouch

Command F5


On 9/27/11 10:25 AM, banu.bc wrote:

hi there
I've just bought mac book pro. how can I  activate voice over??

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Larry Skutchan
Another nice feature would be that Chrome Vox would remain silent when Chrome 
does not have focus.

On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> This would be where activities in Voiceover would really come in handy. Let's 
> say that there was a setting to temporarily put VO to sleep, is there such a 
> beast? If so, one could do an activity that was for Chrome and that put VO to 
> sleep as long as you were in chrome, but when you got out of it, VO would 
> work as expected. Unfortunately however, i don't think such a setting exists. 
> Maybe one should put in a suggestion for this to Apple a11y.
> /Krister
> 27 sep 2011 kl. 16:16 skrev Chris Blouch:
>> Odd. So you have to disable the screen reader to use it? What if I want to 
>> flip over to answer a Skype or IM while I'm wordprocessing? How will I even 
>> know that someone is calling? What if I want to navigate to the finder and 
>> copy a file? Howabout reading my email in mail app to copy paste some text 
>> into a Google Doc file? Requiring the screen reader to be turned off for 
>> their web app to work seems very problematic.
>> CB
>> On 9/27/11 8:36 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>>> Hi Krister,
>>> Pleas see response below inline.
>>> On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:
 Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
 opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web site and
>>> ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
>>> documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.
 Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
 the chromevox extention. So i wonder where to get the extention. can i get
 it directly from chrome using something or other to get extentions?
>>> Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
>>> still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
>>> the links to all the details you'll need to get going.
 Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?
>>> Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.
 27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:
> HI Paul,
> Please see response below inline.
> On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so
>> happy
>> about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that people
>> have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
>> already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.
> As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
> co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
> empowering, and equalizing that I am able to use it as well with a
> consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
> me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
> browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
> tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
> tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
> However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
> and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.
>> 1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like
>> safari
>> is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with voiceover
>> to
>> start with?
> Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
> with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
> HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
> key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
> require several attempts, and many other issues.
>> 2. If you can, what does the chromevox extension give you on top of it?
>> If
>> you can not use chrome with voiceover, does chrome plus chromevox then
>> give
>> you equal performance than safari does, when visiting other websites? In
>> other words, would you say that chrome is a good replacement for safari?
> ChromeVox is an extension that has very deep integration with Chrome,
> removes several layers of abstractions, and allows for things to be
> done that traditional desktop screen readers cannot due to it being a
> web browser extension. All the issues I detailed with Safari/VoiceOver
> do not exist in Chrome/ChromeVox.
>> 3. When using google docs, is it true that many people can work on a
>> document simultaneously, and can you now easily see who changed what?
> Yes, all of this is possible with Docs, is accessible, and it's
> possible to use other real-time features, such as chat to discuss
> various points with others who you are collaborating with, several can

Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Marc Workman
Agree with Ricardo.

Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, light 
detector, gps unit, money identifier, camera, etc.  Even if these were all 
available for free, I would rather pay a relatively  small fee to have them all 
available on a single device.

It's also worth noting that Looktel announced that the price was going up for 
version 2.  So many Canadians, myself included, were able to pick it up at the 
version 1 price of either 1.99 or 2.99, I can't recall exactly.  Ten dollars is 
a bit steep, but I thought that the initial price was less than people would be 
willing to pay, and I would still encourage canadians to pick it up, assuming 
it identifies our currency as well as it did the US's.


On 2011-09-27, at 5:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more likely 
> to forget their money reader at home than their phone I would think.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain 
>> accessibility standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were 
>> worth the paper they were printed on, but the money identification one has 
>> been taken very seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out 
>> first was a bit lame but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel that 
>> we already had a free piece that covered all the bases, but as you say, for 
>> some one travelling either two or from canada the IPhone app is quite useful.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> IDK,
>>> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for 
>>> free?
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
 for free?
 Erik Burggraaf
 This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
 will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
 Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
> it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 
> 2. Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
> putting down the money. 
> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
>> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
>> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it 
>> if its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
>> Thanks.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
>>> You received thi

cubase and the mac?

2011-09-27 Thread Karen Lewellen
I am unfortunately no longer on the midi mag list.  still someone asked me 
about cubase, so am wondering if anyone is using it on their mac, even if 
virtually with windows 7?


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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hey Mark
The version 1 that I saw in the app store was $9.99. Thank god for store 
credit. :)

Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-09-27, at 11:21 AM, Marc Workman wrote:

> Agree with Ricardo.
> Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, light 
> detector, gps unit, money identifier, camera, etc.  Even if these were all 
> available for free, I would rather pay a relatively  small fee to have them 
> all available on a single device.
> It's also worth noting that Looktel announced that the price was going up for 
> version 2.  So many Canadians, myself included, were able to pick it up at 
> the version 1 price of either 1.99 or 2.99, I can't recall exactly.  Ten 
> dollars is a bit steep, but I thought that the initial price was less than 
> people would be willing to pay, and I would still encourage canadians to pick 
> it up, assuming it identifies our currency as well as it did the US's.
> Regards,
> Marc
> On 2011-09-27, at 5:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more likely 
>> to forget their money reader at home than their phone I would think.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain 
>>> accessibility standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were 
>>> worth the paper they were printed on, but the money identification one has 
>>> been taken very seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out 
>>> first was a bit lame but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel that 
>>> we already had a free piece that covered all the bases, but as you say, for 
>>> some one travelling either two or from canada the IPhone app is quite 
>>> useful.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for 
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
 On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
> for free?
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion 
> When will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility 
> Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is 
>> as it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to 
>> version 2. Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version 
>> before putting down the money. 
>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
>>> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
>>> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it 
>>> if its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" grou

Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Marc Workman
Sorry, what I meant was the initial version.  The one that identified only US 
currency.  I bought it for I believe 1.99 just to see how well it worked, 
knowing I couldn't use it for Canadian currency.  Looktel indicated some months 
back that the next version would include a price hike, so I encouraged some 
friends to pick it up based on the, turns out successful, prediction that the 
subsequent version would support Canadian currency identification.  I'm a 
little surprised it went up to ten, I would have thought five or maybe seven, 
but I believe people will be willing to pay the ten.


On 2011-09-27, at 8:24 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hey Mark
> The version 1 that I saw in the app store was $9.99. Thank god for store 
> credit. :)
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-09-27, at 11:21 AM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> Agree with Ricardo.
>> Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, light 
>> detector, gps unit, money identifier, camera, etc.  Even if these were all 
>> available for free, I would rather pay a relatively  small fee to have them 
>> all available on a single device.
>> It's also worth noting that Looktel announced that the price was going up 
>> for version 2.  So many Canadians, myself included, were able to pick it up 
>> at the version 1 price of either 1.99 or 2.99, I can't recall exactly.  Ten 
>> dollars is a bit steep, but I thought that the initial price was less than 
>> people would be willing to pay, and I would still encourage canadians to 
>> pick it up, assuming it identifies our currency as well as it did the US's.
>> Regards,
>> Marc
>> On 2011-09-27, at 5:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more likely 
>>> to forget their money reader at home than their phone I would think.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain 
 accessibility standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were 
 worth the paper they were printed on, but the money identification one has 
 been taken very seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out 
 first was a bit lame but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel 
 that we already had a free piece that covered all the bases, but as you 
 say, for some one travelling either two or from canada the IPhone app is 
 quite useful.
 Erik Burggraaf
 This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
 will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
 Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> IDK,
> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for 
> free?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada 
>> one for free?
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion 
>> When will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility 
>> Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is 
>>> as it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to 
>>> version 2. Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct 
>>> version before putting down the money. 
>>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Hi list,
 When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
 finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
 canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it 
 if its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
 Sent from my macbook pro
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegrou

Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Chris Blouch
Is there a way to configure VO to 'sleep' while a certain app is active. 
I know screen readers on other platforms have this capability. I hunted 
around for a while and couldn't turn up anything related to changing VO 
settings depending on what app you're in, not to mention turning it off. 
I guess somebody could do an Applescript to invoke Apple-F5 every time 
you switch to Chrome but that seems like a lot of churn, and still 
doesn't address other VO-enabled apps needing to still work.


On 9/27/11 11:04 AM, Larry Skutchan wrote:

Another nice feature would be that Chrome Vox would remain silent when Chrome 
does not have focus.

On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

This would be where activities in Voiceover would really come in handy. Let's 
say that there was a setting to temporarily put VO to sleep, is there such a 
beast? If so, one could do an activity that was for Chrome and that put VO to 
sleep as long as you were in chrome, but when you got out of it, VO would work 
as expected. Unfortunately however, i don't think such a setting exists. Maybe 
one should put in a suggestion for this to Apple a11y.

27 sep 2011 kl. 16:16 skrev Chris Blouch:

Odd. So you have to disable the screen reader to use it? What if I want to flip 
over to answer a Skype or IM while I'm wordprocessing? How will I even know 
that someone is calling? What if I want to navigate to the finder and copy a 
file? Howabout reading my email in mail app to copy paste some text into a 
Google Doc file? Requiring the screen reader to be turned off for their web app 
to work seems very problematic.


On 9/27/11 8:36 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:

Hi Krister,
Pleas see response below inline.
On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstrom   wrote:

Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web site and

ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.

Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
the chromevox extention. So i wonder where to get the extention. can i get
it directly from chrome using something or other to get extentions?

Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
the links to all the details you'll need to get going.

Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?

Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.

27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:

HI Paul,

Please see response below inline.

On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens   wrote:

Hi Kevin,
What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so
about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that people
have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.

As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
empowering, and equalizing that I am able to use it as well with a
consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.

1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like
is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with voiceover
start with?

Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
require several attempts, and many other issues.

2. If you can, what does the chromevox extension give you on top of it?
you can not use chrome with voiceover, does chrome plus chromevox then
you equal performance than safari does, when visiting other websites? In
other words, would you say that chrome is a good replacement for safari?

ChromeVox is an extension that has very deep integration with Chrome,
removes several layers of abstractions, and allows for things to be
done that traditional desktop screen readers cannot due to it being a
web browser extension. All the issues I detailed with Safari/VoiceOver
do not exist in Chrome/ChromeVox.

3. When using google docs, is it true that many people can work on a
document simultaneously, and can you now easily see who changed what?

Yes, all of this is possible with Docs, is accessible, and it's
possible to us

Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Courtney Curran
I'm having trouble getting Chromevox to work, even though I've read the 
instructions to install it. I'm using the mac.
On Sep 27, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Is there a way to configure VO to 'sleep' while a certain app is active. I 
> know screen readers on other platforms have this capability. I hunted around 
> for a while and couldn't turn up anything related to changing VO settings 
> depending on what app you're in, not to mention turning it off. I guess 
> somebody could do an Applescript to invoke Apple-F5 every time you switch to 
> Chrome but that seems like a lot of churn, and still doesn't address other 
> VO-enabled apps needing to still work.
> CB
> On 9/27/11 11:04 AM, Larry Skutchan wrote:
>> Another nice feature would be that Chrome Vox would remain silent when 
>> Chrome does not have focus.
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> This would be where activities in Voiceover would really come in handy. 
>>> Let's say that there was a setting to temporarily put VO to sleep, is there 
>>> such a beast? If so, one could do an activity that was for Chrome and that 
>>> put VO to sleep as long as you were in chrome, but when you got out of it, 
>>> VO would work as expected. Unfortunately however, i don't think such a 
>>> setting exists. Maybe one should put in a suggestion for this to Apple a11y.
>>> /Krister
>>> 27 sep 2011 kl. 16:16 skrev Chris Blouch:
 Odd. So you have to disable the screen reader to use it? What if I want to 
 flip over to answer a Skype or IM while I'm wordprocessing? How will I 
 even know that someone is calling? What if I want to navigate to the 
 finder and copy a file? Howabout reading my email in mail app to copy 
 paste some text into a Google Doc file? Requiring the screen reader to be 
 turned off for their web app to work seems very problematic.
 On 9/27/11 8:36 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:
> Hi Krister,
> Pleas see response below inline.
> On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstrom   wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
>> opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web site 
>> and
>> documentation.
> ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
> documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.
>> Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
>> the chromevox extention. So i wonder where to get the extention. can i 
>> get
>> it directly from chrome using something or other to get extentions?
> Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
> still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
> the links to all the details you'll need to get going.
>> Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?
> Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.
>> /Krister
>> 27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:
>>> HI Paul,
>>> Please see response below inline.
>>> On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens   wrote:
 Hi Kevin,
 What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so
 about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that 
 have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
 already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.
>>> As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
>>> co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
>>> empowering, and equalizing that I am able to use it as well with a
>>> consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
>>> me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
>>> browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
>>> tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
>>> tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
>>> However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
>>> and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.
 1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like
 is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with 
 start with?
>>> Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
>>> with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
>>> HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
>>> key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
>>> require several attempts, and many other issues.
 2. If you can, what does the chromevox extension give you on top of it?

Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Patrick Neazer
Hello Jenny and all:

I do not know how long it has been since you got dropbox installed and running. 
I had posted some photographs to my dropbox account and then installed it on 
another computer. It took a while ... a while defined as about 20 minutes 
because I was using a slower connection than the one at the office and there 
were a number of videos. 

As  for the other files that were placed in your account by someone else, they 
should appear although how they were placed in terms of structure may be 
effecting your being able to see them. 

Have you attempted to place anything in the folders yourself?

Take good care and I wish you enough.
On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Hi Paul.  Thank you very much for the response!  For some reason, I have 
> never successfully setup dropbox on my mac, apparently.  So, I scrapped all 
> of the previous installation and installers, revisited and 
> started fresh.  This time, I did manage to make get through the setup process 
> without a hitch.  Dropbox is running, and my dropbox folder is created and 
> ready for use.  I think my only question at this point is, I still have a 
> folder containing many files on the website.  I would love to have them sync 
> to my mac, or somehow retrieve them.  They were placed there by another 
> dropbox user who I had invited to access my new folder.  However, I am unable 
> to find a way to actually download them to my computer.  As I say, dropbox is 
> definitely running, but I don't see anything at all in the new dropbox 
> folder.  Does it perhaps take some time for this to happen? 
> Thank you!
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:30 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Jenny Wood,
>> Dropbox is usable on the mac. Not entirely accessible, but it is now usable. 
>> If you downloaded the installer from recently, you will have 
>> noticed that at least the dropbox mac setup is now fully accessible. That 
>> was not the case a while ago, so that is a nice improvement.
>> Second: why bother with the web interface. If you have more than one device 
>> that you want to use dropbox on, then the idea is simple. The dropbox 
>> website is your main place of storage. You can fill it with files, by having 
>> your mac dropbox client upload stuff to that space on the web. 
>> On your mac, inside your home folder, you have a new folder named dropbox. 
>> You can reach this folder by hitting command shift h for your home folder in 
>> finder. You will see documents, music and all your stuff there, plus this 
>> new dropbox folder. Go into it, and drop anything you want uploaded to the 
>> sight inside this home dropbox folder on your mac. The upload will happen 
>> automatically, without any other user intervention. A while later, you will 
>> find these files on the web in your dropbox account. Of course, dropbox will 
>> have to be running on the mac for this to happen.
>> If you now install dropbox on a second device, say an iPod touch, an iPhone, 
>> or a windows computer, then all files in the dropbox space on the web will 
>> automatically be downloaded to the new device. All you need to do to make 
>> this happen, is install dropbox on the new device, and login with your 
>> account. 
>> To know if dropbox is running or not on your mac, you can check your users 
>> and groups item in system preferences. Go to the menu bar, vo m, go down to 
>> system preferences with vo down arrow, vo space on it, then move over to 
>> preference panes, and interact with that. Now go to users and groups. You 
>> can arrow around, or you can hit u s e in quick succession to have the vo 
>> cursor move to users and groups. Hit vo space to open this item. Then hit vo 
>> space on the login items tab. Move right, till you are on a list box with 
>> your programs that startup automatically each time you turn on your mac, and 
>> interact with the table. Look up and down and see if there is an item called 
>> dropbox. If you find it here, then you know that dropbox is always active 
>> from now on, and that the installation of dropbox succeeded. If you don't 
>> find it, you will have to redo the installation of dropbox, so that the 
>> dropbox item appears here. Once you have it in place, simply copy or move 
>> files into your home dropbox folder on the mac to have them uploaded to the 
>> web space. As soon as you synch your second device with the internet, all 
>> files you uploaded on the mac will appear there as well. If you delete 
>> something, doesn't matter from which device, it will also be deleted from 
>> all other drop boxed devices. You don't need the web interface at all, nor 
>> do you need to see the interface of your mac dropbox client. Just be sure 
>> that it is running, and if it's not, just start it from your applications 
>> folder, command shift a.

Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Red.Falcon
Would the mute vo toggle in vo+h+h in audio be useful for this!
That could be set to any of the commanders like keyboard or one of the others!
There is also mute speech but not sure if that one would be useful!

On 27 Sep 2011, at 16:38, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Is there a way to configure VO to 'sleep' while a certain app is active. I 
> know screen readers on other platforms have this capability. I hunted around 
> for a while and couldn't turn up anything related to changing VO settings 
> depending on what app you're in, not to mention turning it off. I guess 
> somebody could do an Applescript to invoke Apple-F5 every time you switch to 
> Chrome but that seems like a lot of churn, and still doesn't address other 
> VO-enabled apps needing to still work.
> CB
> On 9/27/11 11:04 AM, Larry Skutchan wrote:
>> Another nice feature would be that Chrome Vox would remain silent when 
>> Chrome does not have focus.
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> This would be where activities in Voiceover would really come in handy. 
>>> Let's say that there was a setting to temporarily put VO to sleep, is there 
>>> such a beast? If so, one could do an activity that was for Chrome and that 
>>> put VO to sleep as long as you were in chrome, but when you got out of it, 
>>> VO would work as expected. Unfortunately however, i don't think such a 
>>> setting exists. Maybe one should put in a suggestion for this to Apple a11y.
>>> /Krister
>>> 27 sep 2011 kl. 16:16 skrev Chris Blouch:
 Odd. So you have to disable the screen reader to use it? What if I want to 
 flip over to answer a Skype or IM while I'm wordprocessing? How will I 
 even know that someone is calling? What if I want to navigate to the 
 finder and copy a file? Howabout reading my email in mail app to copy 
 paste some text into a Google Doc file? Requiring the screen reader to be 
 turned off for their web app to work seems very problematic.
 On 9/27/11 8:36 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:
> Hi Krister,
> Pleas see response below inline.
> On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstrom   wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
>> opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web site 
>> and
>> documentation.
> ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
> documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.
>> Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
>> the chromevox extension. So i wonder where to get the extension. can i 
>> get
>> it directly from chrome using something or other to get extensions?
> Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
> still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
> the links to all the details you'll need to get going.
>> Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?
> Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.
>> /Krister
>> 27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:
>>> HI Paul,
>>> Please see response below inline.
>>> On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens   wrote:
 Hi Kevin,
 What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so
 about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that 
 have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
 already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.
>>> As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
>>> co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
>>> empowering, and equalising that I am able to use it as well with a
>>> consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
>>> me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
>>> browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
>>> tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
>>> tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
>>> However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
>>> and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.
 1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like
 is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with 
 start with?
>>> Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
>>> with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
>>> HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
>>> key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
>>> require several attempts, and many other issues.
 2. If you can, wh

Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Krister Ekstrom
If the Mute VO toggle temporarily turned vo off, or put it to sleep so that the 
commands of VO wouldn't interact with those of ChromeVox, the answer would be 
27 sep 2011 kl. 17:56 skrev Red.Falcon:

> Hi!
> Would the mute vo toggle in vo+h+h in audio be useful for this!
> That could be set to any of the commanders like keyboard or one of the others!
> There is also mute speech but not sure if that one would be useful!
> Colin
> On 27 Sep 2011, at 16:38, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Is there a way to configure VO to 'sleep' while a certain app is active. I 
>> know screen readers on other platforms have this capability. I hunted around 
>> for a while and couldn't turn up anything related to changing VO settings 
>> depending on what app you're in, not to mention turning it off. I guess 
>> somebody could do an Applescript to invoke Apple-F5 every time you switch to 
>> Chrome but that seems like a lot of churn, and still doesn't address other 
>> VO-enabled apps needing to still work.
>> CB
>> On 9/27/11 11:04 AM, Larry Skutchan wrote:
>>> Another nice feature would be that Chrome Vox would remain silent when 
>>> Chrome does not have focus.
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
 This would be where activities in Voiceover would really come in handy. 
 Let's say that there was a setting to temporarily put VO to sleep, is 
 there such a beast? If so, one could do an activity that was for Chrome 
 and that put VO to sleep as long as you were in chrome, but when you got 
 out of it, VO would work as expected. Unfortunately however, i don't think 
 such a setting exists. Maybe one should put in a suggestion for this to 
 Apple a11y.
 27 sep 2011 kl. 16:16 skrev Chris Blouch:
> Odd. So you have to disable the screen reader to use it? What if I want 
> to flip over to answer a Skype or IM while I'm wordprocessing? How will I 
> even know that someone is calling? What if I want to navigate to the 
> finder and copy a file? Howabout reading my email in mail app to copy 
> paste some text into a Google Doc file? Requiring the screen reader to be 
> turned off for their web app to work seems very problematic.
> CB
> On 9/27/11 8:36 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Hi Krister,
>> Pleas see response below inline.
>> On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstrom   wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
>>> opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web site 
>>> and
>>> documentation.
>> ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
>> documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.
>>> Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
>>> the chromevox extension. So i wonder where to get the extension. can i 
>>> get
>>> it directly from chrome using something or other to get extensions?
>> Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
>> still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
>> the links to all the details you'll need to get going.
>>> Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?
>> Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.
>>> /Krister
>>> 27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:
 HI Paul,
 Please see response below inline.
 On 9/27/11, Paul Erkens   wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so
> happy
> about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that 
> people
> have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
> already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.
 As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
 co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
 empowering, and equalising that I am able to use it as well with a
 consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
 me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
 browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
 tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
 tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
 However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
 and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.
> 1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like
> safari
> is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with 
> voiceover
> to
> start with?
 Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues 

Re: just discovered computer braille

2011-09-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
As far as apple told me you cannot edit tables.

Works well though so far.


On Sep 27, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Paul E. 
> I do not know if you can edit the table. In my case, I have no reason to. It 
> looks fine. So far, I can't see any problem with it. Are you thinking about 
> taking out the control characters? If so, I would rather be able to turn them 
> on and off, but right now I'm just glad I can do it at all. My PacMate 
> display is starting to give me some trouble, although it's still usable. If 
> it costs too much money to fix it, I just may need to use my other display on 
> the Mac. At least I won't have to install Windows just for that now.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Gigi,
>> Can we actually edit the braille table in use?
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> I sure wish that when I wrote Apple they had saiD back to me there indeed 
>>> is a way to display in computer braille. I have found that you don't have 
>>> to go to Unified Braille. For all I know this works in all the languages. 
>>> If you choose English and uncontracted braille and then turn on dots 7 and 
>>> eight, you get computeer braille, complete with control characters. This 
>>> means you can get a braille display of new lines, tabs, etc. I can't even 
>>> do that on my PacMate these days, although I could on my old Braille Lite 
>>> 40. I was really upset when I lost this ability. Now I think I have it 
>>> back. I can't wait to tell my friend in Nebraska who was disappointed that 
>>> VoiceOver didn't have computer braille.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: brf Web Braille files

2011-09-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Text-edit does have a find and replace dialog with an "all" button in it. I 
haven't tried working with it yet, but it looks pretty straightforward.

On Sep 27, 2011, at 4:49 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Teresa.
> I haven't tried yet to global replace control characters. In my case I have 
> to keep a brf file the way it is. Actually, I haven't yet figured out exactly 
> how to do global replaces in TextEdit. I have Pages also, but I have to 
> switched to TextEdit for most of my files because it has given me less grief. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:49 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Gigi,
>> Thanks a lot for the heads-up. I will check this out. I'm wondering if you 
>> couldn't do a search-and-replace with a brf file in text-edit and remove the 
>> control characters that way. Another entirely different way to go about it 
>> might be to use Louis and back-translate the file into a text file. Of 
>> course, the Braille formatting would probably be lost, and I must admit that 
>> I like the pretty spacing and paragraphs very much.
>> HTh,
>> Teresa
>> On Sep 26, 2011, at 6:16 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Guys.
>>> We've had some discussion before and had decided we couldn't read grade 2 
>>> files on our Macs. Well, I just did it. To make it more readable, the file 
>>> I had first came out all in uppercase. I first selected all the text. I had 
>>> some bad moments at first when I tried to do a global replace and almost 
>>> erased all the text. However, I finally went into edit and chose 
>>> Transformations. One of the choices was to make the file lower case. If you 
>>> do that, the brf file is easier to read. The only thing is, and it's really 
>>> pretty minor, that I haven't figured out how to turn off the control 
>>> characters if you just want to read the file. I like them when I'm editing, 
>>> but I used to turn them off on the Braille Lite when reading. When I 
>>> withurned speech off, I was able to read it just fine. 
>>> I think a lot of Web braille files, if I remember, end in cell 38, so that 
>>> will mean that, for the most part, the control characters will just show up 
>>> in cell 39 and 40. 
>>> For those out there who want to read braille music, it might work just fine 
>>> this way, too. I'm not an expert on that subject. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Jenny Wood
Hi Patrick, thank you for taking the time to respond!  No, I haven't tried 
placing anything in the folder myself, but I will do so at some point today.  I 
finally got dropbox installed and setup this morning, so it hasn't been all 
that long.  I had created a new shared folder via the website, and my friend 
uploaded about sixteen folders containing around 20 - 25 files each into the 
shared folder I had created.  The shared folder I created on the website isn't 
even showing up under the dropbox folder on my machine. 


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Patrick Neazer wrote:

> Hello Jenny and all:
> I do not know how long it has been since you got dropbox installed and 
> running. I had posted some photographs to my dropbox account and then 
> installed it on another computer. It took a while ... a while defined as 
> about 20 minutes because I was using a slower connection than the one at the 
> office and there were a number of videos. 
> As  for the other files that were placed in your account by someone else, 
> they should appear although how they were placed in terms of structure may be 
> effecting your being able to see them. 
> Have you attempted to place anything in the folders yourself?
> Take good care and I wish you enough.
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Hi Paul.  Thank you very much for the response!  For some reason, I have 
>> never successfully setup dropbox on my mac, apparently.  So, I scrapped all 
>> of the previous installation and installers, revisited and 
>> started fresh.  This time, I did manage to make get through the setup 
>> process without a hitch.  Dropbox is running, and my dropbox folder is 
>> created and ready for use.  I think my only question at this point is, I 
>> still have a folder containing many files on the website.  I would love to 
>> have them sync to my mac, or somehow retrieve them.  They were placed there 
>> by another dropbox user who I had invited to access my new folder.  However, 
>> I am unable to find a way to actually download them to my computer.  As I 
>> say, dropbox is definitely running, but I don't see anything at all in the 
>> new dropbox folder.  Does it perhaps take some time for this to happen? 
>> Thank you!
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:30 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> Hi Jenny Wood,
>>> Dropbox is usable on the mac. Not entirely accessible, but it is now 
>>> usable. If you downloaded the installer from recently, you will 
>>> have noticed that at least the dropbox mac setup is now fully accessible. 
>>> That was not the case a while ago, so that is a nice improvement.
>>> Second: why bother with the web interface. If you have more than one device 
>>> that you want to use dropbox on, then the idea is simple. The dropbox 
>>> website is your main place of storage. You can fill it with files, by 
>>> having your mac dropbox client upload stuff to that space on the web. 
>>> On your mac, inside your home folder, you have a new folder named dropbox. 
>>> You can reach this folder by hitting command shift h for your home folder 
>>> in finder. You will see documents, music and all your stuff there, plus 
>>> this new dropbox folder. Go into it, and drop anything you want uploaded to 
>>> the sight inside this home dropbox folder on your mac. The upload will 
>>> happen automatically, without any other user intervention. A while later, 
>>> you will find these files on the web in your dropbox account. Of course, 
>>> dropbox will have to be running on the mac for this to happen.
>>> If you now install dropbox on a second device, say an iPod touch, an 
>>> iPhone, or a windows computer, then all files in the dropbox space on the 
>>> web will automatically be downloaded to the new device. All you need to do 
>>> to make this happen, is install dropbox on the new device, and login with 
>>> your account. 
>>> To know if dropbox is running or not on your mac, you can check your users 
>>> and groups item in system preferences. Go to the menu bar, vo m, go down to 
>>> system preferences with vo down arrow, vo space on it, then move over to 
>>> preference panes, and interact with that. Now go to users and groups. You 
>>> can arrow around, or you can hit u s e in quick succession to have the vo 
>>> cursor move to users and groups. Hit vo space to open this item. Then hit 
>>> vo space on the login items tab. Move right, till you are on a list box 
>>> with your programs that startup automatically each time you turn on your 
>>> mac, and interact with the table. Look up and down and see if there is an 
>>> item called dropbox. If you find it here, then you know that dropbox is 
>>> always active from now on, and that the

Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Patrick Neazer
Hello Jenny and all:

Ah, that is what I was wanting to know. That shared folder may not appear out 
of the box given how your friend set it up. However, if you or your friend 
could move those items into either the public folder or the photos folder 
(operating from the premise that the items are photographs), you ought to be 
able to see them then.

If you want to have a little bit of fun and you own an iphone ... grab the app. 
It is free and may provide you with another perspective on the functionality of 

Take good care and I wish you enough.
On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Hi Patrick, thank you for taking the time to respond!  No, I haven't tried 
> placing anything in the folder myself, but I will do so at some point today.  
> I finally got dropbox installed and setup this morning, so it hasn't been all 
> that long.  I had created a new shared folder via the website, and my friend 
> uploaded about sixteen folders containing around 20 - 25 files each into the 
> shared folder I had created.  The shared folder I created on the website 
> isn't even showing up under the dropbox folder on my machine. 
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
>> Hello Jenny and all:
>> I do not know how long it has been since you got dropbox installed and 
>> running. I had posted some photographs to my dropbox account and then 
>> installed it on another computer. It took a while ... a while defined as 
>> about 20 minutes because I was using a slower connection than the one at the 
>> office and there were a number of videos. 
>> As  for the other files that were placed in your account by someone else, 
>> they should appear although how they were placed in terms of structure may 
>> be effecting your being able to see them. 
>> Have you attempted to place anything in the folders yourself?
>> Take good care and I wish you enough.
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>>> Hi Paul.  Thank you very much for the response!  For some reason, I have 
>>> never successfully setup dropbox on my mac, apparently.  So, I scrapped all 
>>> of the previous installation and installers, revisited and 
>>> started fresh.  This time, I did manage to make get through the setup 
>>> process without a hitch.  Dropbox is running, and my dropbox folder is 
>>> created and ready for use.  I think my only question at this point is, I 
>>> still have a folder containing many files on the website.  I would love to 
>>> have them sync to my mac, or somehow retrieve them.  They were placed there 
>>> by another dropbox user who I had invited to access my new folder.  
>>> However, I am unable to find a way to actually download them to my 
>>> computer.  As I say, dropbox is definitely running, but I don't see 
>>> anything at all in the new dropbox folder.  Does it perhaps take some time 
>>> for this to happen? 
>>> Thank you!
>>> --
>>> Jenny Wood
>>> Phone:  (972) 989-3894
>>> Email:
>>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:30 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 Hi Jenny Wood,
 Dropbox is usable on the mac. Not entirely accessible, but it is now 
 usable. If you downloaded the installer from recently, you 
 will have noticed that at least the dropbox mac setup is now fully 
 accessible. That was not the case a while ago, so that is a nice 
 Second: why bother with the web interface. If you have more than one 
 device that you want to use dropbox on, then the idea is simple. The 
 dropbox website is your main place of storage. You can fill it with files, 
 by having your mac dropbox client upload stuff to that space on the web. 
 On your mac, inside your home folder, you have a new folder named dropbox. 
 You can reach this folder by hitting command shift h for your home folder 
 in finder. You will see documents, music and all your stuff there, plus 
 this new dropbox folder. Go into it, and drop anything you want uploaded 
 to the sight inside this home dropbox folder on your mac. The upload will 
 happen automatically, without any other user intervention. A while later, 
 you will find these files on the web in your dropbox account. Of course, 
 dropbox will have to be running on the mac for this to happen.
 If you now install dropbox on a second device, say an iPod touch, an 
 iPhone, or a windows computer, then all files in the dropbox space on the 
 web will automatically be downloaded to the new device. All you need to do 
 to make this happen, is install dropbox on the new device, and login with 
 your account. 
 To know if dropbox is running or not on your mac, you can check your users 

new user

2011-09-27 Thread banu.bc
hello again
I pressed command f5 my brother  set the settings. but it doesn't read
everywhere. and also I'm new on mac.  could you please tell me some
basics. and we chose turkish q key board but it works as  english q
key board?  something is wrong I think.

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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hey, I'd like to tell you guys in Canada that if LookTell works as well on your 
money as it does on U.S. money, I think you will love it. I really like the 
money reader program for the iPhone. You can be really sloppy how you put the 
money up to the camera; you can even fold the money in half, and it works 
great. They charged, I think, about $4 here. If I had known how good it worked, 
I would have paid $10 for it. 


On Sep 27, 2011, at 7:27 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> I have a money reader that I got about 5 years ago, not sure if they've 
> updated it since.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
>> for free?
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
>>> it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
>>> Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
>>> putting down the money. 
>>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Hi list,
 When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
 finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
 canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
 its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
 Sent from my macbook pro
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Re: hello

2011-09-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Banu. 
Just type command and the f5 key together. That surns it on and off. 


On Sep 27, 2011, at 9:25 AM, banu.bc wrote:

> hi there
> I've just bought mac book pro. how can I  activate voice over??
> regards
> banu
> -- 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi May,

Give me a call and I'll see if I can direct you to the best place to go.  
Toll-free number is below.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-27, at 9:05 AM, May McDonald wrote:

> There's a bank of Canada reader? Where? I sure haven't seen one.
> May and Prince Noah
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> IDK,
>> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for 
>> free?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
>>> for free?
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
 I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
 it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 2. 
 Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
 putting down the money. 

 On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hi list,
> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it if 
> its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
> Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> -- 
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Braille tables in Lion

2011-09-27 Thread David Hole
Hi folks.
Have anyone here seen that the braille tables that were delivered with
Lion has lots of wrong's?
For example æ, ø, å and numbers are displayed in a format unknown to me.
Is there some ways to fix that issue?
Best regards David

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Re: brf Web Braille files

2011-09-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Teresa. 
Well, I guess we both can check it out. My problem was when I chose the menu 
for replacing, it appeared to go back to the text. This meant that when I 
pressed what I thought was the text to replace, all of my text got deleted or 
it added text into the file. This meant I was in the wrong place, and I 
couldn't figure out how to get to the right place. When I feel like it, I will 
try to figure it out, unless any of you guys out the can tell me how to do 
global replaces in TextEdit. 

On Sep 27, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Text-edit does have a find and replace dialog with an "all" button in it. I 
> haven't tried working with it yet, but it looks pretty straightforward.
> Teresa
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 4:49 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Teresa.
>> I haven't tried yet to global replace control characters. In my case I have 
>> to keep a brf file the way it is. Actually, I haven't yet figured out 
>> exactly how to do global replaces in TextEdit. I have Pages also, but I have 
>> to switched to TextEdit for most of my files because it has given me less 
>> grief. 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:49 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, Gigi,
>>> Thanks a lot for the heads-up. I will check this out. I'm wondering if you 
>>> couldn't do a search-and-replace with a brf file in text-edit and remove 
>>> the control characters that way. Another entirely different way to go about 
>>> it might be to use Louis and back-translate the file into a text file. Of 
>>> course, the Braille formatting would probably be lost, and I must admit 
>>> that I like the pretty spacing and paragraphs very much.
>>> HTh,
>>> Teresa
>>> On Sep 26, 2011, at 6:16 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
 Hi Guys.
 We've had some discussion before and had decided we couldn't read grade 2 
 files on our Macs. Well, I just did it. To make it more readable, the file 
 I had first came out all in uppercase. I first selected all the text. I 
 had some bad moments at first when I tried to do a global replace and 
 almost erased all the text. However, I finally went into edit and chose 
 Transformations. One of the choices was to make the file lower case. If 
 you do that, the brf file is easier to read. The only thing is, and it's 
 really pretty minor, that I haven't figured out how to turn off the 
 control characters if you just want to read the file. I like them when I'm 
 editing, but I used to turn them off on the Braille Lite when reading. 
 When I withurned speech off, I was able to read it just fine. 
 I think a lot of Web braille files, if I remember, end in cell 38, so that 
 will mean that, for the most part, the control characters will just show 
 up in cell 39 and 40. 
 For those out there who want to read braille music, it might work just 
 fine this way, too. I'm not an expert on that subject. 
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Re: new user

2011-09-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Banu. 
I know nothing about the Turkish keyboard, but I do have a possible suggestion 
to help you get started. If your keyboard is operating as an English keyboard 
right now, you can press command plus the space bar and type the English word 
text. That should bring up the program TextEdit. Then you can start doing some 
typing so that you can get familiar with making files, saving, files and then 
file management. That part was the hardest part for me when I started out. 


On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:32 PM, banu.bc wrote:

> hello again
> I pressed command f5 my brother  set the settings. but it doesn't read
> everywhere. and also I'm new on mac.  could you please tell me some
> basics. and we chose turkish q key board but it works as  english q
> key board?  something is wrong I think.
> regards
> banu
> -- 
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Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Chris Blouch
VO+h+h just brings up help for me on OSX 10.6. Is there something else I 
need to do first?


On 9/27/11 12:21 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

If the Mute VO toggle temporarily turned vo off, or put it to sleep so that the 
commands of VO wouldn't interact with those of ChromeVox, the answer would be 
27 sep 2011 kl. 17:56 skrev Red.Falcon:

Would the mute vo toggle in vo+h+h in audio be useful for this!
That could be set to any of the commanders like keyboard or one of the others!
There is also mute speech but not sure if that one would be useful!

On 27 Sep 2011, at 16:38, Chris Blouch wrote:

Is there a way to configure VO to 'sleep' while a certain app is active. I know 
screen readers on other platforms have this capability. I hunted around for a 
while and couldn't turn up anything related to changing VO settings depending 
on what app you're in, not to mention turning it off. I guess somebody could do 
an Applescript to invoke Apple-F5 every time you switch to Chrome but that 
seems like a lot of churn, and still doesn't address other VO-enabled apps 
needing to still work.


On 9/27/11 11:04 AM, Larry Skutchan wrote:

Another nice feature would be that Chrome Vox would remain silent when Chrome 
does not have focus.

On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

This would be where activities in Voiceover would really come in handy. Let's 
say that there was a setting to temporarily put VO to sleep, is there such a 
beast? If so, one could do an activity that was for Chrome and that put VO to 
sleep as long as you were in chrome, but when you got out of it, VO would work 
as expected. Unfortunately however, i don't think such a setting exists. Maybe 
one should put in a suggestion for this to Apple a11y.

27 sep 2011 kl. 16:16 skrev Chris Blouch:

Odd. So you have to disable the screen reader to use it? What if I want to flip 
over to answer a Skype or IM while I'm wordprocessing? How will I even know 
that someone is calling? What if I want to navigate to the finder and copy a 
file? Howabout reading my email in mail app to copy paste some text into a 
Google Doc file? Requiring the screen reader to be turned off for their web app 
to work seems very problematic.


On 9/27/11 8:36 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:

Hi Krister,
Pleas see response below inline.
On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstromwrote:

Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web site and

ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.

Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
the chromevox extension. So i wonder where to get the extension. can i get
it directly from chrome using something or other to get extensions?

Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
the links to all the details you'll need to get going.

Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?

Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.

27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:

HI Paul,

Please see response below inline.

On 9/27/11, Paul Erkenswrote:

Hi Kevin,
What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are so
about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that people
have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone is
already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive in.

As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
empowering, and equalising that I am able to use it as well with a
consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. For
me, Mac OS X with the various productivity/office suite and web
browser have not allowed me to be productive, such as iWork (also
tried Open Office, Libra Office, Bean, and Tables)  and Safari (also
tried Webkit and Lightning) have not allowed me to be productive.
However, Google has changed all of this. With Chrome, ChromeVox, Docs,
and other Google Apps; I am able to be productive on my Mac.

1. When you start to use chrome, which is just another browser, like
is the main one on the mac, can you use the chrome browser with voiceover
start with?

Voiceover will work with Chrome, but the very same issues that occurs
with Safari will exist, such as focus lost, inability to interact with
HTML content, web rotor/item chooser missing elements/items, lag, TAB
key being inconsistent, moving among various HTML elements will
require several attempts, and many other issues.

2. If you can, what does the chromevox extension give you on top of it?
you can not use chrome with voiceover, does chrome plus chromevox then
you equal performance than safari does, when visi

Re: Braille tables in Lion

2011-09-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi David. 
There have been so changes that you may not know about done by BANA in 2007. 
The slash, for instance is dots 456 st sign. The number sign that used to be 
dot 4 number sign is now dots 456 th sign. I'm talking about what everybody 
calls the pound sign. The ble sign the old number sign, is still there and used 
like it always was. The letters ae are spelled out like  the word Phoenix, and 
I have no idea how long that has been in effect. 


On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:50 PM, David Hole wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Have anyone here seen that the braille tables that were delivered with
> Lion has lots of wrong's?
> For example æ, ø, å and numbers are displayed in a format unknown to me.
> Is there some ways to fix that issue?
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: Google Chrome, ChromeVox, and Apps

2011-09-27 Thread Red.Falcon
Yes when in vo commands just down arrow to the audio and right arrow into it  
and the mute vo toggle is in that menu!
There is no key commands listed, so safer to make it a commander shortcut first!
If you vo space on it! Then the vo will mute and you might not be able to get 
back to turn it on again!
On 27 Sep 2011, at 19:04, Chris Blouch wrote:

> VO+h+h just brings up help for me on OSX 10.6. Is there something else I need 
> to do first?
> CB
> On 9/27/11 12:21 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> If the Mute VO toggle temporarily turned vo off, or put it to sleep so that 
>> the commands of VO wouldn't interact with those of ChromeVox, the answer 
>> would be yes.
>> /Krister
>> 27 sep 2011 kl. 17:56 skrev Red.Falcon:
>>> Hi!
>>> Would the mute vo toggle in vo+h+h in audio be useful for this!
>>> That could be set to any of the commanders like keyboard or one of the 
>>> others!
>>> There is also mute speech but not sure if that one would be useful!
>>> Colin
>>> On 27 Sep 2011, at 16:38, Chris Blouch wrote:
 Is there a way to configure VO to 'sleep' while a certain app is active. I 
 know screen readers on other platforms have this capability. I hunted 
 around for a while and couldn't turn up anything related to changing VO 
 settings depending on what app you're in, not to mention turning it off. I 
 guess somebody could do an Applescript to invoke Apple-F5 every time you 
 switch to Chrome but that seems like a lot of churn, and still doesn't 
 address other VO-enabled apps needing to still work.
 On 9/27/11 11:04 AM, Larry Skutchan wrote:
> Another nice feature would be that Chrome Vox would remain silent when 
> Chrome does not have focus.
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> This would be where activities in Voiceover would really come in handy. 
>> Let's say that there was a setting to temporarily put VO to sleep, is 
>> there such a beast? If so, one could do an activity that was for Chrome 
>> and that put VO to sleep as long as you were in chrome, but when you got 
>> out of it, VO would work as expected. Unfortunately however, i don't 
>> think such a setting exists. Maybe one should put in a suggestion for 
>> this to Apple a11y.
>> /Krister
>> 27 sep 2011 kl. 16:16 skrev Chris Blouch:
>>> Odd. So you have to disable the screen reader to use it? What if I want 
>>> to flip over to answer a Skype or IM while I'm wordprocessing? How will 
>>> I even know that someone is calling? What if I want to navigate to the 
>>> finder and copy a file? Howabout reading my email in mail app to copy 
>>> paste some text into a Google Doc file? Requiring the screen reader to 
>>> be turned off for their web app to work seems very problematic.
>>> CB
>>> On 9/27/11 8:36 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:
 Hi Krister,
 Pleas see response below inline.
 On 9/27/11, Krister Ekstromwrote:
> Hi,
> Chrome is as i recall and judging of how it looks on the web page
> opensource, which according to my experience means very messy web 
> site and
> documentation.
 ChroemVox and parts of Chrome are open source, but website and
 documentation are very nicely laid out, efficient, andeffective.
> Having said all this, i would like to know where i can obtain
> the chromevox extension. So i wonder where to get the extension. can 
> i get
> it directly from chrome using something or other to get extensions?
 Please see my original message, which started this thread, which is
 still part of conversation and contained within this message for all
 the links to all the details you'll need to get going.
> Do i have to turn vo off every time i want to use the browser?
 Yes, it's one very effective and effective command away, CMD-F5.
> /Krister
> 27 sep 2011 kl. 13:56 skrev Kevin Chao:
>> HI Paul,
>> Please see response below inline.
>> On 9/27/11, Paul Erkenswrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> What things did you actually achieve with the google stuff you are 
>>> so
>>> happy
>>> about? Google docs has been a problem for a long time. I know that 
>>> people
>>> have been working on it in cooperation with google, and that alone 
>>> is
>>> already exciting, but I'm curious about a few things before I dive 
>>> in.
>> As a college student and  an employee where professors, students, and
>> co-workers are all using Google Docs. It's extremely exciting,
>> empowering, and equalising that I am able to use it as well with a
>> consistent and unified experience on Mac OS X and other platforms. 

Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Jenny Wood
I had a feeling that might be the case. :-)  Hmmm, unfortunately, either I am 
missing something, or there doesn't appear to be any obvious way to move files 
from one folder to another via the website.

The reason I created the shared folder on the website itself, rather than on my 
own machine, is because from what I understand, there isn't a very 
voiceover-friendly way of accessing certain options, such as inviting someone 
to have access to a given folder or sending a link to someone for a specific 
file.  Is this still the case?   


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Patrick Neazer wrote:

> Hello Jenny and all:
> Ah, that is what I was wanting to know. That shared folder may not appear out 
> of the box given how your friend set it up. However, if you or your friend 
> could move those items into either the public folder or the photos folder 
> (operating from the premise that the items are photographs), you ought to be 
> able to see them then.
> If you want to have a little bit of fun and you own an iphone ... grab the 
> app. It is free and may provide you with another perspective on the 
> functionality of dropbox.
> Take good care and I wish you enough.
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Hi Patrick, thank you for taking the time to respond!  No, I haven't tried 
>> placing anything in the folder myself, but I will do so at some point today. 
>>  I finally got dropbox installed and setup this morning, so it hasn't been 
>> all that long.  I had created a new shared folder via the website, and my 
>> friend uploaded about sixteen folders containing around 20 - 25 files each 
>> into the shared folder I had created.  The shared folder I created on the 
>> website isn't even showing up under the dropbox folder on my machine. 
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
>>> Hello Jenny and all:
>>> I do not know how long it has been since you got dropbox installed and 
>>> running. I had posted some photographs to my dropbox account and then 
>>> installed it on another computer. It took a while ... a while defined as 
>>> about 20 minutes because I was using a slower connection than the one at 
>>> the office and there were a number of videos. 
>>> As  for the other files that were placed in your account by someone else, 
>>> they should appear although how they were placed in terms of structure may 
>>> be effecting your being able to see them. 
>>> Have you attempted to place anything in the folders yourself?
>>> Take good care and I wish you enough.
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
 Hi Paul.  Thank you very much for the response!  For some reason, I have 
 never successfully setup dropbox on my mac, apparently.  So, I scrapped 
 all of the previous installation and installers, revisited and 
 started fresh.  This time, I did manage to make get through the setup 
 process without a hitch.  Dropbox is running, and my dropbox folder is 
 created and ready for use.  I think my only question at this point is, I 
 still have a folder containing many files on the website.  I would love to 
 have them sync to my mac, or somehow retrieve them.  They were placed 
 there by another dropbox user who I had invited to access my new folder.  
 However, I am unable to find a way to actually download them to my 
 computer.  As I say, dropbox is definitely running, but I don't see 
 anything at all in the new dropbox folder.  Does it perhaps take some time 
 for this to happen? 
 Thank you!
 Jenny Wood
 Phone: (972) 989-3894
 On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:30 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Hi Jenny Wood,
> Dropbox is usable on the mac. Not entirely accessible, but it is now 
> usable. If you downloaded the installer from recently, you 
> will have noticed that at least the dropbox mac setup is now fully 
> accessible. That was not the case a while ago, so that is a nice 
> improvement.
> Second: why bother with the web interface. If you have more than one 
> device that you want to use dropbox on, then the idea is simple. The 
> dropbox website is your main place of storage. You can fill it with 
> files, by having your mac dropbox client upload stuff to that space on 
> the web. 
> On your mac, inside your home folder, you have a new folder named 
> dropbox. You can reach this folder by hitting command shift h for your 
> home folder in finder. You will see documents, music and all your stuff 
> there, plus t

Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Aman Singer
Hi, May.
To get the reader, go here
It's hardware.

On 9/27/11, May McDonald  wrote:
> There's a bank of Canada reader? Where? I sure haven't seen one.
> May and Prince Noah
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> IDK,
>> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for
>> free?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one
>>> for free?
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion
>>> When will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility
>>> Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
 I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is
 as it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to
 version 2. Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version
 before putting down the money.

 On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hi list,
> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money
> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the
> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it
> if its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
> Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> --
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A Litle Help Please

2011-09-27 Thread Vítor Oliveira
Hi every body. I'm new here and I'd like to ask if there is any way to read 
incoming and outgoing messages automatically in skype. And if there is, how can 
I do it. Best regards.

Vítor Oliveira

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Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Jenny,
You don't need to do anything via the website any more. Focus on your 
/home/dropbox folder on your mac. To move files from one folder inside your 
dropbox to another folder in dropbox, just use finder as usual. The dropbox app 
will notice what you are doing, and reflect the file move immediately, and 
automagically, to the website. Just forget about the website. Now you can do 
anything from your mac to your dropbox. You can even move files into and out of 
your dropbox. Move something in, and the running dropbox app will notice it, 
upload it and that's that. All other connected devices will then synch and 
receive what you moved into your dropbox. Move something out of your dropbox, 
and the running mac dropbox app wil notice it, and delete the stuff you moved 
out of your dropbox from all connected devices as well. To invite other people, 
it is possible and sometimes desirable to use the website.
On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:12 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> I had a feeling that might be the case. :-)  Hmmm, unfortunately, either I am 
> missing something, or there doesn't appear to be any obvious way to move 
> files from one folder to another via the website.
> The reason I created the shared folder on the website itself, rather than on 
> my own machine, is because from what I understand, there isn't a very 
> voiceover-friendly way of accessing certain options, such as inviting someone 
> to have access to a given folder or sending a link to someone for a specific 
> file.  Is this still the case?   
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
>> Hello Jenny and all:
>> Ah, that is what I was wanting to know. That shared folder may not appear 
>> out of the box given how your friend set it up. However, if you or your 
>> friend could move those items into either the public folder or the photos 
>> folder (operating from the premise that the items are photographs), you 
>> ought to be able to see them then.
>> If you want to have a little bit of fun and you own an iphone ... grab the 
>> app. It is free and may provide you with another perspective on the 
>> functionality of dropbox.
>> Take good care and I wish you enough.
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>>> Hi Patrick, thank you for taking the time to respond!  No, I haven't tried 
>>> placing anything in the folder myself, but I will do so at some point 
>>> today.  I finally got dropbox installed and setup this morning, so it 
>>> hasn't been all that long.  I had created a new shared folder via the 
>>> website, and my friend uploaded about sixteen folders containing around 20 
>>> - 25 files each into the shared folder I had created.  The shared folder I 
>>> created on the website isn't even showing up under the dropbox folder on my 
>>> machine. 
>>> --
>>> Jenny Wood
>>> Phone:  (972) 989-3894
>>> Email:
>>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
 Hello Jenny and all:
 I do not know how long it has been since you got dropbox installed and 
 running. I had posted some photographs to my dropbox account and then 
 installed it on another computer. It took a while ... a while defined as 
 about 20 minutes because I was using a slower connection than the one at 
 the office and there were a number of videos. 
 As  for the other files that were placed in your account by someone else, 
 they should appear although how they were placed in terms of structure may 
 be effecting your being able to see them. 
 Have you attempted to place anything in the folders yourself?
 Take good care and I wish you enough.
 On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
> Hi Paul.  Thank you very much for the response!  For some reason, I have 
> never successfully setup dropbox on my mac, apparently.  So, I scrapped 
> all of the previous installation and installers, revisited 
> and started fresh.  This time, I did manage to make get through the setup 
> process without a hitch.  Dropbox is running, and my dropbox folder is 
> created and ready for use.  I think my only question at this point is, I 
> still have a folder containing many files on the website.  I would love 
> to have them sync to my mac, or somehow retrieve them.  They were placed 
> there by another dropbox user who I had invited to access my new folder.  
> However, I am unable to find a way to actually download them to my 
> computer.  As I say, dropbox is definitely running, but I don't see 
> anything at all in the new dropbox folder.  Does it perhaps take some 
> time for this to happen? 
> Thank you!
> --

Good wireless router for Macs

2011-09-27 Thread Chris Blouch
Anyone have a favorite 802.11N wireless router? I was running a Netgear 
802.11G router which worked just fine but was kind of slow compared to 
what N was supposed to do. I have a Mac in the basement sharing a hard 
drive which I use for TimeMachine backups from a Mac laptop via wireless 
which I'd like to go a bit faster. I bought a D-Link N router and was 
really disappointed with its transmission distance. Couldn't connect 
maybe 30 feet away at the other end of the house. Showed up on the list 
but failed unless you were right near by. After much fiddling I'm 
donating it to the inlaws who needed a new router anyway and pretty much 
just use it one room away so it works fine. So now I'm shopping around 
again. Maybe another DLink? There are piles of them out there but the 
reviews don't seem to go into any testing of distance. Probably don't 
need 5Ghz band as my iPhone needs to connect unless there is something 
that can do both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz at the same time. Should I just go with 
an Airport Extreme and be done?It seems like it has all the features but 
is probably the most expensive router out there.


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Re: Braille tables in Lion

2011-09-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello David,

Apple has implemented Duxbury from 2007 and I think that all of us who use 
Braille in languages other than English are disgusted. Archie hasn't even tried 
to modify the tables because it requires too much work for the few people who 
would appreciate it. He doesn't even know whether it would be possible. It 
would have been nice if Apple had used Archie's tables for eight-dot Braille, 
but they haven't and there's nothing we can do about it apart from complain to 
Apple. Naturally, I've done just that.



On 27 Sep 2011, at 19:50, David Hole wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Have anyone here seen that the braille tables that were delivered with
> Lion has lots of wrong's?
> For example æ, ø, å and numbers are displayed in a format unknown to me.
> Is there some ways to fix that issue?
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread erik burggraaf
The problem with my separate mp3 player, gps, camera OCR, and so on is that 
they all blow the eyephone out of the water when it comes to feature sets, 
quality, and ease of use.  So, while I feel like a dope walking around with my 
pockets stuffed and bulging with with kit, not to mention paying for each tool 
A la Cart, the fact is I'm more comfortable with the separate tools than the 
IPhone.  Now, if the tools on the IPhone do what you need and your requirements 
aren't that steep, there's nothing at all wrong with buying an IPhone and 
letting fly.

I don't usually bother carrying the money reader.  If I don't know what my 
bills are, I sort them before I leave the house.  Anything else can usually be 
taken care of using the markers on the money.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-27, at 11:21 AM, Marc Workman wrote:

> Agree with Ricardo.
> Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, light 
> detector, gps unit, money identifier, camera, etc.  Even if these were all 
> available for free, I would rather pay a relatively  small fee to have them 
> all available on a single device.
> It's also worth noting that Looktel announced that the price was going up for 
> version 2.  So many Canadians, myself included, were able to pick it up at 
> the version 1 price of either 1.99 or 2.99, I can't recall exactly.  Ten 
> dollars is a bit steep, but I thought that the initial price was less than 
> people would be willing to pay, and I would still encourage canadians to pick 
> it up, assuming it identifies our currency as well as it did the US's.
> Regards,
> Marc
> On 2011-09-27, at 5:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more likely 
>> to forget their money reader at home than their phone I would think.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain 
>>> accessibility standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were 
>>> worth the paper they were printed on, but the money identification one has 
>>> been taken very seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out 
>>> first was a bit lame but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel that 
>>> we already had a free piece that covered all the bases, but as you say, for 
>>> some one travelling either two or from canada the IPhone app is quite 
>>> useful.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for 
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
 On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
> for free?
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion 
> When will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility 
> Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is 
>> as it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to 
>> version 2. Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version 
>> before putting down the money. 
>> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
>>> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
>>> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it 
>>> if its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent

Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Patrick Neazer
Hello Jenny and all:

When installing dropbox you have the option of using the regular or advanced 
setup options. The regular setup options provide you with the public and photo 
folders at the completion of the installation. The advanced options provide you 
with a list of folders dropbox may point to which you establish. I have not 
played much with the advanced option though it is my guess that your shared 
folder was not designated to be seen upon initial setup and you used the 
regular setup when you did it. Please correct me if I am wrong.

As for a way to send links ... here is an experiment.

This is a video I took while at the US Open. It is about 90 seconds long and it 
ought to play in quicktime. There is no objectionable material contained within 
the video so children do not need to be urged to leave the room. 

Let me know how it goes.

Take good care and I wish you enough.

On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:12 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> I had a feeling that might be the case. :-)  Hmmm, unfortunately, either I am 
> missing something, or there doesn't appear to be any obvious way to move 
> files from one folder to another via the website.
> The reason I created the shared folder on the website itself, rather than on 
> my own machine, is because from what I understand, there isn't a very 
> voiceover-friendly way of accessing certain options, such as inviting someone 
> to have access to a given folder or sending a link to someone for a specific 
> file.  Is this still the case?   
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
>> Hello Jenny and all:
>> Ah, that is what I was wanting to know. That shared folder may not appear 
>> out of the box given how your friend set it up. However, if you or your 
>> friend could move those items into either the public folder or the photos 
>> folder (operating from the premise that the items are photographs), you 
>> ought to be able to see them then.
>> If you want to have a little bit of fun and you own an iphone ... grab the 
>> app. It is free and may provide you with another perspective on the 
>> functionality of dropbox.
>> Take good care and I wish you enough.
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>>> Hi Patrick, thank you for taking the time to respond!  No, I haven't tried 
>>> placing anything in the folder myself, but I will do so at some point 
>>> today.  I finally got dropbox installed and setup this morning, so it 
>>> hasn't been all that long.  I had created a new shared folder via the 
>>> website, and my friend uploaded about sixteen folders containing around 20 
>>> - 25 files each into the shared folder I had created.  The shared folder I 
>>> created on the website isn't even showing up under the dropbox folder on my 
>>> machine. 
>>> --
>>> Jenny Wood
>>> Phone:  (972) 989-3894
>>> Email:
>>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
 Hello Jenny and all:
 I do not know how long it has been since you got dropbox installed and 
 running. I had posted some photographs to my dropbox account and then 
 installed it on another computer. It took a while ... a while defined as 
 about 20 minutes because I was using a slower connection than the one at 
 the office and there were a number of videos. 
 As  for the other files that were placed in your account by someone else, 
 they should appear although how they were placed in terms of structure may 
 be effecting your being able to see them. 
 Have you attempted to place anything in the folders yourself?
 Take good care and I wish you enough.
 On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
> Hi Paul.  Thank you very much for the response!  For some reason, I have 
> never successfully setup dropbox on my mac, apparently.  So, I scrapped 
> all of the previous installation and installers, revisited 
> and started fresh.  This time, I did manage to make get through the setup 
> process without a hitch.  Dropbox is running, and my dropbox folder is 
> created and ready for use.  I think my only question at this point is, I 
> still have a folder containing many files on the website.  I would love 
> to have them sync to my mac, or somehow retrieve them.  They were placed 
> there by another dropbox user who I had invited to access my new folder.  
> However, I am unable to find a way to actually download them to my 
> computer.  As I say, dropbox is definitely running, but I don't see 
> anything at all in the new dropbox folder.  Does it perhaps take some 
> time for this to happen? 
> Thank you!

Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Jenny Wood
Hi Paul!  Well, now that dropbox appears to be installed correctly, I will most 
definitely rely primarily on the dropbox folder on my mac.  The only issue I am 
having currently, is retrieving files shared from a friend to the folder I 
created on the web.  That folder doesn't show up on my mac for whatever reason. 
 So, as a tedious work-around, I am downloading each individual file to my 
downloads folder, then moving them to the desired location.  Mind you, these 
are files that were never on my own mac before, but rather shared from a friend.


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Jenny,
> You don't need to do anything via the website any more. Focus on your 
> /home/dropbox folder on your mac. To move files from one folder inside your 
> dropbox to another folder in dropbox, just use finder as usual. The dropbox 
> app will notice what you are doing, and reflect the file move immediately, 
> and automagically, to the website. Just forget about the website. Now you can 
> do anything from your mac to your dropbox. You can even move files into and 
> out of your dropbox. Move something in, and the running dropbox app will 
> notice it, upload it and that's that. All other connected devices will then 
> synch and receive what you moved into your dropbox. Move something out of 
> your dropbox, and the running mac dropbox app wil notice it, and delete the 
> stuff you moved out of your dropbox from all connected devices as well. To 
> invite other people, it is possible and sometimes desirable to use the 
> website.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:12 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> I had a feeling that might be the case. :-)  Hmmm, unfortunately, either I 
>> am missing something, or there doesn't appear to be any obvious way to move 
>> files from one folder to another via the website.
>> The reason I created the shared folder on the website itself, rather than on 
>> my own machine, is because from what I understand, there isn't a very 
>> voiceover-friendly way of accessing certain options, such as inviting 
>> someone to have access to a given folder or sending a link to someone for a 
>> specific file.  Is this still the case?   
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
>>> Hello Jenny and all:
>>> Ah, that is what I was wanting to know. That shared folder may not appear 
>>> out of the box given how your friend set it up. However, if you or your 
>>> friend could move those items into either the public folder or the photos 
>>> folder (operating from the premise that the items are photographs), you 
>>> ought to be able to see them then.
>>> If you want to have a little bit of fun and you own an iphone ... grab the 
>>> app. It is free and may provide you with another perspective on the 
>>> functionality of dropbox.
>>> Take good care and I wish you enough.
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
 Hi Patrick, thank you for taking the time to respond!  No, I haven't tried 
 placing anything in the folder myself, but I will do so at some point 
 today.  I finally got dropbox installed and setup this morning, so it 
 hasn't been all that long.  I had created a new shared folder via the 
 website, and my friend uploaded about sixteen folders containing around 20 
 - 25 files each into the shared folder I had created.  The shared folder I 
 created on the website isn't even showing up under the dropbox folder on 
 my machine. 
 Jenny Wood
 Phone: (972) 989-3894
 On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
> Hello Jenny and all:
> I do not know how long it has been since you got dropbox installed and 
> running. I had posted some photographs to my dropbox account and then 
> installed it on another computer. It took a while ... a while defined as 
> about 20 minutes because I was using a slower connection than the one at 
> the office and there were a number of videos. 
> As  for the other files that were placed in your account by someone else, 
> they should appear although how they were placed in terms of structure 
> may be effecting your being able to see them. 
> Have you attempted to place anything in the folders yourself?
> Take good care and I wish you enough.
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Hi Paul.  Thank you very much for the response!  For some reason, I have 
>> never successfully setup dropbox on my mac, apparently.  So, I scrapped 
>> all of the previous installation and installer

Global Search And Replace in Text-Edit, Was Re: brf Web Braille files

2011-09-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, gigi,

I am using Lion, and I don't find much difference between upper- and lower-case 
brf files in uncontracted Braille. Any uncommon symbols are rendered spelled 
out as in "star" for ch sign, etc.

As for global search and replace, here's what you do.

Highlight the symbol you want to replace. Copy it. Alternatively, you might try 
skipping the copy step and typing in the control character with your Braille 
display. Go into search and replace with command-option-f. (or you can find it 
in the edit menu under the "find" submenu. It's best to navigate this dialog 
with VO-right-arrow, as the tab key seems to be unreliable here. In the first 
edit box, paste in your character to be replaced. If you want to replace it 
with nothing, i.e. remove it, just leave the next edit box blank. Make sure the 
replace checkbox is checked. VO-right till you get to the "all" button and hit 
it with VO-space. There is no real audible indication that anything has been 
done, but the character has been globally removed.

On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:50 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Teresa. 
> Well, I guess we both can check it out. My problem was when I chose the menu 
> for replacing, it appeared to go back to the text. This meant that when I 
> pressed what I thought was the text to replace, all of my text got deleted or 
> it added text into the file. This meant I was in the wrong place, and I 
> couldn't figure out how to get to the right place. When I feel like it, I 
> will try to figure it out, unless any of you guys out the can tell me how to 
> do global replaces in TextEdit. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Text-edit does have a find and replace dialog with an "all" button in it. I 
>> haven't tried working with it yet, but it looks pretty straightforward.
>> Teresa
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 4:49 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Teresa.
>>> I haven't tried yet to global replace control characters. In my case I have 
>>> to keep a brf file the way it is. Actually, I haven't yet figured out 
>>> exactly how to do global replaces in TextEdit. I have Pages also, but I 
>>> have to switched to TextEdit for most of my files because it has given me 
>>> less grief. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:49 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
 Hi, Gigi,
 Thanks a lot for the heads-up. I will check this out. I'm wondering if you 
 couldn't do a search-and-replace with a brf file in text-edit and remove 
 the control characters that way. Another entirely different way to go 
 about it might be to use Louis and back-translate the file into a text 
 file. Of course, the Braille formatting would probably be lost, and I must 
 admit that I like the pretty spacing and paragraphs very much.
 On Sep 26, 2011, at 6:16 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi Guys.
> We've had some discussion before and had decided we couldn't read grade 2 
> files on our Macs. Well, I just did it. To make it more readable, the 
> file I had first came out all in uppercase. I first selected all the 
> text. I had some bad moments at first when I tried to do a global replace 
> and almost erased all the text. However, I finally went into edit and 
> chose Transformations. One of the choices was to make the file lower 
> case. If you do that, the brf file is easier to read. The only thing is, 
> and it's really pretty minor, that I haven't figured out how to turn off 
> the control characters if you just want to read the file. I like them 
> when I'm editing, but I used to turn them off on the Braille Lite when 
> reading. When I withurned speech off, I was able to read it just fine. 
> I think a lot of Web braille files, if I remember, end in cell 38, so 
> that will mean that, for the most part, the control characters will just 
> show up in cell 39 and 40. 
> For those out there who want to read braille music, it might work just 
> fine this way, too. I'm not an expert on that subject. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
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Re: Braille tables in Lion

2011-09-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Wow, I sure wish I'd gotten a concise and clear answer like that months ago. 
That pretty much explains many Braille issues. Thanks, Anne.

On Sep 27, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello David,
> Apple has implemented Duxbury from 2007 and I think that all of us who use 
> Braille in languages other than English are disgusted. Archie hasn't even 
> tried to modify the tables because it requires too much work for the few 
> people who would appreciate it. He doesn't even know whether it would be 
> possible. It would have been nice if Apple had used Archie's tables for 
> eight-dot Braille, but they haven't and there's nothing we can do about it 
> apart from complain to Apple. Naturally, I've done just that.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 27 Sep 2011, at 19:50, David Hole wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> Have anyone here seen that the braille tables that were delivered with
>> Lion has lots of wrong's?
>> For example æ, ø, å and numbers are displayed in a format unknown to me.
>> Is there some ways to fix that issue?
>> Best regards David
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Marc Workman
I'm curious how your stand alone mp3 player and camera blow the iPhone's "out 
of the water" in terms of feature sets, quality, and ease of use.

It sounds like you agree, though, that where the equivalent functionality can 
be gotten out of an app, the app would be preferable to the stand-alone device. 
 Is there something the stand-alone money reader does that the app doesn't? I 
think it's actually the other way around given the variety of currencies that 
can be identified.

I think I would prefer fewer stand-alone devices even at home.  It's not just 
about carrying them, but losing and recharging.  My phone also always tends to 
be on hand.  There's obviously a risk to the swiss-army-knife approach, eggs, 
basket, etc, but I do think there are good reasons for preferring the money 
reader app over the free stand-alone device, and so I'm glad the developer 
listened to my and others' calls for including Canadian currency rather than 
thinking it unnecessary, like some may have implied, given the free stand-alone 


On 2011-09-27, at 11:57 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> The problem with my separate mp3 player, gps, camera OCR, and so on is that 
> they all blow the eyephone out of the water when it comes to feature sets, 
> quality, and ease of use.  So, while I feel like a dope walking around with 
> my pockets stuffed and bulging with with kit, not to mention paying for each 
> tool A la Cart, the fact is I'm more comfortable with the separate tools than 
> the IPhone.  Now, if the tools on the IPhone do what you need and your 
> requirements aren't that steep, there's nothing at all wrong with buying an 
> IPhone and letting fly.
> I don't usually bother carrying the money reader.  If I don't know what my 
> bills are, I sort them before I leave the house.  Anything else can usually 
> be taken care of using the markers on the money.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-27, at 11:21 AM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> Agree with Ricardo.
>> Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, light 
>> detector, gps unit, money identifier, camera, etc.  Even if these were all 
>> available for free, I would rather pay a relatively  small fee to have them 
>> all available on a single device.
>> It's also worth noting that Looktel announced that the price was going up 
>> for version 2.  So many Canadians, myself included, were able to pick it up 
>> at the version 1 price of either 1.99 or 2.99, I can't recall exactly.  Ten 
>> dollars is a bit steep, but I thought that the initial price was less than 
>> people would be willing to pay, and I would still encourage canadians to 
>> pick it up, assuming it identifies our currency as well as it did the US's.
>> Regards,
>> Marc
>> On 2011-09-27, at 5:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more likely 
>>> to forget their money reader at home than their phone I would think.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain 
 accessibility standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were 
 worth the paper they were printed on, but the money identification one has 
 been taken very seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out 
 first was a bit lame but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel 
 that we already had a free piece that covered all the bases, but as you 
 say, for some one travelling either two or from canada the IPhone app is 
 quite useful.
 Erik Burggraaf
 This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
 will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
 Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> IDK,
> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for 
> free?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada 
>> one for f

Re: Good wireless router for Macs

2011-09-27 Thread Robert Carter

I have used lots of routers over the years and am by far the most satisfied 
with the Apple routers.

Robert Carter
On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:51 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Anyone have a favorite 802.11N wireless router? I was running a Netgear 
> 802.11G router which worked just fine but was kind of slow compared to what N 
> was supposed to do. I have a Mac in the basement sharing a hard drive which I 
> use for TimeMachine backups from a Mac laptop via wireless which I'd like to 
> go a bit faster. I bought a D-Link N router and was really disappointed with 
> its transmission distance. Couldn't connect maybe 30 feet away at the other 
> end of the house. Showed up on the list but failed unless you were right near 
> by. After much fiddling I'm donating it to the inlaws who needed a new router 
> anyway and pretty much just use it one room away so it works fine. So now I'm 
> shopping around again. Maybe another DLink? There are piles of them out there 
> but the reviews don't seem to go into any testing of distance. Probably don't 
> need 5Ghz band as my iPhone needs to connect unless there is something that 
> can do both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz at the same time. Should I just go with an 
> Airport Extreme and be done?It seems like it has all the features but is 
> probably the most expensive router out there.
> CB
> -- 
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unzip programs

2011-09-27 Thread Caitlyn Furness
Anybody know if The Unarchiver can handle rar files?  I've been using s 
archiver, but the demo is about to run out.  I don't mind paying for it, but I 
might have to find something else for a little while until the money tree 


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searching mailbox for specific sender in lion

2011-09-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hi all,

How do I search my inbox for specific messages by a particular sender or with a 
subject etc.? I pressed command shift f and typed something but cannot specify 
what fields to search.



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searching mailbox correction

2011-09-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hi again,

I indicated wrong shortcut. I meant to say command option f. Still don't know 
how it works though.



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Re: searching mailbox correction

2011-09-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
I usually just use the term in the search field I am looking for, whether it's 
subject, sender, etc. I type that in the search box and hit return. The search 
results appear in the message table. I honestly haven't tried searching more 
specifically, so someone else can clarify that aspect.

On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:17 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hi again,
> I indicated wrong shortcut. I meant to say command option f. Still don't know 
> how it works though.
> Best,
> Ioana
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Cut and paste? Is it possible?

2011-09-27 Thread Christopher Harrington
Was wanting to see if you can cut and paste using command X I've tried it 
numerous times with no success.
Thank you,
Chris Harrington

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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread erik burggraaf
Well, the MP3 player is a bit of a no brainer.  It's cheep, less than a hundred 
bucks.  I get 30 hours of listening on a single charge which is important for 
me since I'm often on the road for 12 hour days.  It plays ogg which is not so 
important to me, but it also plays flac which is crucial.  It will let me use 
SD cards without buying an expensive and proprietary adapter.  it bookmarks up 
to 10 folders for me on the fly and can bookmark up to 10 places in each 
folder.  It lets me control settings like bass, trebble, and gain and it has a 
limiter preamp and a host of other settings which I can use to improve the 
listening experience for various types of audio.  It has a fully adjustable 
crossfader,  All features are fully self-voicing.  I can play audiobooks in 
standard MP3, and I can copy and paste files with no benighted piece of 
bloatware to hoof  music and books from computer to player and back.

The camera I use is ridiculously expensive and there are lots of things to love 
or love to hate about it.  On the love side, it's on a monopod so I don't have 
to worry about holding the camera straight or at the appropriate height.  It 
auto focusses so I don't have to worry about not lining up the shot properly.  
It has a provision for automatically taking multiple pictures for cases such as 
scanning books, and it has a motion sensor to take the new picture when I flip 
a page.  It gives me easy access to both the image file and the converted OCR 
and I can convert to mp3 on the fly if I want.

Barcode reader $300 bucks it's omny directional so I don't have to know where 
to point.  It comes with several databases onboard.  Need I go on?

it sucks to pay a lot of money for stuff that the IPhone sorta does for free or 
very cheep, but honestly it's not really there yet and I need technology that 
works.  I just don't have the patience anymore to mess around and force things 
into line, although I'm very happy for the people who have persevered and 
gotten some things to work well for them.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-27, at 3:27 PM, Marc Workman wrote:

> I'm curious how your stand alone mp3 player and camera blow the iPhone's "out 
> of the water" in terms of feature sets, quality, and ease of use.
> It sounds like you agree, though, that where the equivalent functionality can 
> be gotten out of an app, the app would be preferable to the stand-alone 
> device.  Is there something the stand-alone money reader does that the app 
> doesn't? I think it's actually the other way around given the variety of 
> currencies that can be identified.
> I think I would prefer fewer stand-alone devices even at home.  It's not just 
> about carrying them, but losing and recharging.  My phone also always tends 
> to be on hand.  There's obviously a risk to the swiss-army-knife approach, 
> eggs, basket, etc, but I do think there are good reasons for preferring the 
> money reader app over the free stand-alone device, and so I'm glad the 
> developer listened to my and others' calls for including Canadian currency 
> rather than thinking it unnecessary, like some may have implied, given the 
> free stand-alone device.
> Regards,
> Marc
> On 2011-09-27, at 11:57 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> The problem with my separate mp3 player, gps, camera OCR, and so on is that 
>> they all blow the eyephone out of the water when it comes to feature sets, 
>> quality, and ease of use.  So, while I feel like a dope walking around with 
>> my pockets stuffed and bulging with with kit, not to mention paying for each 
>> tool A la Cart, the fact is I'm more comfortable with the separate tools 
>> than the IPhone.  Now, if the tools on the IPhone do what you need and your 
>> requirements aren't that steep, there's nothing at all wrong with buying an 
>> IPhone and letting fly.
>> I don't usually bother carrying the money reader.  If I don't know what my 
>> bills are, I sort them before I leave the house.  Anything else can usually 
>> be taken care of using the markers on the money.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-27, at 11:21 AM, Marc Workman wrote:
>>> Agree with Ricardo.
>>> Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, l

Re: Cut and paste? Is it possible?

2011-09-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I believe, if I am not mistaken, that you wish to move a file from one location 
to another without having to copy then move then delete from original location? 
 IF so, do this.

1.  Select file to be moved.

2.  Press command+c to copy.

3.  Navigate to new location where file is to be moved.

4.  Press command+Option+v.  File is taken from it's first location and placed 
in to the second.  


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Christopher Harrington wrote:

> Hi!!
> Was wanting to see if you can cut and paste using command X I've tried it 
> numerous times with no success.
> Thank you,
> Chris Harrington
> -- 
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Re: Cut and paste? Is it possible?

2011-09-27 Thread Christopher Harrington
Awesome!! Thank you so much!!!
Chris Harrington
On Sep 27, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I believe, if I am not mistaken, that you wish to move a file from one 
> location to another without having to copy then move then delete from 
> original location?  IF so, do this.
> 1.  Select file to be moved.
> 2.  Press command+c to copy.
> 3.  Navigate to new location where file is to be moved.
> 4.  Press command+Option+v.  File is taken from it's first location and 
> placed in to the second.  
> HTH.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Christopher Harrington wrote:
>> Hi!!
>> Was wanting to see if you can cut and paste using command X I've tried it 
>> numerous times with no success.
>> Thank you,
>> Chris Harrington
>> -- 
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread erik burggraaf
Sorry, I got carried away and forgot about a component of your email.  I 
forget, did they implement vibrating alerts?  I am positive they are planning 
to if it's not done already, but it wasn't in the original release.  Is there a 
french language version?  Not that it's really all that difficult.  If all I 
had was a french language money identifier I'd definitely survive.  But the 
bank of canada one is bilingual of course since it's a government initiative.  
And then there's the price, since at 10 bucks it's more expensive than getting 
a bank of canada one for free.  The only clear advantages to the IPhone app are 
that it eliminates an extra piece of hardware and that it recognizes 
international currencies.  I'd love it if I handled a lot of american money and 
I'd definitely appreciate it once they come out with a pounds stirling version 
of the app.

For this house though it makes sense to have the standalone.  We use it 2 or 3 
times a month and it sits on the table where any blind person who needs it can 
pick it up and use it.  That would be two of us who live here, plus two family 
members, and a raft of friends, very few of whom own IPhones.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-27, at 3:27 PM, Marc Workman wrote:

> I'm curious how your stand alone mp3 player and camera blow the iPhone's "out 
> of the water" in terms of feature sets, quality, and ease of use.
> It sounds like you agree, though, that where the equivalent functionality can 
> be gotten out of an app, the app would be preferable to the stand-alone 
> device.  Is there something the stand-alone money reader does that the app 
> doesn't? I think it's actually the other way around given the variety of 
> currencies that can be identified.
> I think I would prefer fewer stand-alone devices even at home.  It's not just 
> about carrying them, but losing and recharging.  My phone also always tends 
> to be on hand.  There's obviously a risk to the swiss-army-knife approach, 
> eggs, basket, etc, but I do think there are good reasons for preferring the 
> money reader app over the free stand-alone device, and so I'm glad the 
> developer listened to my and others' calls for including Canadian currency 
> rather than thinking it unnecessary, like some may have implied, given the 
> free stand-alone device.
> Regards,
> Marc
> On 2011-09-27, at 11:57 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> The problem with my separate mp3 player, gps, camera OCR, and so on is that 
>> they all blow the eyephone out of the water when it comes to feature sets, 
>> quality, and ease of use.  So, while I feel like a dope walking around with 
>> my pockets stuffed and bulging with with kit, not to mention paying for each 
>> tool A la Cart, the fact is I'm more comfortable with the separate tools 
>> than the IPhone.  Now, if the tools on the IPhone do what you need and your 
>> requirements aren't that steep, there's nothing at all wrong with buying an 
>> IPhone and letting fly.
>> I don't usually bother carrying the money reader.  If I don't know what my 
>> bills are, I sort them before I leave the house.  Anything else can usually 
>> be taken care of using the markers on the money.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-27, at 11:21 AM, Marc Workman wrote:
>>> Agree with Ricardo.
>>> Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, light 
>>> detector, gps unit, money identifier, camera, etc.  Even if these were all 
>>> available for free, I would rather pay a relatively  small fee to have them 
>>> all available on a single device.
>>> It's also worth noting that Looktel announced that the price was going up 
>>> for version 2.  So many Canadians, myself included, were able to pick it up 
>>> at the version 1 price of either 1.99 or 2.99, I can't recall exactly.  Ten 
>>> dollars is a bit steep, but I thought that the initial price was less than 
>>> people would be willing to pay, and I would still encourage canadians to 
>>> pick it up, assuming it identifies our currency as well as it did the US's.
>>> Regards,
>>> Marc
>>> On 2011-09-27, at 5:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more 

Re: Good wireless router for Macs

2011-09-27 Thread Scott Howell
AirPort Extreme in my opinion is the way to go. Very easy to configure, great 
coverage, and just a good router.

On Sep 27, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Anyone have a favorite 802.11N wireless router? I was running a Netgear 
> 802.11G router which worked just fine but was kind of slow compared to what N 
> was supposed to do. I have a Mac in the basement sharing a hard drive which I 
> use for TimeMachine backups from a Mac laptop via wireless which I'd like to 
> go a bit faster. I bought a D-Link N router and was really disappointed with 
> its transmission distance. Couldn't connect maybe 30 feet away at the other 
> end of the house. Showed up on the list but failed unless you were right near 
> by. After much fiddling I'm donating it to the inlaws who needed a new router 
> anyway and pretty much just use it one room away so it works fine. So now I'm 
> shopping around again. Maybe another DLink? There are piles of them out there 
> but the reviews don't seem to go into any testing of distance. Probably don't 
> need 5Ghz band as my iPhone needs to connect unless there is something that 
> can do both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz at the same time. Should I just go with an 
> Airport Extreme and be done?It seems like it has all the features but is 
> probably the most expensive router out there.
> CB
> -- 
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Re: Cut and paste? Is it possible?

2011-09-27 Thread Pete Nalda
Isn't it comand c to paste? And not command option c as you state below?

Egun On, Lagunak (Basque for "G"Day, Mates")
Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
Twitter: @lpnalda

Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

I believe, if I am not mistaken, that you wish to move a file from one location 
to another without having to copy then move then delete from original location? 
 IF so, do this.

1.  Select file to be moved.

2.  Press command+c to copy.

3.  Navigate to new location where file is to be moved.

4.  Press command+Option+v.  File is taken from it's first location and placed 
in to the second.  



The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:



On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Christopher Harrington wrote:

Was wanting to see if you can cut and paste using command X I've tried it 
numerous times with no success.
Thank you,
Chris Harrington

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Re: disregard my last post on Cut and paste? Is it possible?

2011-09-27 Thread Pete Nalda
Meant command v to paste the file.

Egun On, Lagunak (Basque for "G"Day, Mates")
Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
Twitter: @lpnalda

Christopher Harrington  wrote:

Awesome!! Thank you so much!!!

Chris Harrington

On Sep 27, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

I believe, if I am not mistaken, that you wish to move a file from one location 
to another without having to copy then move then delete from original location? 
 IF so, do this.

1.  Select file to be moved.

2.  Press command+c to copy.

3.  Navigate to new location where file is to be moved.

4.  Press command+Option+v.  File is taken from it's first location and placed 
in to the second.  



The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:



On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Christopher Harrington wrote:

Was wanting to see if you can cut and paste using command X I've tried it 
numerous times with no success.
Thank you,
Chris Harrington

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Discs and disc images with VMWare Fusion 4

2011-09-27 Thread Joseph Norton
Hi list:

I'm playing with VMWare Fusion 4 and it's working pretty good.

There is one issue I'm having a bit of trouble with and I thought I'd mention 

The other day, I wanted to use a CD image to install something, ins tread of 
using the physical CD drive.

This worked fine, but, I could not find a way to switch back to using the 
physical CD.  The only way I could get around this is by removing the CD from 
the virtual machine and then adding it back.  There did not sam to be a menu in 
 to switch back to the physical CD.

Am I missing something, or has the process to switch back to the regular CD 
Drive changed?


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Managing the favorites bar in mail

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. Someone described the procedure for adding and removing 
mailboxes from the favorites bar of mail. I'm pretty good at keeping good mail 
from this list but I can't find this one. I appreciate any help.

I hope you have a nice evening.


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Re: downloading audio files from blind cool tech or similar resource

2011-09-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Once you're on the link, hold the option key and press enter, this will 
download the file.
On Sep 26, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> Hi all you smart mack users out there,
> I have a simple seeming question for you all, but I'm stumped!
> When you're on a site like 
> and you'd like to download an audio file what do you need to do?
> I press vo space on the file, and it  starts playing, I don't want this 
> behavior, I want to be able to download it instead 
> Thoughts??
> Thanks in advance 
> Angie, the newbee  
> -- 
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Re: Managing the favorites bar in mail

2011-09-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

I did an audio tutorial of how to manage the favorites bar here.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello everyone. Someone described the procedure for adding and removing 
> mailboxes from the favorites bar of mail. I'm pretty good at keeping good 
> mail from this list but I can't find this one. I appreciate any help.
> I hope you have a nice evening.
> Paul
> -- 
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Re: unzip programs

2011-09-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
Yes it can.

Been using it for rar files for a long time.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:53 PM, Caitlyn Furness wrote:

> Anybody know if The Unarchiver can handle rar files?  I've been using s 
> archiver, but the demo is about to run out.  I don't mind paying for it, but 
> I might have to find something else for a little while until the money tree 
> sprouts.
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
> -- 
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Re: Cut and paste? Is it possible?

2011-09-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Uh, read again what I said.  Command+c is copy.  command+v is paste.  Command+v 
is move.  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Sep 27, 2011, at 5:03 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Ray,
> Isn't it comand c to paste? And not command option c as you state below?
> -- 
> Egun On, Lagunak (Basque for "G"Day, Mates")
> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
> Twitter: @lpnalda
> Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> I believe, if I am not mistaken, that you wish to move a file from one 
> location to another without having to copy then move then delete from 
> original location?  IF so, do this.
> 1.  Select file to be moved.
> 2.  Press command+c to copy.
> 3.  Navigate to new location where file is to be moved.
> 4.  Press command+Option+v.  File is taken from it's first location and 
> placed in to the second.  
> HTH.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Christopher Harrington wrote:
>> Hi!!
>> Was wanting to see if you can cut and paste using command X I've tried it 
>> numerous times with no success.
>> Thank you,
>> Chris Harrington
>> -- 
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RE: Cut and paste? Is it possible?

2011-09-27 Thread Daniel Miller


Command+Option+V is move, not Command+V



[] On Behalf Of Ray Foret Jr
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: Cut and paste? Is it possible?


Uh, read again what I said.  Command+c is copy.  command+v is paste.
Command+v is move.  




The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!


Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!


Skype name:





On Sep 27, 2011, at 5:03 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

Isn't it comand c to paste? And not command option c as you state below?

Egun On, Lagunak (Basque for "G"Day, Mates")
Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
Twitter: @lpnalda

Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

I believe, if I am not mistaken, that you wish to move a file from one
location to another without having to copy then move then delete from
original location?  IF so, do this.


1.  Select file to be moved.


2.  Press command+c to copy.


3.  Navigate to new location where file is to be moved.


4.  Press command+Option+v.  File is taken from it's first location and
placed in to the second.  






The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!


Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!


Skype name:





On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Christopher Harrington wrote:

Was wanting to see if you can cut and paste using command X I've tried it
numerous times with no success.
Thank you,
Chris Harrington

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Re: Cut and paste? Is it possible?

2011-09-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Quite correct.

Command+c is copy.

Command+v is paste.

Command+Option+v is move.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> Ray,
> Command+Option+V is move, not Command+V
> From:[] 
> On Behalf Of Ray Foret Jr
> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 6:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Cut and paste? Is it possible?
> Uh, read again what I said.  Command+c is copy.  command+v is paste.  
> Command+v is move.  
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 5:03 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
> Ray,
> Isn't it comand c to paste? And not command option c as you state below?
> -- 
> Egun On, Lagunak (Basque for "G"Day, Mates")
> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
> Twitter: @lpnalda
> Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> I believe, if I am not mistaken, that you wish to move a file from one 
> location to another without having to copy then move then delete from 
> original location?  IF so, do this.
> 1.  Select file to be moved.
> 2.  Press command+c to copy.
> 3.  Navigate to new location where file is to be moved.
> 4.  Press command+Option+v.  File is taken from it's first location and 
> placed in to the second.  
> HTH.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Christopher Harrington wrote:
> Hi!!
> Was wanting to see if you can cut and paste using command X I've tried it 
> numerous times with no success.
> Thank you,
> Chris Harrington
> -- 
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other mail clients for the mac?

2011-09-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
HI all,

I am getting used to the apple mail and rather like it. However I find it is 
using a lot of data when accessing mail, double than that with outlook express 
for example. Since I only use the mac tethering with the iPhone I would love to 
optimize this. I changed mailbox behaviors to download only headers by asking 
to not save message for offline viewing, but this still does not help enough 
and it makes searching for messages impossible.
All this to say that I am looking for alternative programs.

Any recommendations?



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Re: unzip programs

2011-09-27 Thread ezzie bueno

Hi Caitlyn,

The Unarchiver can handle RAR files, as well as other types.  It 
is VERY accessible.

Ezzie Ez

- Original Message -
From: Ricardo Walker Anybody know if The Unarchiver can handle rar files?  I've been 
using s archiver, but the demo is about to run out.  I don't mind 
paying for it, but I might have to find something else for a 
little while until the money tree sprouts.


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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Marc Workman
Well, we could have a feature off.

Does the mp3 player have a search feature allowing you to search through 
thousands of songs? Create and edit playlists on the device? Purchase music and 
download it wirelessly? Download audible books and podcasts wirelessly? Have 
access to 15,000 internet radio streams? Provide you with music recognition?  
This is of course scratching the surface, and some of what you mentioned, mp3 
audio books, ogg and flac, the iPhone will do.  An mp3 player blowing the 
iPhone out of the water on feature sets, quality, and ease of use seems like 
less of a "no brainer" than you suggest.

But this is really beside the point.  The initial discussion was sparked by 
your comment:

 It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
 for free?

If you still don't see why someone would pay the ten bucks, I'm probably not 
going to change your mind.

If I suggested that the iPhone competes feature for feature with things like 
GPS units, mp3 players, cameras, etc, I didn't intend to.  The point is that, 
where an app allows you to accomplish what you would normally accomplish with a 
stand-alone device, then being willing to pay a small amount of money for the 
app even when the device is free doesn't seem that strange to me.


On 2011-09-27, at 1:49 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Well, the MP3 player is a bit of a no brainer.  It's cheep, less than a 
> hundred bucks.  I get 30 hours of listening on a single charge which is 
> important for me since I'm often on the road for 12 hour days.  It plays ogg 
> which is not so important to me, but it also plays flac which is crucial.  It 
> will let me use SD cards without buying an expensive and proprietary adapter. 
>  it bookmarks up to 10 folders for me on the fly and can bookmark up to 10 
> places in each folder.  It lets me control settings like bass, trebble, and 
> gain and it has a limiter preamp and a host of other settings which I can use 
> to improve the listening experience for various types of audio.  It has a 
> fully adjustable crossfader,  All features are fully self-voicing.  I can 
> play audiobooks in standard MP3, and I can copy and paste files with no 
> benighted piece of bloatware to hoof  music and books from computer to player 
> and back.
> The camera I use is ridiculously expensive and there are lots of things to 
> love or love to hate about it.  On the love side, it's on a monopod so I 
> don't have to worry about holding the camera straight or at the appropriate 
> height.  It auto focusses so I don't have to worry about not lining up the 
> shot properly.  It has a provision for automatically taking multiple pictures 
> for cases such as scanning books, and it has a motion sensor to take the new 
> picture when I flip a page.  It gives me easy access to both the image file 
> and the converted OCR and I can convert to mp3 on the fly if I want.
> Barcode reader $300 bucks it's omny directional so I don't have to know where 
> to point.  It comes with several databases onboard.  Need I go on?
> it sucks to pay a lot of money for stuff that the IPhone sorta does for free 
> or very cheep, but honestly it's not really there yet and I need technology 
> that works.  I just don't have the patience anymore to mess around and force 
> things into line, although I'm very happy for the people who have persevered 
> and gotten some things to work well for them.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-27, at 3:27 PM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> I'm curious how your stand alone mp3 player and camera blow the iPhone's 
>> "out of the water" in terms of feature sets, quality, and ease of use.
>> It sounds like you agree, though, that where the equivalent functionality 
>> can be gotten out of an app, the app would be preferable to the stand-alone 
>> device.  Is there something the stand-alone money reader does that the app 
>> doesn't? I think it's actually the other way around given the variety of 
>> currencies that can be identified.
>> I think I would prefer fewer stand-alone devices even at home.  It's not 
>> just about carrying them, but losing and recharging.  My phone also always 
>> tends to be on hand.  There's obviously a risk to the swiss-army-knife 
>> approach, eggs, basket, etc, but I do think there are good reasons for 
>> preferring the money reader app over the free stand-alone device, and so I'm 
>> glad the developer listened to my and others' calls for including Canadian 
>> currency rather than thinking it unnecessary, like some may have implied, 
>> given the free stan

Re: unzip programs

2011-09-27 Thread Shannon Dyer
I use keka to unarchive .rar files. It works really well.

Are you a fan of women's music? If so, join me each Thursday from noon until 
three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point your 
media player to:

On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:53 PM, Caitlyn Furness wrote:

> Anybody know if The Unarchiver can handle rar files?  I've been using s 
> archiver, but the demo is about to run out.  I don't mind paying for it, but 
> I might have to find something else for a little while until the money tree 
> sprouts.
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
> -- 
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Re: Downloading folders from dropbox website

2011-09-27 Thread Jenny Wood
Hi Patrick, Paul & all.  Okay, so I don't know exactly what happened, but after 
having removed and reinstalled the dropbox desktop app a number of times, my 
newly created shared folder and all of it's contents are suddenly showing up!  
I am completely beside myself here, thrilled, but baffled.  The only difference 
in the process this time was selecting the Advanced setup verses the Typical 
setup, and having killed off the previous link to my account and recreating it. 
 It didn't prompt me for any additional information after having chosen 
Advanced setup though.  Interesting.  
So, I was able to view, or rather, listen, to your video with no problem.  
That's really my only other big hangup about using the desktop app, although 
the website is just as unaccessible, I am still not sure how I will go about 
sending a public link when the time comes.  But I am so excited to finally see 
my files! ;-)  

Thank you guys, for your continued help!


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On Sep 27, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Patrick Neazer wrote:

> Hello Jenny and all:
> When installing dropbox you have the option of using the regular or advanced 
> setup options. The regular setup options provide you with the public and 
> photo folders at the completion of the installation. The advanced options 
> provide you with a list of folders dropbox may point to which you establish. 
> I have not played much with the advanced option though it is my guess that 
> your shared folder was not designated to be seen upon initial setup and you 
> used the regular setup when you did it. Please correct me if I am wrong.
> As for a way to send links ... here is an experiment. 
> This is a video I took while at the US Open. It is about 90 seconds long and 
> it ought to play in quicktime. There is no objectionable material contained 
> within the video so children do not need to be urged to leave the room. 
> Let me know how it goes.
> Take good care and I wish you enough.
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:12 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> I had a feeling that might be the case. :-)  Hmmm, unfortunately, either I 
>> am missing something, or there doesn't appear to be any obvious way to move 
>> files from one folder to another via the website.
>> The reason I created the shared folder on the website itself, rather than on 
>> my own machine, is because from what I understand, there isn't a very 
>> voiceover-friendly way of accessing certain options, such as inviting 
>> someone to have access to a given folder or sending a link to someone for a 
>> specific file.  Is this still the case?   
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
>>> Hello Jenny and all:
>>> Ah, that is what I was wanting to know. That shared folder may not appear 
>>> out of the box given how your friend set it up. However, if you or your 
>>> friend could move those items into either the public folder or the photos 
>>> folder (operating from the premise that the items are photographs), you 
>>> ought to be able to see them then.
>>> If you want to have a little bit of fun and you own an iphone ... grab the 
>>> app. It is free and may provide you with another perspective on the 
>>> functionality of dropbox.
>>> Take good care and I wish you enough.
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
 Hi Patrick, thank you for taking the time to respond!  No, I haven't tried 
 placing anything in the folder myself, but I will do so at some point 
 today.  I finally got dropbox installed and setup this morning, so it 
 hasn't been all that long.  I had created a new shared folder via the 
 website, and my friend uploaded about sixteen folders containing around 20 
 - 25 files each into the shared folder I had created.  The shared folder I 
 created on the website isn't even showing up under the dropbox folder on 
 my machine. 
 Jenny Wood
 Phone: (972) 989-3894
 On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Patrick Neazer wrote:
> Hello Jenny and all:
> I do not know how long it has been since you got dropbox installed and 
> running. I had posted some photographs to my dropbox account and then 
> installed it on another computer. It took a while ... a while defined as 
> about 20 minutes because I was using a slower connection than the one at 
> the office and there were a number of videos. 
> As  for the other files that were placed in your account by someone else, 
> they should appear although how they were placed in terms of structure 
> may be ef

Re: Managing the favorites bar in mail

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Hunt
Thanks Ricardo. I heard the podcast but it was before I upgraded to Lion. I'll 
listen to it again and should be fine. Do you use the classic view or the new 
one? I don't have any difficulty with the new mail.

Thanks again.
On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I did an audio tutorial of how to manage the favorites bar here.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:
>> Hello everyone. Someone described the procedure for adding and removing 
>> mailboxes from the favorites bar of mail. I'm pretty good at keeping good 
>> mail from this list but I can't find this one. I appreciate any help.
>> I hope you have a nice evening.
>> Paul
>> -- 
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Re: Managing the favorites bar in mail

2011-09-27 Thread Paul Hunt
Ricardo, I tried the link and got the message that the server cannot be opened. 
Can you check into this?

Thanks so much.
On Sep 27, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Thanks Ricardo. I heard the podcast but it was before I upgraded to Lion. 
> I'll listen to it again and should be fine. Do you use the classic view or 
> the new one? I don't have any difficulty with the new mail.
> Thanks again.
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I did an audio tutorial of how to manage the favorites bar here.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:
>>> Hello everyone. Someone described the procedure for adding and removing 
>>> mailboxes from the favorites bar of mail. I'm pretty good at keeping good 
>>> mail from this list but I can't find this one. I appreciate any help.
>>> I hope you have a nice evening.
>>> Paul
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Entering a Header in Pages

2011-09-27 Thread Brandon Olivares

I'm writing something in pages. I want to enter a header, but I can't seem to 
get the keyboard focused there. Even when I try to move the keyboard focus to 
the voiceover cursor, it stays in the body and doesn't go to the header.

I have the same problem when i add a footnote. After I enter the footnote, I 
cannot get the keyboard focus back into the body of the document.

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong or how to do this?


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