The restriction is artificial and the going assumption is that it was a restriction request by AT&T. Others have written that using the AT&T MiFi devices which make a wifi hotspot connection to AT&T's 3G network, the iPhone does Facetime just fine. In other words, the same data rate for facetime and all its protocols when shunted through the external Wifi to 3G bridge had no problems. So there is no reason this couldn't be activated without an external device. Probably AT&T didn't want to get swamped with folks going over their data plan limits etc. Rumors are of course that this software restriction will be removed in the near future and, as others noted, there are hacks for jailbroken phones which remove it today. Then they need only port it to Android and really have a Skype killer.


On 9/27/11 1:50 AM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:

In this house we have two ipads with 3G, we wonder if we can use facetime with it or we must stick to wifi, thanks.

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