RE: Expecting '='
Duh. Thanks, Mats. Ralph -Original Message- From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 8:01 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Expecting '=' The first error message tells you that the \Score is wrong and as you certainly know, the capitalization matters in LilyPond. Just replace \Score with \score and things should work better. /Mats Palmer, Ralph wrote: > Greetings - > > I'm missing something, but I don't know what. I'm running LP 2.11.27 > under Windows XP SP 2. I use a short "Section Test" file to check > problems or to see if something works. When I run the following, it > produces the PDF I expect, but the log file sees a problem. I can't see > what's wrong. Can anyone help me out? > > Ralph > > + > Ralph Palmer, CEM > Energy/Administrative Coordinator > Keene State College > Keene, NH 03435-2502 > Phone: 603-358-2230 > Cell: 603-209-2903 > Fax: 603-358-2456 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > +++ .ly file > > %Section Test > > \version "2.11.27" > \include "" > \paper { > ragged-right = ##t > } > > SectionTest = { > \key c \major > \clef treble > \time 4/4 > \relative c'' { > c4 d e f > f4 e d c > } > > } > > \Score { > \SectionTest > } > > +++ log > > # -*-compilation-*- > Changing working directory to: `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My > Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Test' > Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet > Music/LilyPond/Test/' > Parsing... > C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet > Music/LilyPond/Test/ error: unknown escaped string: > `\Score' > > \Score { > > C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet > Music/LilyPond/Test/ error: syntax error, unexpected > '{', expecting '=' > \Score >{ > > Interpreting music... > Preprocessing graphical objects... > Finding the ideal number of pages... > Fitting music on 1 page... > Drawing systems... > Layout output to `'... > Converting to `SectionTest.pdf'... > error: failed files: "C:\\Documents and Settings\\rpalmer\\My > Documents\\Ralph\\Sheet Music\\LilyPond\\Test\\" > > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: = ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Font difference between 2.11.23 and GDP
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.11.23 under Windows XP SP2. I've been working on Repeats in the GDP. To demonstrate the behavior of manually setting repeat signs and brackets, I borrowed from LSR snippet 316, modified it, and included it in Repeats. I tested my modified version before submitting it, and it worked fine, but the GDP engraved version appears differently. %% My test version: \version "2.11.23" Test = { \key c \major \clef "G" \time 4/4 \relative c'' { c1 d4 e f g \override Staff.VoltaBracket #'font-name = #"sans" \set Score.repeatCommands = #'( ( volta "1. Repeat to CHORUS" ) ) f4 g a b \set Score.repeatCommands = #'( ( volta #f ) \text ( volta "2., 3. To VERSE" ) end-repeat ) g4 a g a c1 } } \score { \Test } I've attached the resulting PDF as . (Funny - it came out of LilyPond as 60 Kb, and I had to use Adobe Acrobat to reduce the file size.) I printed the GDP version as a PDF and attached it as . Can anyone explain the difference? Thanks for your help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Manual repeat marks - GDP.pdf Description: Manual repeat marks - GDP.pdf Test.pdf Description: Test.pdf ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Font difference between 2.11.23 and GDP
Thanks, Risto. Looks like I need to do some more work/checking/downloading. Ralph -Original Message- From: Risto Vääräniemi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 7:54 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Font difference between 2.11.23 and GDP 2008/6/6 Palmer, Ralph: > Greetings - > > I'm running LilyPond 2.11.23 under Windows XP SP2. I've been working on > Repeats in the GDP. To demonstrate the behavior of manually setting > repeat signs and brackets, I borrowed from LSR snippet 316, modified it, > and included it in Repeats. I tested my modified version before > submitting it, and it worked fine, but the GDP engraved version appears > differently. > > Can anyone explain the difference? The behaviour of repeatCommand has changed since 2.11.23. To get the same output with a newer version you have to change the font-encoding to latin1. Otherwise the font-name won't have any effect. I think you could also use markup as discussed in the thread below. -Risto ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Version number from convert-ly
Hi - I'm running LP 2.11.49 under WinXP SP2. I was running 2.11.48, and submitted an updated file to Graham for the GDP. Graham said one of my snippets was broken and could I check it under 2.11.49? So, I downloaded and installed 2.11.49 and my file looked fine to me. Then I said to myself, woops - maybe the problem only occurs if I convert the file to 2.11.49. I started running convert-ly on my files, and the version number does not change from 48 to 49. In fact, if I upgrade an .ly file from 2.10.xx to 2.11.49, I still get \version "2.11.48". Is this a bug? The name of the install file is: lilypond-2.11.49-1.mingw.exe. Thanks for your help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Version number from convert-ly
Thanks Mats. I read 3.4, but didn't make it to 3.4.1 because I didn't think it had to do with a command line option. Ralph -Original Message- From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 9:57 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Version number from convert-ly Please read the first paragraph of section 3.4.1 at ng-files-with-convert_002dly#Updating-files-with-convert_002dly /Mats Palmer, Ralph wrote: > Hi - > > I'm running LP 2.11.49 under WinXP SP2. > > I was running 2.11.48, and submitted an updated file to Graham for the > GDP. Graham said one of my snippets was broken and could I check it > under 2.11.49? So, I downloaded and installed 2.11.49 and my file looked > fine to me. Then I said to myself, woops - maybe the problem only occurs > if I convert the file to 2.11.49. I started running convert-ly on my > files, and the version number does not change from 48 to 49. In fact, if > I upgrade an .ly file from 2.10.xx to 2.11.49, I still get \version > "2.11.48". Is this a bug? The name of the install file is: > lilypond-2.11.49-1.mingw.exe. > > Thanks for your help, > > Ralph > > + > Ralph Palmer, CEM > Energy/Administrative Coordinator > Keene State College > Keene, NH 03435-2502 > Phone: 603-358-2230 > Cell: 603-209-2903 > Fax: 603-358-2456 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: = ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Manual start-repeat (GDP)
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.11.49 under WinXP SP2. I've been working on Repeats for the GDP, and found that \set Score.repeatCommands = #'( start-repeat ) doesn't work if it's at the beginning of a score. It looks like it has to follow a note or a skip. Here are three snippets: puts the |: bar line in the wrong place; produces no |: bar line; and puts a |: bar line in the right place, except that it's displaced to the right because of the skip. Is this a bug? The snippets follow. Peace, Ralph Begin Test volta start +++ \version "2.11.48" % WRONG PLACE %% TestVoltaStart = { \key c \major \clef "G" \time 4/4 \relative c'' { c1 \set Score.repeatCommands = #'( start-repeat ) d1 d4 e f g } } \score { \TestVoltaStart } +++ End Test volta start +++ ++ Begin Test volta start +++ \version "2.11.48" % NO REPEAT %% TestVoltaStart = { \key c \major \clef "G" \time 4/4 \relative c'' { \set Score.repeatCommands = #'( start-repeat ) c1 d1 d4 e f g } } \score { \TestVoltaStart } End Test volta start +++ Begin Test volta start \version "2.11.48" % THIS WORKS %% TestVoltaStart = { \key c \major \clef "G" \time 4/4 \relative c'' { s1*1/10 \set Score.repeatCommands = #'( start-repeat ) c1*9/10 d1 d4 e f g } } \score { \TestVoltaStart } End Test volta start +++ ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Repeats GDP Break_Align_Order
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.11.49 under Windows XP SP2. I'm working (still) on Repeats for the GDP. I'm trying to get a begin (open) repeat sign at the start of a piece. The only way I've been able to do it so far is with a \bar "|:" attached to a skip. It was suggested that I use the Score.breakAlignOrder property. I checked the thread from around 14 March 2003, and came up with + Start snippet +++ \version "2.11.48" % THIS DOESN'T WORK %% TestVoltaStartBreakAlign = { \key c \major \clef "G" \time 4/4 \relative c'' { \property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'( instrument-name left-edge ambitus span-bar breathing-sign clef key-signature time-signature staff-bar custos ) \bar "|:" c1 d1 d4 e f g } } \score { \TestVoltaStartBreakAlign } ++ End snippet + I get this error: C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Test/Test volta start error: unknown escaped string: `\property' \property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'( C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Test/Test volta start error: syntax error, unexpected STRING \property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'( I've tried searching the NR, IR, AU, and SL for breakAlign, with no luck. Can anyone point out the error of my ways? Peace, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Starting a repeat at the beginning, II
Greetings - Thanks for all your help so far. I've run into two other matters in Manual repeats for the GDP that I don't understand. I'll address one in this email, and send another for the other problem. I'm running LilyPond 2.11.49 under Windows XP SP3. I'm working on starting a piece with a repeat sign (bar "|:"). In order to get it to work, I used the Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders structure. This works with \bar "|:" but does not work with \set Score.repeatCommands = #'( start-repeat ) Is that the expected behavior? The Score.repeatCommands version does not produce an error in the log, but no repeat sign is printed. If this is the expected behavior, I don't understand why Score.repeatCommands does not work. Should this be included in the GDP Repeats as a Known Issue? Here are the two versions: + Start snippet + \version "2.11.49" Score.repeatCommands VERSION %%% % THIS DOES NOT WORK %% TestVoltaStartBreakAlign = { \key c \major \clef "G" \time 4/4 \relative c'' { \once \override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = #(make-vector 3 '( instrument-name left-edge ambitus span-bar breathing-sign clef key-signature time-signature staff-bar custos span-bar )) \set Score.repeatCommands = #'( start-repeat ) c1 d1 d4 e f g } } \score { \TestVoltaStartBreakAlign } +++ End Snippet +++ Start Snippet + \version "2.11.49" bar "|:" VERSION %%% % THIS WORKS %% TestVoltaStartBreakAlign = { \key c \major \clef "G" \time 4/4 \relative c'' { \once \override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = #(make-vector 3 '( instrument-name left-edge ambitus span-bar breathing-sign clef key-signature time-signature staff-bar custos span-bar )) \bar "|:" c1 d1 d4 e f g } } \score { \TestVoltaStartBreakAlign } + End snippet +++ Thanks again for all your help and all your work on LilyPond, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Starting a repeat at the beginning, II
Thanks for your reply, Neil. > -Original Message- > From: Neil Puttock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 2:07 PM > To: Palmer, Ralph > Cc: > Subject: Re: Starting a repeat at the beginning, II > > Hi Ralph, > > 2008/6/27 Palmer, Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > Greetings - > > > I'm working on starting a piece with a repeat sign (bar "|:"). In order > > to get it to work, I used the Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders > > structure. This works with > > \bar "|:" > > but does not work with > > \set Score.repeatCommands = #'( start-repeat ) > > > > Is that the expected behavior? The Score.repeatCommands version does not > > produce an error in the log, but no repeat sign is printed. If this is > > the expected behavior, I don't understand why Score.repeatCommands does > > not work. Should this be included in the GDP Repeats as a Known Issue? > > I'm sorry that my post in your original thread seems to have caused > some confusion; I'll try to clarify here as best I can: > > - repeat signs at the start of a piece can only be typeset using \bar; > as far as I'm aware, there's no override which will force visibility > using repeatCommands or \repeat volta, since this behaviour is > hard-coded. > Okay, I get that. That's why Score.repeatCommands doesn't work. > - overriding 'break-align-orders is not necessary for \bar to work; it > just allows the tuning of the repeat position. > This, however, doesn't seem to be true. I cannot get \bar "|:" to print without either using Score.BreakAlignment or else using a skip before the \bar "|:" (to "attach" the \bar "|:" to, if I had to guess), and using the skip moves the repeat sign even further than Score.BreakAlignment does, if in the opposite direction. > I'd suggest that you remove the 'break-align-orders override from the > \bar "|:" example; it just increases the complexity of the snippet and > also results in the repeat sign being too close to the time signature, > which would require another override to fix. > > Regards, > Neil Peace, Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Starting a repeat at the beginning, II
> > This, however, doesn't seem to be true. I cannot get \bar "|:" to > > print without either using Score.BreakAlignment or else using a skip > > before the \bar "|:" (to "attach" the \bar "|:" to, if I had to > > guess), and using the skip moves the repeat sign even further than > > Score.BreakAlignment does, if in the opposite direction. > > Hmm... I hadn't noticed that. :) > > It appears to be another case of quirkiness when there's no explicit context > creation; the following snippet works fine: > > \new Staff \relative c' { > \bar "|:" > c d e f > } > > Regards, > Neil Hmm. . . from me, too. I have not been including \new Staff at the beginning of my examples in repeats.itely, but I can see that some of the original (to me) examples did include \new Staff. Is this standard practice? Shall I add \new Staff to all my examples? Peace, Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Starting a repeat at the beginning, II
> > > > This, however, doesn't seem to be true. I cannot get \bar "|:" to > > print without either using Score.BreakAlignment or else using a skip > > before the \bar "|:" (to "attach" the \bar "|:" to, if I had to > > guess), and using the skip moves the repeat sign even further than > > Score.BreakAlignment does, if in the opposite direction. > > Hmm... I hadn't noticed that. :) > > It appears to be another case of quirkiness when there's no explicit context > creation; the following snippet works fine: > > \new Staff \relative c' { > \bar "|:" > c d e f > } Ah, I just noticed the .png attachment. In the attachment, the repeat sign is before the time signature. That's definitely not where I would expect it. That was why I used the Score.BreakAlignment - to get the repeat sign to print after the time signature. Peace, Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: 2nd alternative Volta bracket isn't printed after a line break
Valentin wrote: > I've been discussing with Michael Pozhidaev about the way volta > brackets are printed when a line break occurs in an "alternative" > situation. > > In the following snippet, the 2nd bracket is not printed after the line break: > > \relative c'' { >\time 2/4 >\repeat volta 2 { d4 d } >\alternative { > { e4 e f f } > { g4 g \break f f } >} >e e > } > > % If you remove the \break, the bracket is printed over the two Fs. > > My guess would be that unlike the first bracket an "alternative" > bracket doesn't have to "contain" notes, but only to show the > _beginning_ of the music that has to be played after the repeat, and > therefore will not be printed after a line break. Ralph, is that > right? I couldn't find it documented anywhere. > > Cheers, > Valentin That seems like a reasonable supposition, Valentin. I'm not a programmer, so I can't vouch for the programmers' intents, but that seems like appropriate behavior. Or, perhaps, does not seem like inappropriate behavior. Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines
Hi - I'd like to chime in with my two cents on the JEdit / no JEdit topic. Perhaps I should try again, but when I tried using JEdit about a year ago (with LilyPondTool, I think - is JEdit normally used without LilyPondTool?), it took so long to load JEdit, that I said, "Forget it - I'm going back to ConTEXT." ConTEXT is not perfect, but it works and works quickly for me. Anybody know if JEdit's load time has improved any? Also, I hope the tenor of the discussion stays civil. People's preferences differ, often with valid reasons. I don't think any of us want to push (hard, anyway) anyone in a particular software direction -- except in the direction of LilyPond, of course. I'm on a PC running XP SP3 now, others are on Macs, and many seem to be running some version of Linux, so I would assume that not all software is useable by all of us. I'm hoping to get my daughter's semi-trashed 6-year-old laptop soon, reformat, and start learning Linux, so I'll be in a new category soon. I do think we all want as many people to be able to use LilyPond as painlessly as possible, right? Thanks for listening, and thanks for all your hard work - everybody! Peace, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > -- > > Message: 7 > Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 01:33:01 +0200 > From: Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines > To: Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Cc:, Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed > > This argument is like: "I have all the predefined commands I need for > editing all my LilyPond files". > > Currently JEdit with LilyPondTool is the only editor for LilyPond that > provides syntax checking and autocompletion of tweaks. I consider those > such crucial features I can't image how other people can work without > it. So it may worth learning to use another. That will be the last, I'm > sure. Though I'm quite biased :-) > > Bert > > Trevor Daniels írta: > > Graham Percival wrote Monday, July 14, 2008 6:40 PM > > > >> Non-command-line people should > >> be using jedit anyway, so they get the three-click toggle that Bert was > >> talking about. > > > > No I shouldn't. I have a text editing environment that has all the > > features I need for editing all my text files, and I have no intention > > of learning to use another just so I can turn off point and click. It > > is silly to suggest it. > > > > Trevor > > > > > > -- ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: GDP: Repeats
Hi, Joe - The first comments! I'm out straight today and have a rehearsal tonight, so I won't get to these until tomorrow, but I appreciate the response. Take care, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 17:12:38 +1000 From: Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: GDP: first public draft, NR 1.4 Repeats To: Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain On Sun, 2008-07-27 at 22:22 -0700, Graham Percival wrote: > I'm happy to announce the first public draft of NR 1.4 Repeats! > Ralph Palmer has done a lot of work preparing this section; please > read it carefully and let us know about any mistakes or omissions. This looks really good! I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I really like the "inspirational headwords." Comments: Introduction: "endof" -> "end of" When introducing "unfold", you mention "repeatcount" which might be a bit mysterious, since you haven't mentioned it before. Normal repeats: I see you have an example with a partial alternative. Maybe you should call attention to the \partial in the text, since this is something that seems to come up on the user list regularly. Tremolo repeats: Maybe mention (as a Known Issue) that cross-staff tremolos don't work well. Now I know that the organisation of sections is something that has been discussed a great deal, so if you have already thought about this, please ignore my next comment: in the introduction, you mention that repeats come in 4 types. Then you split up into *2* subsections. Given the text of the introduction, it seems more natural to split the section into 4 subsections (where the volta subsection would split further into 2 more subsections). Joe ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: GDP Repeats, Scheme code & extra braces
Greetings - > -- > > Message: 6 > Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 17:03:10 -0700 > From: Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: GDP: first public draft, NR 1.4 Repeats > To: "Francisco Vila" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII > > On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 11:00:06 +0200 > "Francisco Vila" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > - As for standard policy of Scheme code writing, I don't know if, but > > here are two mixed styles, #'((volta #f) etc, (w/o spaces) and #'( ( > > volta #f ) (with spaces). I prefer not to write spaces rounding > > parentheses in Scheme code. > > Hmm. I prefer having no spaces if there's a single item, but if > there's multiple (foo) inside a #'( ... ) list, I find them easier > to read without spaces. > > I don't have any firm feelings about this, though. > I think (speaking as a tyro regarding Scheme) the spaces make it easier for me to decipher on a first pass on a fairly simple piece of Scheme coding, and I would be surprised if they confused regular Scheme users. Therefore, my preference in the NR, would be to include spaces. I do confess to being unsure about exactly when and where spaces are required and where they are optional in LilyPond code. I will continue to use extraneous spaces in Scheme code unless someone makes an Executive Decision (to which I will comply). > > > - This is very personal: the syntax of \alternate is clear from the > > examples, but I always have to explain why one has to write the extra > > pair of braces. I suppose that the number of alternatives is unknown, > > that's why they are required. Forgive me if you think this is not the > > best place to explain it, or if this has not to be detailed in the > > docs at all. > > That's a great point! We should include a sentence about this the > first time it comes up. > > Cheers, > - Graham > The braces are not "extra" - I believe they delimit (identify?) the arguments to "\alternative". There can be up to as many alternatives as there are volte. If you still want an additional sentence, I can add something like "where @var{musicexpr} is a music expression. Alternate endings can be produced using @code{\alternative}. [Begin added text] In order to delimit the alternate endings, the group of alternatives must be enclosed in a set of braces. [End added text.] If there are more repeats than there are alternate endings, the earliest repeats are given the first alternative. I think I would find it more confusing. Peace, Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 68, Issue 102
Greetings - > Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 22:45:29 +1000 > From: "Joe Neeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: GDP: first public draft, NR 1.4 Repeats > To: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist > > I was referring to the fact that the "\partial 4*3" in the alternative bar > is necessary to keep LilyPond's timekeeping happy. Now that I read this > section again, I see that this is mentioned as a known issue. It might still > be worth making clear that you have an example demonstrating the known issue > and its solution. > > Joe I've added a sentence to the introductory text for Normal repeats. Peace, Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: GDP Repeats, Scheme code & extra braces
> -Original Message- > From: Francisco Vila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:14 AM > To: Palmer, Ralph > Cc: > Subject: Re: GDP Repeats, Scheme code & extra braces > > > > "where @var{musicexpr} is a music expression. Alternate endings can be > > produced using @code{\alternative}. [Begin added text] In order to > > delimit the alternate endings, the > > group of alternatives must be enclosed in a set of braces. [End added > > text.] If there are more repeats than > > there are alternate endings, the earliest repeats are given the first > > alternative. > > > > I think I would find it more confusing. > > That's because you have never had to teach the alternative syntax to > absolutely non programmers. Absolutely correct. Given that you have more experience with the difficulties of beginners than I, I will defer and add the sentence. Peace, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Indexing function codes
Hi - I'm working on indexing, and I have a question for those of us who use the function index. When looking for a command such as \repeat or \alternative, which would you find more helpful: having duplicate index entries (i.e., one with the backslash and one without) or having an entry only for the exact command? In other words, option 1 would have all of: \alternative \repeat alternative repeat while option 2 would have only \alternative \repeat Thanks for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Indexing function codes
Thanks, Francisco, Reinhold, and Trevor - Trevor, I've already included _lots_ of @cindex entries. The question for me was whether to include the function itself both with and without the backslash, or just with the backslash. Since I sometimes can remember the name of the function, but not whether it takes the backslash or not, and since (as Reinhold was wondering) all the backslashes sort to one section of the index, I'm currently planning to add both. It appears to be clear from the context in the NR whether the backslash is required or not. Thank you for your replies. Peace, Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Greetings - I apologize for the trash, but I've stopped receiving the user list mailings. I changed my subscription, and this is a test. Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Repeat problem
Greetings, All - I'm running LilyPond 2.11.53 under Windows XP SP3. I feel more than slightly embarrassed: I just finished the GDP rewrite of repeats, and I cannot figure out what the problem is with this snippet. I keep getting a "more alternatives than repeats" error. It prints to pdf, but no second ending. Thanks for your help, Ralph %% begin snippet % %The Blue Ball & The False Proof \version "2.11.53" \include "" BlueBallUp = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 6/8 %Part A \repeat volta 2 { b,8 fs' e d cs a | } \alternative { {cs8 b a b4 a8 } | {cs8 b a b4.} | } %Part B fs'4 b,8 d cs b | \bar "|." } \layout { indent = #0 } \score { \BlueBallUp } % end snippet ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Two notehead sizes in one chord
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.10.16 under Windows XP Pro SP2. I'm trying to get a single notehead in a chord to appear smaller than the other(s). I'm not having any luck finding it in the documentation. I can change the whole chord, and I could change one note if I broke the notes into two separate voices, but I'm trying to get both (all) noteheads on the same stem. I've looked in the User Manual and in the regression tests, but I'm not finding what I need. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Moving breathe sign
Greetings - Just when I think I get the hang of it, bam. I'm running LilyPond 2.10.16 under Windows XP Pro SP2. Thanks to Mats Bengtsson and Bertalan Fodor for their help with two notehead sizes in one chord. Now, in the same measure, actually, I'm trying to move a breathe sign, and having no luck. Here's a snippet: ++ Begin Snippet + \version "2.10.16" \paper { ragged-right = ##t } Breathe = { \key d \minor \clef alto \time 2/2 c'4 c' c' c' | \once \override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 5.0) b8[\breathe b] < c' c >( d e fis gis e) | } \score { \Breathe } +++ End Snippet I've tried BreathingSign, Score.BreathingSign, Voice.BreathingSign, and Staff.BreathingSign with #'extra-offset and #'padding in each possible combination, and none of them makes any visible effect. I've also tried using \override without \once, to no effect. I've also tried using \tweak with#'extra-offset and with #'padding immediately before \breathe, also with no effect. Any suggestions for what to try next? I'm grateful to everyone from the LilyPond community for all their help and support and for the excellent product. I used to really like .abc, and recently looked at some of my output, and realized that, although .abc's simplicity is a big pro, LilyPond's output and flexibility are wonderful. Thanks again. Cheers, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Moving breathe sign
Mats - My thanks and my apologies to you! I thought I had tried all permutations, including the example snippet without the \once. I used the \once \override before the note because I thought (just as you surmised) that \once \override covered the next musical moment, and that (since \breathe came directly after the note) the breathe sign was attached to the note. I do not know which objects are attached and which are not, so I'll try both in the future. Thanks again, Ralph -Original Message- From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:51 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Moving breathe sign I always first try a property setting without the \once keyword to see that it works. If you do that in your example below, you will notice that your property setting indeed works as it should. The only problem is that a setting done with \once ... only applies to the next object, so if you insert it before the note before the breating sign, it only applies to the note, where it of course doesn't have any effect. Just move your \once \override to be directly before the \breathe and it should work well. I understand perfectly well why you placed your \once \override where you did, since that's the correct solution when you want to move an articulation, a text script, a slur or a dynamic indication, for example. The reason is that all these are connected to a specific note and happen "simultaneously" with the note, whereas the breathe sign is handled as a separate object, just like clefs or time signatures or ..., that happen "between" the notes. Tricky indeed! /Mats Palmer, Ralph wrote: > Greetings - > > Just when I think I get the hang of it, bam. > > I'm running LilyPond 2.10.16 under Windows XP Pro SP2. > > Thanks to Mats Bengtsson and Bertalan Fodor for their help with two > notehead sizes in one chord. > > Now, in the same measure, actually, I'm trying to move a breathe sign, > and having no luck. Here's a snippet: > > ++ Begin Snippet + > > \version "2.10.16" > > \paper { > ragged-right = ##t > } > > Breathe = { > \key d \minor > \clef alto > \time 2/2 > > > c'4 c' c' c' | > \once \override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 5.0) > b8[\breathe b] < c' c >( d e fis gis e) | > > } > > \score { > \Breathe > } > > +++ End Snippet > > I've tried BreathingSign, Score.BreathingSign, Voice.BreathingSign, > and Staff.BreathingSign with #'extra-offset and #'padding in each > possible combination, and none of them makes any visible effect. I've > also tried using \override without \once, to no effect. I've also > tried using \tweak with#'extra-offset and with #'padding immediately > before \breathe, also with no effect. > > Any suggestions for what to try next? > > I'm grateful to everyone from the LilyPond community for all their > help and support and for the excellent product. I used to really like > .abc, and recently looked at some of my output, and realized that, > although .abc's simplicity is a big pro, LilyPond's output and > flexibility are wonderful. Thanks again. > > Cheers, > > Ralph > + > Ralph Palmer > Energy/Administrative Coordinator > Keene State College > Keene, NH 03435-2502 > Phone: 603-358-2230 > Cell: 603-209-2903 > Fax: 603-358-2456 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: = ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Space in markup using \char
Greetings - Lilypond is a great program, and I appreciate all the help I've gotten from the members of this list. I had this problem once before, and just gave up, but perhaps things have changed. I've checked the manual, the program reference, and the user list archives, with no success. I'm running LilyPond 2.10.16 under WindowsXP Pro, SP2. I'm trying to use \markup to insert below the staff. Using <\char #'249>, I can get the correct last character in piu, but there's always a space between and . I'm including a short snippet illustrating the problem. Begin Snippet +++ %Section Test %piu f problem \version "2.10.16" \include "" \paper { ragged-right = ##t } SectionTest = { \key c \major \clef treble \time 4/4 c'1 | d'2_\markup {{\italic{"pi"\char #'249 }}{\dynamic{" f"}}} c'2 | } \Score { \SectionTest } ++ End Snippet + Thank you again for all your help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Space in markup using \char
Thank you Steven, but no luck. I get "error: unknown escaped string: `\concat' ", and the .pdf has "concat pi ù f" (in the proper fonts). Ralph -Original Message- From: Steven Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 4:41 PM To: Palmer, Ralph; Subject: RE: Space in markup using \char The \concat command should fix this: \markup { \italic { \concat { "pi" \char #'249 } } } --Steven -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Palmer, Ralph Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 1:38 PM To: Subject: Space in markup using \char Greetings - Lilypond is a great program, and I appreciate all the help I've gotten from the members of this list. I had this problem once before, and just gave up, but perhaps things have changed. I've checked the manual, the program reference, and the user list archives, with no success. I'm running LilyPond 2.10.16 under WindowsXP Pro, SP2. I'm trying to use \markup to insert below the staff. Using <\char #'249>, I can get the correct last character in piu, but there's always a space between and . I'm including a short snippet illustrating the problem. Begin Snippet +++ %Section Test %piu f problem \version "2.10.16" \include "" \paper { ragged-right = ##t } SectionTest = { \key c \major \clef treble \time 4/4 c'1 | d'2_\markup {{\italic{"pi"\char #'249 }}{\dynamic{" f"}}} c'2 | } \Score { \SectionTest } ++ End Snippet + Thank you again for all your help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re:Space in markup using \char
Greetings - Searching the LSR for "\char" and for "\concat" both turned up the same (single) snippet: Snippet ID 252 : Demonstrating the power and flexibility of the \markup function [0.12500]. In Snippet 252, the \concat command was commented out. I could not find "\concat" in the online manual, and "\char" turned up in the markup commands. I still have not found a combination that produces " più f "; that is, piu (with accent grave) in italics, followed by a space, followed by the dynamic mark for forte. The closest I can get is to either ignore the accent grave over the "u" or to allow a space between the "i" and the "ù". If anyone else can come up with a solution, please let me know. If and when I get a solution, I will be happy to try to submit it to the LSR. Thanks, Ralph -- Message: 3 Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 23:39:11 +0200 From: "Valentin Villenave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Space in markup using \char To: "Steven Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 2007/7/2, Steven Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > The \concat command should fix this: Since I had never seen it documented in the manual, I've just added it to the LSR. 2007/7/2, Palmer, Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I've checked the manual, the program reference, and the user list archives, > with no success. Please remember to add the LSR in your list of useful locations :) Regards, Valentin -- Message: 4 Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 14:54:33 -0700 From: Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Space in markup using \char To: Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Valentin Villenave wrote: > 2007/7/2, Steven Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >> The \concat command should fix this: > > Since I had never seen it documented in the manual, I've just added it > to the LSR. It's in 8.1.8. Where else would it be? > 2007/7/2, Palmer, Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >> I've checked the manual, the program reference, and the user list >> archives, with no success. > > Please remember to add the LSR in your list of useful locations :) I would actually recommend _replacing_ the user list archives with LSR, not simply adding LSR as another place to search. Cheers, - Graham -- -- Message: 7 Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 00:23:18 +0200 From: "Valentin Villenave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Space in markup using \char To: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "lilypond-user Mailinglist" Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 2007/7/2, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > It's in 8.1.8. Where else would it be? My bad. I should have written "I have never seen it *yet* " (it's a part that haven't been translated into French, so I didn't get to work on it). Besides, I tried to search "concat" and "\concat" in LilyPondTool's integrated Documentation, and didn't get any result. > I would actually recommend _replacing_ the user list archives with > LSR, not simply adding LSR as another place to search. This is somehow what I'm trying to do by hunting useful ideas on the -user list, so let us hope someday digging in the archives will become pointless... (of course, I can't guarantee I never miss anything, so this would imply that all the users get progressively used to contribute to the LSR -- or that I become a God, which might be more difficult...) Valentin -- ___ lilypond-user mailing list End of lilypond-user Digest, Vol 56, Issue 6 ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Space in markup using \char
Greetings - I upgraded to 2.11.27, and was successful, using \concat. I did not run convert-ly, but the file was interpreted correctly, and there was no version error message in the log file. Is it not necessary to convert .ly files for the development version if you've been running the most recent stable version? Ralph -Original Message- From: Valentin Villenave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:13 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Space in markup using \char 007/7/3, Palmer, Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Searching the LSR for "\char" and for "\concat" both turned up the > same > (single) snippet: Obviously, something went wrong when I added the snippet a few hours ago: the LSR is running 2.10, so I had to comment the relevant lines. > I still have not found a combination that produces " più f "; that is, > piu (with accent grave) in italics, followed by a space, followed by > the dynamic mark for forte. The closest I can get is to either ignore > the accent grave over the "u" or to allow a space between the "i" and > the "ù". If anyone else can come up with a solution, please let me > know. If and when I get a solution, I will be happy to try to submit it to > the LSR. Here is the snippet, based on Steven's answer. It works here; if it doesn't work on your box, you will have to install LilyPond 2.11 version. snippet \layout { ragged-right = ##t } { c'1^\markup "Without \concat" | d'2_\markup {{\italic{"pi"\char #'249 }}{\dynamic {" f"}}} c'2 | } { c'1^\markup "With \concat" | d'2_\markup { \italic { \concat { "pi" \char #'249 } }{\dynamic{" f"}}} c'2 | } Regards, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Substitution
Thank you, Martial. I didn't think of the brackets because I had done other substitutions / definitions without the brackets. It works perfectly, now. Cheers and thanks, Ralph ... Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 18:26:38 +0200 From: Martial <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Substitution To: Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Hi ! > In the following code, why doesn't my substition work? just put in bracket "{ blabla }" breath = { \once\override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 1.0)\breathe } > %%+++ begin snippet > > \version "2.11.23" > \include "" > > breath = \once\override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . > 1.0)\breathe > > Test = { > \key c \major > \clef treble > \time 4/4 > > c''4 c'' \breath c'' c'' \break > c''4 c'' \once\override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . > 1.0)\breathe c'' c'' > > > } > > \score { > \Test > > } > > %%+++ end snippet +++ ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.11.27 (although the files, after running convert-ly, say 2.11.23) under Windows XP2000, SP2. Great program! I just wish I knew everything about it. I'm gaining on it, though. In the following code, why doesn't my substition work? Thank you for your help and for your contribution to the program, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] %%+++ begin snippet \version "2.11.23" \include "" breath = \once\override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 1.0)\breathe Test = { \key c \major \clef treble \time 4/4 c''4 c'' \breath c'' c'' \break c''4 c'' \once\override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 1.0)\breathe c'' c'' } \score { \Test } %%+++ end snippet +++ ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Longer tie
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.11.23 under Windows XP2002 SP2. I'm trying to get a tie to a phantom note at the beginning of a cue. There's a multi-measure rest before the cue, and I don't want the tie to be generated within the multi-measure rest. I think I'm coming close, but I can't figure out how to get the tie long enough to appear to be a tie. It looks like the "minimum-length" property might be what I need to use, but I don't know the syntax. Can someone please try to give me a hand? Here's a snippet: %% Begin Snippet % \version "2.11.23" \include "" %invisible notes for hanging ties inv = { \override Voice.NoteHead #'transparent = ##t \override Voice.Stem #'transparent = ##t } unv = { \revert Voice.NoteHead #'transparent \revert Voice.Stem #'transparent } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } Test = { \key d \minor \clef treble \time 4/4 \set Score.skipBars = ##t R1*2\noBreak | %Cue << { \set fontSize = #-2.5 \inv bf'16*1/10~ \unv bf'16*9/10^"Vln I"[ a'16 g' a'] bf' c'' d'' e'' f''8. ef''16 d'' c'' bf' a' | } \\{ \set fontSize = #0 R1 } >> %End Cue } \score { \Test } %% End Snippet Thank you for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: repeat syntax
Aha! I have been unable to reference an external file in a \score block if the external file had a space or a digit in it. (Running LilyPond 2.11.13 under Windows XP Pro, SP 2.) For example: Test1 is: % \version "2.11.23" \include "" Test1 = { \key d \minor \clef treble \time 4/4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 } % and is: % \version "2.11.23" \include "" \layout { ragged-right = ##t } \score { \Test1 } %%% fails. I just tried them with quotes around Test1 in both files, and it still failed. Is there a way to get Lilypond to recognize digits (i.e., numerics) in a /score block? Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Message: 1 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 09:47:56 +0200 From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: repeat syntax To: Shelagh Manton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed There's no difference. As far as I can recall, it has never been necessary to have quotes in this particular situations, but there are some other cases where quotes are necessary, for example if you want to name a context and the name has spaces or digits in it: \new Staff = "violin 2" {c''} You can find the same kind of confusing mix of quoted and non-quoted strings in the manual when it shows how to add or remove engravers from a context, for example. /Mats ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: repeat syntax
Aha! I have been unable to reference an external file in a \score block if the external file had a space or a digit in it. (Running LilyPond 2.11.13 under Windows XP Pro, SP 2.) For example: Test1 is: % \version "2.11.23" \include "" Test1 = { \key d \minor \clef treble \time 4/4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 c''4 } % and is: % \version "2.11.23" \include "" \layout { ragged-right = ##t } \score { \Test1 } %%% fails. I just tried them with quotes around Test1 in both files, and it still failed. Is there a way to get Lilypond to recognize digits (i.e., numerics) in a /score block? Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Message: 1 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 09:47:56 +0200 From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: repeat syntax To: Shelagh Manton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed There's no difference. As far as I can recall, it has never been necessary to have quotes in this particular situations, but there are some other cases where quotes are necessary, for example if you want to name a context and the name has spaces or digits in it: \new Staff = "violin 2" {c''} You can find the same kind of confusing mix of quoted and non-quoted strings in the manual when it shows how to add or remove engravers from a context, for example. /Mats ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Barcheck and TrillSpan
Greetings - I'm getting there, and I'd like to thank all of you for the wonderful program and all the help! I'm running LilyPond 2.11.23 under Windows XP SP2. I'm including a snippet and the log from running the snippet. I'm using a silent note (space holder?) to allow a different clef cue at the beginning of the piece, and it is causing a barcheck failure. The failure doesn't seem to produce any other problems, so should I just ignore it? Or is there a better structure to use to get my intended result? Also, I'm trying to get "tr" plus the wavy line for the length of the dotted quarter note. I can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I'm wrong in believing that the trill should be for just the length of the dotted quarter; is it standard practice to have the trill indication last through the "turn" at the end of the trill? Even if that is the case, why doesn't my setup work? Here's the snippet, followed by the log: %% Begin Snippet %% \version "2.11.23" \include "" AoFIIIvcl = { \key d \minor \clef "F" \time 2/2 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbols = #'(time-signature) \mark \markup {\teeny \note #"4" #1 \teeny {" = 92 - 100"} } \set Score.skipBars = ##f \once\override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(7.0 . -1.3) s1*1/10 \clef alto %Cue << { R1*9/10 | } \\ { \set fontSize = #-3 d'2*4/5_"Vla" a2 | } >> \clef bass %Measure 27 fs4.*9/10\<\startTrillSpan( s4.*1/10\stopTrillSpan e16\!\> fs) g8\!( f e d) | cs4.*9/10\<\startTrillSpan( s4.*1/10\stopTrillSpan b,16\!\> cs) d8\!( c b, a,) | gs,4 gs a a,8( b,) | \bar "|." } \score { \AoFIIIvcl } %% End Snippet % ++ Start of log + # -*-compilation-*- Changing working directory to: `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Test' Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Test/' Parsing... Interpreting music... C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Test/ warning: barcheck failed at: 1/10 R1*9/10 | Preprocessing graphical objects... Finding the ideal number of pages... Fitting music on 1 page... Drawing systems... programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -1.#IND00 staff space Setting to zero. continuing, cross fingers programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -1.#IND00 staff space Setting to zero. continuing, cross fingers programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -1.#IND00 staff space Setting to zero. continuing, cross fingers programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -1.#IND00 staff space Setting to zero. continuing, cross fingers Layout output to `'... warning: Found infinity or nan in output. Substituting 0.0 warning: Found infinity or nan in output. Substituting 0.0 Converting to `Test.pdf'... + end of log + Thanks again for you time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Barcheck and TrillSpan
Thanks, Kieren - That works perfectly for the clef change at the beginning of the piece. Anyone have any ideas about the TrillSpan problem? Ralph -Original Message- From: Kieren MacMillan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 9:01 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Barcheck and TrillSpan Hi Ralph, > I'm using a silent note (space holder?) to allow a different clef cue > at the beginning of the piece, and it is causing a barcheck failure. > The failure doesn't seem to produce any other problems, so should I > just ignore it? Or is there a better structure to use to get my > intended result? Have you tried \grace instead of \skip? It adds the small complexity that you need to synchronize all Voice/ Staff contexts, but otherwise it has behaved perfectly for me... Hope this helps! Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Barcheck and TrillSpan
Thanks again, Kieren! That worked. Ralph -Original Message- From: Kieren MacMillan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:19 PM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Barcheck and TrillSpan Hi Ralph... > That works perfectly for the clef change at the beginning of the > piece. Glad to hear it! > Anyone have any ideas about the TrillSpan problem? What about: %%% BEGIN SNIPPET \version "2.11.23" \include "" \score { { \clef bass \once \override TrillSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'padding = #10 fs4.\startTrillSpan e8\stopTrillSpan } } %%% END SNIPPET Clearly, I've exaggerated the padding value here, for instructional effect... =) Hope this helps! Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Spanner - markup collision
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.11.23 under Windows XP Pro, SP2. I'm having a problem with a markup vs. a TextSpanner. In the snippet, the markup: (One stand opt.8va) is above the spanner if I do not move the markup. I'd like to have the markup appear below the spanner. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Perhaps the correct #'extra-offset command or qualifier for the TextSpanner? Thanks for your help. % Snippet %% \version "2.11.23" \include "" Test = { \key c \major \clef "G" \time 3/4 d''8[ g''] bf'' \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = \markup\italic {"(Opt. 8va) "} \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'text = \markup { \draw-line #'(0 . -1) } d''4--\upbow\startTextSpan( g''8--) | \time 4/4 bf''4 g'' a''2~ | a''2.~\<_\markup\italic{"molto rit."} a''8. a'16\!\stopTextSpan | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = \markup\italic {"(One stand opt. 8va) "} \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'text = \markup { \draw-line #'(0 . -1) } \once\override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . -2 ) cs''1~^\markup\italic{"bow freely, staggering bows"}\downbow\startTextSpan\> | cs''1~ | cs''1~\fermata | cs''8\stopTextSpan\! r8 r4 r2 | \bar "|." } \Score { \Test } End Snippet %% Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: GDP: preferred terms
Greetings - *** Graham wrote: - "bar" vs. "measure". Whenever possible, we use the same term as the internal lilypond syntax uses... but I've seen both bars and measures in those docs. Should we just leave this up to individual doc writers, or pick one word? - "barline" vs. "bar line". I believe that the lilypond syntax is "barline", but that could just be because we can't have spaces in property names. *** My preference would be to use "measure" and ["barline" or "bar line"]. That is, I think "bar" is sometimes used as a synonym for "barline"; therefore, staying consistently with "measure" for the unit of music and "barline" (or "bar line", I don't care) for the symbol delimiting a measure, might help achieve clarity. Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re:Your Friendly Neighborhood LSR
Greetings - Does code ever work in one version, then not work in a subsequent version, then work again in an even later version? I can see where it might, at least at the x.x.xx level. If that's the case, snippets could end up with multiple version lines. Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Valentin Villenave skrev: > --> First rule of LSR is: do not add a \version line. > --> Second rule of LSR is: do NOT add a \version line. What is the reason for this? The version line might be good information to have - at least in a comment. If a snippet stops behaving correctly, the original author of the snippet is gone, nobody any longer really remembers what the snippet was supposed to do - then the version line will give a hint on which ancient lilypond to use in order to see the snippet as the contributor intended. Automatically commenting out version lines - and automatically complaining if the snippet asks for a wrong version - should be quite simple. -Rune -- -- Rune Zedeler wrote: > Valentin Villenave skrev: > >> --> First rule of LSR is: do not add a \version line. >> --> Second rule of LSR is: do NOT add a \version line. > > What is the reason for this? > The version line might be good information to have - at least in a > comment. If a snippet stops behaving correctly, the original author of > the snippet is gone, nobody any longer really remembers what the > snippet was supposed to do - then the version line will give a hint on > which ancient lilypond to use in order to see the snippet as the > contributor intended. > Automatically commenting out version lines - and automatically > complaining if the snippet asks for a wrong version - should be quite > simple. I have some similar thoughts. I definitely think that the .ly code shown when you click on a snippet should include a \version line (even if it isn't stored internally in the database). This is crucial information for the end user, who maybe isn't always using the latest version (or has already updated to an unstable version) and doesn't realize why a snippet doesn't work as expected. Also, it's not easy to find information the LSR web pages on what version you are currently using. The only place I could find is under "Contributing", which is not a place where an end user is expected to look. However, Rune has also got a point that it would be good to know at least about the last version where we are sure that the snippet worked as originally intended. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Emacs lilypond mode on XP
Hi - I'm running LilyPond 2.11.23 under WinXP SP2. I've been using ConTEXT for editing, but I'm starting to get familiar with Emacs (22.1.1, i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) from using it to work on the GDP. I'm not a programmer, but not a complete tyro, either. Can anyone please explain to me how I can get LilyPond highlighting (i.e., I think, get Emacs to run in LilyPond-mode)? Also, is there any sort of manual or help for LilyPond mode on Emacs? Thank you for your time and help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Graham leaving
I am going to miss Graham, too. The effort he has put into LilyPond has been substantial and the results have been both extensive and excellent. Thank you, Graham. I'm currently doing some work on the documents, and will continue to do so. It's possible I may be able to shift my emphasis (duties?), if that's desirable or necessary, but I don't want to increase the amount of time I'm spending on it - I'm already unable to do other projects I was working on prior to working on the GDP. Again, I'm grateful for all your efforts and your encouragement, Graham. Sincerely, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: GDP: addition for Rhythms?
It may not be pertinent to this particular discussion, but there's another kind of "real" polymetric music : where there is a regular alternation between different times (e.g., 3/8 - 7/8, or maybe even 5/8 - 3/4 ; in Hindustani classical music, there's an 11 beat tal that's counted 2 2 2 2 1.5 1.5). Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Orig message 2008/1/14, till <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I just read a bit further in the GDP and saw this example about polymetric > music where each note has still the same duration, so the barlines won't be > on the same vertical position. Because Lilypond can't count the bars > anymore, it won't put bar numbers by default. This has to be done a similar > way by removing the Bar_number_engraver from the score and putting it into > the staves. > Should this be added to the example, or find a mentioning in the section > about bar numbers? Or would you like it as a snippet? There are two kinds of polymetric music AFAIK: "real" polymetric pieces, where the timeSignature are always different between parts, and "false" polymetric pieces, where such a method is just used temporarily, as a special effect, for a more or less short section. As Mats pointed out, adding bar numbers in a polymetric piece of the first kind would be somehow pointless. In a piece of the second kind, you may use a function such as: However, if have a snippet to propose to make this whole thing more self-explanatory, it could be great :) Cheers, Valentin -- Message: 4 Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 17:35:50 +0100 From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Smarter cross-staff Beam 'positions? To: Trevor Ba?a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: lilypond-user Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Trevor BaÄa wrote: > Is there a way to get "normal" (noncrosss-staff) beams to likewise sit > at that same vertical position? > > (IOW, I'm looking for both flat and vertically aligned; Rune's #+inf.0 > gets flat ... now for the vertically aligned part?) That sounds like en excellent example of when you want to use positions, right? /Mats -- Message: 5 Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 11:58:34 -0500 From: Eliot Handelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Analysis brackets don't work with spaces To: Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi, The following code generates the markups but not the brackets. Is there some way to get brackets printed when they are attached to spaces? many thanks, -- eliot \version "2.10.33" \header { title = "Brackets don't work with spaces" } A = { \time 4/4 \clef treble s2\startGroup^\markup { \column { 1 } } s2\stopGroup^\markup { \column { 2 } } \bar "|." } \score { << \new Staff << \A >> >> \layout { \context { \Staff \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver" } } } -- ___ lilypond-user mailing list End of lilypond-user Digest, Vol 62, Issue 87 * ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches vastly improved, more comments sought
Hi, Graham - I noticed an issue regarding the "See also" on the TODO list: - all the commands like @seealso use a @subsubheading, but they appear as the same size as the @unnumberedsubsubsec headings (as you would expect). Fix somehow. I had noticed that, and wondered if adding a blank line between the end of @seealso and the next @unnemberedsubsubsec would help clarify the change in subject. Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lilypond language definition for Notepad++
Greetings - I've been using ConText for editing my LilyPond files. I'm running LilyPond 2.11.23 under Windows XP SP2. I tried using jEdit with LPTool for awhile, but the load time was so long, that I gave up. I didn't see any great advantage to jEdit at that time (about a year ago?), and ConText does have syntax highlighting. I've been happy ConText, but I may give jEdit another chance. Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond V 2.11.27 under Win XP SP2. I've been typesetting scales and arpeggios, and I noticed that the spacing of the eighth note triplets is not constant in the following. It's not huge, but the triplets in the first half of the first measure clearly have a wider spacing than the rest. Is this a bug, or did I inadvertently alter something? Also, when I ran on my scales (which were previously in LP 2.11.23), the \version "2.11.23" did not update to "2.11.27". Is that expected? Do I need to update each individual file? The command I ran was : convert-ly -e *.ly Thanks for your time and help, Ralph %%% begin snippet %% Test \version "2.11.27" \include "" %#(set-default-paper-size "letter") #(set-global-staff-size 20) \header { title = "test" } \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } \paper { indent = 0.0\cm ragged-last-bottom = ##t } test = { \key bf \major \time 4/4 % end snippet %% %Arpeggios \time 6/4 \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) \times 2/3 \relative c' { bf8 e gf-3_1 bf ef-1_2 gf_4 bf ef-1_1 gf bf gf ef bf-4 gf ef bf gf ef | } bf1 \bar "|." } % Score \score { \test } ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26
Greetings - Kurt wrote: -- Generally -- "which" and "that" have specific uses that we aren't observing very well. "That" introduces a restrictive subclause and should not be preceded by a comma. Removing this clause changes the meaning of the sentence, usually by making it more general. On the other hand, "which" introduces an informative (but non-restrictive) subclause and should be preceded by a comma. I replaced which with that below (and in my preceding email) where the following clause was restrictive and couldn't be removed without generalizing the meaning of the sentence. -- My copy of The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers, Fourth Edition, (1996), under "Problems with that, which, and who?" says, Understand that both essential (restrictive) and nonessential (nonrestrictive) clauses may begin with which. A clause introduced by that will almost always be essential. No commas are used around such clauses. . . . Context and punctuation, however, determine whether a which clause is essential or nonessential. If the clause is essential, no commas separate it from the rest of the sentence; if nonessential, commas enclose the clause. (Emphasis in the original.) That being said, I am not opposed to trying to maintain consistency. Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: GDP: index entries for snippets
Back when I had time to actually do reasonably complex projects (i.e., transcribe music), I did use the index. In fact, I think I would have been lost without it a few cases. Ralph -- Message: 1 Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 12:25:08 +0100 From: "Valentin Villenave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: GDP: index entries for snippets To: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 2008/2/8, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Of course, I famously never use the index, so I'm not the best > person to judge whether certain index entries are helpful or not. Neither am I :-) Anyone else? Cheers, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Call for help : pitches.itely - shape notes
Hi - I'm rewriting pitches.itely, and I've run into a snag. I'm only marginally familiar with shape notes, and I'd like some help with that section : Shape note heads. 1. It's not clear to me why the solmization name "sol" is replaced by "#f". Can anyone give me an explanation I can include in the Notation Reference? 2. Is this the proper place to list the possible note head shapes? If not, I think we should at least tell people where to find a list; where would such a list live? I tried, unsuccessfully, to find one. Thanks for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re:GDP: What term do you use?
Kurt - If I were actually speaking with another violinist about an actual piece of music, I'd most likely say something like, "It's an ottava passage." If I got a blank stare, I'd probably add something like, "You play the music an octave higher (lower) than it's written." If I were looking up how to write such a passage in LilyPond, I would look first under "ottava", and if I didn't find what I wanted, I'd start looking under "octav . . .". Peace, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kurt Kroon wrote: > I'm working on the Glossary for the GDP, and I'm stuck -- so, I'm canvassing > the list. Here's the scenario: > > You've written a composition with a passage that needs to be played in a > different octave. When you describe it (this passage) to another musician, > what term do you use? And do you use the same term or a different one for > the actual _process of writing_ the passage in a different octave (if you > even bother to name the process)? > > Since this will go into the glossary, please respond with the preferred term > in any of these languages: > > Danish > Dutch > English > Finnish > French > German > Italian > Spanish > Swedish > > Thanks! > Kurtis > > PS: Internally, LilyPond calls this "octavation" ... which I only included > because I couldn't think of a better term. > > ___ lilypond-user mailing list
GDP: Repeats
Hi, All - I'm currently working on rewriting Repeats in the Notation Reference, and I don't care for the existing structure. Currently, it looks like this: 1.4 Repeats 1.4.1 Writing repeats Repeat syntax Normal repeats Manual repeat commands 1.4.2 Other repeats Tremolo repeats Measure repeats However, since Repeat syntax discusses the common syntax for all the repeats, it would seem to make more sense to take it out of the section dealing with normal. I'd like to suggest: 1.4 Repeats 1.4.1 Repeat syntax Repeat syntax and types of repeats (introduction of the syntactic construct) (following types of repetition are supported . . .) 1.4.2 Writing repeats Normal repeats (I'd prefer a better term than "normal") Manual repeat commands Tremolo repeats Measure repeats It might also make sense to split into Repeat syntax, followed by Types of repeats supported. Comments, please? Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: GDP: Repeats
Greetings - Thanks to all of you who responded to my call for help. I've been busy and mulling over your comments. Unless overridden by popular acclaim, I would like to keep the syntax in the section, even if we decide to call it something less intimidating to novices than "syntax". There is at least one other section with a similar entry ( Tuplets), and I find it clarifying and reassuring. I feel better when I can recognize order. Here's my latest suggestion: 1. Musical notation 1.1.Pitches 1.2.Rhythms 1.3.Expressive marks 1.4.Repeats 1.4.1. Repeat construction syntax and types of repeats This is the syntax These are the types of repeats supported 1.4.2. Writing repeats phrases using notated begin and end repeat signs Simple Complex %%i.e., with alternative endings Manual repeat commands written out phrases %%i.e., unfold notes and measures %%i.e., "percent" repeats repeats I'm open to suggestions for better wording for the headings. Any further comments? Thanks for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: GDP glossary question: complex meters
Hi, Kurt - When I brought up "my" definition, it certainly was not intended to be exclusive (as in the only definition). I was trying to point out that there was an alternative meaning to polymeter. I have no easy answer to the problem(s), especially since I think polymeter or complex meter can refer to more than time signatures - either initial or subsequent. Are the layered patterns in some West African drumming considered to be polymeter, or is that polyrhythm? I think western music's recent and rapid exposure to a lot of different rhythmic structures, notations, and possibilities have helped create a confusing set of terminologies whose definitions haven't settled down yet. Ralph -Original Message- From: Kurt Kroon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 1:40 AM To: Mats Bengtsson; Palmer, Ralph; Graham Percival; Till Rettig; Ole Schmidt; Valentin Villenave Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist Subject: GDP glossary question: complex meters BACKGROUND We now have a number of different terms to refer to several closely related concepts: * polymeter * polymetric time signature * double time signature * compound time signature ( Elsewhere -- just to add them to the mix -- I've seen: * mixed meter / mixed time signatures * additive time signatures * alternating time signatures ) Last month, we (meaning "y'all") had a discussion about the "one true polymeter": Valentin's definition (group A), where different meters are used _simultaneously_ on different staves; and Ralph's definition (group B), with regular alternation between different meters. [I'm not interested in resolving that discussion, just standardizing the terminology we use.] LilyPond handles group A quite easily, by simply "moving the Timing_translator to the Staff context". Group B, due to its polymorphous nature (and resemblance to Hydra), is handled unevenly. * LilyPond deals with mixed meters (where meter alternates without a specific pattern) pretty well * Double -- aka "alternating" -- time signatures "are not supported explicitly, but they can be faked" [NR]. * Additive meters are covered in a snippet ... named (that's where I got 'compound time signature) (I'm not sure if one can extend this last one in LilyPond to more complex examples, like when the numerator is an additive expression, and the denominator is a single digit, e.g. (3+2+3)/8.) SO, MY QUESTION How can we normalize the terminology? Here are my thoughts on the matter, trying to distill this into a controlled lexicon -- * polymeter -- the most generic term * sequential polymeter -- Ralph's definition * regular * irregular * simultaneous polymeter -- Valentin's definition * regular and irregular (theoretically) And here's what happens to the list of terms above: * polymetric time signature Deleted: although it implies sequential polymeter, it has too many possible interpretations to be useful. * double time signature * compound time signature * additive time signatures * alternating time signatures Become "See also _sequential polymeter, regular_" * mixed meter / mixed time signatures Becomes "See also "sequential polymeter, irregular_" So ... what are your thoughts? Thanks! Kurt ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE:GDP: What term do you use?
Head tucked in, I venture into the battlefield. + Anh Hai Trinh wrote: I think you are mistaken here, a concert A written in any clef would sound with f = 440Hz, whereas a written concert A with a 8va bracket would sound with f = 880Hz. Anything sounding at a different interval than what is notated is called transposition in orchestration books. I believe the correct term, if there need be one, would be "octave transposition". --AT Kieren's interpretation makes more sense to me. A "written concert A with a 8va bracket" is, in fact, no longer a written concert A. It's now a pitch one octave above a concert A. The ottava bracket is part of the notation, as are sharps, flats, and clef signs. The placement of concert A in tenor clef is different from the placement of concert A in treble clef, agreed? And if a piece of music which begins in treble clef has a tenor clef inserted, any notated concert A following the tenor clef will still sound at 440 Hz. The ottava bracket is simply part of the notation, not a transposition. My two cents. Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: GDP: Time to plan the revision of NR 2 "Specialist
Grand Documentation Project The next step is to revise the second chapter in the Notation Reference - NR 2 "Specialist notation". To kick off this process the new suggested section headings can be found at , and we now need your comments on these before we begin work on the text. Are the names sensible? Is the grouping optimal? Are there other topics which should be included? + Great job! Under 2.3.1 Bowed instruments I'd like to see "Fingerings" and possibly something about articulations generally associated with just strings (if there are any). Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: GDP: Time to plan the revision of NR 2 "Specialist
The only fingering notations I can think of that might be special to strings would be: the thumb notation; fingered harmonics; and string or position indications. Fingered harmonics are probably a simple combination of note head and fingering (it's actually in the current String or position indications are markups. The thumb notation, however, seems clearly to be a fingering indication specific to strings. It also seems to me that the fingered harmonics, string or position indications, and probably multiple fingering possibilities should be in the LSR and maybe should be referenced under strings in NR 2. Ralph -Original Message- From: Graham Percival [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 7:04 PM To: Trevor Daniels Cc: Palmer, Ralph; Subject: Re: GDP: Time to plan the revision of NR 2 "Specialist On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 23:18:18 +0100 "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Ralph Palmer wrote: > > > 2.3.1 Bowed instruments > > > I'd like to see "Fingerings" > > I'm not a string player and know nothing of this. Is the > normal fingering notation shown in NR 1.7.1 adequate for > this, or are you looking for something peculiar to strings? 1.7.1 is all they need. Well, maybe \open as well... although -0 works almost as well. > > and possibly something about articulations > > generally associated with just strings (if there are any). > > I'll throw this open to the list - are there any? Nope. Granted, I cheated a bit by including \thumb in 1.7.1, but I don't think there's anything else. I suppose you *could* argue that parts for very inexperienced string players could benefit from a \textSpanner that says "II" (ie a hand position). However, that kind of thing is IMO best covered with snippets anyway. I would expect (and hope!) that the snippet lists for NR 2 sections would be quite long. Cheers, - Graham ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Running LilyPond from a memory stick
Greetings - Has anyone been able to run LilyPond from/on a memory stick? I have a 16 Gb stick, and I'd like to run LilyPond from it, but I don't know what problems I'm likely to encounter. The computers I plan to use both run Windows XP SP2. The stick is set up to run programs, but it looks for U3 package files (*.u3p). Has anyone built .u3p files for LilyPond? Alternatively, anyone know what files and/or directories would have to be mounted on the memory stick? Thank you for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 65, Issue 80
Graham wrote: OK, silly question, but I simply cannot make up my mind. If we have a single entry in a list in the @seealso section, should it end with a period or not? For example, in this: --- See also Music Glossary: chord. Snippets: Simultaneous --- +++ I like consistency, and periods some places and not others is slightly jarring to me. I checked a number of sources regarding bulleted lists (yes, I realize these don't actually have bullets, but the entries under "See also" are similar to bulleted lists), and there was some variation in the treatment of punctuation at the end of individual items. Given that we frequently have multiple items under each entry (e.g., "Music Glossary: notes, note names, chords, foo, bar.") I am in favor of always ending an entry under "See also" with a period. Peace, Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Percent repeats
Greetings - I'm working on Repeats for the GDP (yep, still). Currently, Short Repeats includes percent repeats and tremolos (for strings, tremolos include both fingered and bowed tremolos). "Percent repeats" is not a term I have heard outside of LilyPond, and if I were looking for those repeats, percent is not the term I would look under. Does anyone have a suggestion for a better term? Ralph + Ralph Palmer, CEM Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
GSview problems
Greetings - I'm running 2.7.35-2 on Windows XP Professional 2002, SP2 and using GSview 4.7 2005-03-26 When I try to view the PS file using GSview, I get a series of error messages, and the file is not viewable. A bunch of the errors are similar to GSview 4.7 2005-03-26 Unknown in Comments section at line 7: %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font CenturySchL-Roma Some of the errors relate to line length, if I understand them correctly. Am I missing fonts? If so, do you know where I can find them? Am I using the wrong version of GSview? The .pdf generates properly. Also, I use GSview to view .abc generated .ps files, and have no problem. Thanks for your time and help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Bar line problem
Greetings - I'm a novice at LilyPond. I'm running LilyPond on Windows XP Professional, V. 2002, SP2. I cannot figure out how to set a particular pair of bar lines. In the following file, the default line breaks occur where I would like them - after each 4 measures. At the end of Part B (which coincides with a default line break), I would like to show a section break ( || ). I'd also like to have an open repeat ( |: ) at the start of Part C (= the start of the next line). I got the "||" to work properly, but there was no "|:" to open the repeat section. When I forced the "|:" ( \bar "|:" ), the section break disappeared and became a regular bar line. I tried forcing the line break after the section break at the end of Part B, but that didn't work. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] %% %Gravel Walk \version "" \header { title = "Gravel Walk" composer = "Traditional (Nova Scotia)" } melody = \relative c' { \clef treble \key a \dorian \time 2/2 %Part A \repeat volta 2 { a'4 e'8[ a,] \times 2/3 {c[( b a])} e'[ a,] \times 2/3 {c[( b a])} e'[ a,] b a g b a4 e'8 a, \times 2/3 {b[( c d])} e fis g e d c b a g b } %Part B a16[ a a8] a' a, g' a, fis' a, a16[ a a8] e' a, b a g b a16[ a a8] a' a, g' a, fis' a, g' e d c b a g b a16[ a a8] a' a, g' a, fis' a, a16[ a a8] e' a, b a g b a b c d e fis g a g e d c b a g b \bar "||" %Part C \repeat volta 2 { \bar "|:" \times 2/3 {c[( b a])} b g a4. b8 c a a d b g b d \times 2/3 {c[( b a)]} b g a b c d e fis g e d b g b } %Part D } \score { { \melody } } ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Greetings - I've tried the User Manual, the Regression Tests, and looked in the archives, but cannot find anything that will help me with this problem: Running Version I have a whole measure rest (in 2/4), with a fermata. I'd like to include 2 pieces text above the staff, one piece of text before the rest, one piece of text after the rest. I've tried R1^\fermataMarkup \markup { \right-align \italic {vln: "Sunnybank, New Jersey."} } \markup{ \left-align "Around 1905" } but I get errors on the first "\markup" and on "\italic". I've tried a variety of space or no space before "\markup" (I'm still not familiar with the syntax), with the same result. I also couldn't find any information on how to tie a markup to a bar line (would that have worked?). Thanks for your time and attention, Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Two newbie questions
Greetings - Nice program! I was using .abc, with abcm2ps (which I still like for its ease of use and speed of entry), but LilyPond seems even more flexible. I think I still prefer .abc for some scores, but there are things I can do in LilyPond that I can't do in .abc. 1) What's LSR? 2) What's the significance of an embedded space? Or, perhaps more to the point, where are embedded spaces (or line returns, for that matter) prohibited (or significant)? It's clear there are places where adding an embedded space mucks things up (like between a note name and and a slur start, for example), and places where it seems to make no difference to LilyPond; is there a simple rule that distinguishes the two categories? Ralph Palmer ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Quote within markup
Greetings - I'm grateful for LilyPond, and for all the work a number of you are putting into the program and the documentation. I can find answers to most of my questions, although some take some experimentation. At this stage, my biggest difficulty, I think, is understanding the syntax - some commands come before notes, some are attached to the "backs" of notes, and I'm not clear about the relationship between Scheme and LilyPond. My immediate problem is adding quotation marks within a markup. Nothing I've tried works. LilyPond appears to interpret the quotation marks as a command to keep the (my quoted) text together. My latest attempt: e'''2 r2 ^\markup { \center-align { \line { (to aud.): "A TRIO." }}} Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks for your time and attention, Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Quote within markup
Geoff - I tried e'''2 r2 ^\markup { \center-align { \line { (to aud.): \""A" "TRIO."\" }}} and got error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined e'''2 r2 ^\markup { \center-align { \line { (to aud.): \""A" "TRIO."\" }}} Ralph -Original Message- From: Geoff Horton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:23 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Quote within markup On 7/12/06, Palmer, Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Greetings - > > My immediate problem is adding quotation marks within a markup. > Nothing I've tried works. LilyPond appears to interpret the quotation > marks as a command to keep the (my quoted) text together. My latest attempt: > > e'''2 r2 ^\markup { \center-align { \line { (to aud.): "A TRIO." }}} > > Any suggestions would be appreciated. > > Thanks for your time and attention, > > Ralph > ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Quote within markup
Bingo! Thanks, Geoff. I should have figured out that it was backwards; I think frustration had something to do with it. -Original Message- From: Geoff Horton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:42 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Quote within markup > e'''2 r2 ^\markup { \center-align { \line { (to aud.): \""A" "TRIO."\" Backwards :) "\"A TRIO\"' ought to do it. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Quote within markup
Hi, Daniel Johnson - I'm using jEdit. The default font looks like Times New Roman; at least, it's seriffed. Character encoding is set to UTF-8. I cannot find any place to 1) set the font (typeface); 2) find an "insert symbol" utility; or 3) find a place to set curly quotes. Anyone out there using jEdit who can point me in the right direction? Thanks, Ralph -Original Message- From: Daniel Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 1:00 PM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Quote within markup Palmer, Ralph wrote: > e'''2 r2 ^\markup { \center-align { \line { (to aud.): "A TRIO." }}} Why not use curly quotes? They look more professional and are not interpreted as special characters by the parser. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Measure problem somewhere
Hi - I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. However, I've got a problem - I think it's a time problem. I'm running under Windows XP. In the following snippet, if I uncomment the 5/8 section, the music seems to work. If I comment it out, it looks to me like I have a timing conflict, but I can't find where. Can anyone help? + \version "" \header { } Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #4 \tempo 4=112 % \time 5/8 % des'8([ bes a)] des'([ bes)] % e4.~ e4 \breathe \time 6/8 des'8( bes f) f'4 r8 e2. \hideNotes \once \override TextScript #'padding = #2.0 \once \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag \fatText g''4.\glissando ^\markup\smaller{EXHALE}_\markup {(very soft sigh)} d'4. \emptyText \unHideNotes R^\fermataMarkup \bar "||" \time 3/4 ais''2. ^\markup { ( \smaller \note #"4" #1 = \smaller "112" )} ais''4( e''2) ais''4( gis''2) b''2.^\fermataMarkup \bar "||" ais''16->[_\sfz^\markup { \column { \line {lo stesso} tempo}} r8 ais''16->] r8 ais''16->[ e''] ais''16->[ r8 d'''->] } \score { \Music Thanks for your time and help, Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Measure problem somewhere
Hi, LilyPonders - Thanks, Kieren, for the help and the bar check tip. I got that section to look the way I wanted. However, I went back to the beginning and started entering bar checks and ran into a problem. I'm running under Windows XP Pro, SP2, and using jEdit 4.3 pre5 with LilyPond Tool and SideKick. jEdit seems to misinterpret some numeric characters as durations. It seems LilyPond itself doesn't have the same difficulty. However, when I checked the, even though the music compiled, I got warnings, including: Parsing... Interpreting music... warning: type check for `X-extent' failed; value `(0.0)' must be of type `pair of numbers' [8][16][24][32][40] warning: type check for `X-extent' failed; value `(0.0)' must be of type `pair of numbers' [48] +++ Can anyone tell me how to locate the bracketed numbers? They don't appear to be line numbers or bar numbers. Are they, perhaps, related to the definition of MarkL and emptyMark? : markL = \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #-1 emptyMark = \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-extent = #'(0.0) Thank you for your help, and thanks for all the work on LilyPond. I like it more as I get more used to it. Certainly ABC is more user friendly, but nowhere near as flexible, especially in circumstances a little off the beaten track. Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Measure problem somewhere
Thanks again, Kieren. Can you (or anyone else out there) tell me what the bracketed numbers are? They look suspiciously like bit numbers. warning: type check for `X-extent' failed; value `(0.0)' must be of type `pair of numbers' [8][16][24][32][40] Ralph -Original Message- From: Kieren MacMillan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 9:13 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Measure problem somewhere Hi, Ralph: > Can anyone tell me how to locate the bracketed numbers? They don't > appear to be line numbers or bar numbers. Are they, perhaps, related > to the definition of MarkL and emptyMark? : > > > markL = \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #-1 > emptyMark = \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-extent = #'(0.0) > Yes -- these must be (0 . 0) not (0.0) -- note the spaces around the period! Best wishes, Kieren. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Accent vs. slur
Greetings - (LilyPond Version Windows XP SP2) In the following snippet, I'd like to move the accents that are touching the slurs upwards, without moving the slurs, in order to make the score more clear. I figured out how to move both the accent and the slur, but I get errors when I try to move just the slur. Can someone please help me with the syntax or the command? Thanks, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Snippet %% \version "" \header { } Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \once \override TextScript #'padding = #2.0 r16_\markup { \italic { "a tempo" } } a'[( f''8->]) r16 a''[( d'''8->]) r16 a'[( dis''8->]) r16 a'([ dis''8->]) | \time 3/4 e''8-> r r4 r \bar "||" } \score { \Music } %%%5 ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Slide, or "glissando" with no start point
Hi - Running LilyPond under Windows XP SP2. I'd like to notate a slide up to a note. The time, in the music, would come out of the note following the slide notation. For those familiar with ABC notation, this would be similar to prefixing the note with a "J" in .abc. In this particular piece of music, the previous note is higher than the one being slid to. The only workaround I can figure out would be one involving \oneVoice. Is that my only option? I've searched the documentation, including list archives, and found a sort of related discussion back around 2.5 or 2.6, but it was actually about drops and raises after a note, not before, and there was no resolution I could find. Thanks for your help (someday I hope to be able to offer some), Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Slide, or "glissando" with no start point
Thanks, Wol - It took a few tries, but it came out okay. I got fooled by the fact that at *1/10, nothing showed up. Also, unHideNotes \glissando produces a syntax error. Here's what I ended up with: \hideNotes g''2*3/10 \glissando \unHideNotes c'''2*7/10 Thanks again, Ralph -Original Message- From: Anthony Youngman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 9:43 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Subject: RE: Slide, or "glissando" with no start point Exactly the problem I've needed to solve. Use \hideNote \unHideNote. (I'm hoping this will be solved along with the doit/fall stuff - might need a few people to chip in a bit more). \hideNote d'2*1/10 \unHideNote \gliss f2*9/10 will give a slide down from d to f at the top of the bass clef. It's a hidden tenth of a mimim, sliding down to a printed nine-tenths of a minim, so lilypond correctly prints the minim (you might want to play with the fractions to get it how you want). Cheers, Wol -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] .org] On Behalf Of Palmer, Ralph Sent: 26 July 2006 14:35 To: Subject: Slide, or "glissando" with no start point Hi - Running LilyPond under Windows XP SP2. I'd like to notate a slide up to a note. The time, in the music, would come out of the note following the slide notation. For those familiar with ABC notation, this would be similar to prefixing the note with a "J" in .abc. In this particular piece of music, the previous note is higher than the one being slid to. The only workaround I can figure out would be one involving \oneVoice. Is that my only option? I've searched the documentation, including list archives, and found a sort of related discussion back around 2.5 or 2.6, but it was actually about drops and raises after a note, not before, and there was no resolution I could find. Thanks for your help (someday I hope to be able to offer some), Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list * * This transmission is intended for the named recipient only. It may contain private and confidential information. If this has come to you in error you must not act on anything disclosed in it, nor must you copy it, modify it, disseminate it in any way, or show it to anyone. Please e-mail the sender to inform us of the transmission error or telephone ECA International immediately and delete the e-mail from your information system. Telephone numbers for ECA International offices are: Sydney +61 (0)2 8272 5300, Hong Kong + 852 2121 2388, London +44 (0)20 7351 5000 and New York +1 212 582 2333. * * ___ lilypond-user mailing list
LilyPond hangs at "parsing"
Hi - I'm running LilyPond under Window XP SP2. I recently switched from jEdit to ConTEXT (with the new LilyPond highlighter). I had no problem for a few days; then suddenly yesterday LilyPond started to hang. I can't get my files to complete. The only global change I can remember making yesterday was to convert text from DOS to Unicode. In order to find the source of the problem, I started commenting out my music. I got all the way back to the first measure, with no success. So, I tried a new file: Snippet \version "" Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \tempo 4=112 a'4 b'4 c'4 d'4 } \score { \Music } %%% End Snippet I typed all of it fresh - no copy and paste. When I run it, I get the same message in the log, with no .ps or .pdf produced. Here's the log: # -*-compilation-*- Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog' Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section' Parsing... I had an old file that was not converted to Unicode, and it compiled correctly. Does this look familiar to anyone? I hope it doesn't mean I have to retype all my music. Thanks for your help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: LilyPond hangs at "parsing"
Bingo! (I hope) - When I made the DOS to Unicode change, I also added a version line to a definitions file. Stripping that line seems to have brought back my file. I also opened it and my in jEdit, made a change in each, and saved them. Now I seem to be able to run each of them. Does that make sense to anyone? Is there something going on here that I don't understand? Ralph -Original Message- From: Palmer, Ralph Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 8:18 AM To: 'Lily-Pond List (' Subject: LilyPond hangs at "parsing" Hi - I'm running LilyPond under Window XP SP2. I recently switched from jEdit to ConTEXT (with the new LilyPond highlighter). I had no problem for a few days; then suddenly yesterday LilyPond started to hang. I can't get my files to complete. The only global change I can remember making yesterday was to convert text from DOS to Unicode. In order to find the source of the problem, I started commenting out my music. I got all the way back to the first measure, with no success. So, I tried a new file: Snippet \version "" Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \tempo 4=112 a'4 b'4 c'4 d'4 } \score { \Music } %%% End Snippet I typed all of it fresh - no copy and paste. When I run it, I get the same message in the log, with no .ps or .pdf produced. Here's the log: # -*-compilation-*- Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog' Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section' Parsing... I had an old file that was not converted to Unicode, and it compiled correctly. Does this look familiar to anyone? I hope it doesn't mean I have to retype all my music. Thanks for your help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Acciaccatura beaming
Hi - I'm running under Windows XP SP 2. I'm having trouble getting the beaming to work correctly on an acciaccatura. I have a preceding measure with tremolos, then a time change. In the log, I get the following message: Interpreting music... programming error: Stem already has beam continuing, cross fingers programming error: Stem already has beam continuing, cross fingers If I run the measure with the acciaccatura without the preceding measure, it looks correct. I've tried using appoggiatura, as well, with the same results. Here are two snippets, one with the problem, and one without either the preceding measure or the problem: Snippet bad: %% \version "" Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/4 \repeat "tremolo" 4 { aes32( ^\markup \column {{ "di nuovo" } {misterioso} } c'32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { b32( dis'32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { bes32( dis'32) } \breathe | \time 2/4 \acciaccatura { cis''16[ dis''] } eis''16 gis'' eis'' dis''~ dis'' d'' cis''!8 \breathe | } \score { \Music } %% Snippet good: %%% \version "" Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \time 2/4 \acciaccatura { cis''16[ dis''] } eis''16 gis'' eis'' dis''~ dis'' d'' cis''!8 \breathe | } \score { \Music } Can anyone tell what's happening, and/or how I can get the desired output? Thanks again for all the help this list has been, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Tremolo again, but different
Hi - I'm running LilyPond under Windows XP SP2. I asked the list recently about a problem with beaming on an acciaccatura following a tremolo. Apparently that's a bug that's been fixed in 2.9. Now I have a problem with a note following another set of tremolos. In my music, I have a similar set of tremolos earlier, with no problem. The only structural difference I can see is that the problem tremolos are followed by a tuplet. The problem is two-fold: 1) how can I get the first note in the first triplet to print correctly; and 2) whether or not I can solve #1, how can I get the length of the measure correct? Is this a known bug? Here is the problem section, and the log file: Snippet % \version "" Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \repeat "tremolo" 4 {gis32( b32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { g32( b32)\< } \times 2/3 {a'[ cis''8\! f'']} \times 2/3 { b'[ dis g] } | des'''16( c''') aes'' f'' des''( c'') aes' f' c'8 r aes'32( g' ges' f' e' ees' d' des' \bar "||" d'4->) r dis'''2:8\ff-> | } \score { \Music } %%% End of Snippet Log file: %% # -*-compilation-*- Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog' Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section' Parsing... Interpreting music... C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section warning: barcheck failed at: 15/16 \repeat "tremolo" 4 {gis32( b32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { g32( b32)\< } \times 2/3 {a'[ cis''8\! f'']} \times 2/3 { b'[ dis g] } | [3] Preprocessing graphical objects... Calculating line breaks... [3][4] Calculating page breaks... Layout output to `section'... Converting to `section test.pdf'... %% End of log file. Thank you for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Tremolo again, but different
Oops. Thank you, Mats. I often find it hard to find my own mistakes. Ralph -Original Message- From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 3:34 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Tremolo again, but different This time, I'm afraid it's your own fault. Since you didn't specify any duration on the first note of the triplet, it inherits the duration from the previous note, i.e. you get a 32nd note. Moving the 8 to the first note of the triplet fixes it: \repeat "tremolo" 4 {gis32( b32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { g32( b32)\< } \times 2/3 {a'8[ cis''\! f'']} \times 2/3 { b'[ dis g] } | /Mats Palmer, Ralph wrote: >Hi - > >I'm running LilyPond under Windows XP SP2. > >I asked the list recently about a problem with beaming on an >acciaccatura following a tremolo. Apparently that's a bug that's been >fixed in 2.9. > >Now I have a problem with a note following another set of tremolos. In >my music, I have a similar set of tremolos earlier, with no problem. >The only structural difference I can see is that the problem tremolos >are followed by a tuplet. The problem is two-fold: 1) how can I get the >first note in the first triplet to print correctly; and 2) whether or >not I can solve #1, how can I get the length of the measure correct? Is >this a known bug? Here is the problem section, and the log file: > >Snippet >% > >\version "" >Music = { > \clef treble > \key c \major > \time 4/4 > > \repeat "tremolo" 4 {gis32( b32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { g32( >b32)\< } \times 2/3 {a'[ cis''8\! f'']} \times 2/3 { b'[ dis g] } | > des'''16( c''') aes'' f'' des''( c'') aes' f' c'8 r aes'32( g' >ges' f' e' ees' d' des' \bar "||" > d'4->) r dis'''2:8\ff-> | > >} > >\score { > \Music > } > >%%% >End of Snippet > >Log file: >%% > ># -*-compilation-*- >Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My >Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog' >Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet >Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section' >Parsing... >Interpreting music... >C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet >Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section warning: >barcheck failed at: 15/16 > \repeat "tremolo" 4 {gis32( b32) } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { g32( >b32)\< } \times 2/3 {a'[ cis''8\! f'']} \times 2/3 { b'[ dis g] } > >| >[3] >Preprocessing graphical objects... >Calculating line breaks... [3][4] >Calculating page breaks... >Layout output to `section'... >Converting to `section test.pdf'... > >%% >End of log file. > >Thank you for your time and attention, > >Ralph >+ >Ralph Palmer >Energy/Administrative Coordinator >Keene State College >Keene, NH 03435-2502 >Phone: 603-358-2230 >Cell: 603-209-2903 >Fax: 603-358-2456 >[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > >___ >lilypond-user mailing list > > > > -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: = ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Output of 2.8.6 Windows version
I was wondering why I couldn't view the .ps file! I used to use .abc a lot, and ABCm2ps.exe produces a .ps file I would view and/or print using GSView, but when I tried to view the LilyPond .ps file, I got an error message in GSView. Ralph -- Message: 6 Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 14:19:23 +0200 From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Output of 2.8.6 Windows version To: Ossie Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Ossie Wilson wrote: >2. GSView will print out .ps files (so the programmer says, anyway). > > As I've already said, the PS files from LilyPond are kind of special, so it is really recommended to view and print the PDF file instead (once you get that one running). ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Tremolo controls
Greetings - In the following construction, I can't figure out what controls what. Can someone please try to explain to me how the calculations are made? The construction, as written, (in 4/4 time) produces a tremolo between c-sharp and e, with the c-sharp and e appearing as half-notes. It seems the "32" produces the 3 beams, but how does the "8" produce the appearance of a half-note? Or am I looking at it the wrong way? \repeat "tremolo" 8 { cs''32( e''32) } Thank you for any help you can give me, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Greetings - Is there any simple way to indicate "approximate" with the M.M. (Maelzel or metronome Mark)? For example, using a tilde (~) instead of an equal sign (=), or inserting "c." (circa) before the per-minute number? Thanks for your help, and for all your work on LilyPond. I'm starting to get the hang of some of it, now. However, I still have not tried to combine instruments into full scores or to do a piano score. Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: M.M.
Thanks, Mats. I'll give it a try. I confess that I still don't clearly understand the differences or ramifications of use between "mark", "markup" and "text markup". Or to what "RehearsalMark" refers. I would have expected RehearsalMark to refer to a letter or number, but not something like D.S. al Fine. I need to go back to the manual. Ralph -Original Message- From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:49 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: M.M. You could always typeset the metronome mark manually using text markup (see the sections on Text Markup and Overview of Markup Commands in the manual). Since the function that draws the default layout is implemented in the Scheme programming language, it's actually also fairly simple to modify it in your own .ly file, just include something like #(define-public (my-format-metronome-markup dur count context) (let* ((note-mark (make-smaller-markup (make-note-by-number-markup (ly:duration-log dur) (ly:duration-dot-count dur) 1 (make-line-markup (list (make-general-align-markup Y DOWN note-mark) (make-simple-markup "=") (make-simple-markup (number->string count)) \layout{ \context { \Score metronomeMarkFormatter = #my-format-metronome-markup } } at the top of your file and replace the "=" with whatever symbol or text you wish (if you want a real approximation sign, you may have to look it up using some character map program and paste it into the file. In that case, don't forget to save the file in UTF8 format). /Mats Palmer, Ralph wrote: > Greetings - > > Is there any simple way to indicate "approximate" with the M.M. > (Maelzel or metronome Mark)? For example, using a tilde (~) instead of > an equal sign (=), or inserting "c." (circa) before the per-minute number? > > Thanks for your help, and for all your work on LilyPond. I'm starting > to get the hang of some of it, now. However, I still have not tried to > combine instruments into full scores or to do a piano score. > > Ralph > + > Ralph Palmer > Energy/Administrative Coordinator > Keene State College > Keene, NH 03435-2502 > Phone: 603-358-2230 > Cell: 603-209-2903 > Fax: 603-358-2456 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Literature?
Greetings, Stewart - I have a book on notation which covers a lot of ground, and which I can highly recommend: Music notation, a manual of modern practice. Read, Gardner. Boston, Crescendo Publishers, 1972. ISBN : 087597080X. The book is the most thorough I've seen, goes deeply into various aspects of notation, and is quite readable. I used to do a lot of hand notating, and I found the book valuable. LilyPond does a good job of documenting the process of notation, but I still refer back to Read frequently, usually either to clarify something in LilyPond or to clarify something I come across in music I'm currently playing. I still enjoy notating by hand, and regard it as a valuable skill for a musician. Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ++ Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 19:17:27 +0100 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Literature? To: Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Hello everyone, Does anyone know of any good books on the subject of music engraving? A book containing rules/tips/do/don'ts would be quite a useful investment I think. Thanks, Stewart ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Tenuto w/ staccato
Greetings - I'm running Lilypond on WinXP Pro SP2. In the following snippet, I'm getting a staccato mark that I don't want, and that seems extraneous. Is this a bug? Is there a way to keep the tenuto, without keeping the staccato mark? snippet: % \version "" \include "" Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/4 gs''8\<[ d''-_(] d'')\![ a'-_(] a')[ fs'] | } \score { \Music } Thank you for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Vertical adjustment of \markup
Greetings, I'm running Lilypond on WinXP SP2. In the following snippet, I'd like to move "rit" upward. In the score the snippet comes from, the "rit" almost collides with a c''' notehead. I've tried \pad-markup, but Lilypond choked - tried to compile forever. I suspect I'm formating the section incorrectly, but I can't figure out the correct format. snippet: \version "" \include "" Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/4 \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (markup #:italic "rit" ) "") d''16\startTextSpan c''' e'' a'' c''' e'' | b''16 ds'' fs'' b'' f'' b''\stopTextSpan } \score { \Music } Thanks again for your help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Vertical adjustment of \markup
Thanks, Trevor. Will \override (as opposed to \once \override) give all subsequent TextSpanner entries the same staff-padding? or the same edge-text setting, for that matter? Ralph -Original Message- From: Trevor Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:06 AM To: Palmer, Ralph; Subject: RE: Vertical adjustment of \markup Hi Ralph This should do what you want: Insert \override TextSpanner #'staff-padding = #9 Change the '9' to give the height you want Trevor > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf > Of Palmer, Ralph > Sent: 17 October 2006 12:40 > To: > Subject: Vertical adjustment of \markup > > > Greetings, > > I'm running Lilypond on WinXP SP2. > > In the following snippet, I'd like to move "rit" upward. In the score > the snippet comes from, the "rit" almost collides with a c''' notehead. > I've tried \pad-markup, but Lilypond choked - tried to compile forever. > I suspect I'm formating the section incorrectly, but I can't figure > out the correct format. > > snippet: > > > \version "" > \include "" > > Music = { > \clef treble > \key c \major > \time 3/4 > > \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (markup #:italic > "rit" ) "") > d''16\startTextSpan c''' e'' a'' c''' e'' | > b''16 ds'' fs'' b'' f'' b''\stopTextSpan } > > \score { >\Music >} > > > > Thanks again for your help, > > Ralph > + > Ralph Palmer > Energy/Administrative Coordinator > Keene State College > Keene, NH 03435-2502 > Phone: 603-358-2230 > Cell: 603-209-2903 > Fax: 603-358-2456 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > > ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Tenuto w/ staccato
Yes. Thank you, Yota Moteuchi. I'm embarrassed that I did not recognize the portato mark. I mis-remembered that "-_" was the symbol for a tenuto mark. Ralph From: yota moteuchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:28 AMTo: Palmer, RalphSubject: Re: Tenuto w/ staccato do you mean a-- instead of a-_ On 10/17/06, Palmer, Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Greetings -I'm running Lilypond on WinXP Pro SP2.In the following snippet, I'm getting a staccato mark that I don't want,and that seems extraneous. Is this a bug? Is there a way to keep the tenuto, without keeping the staccato mark?snippet:%\version ""\include ""Music = {\clef treble\key c \major\time 3/4 gs''8\<[ d''-_(] d'')\![ a'-_(] a')[ fs'] |}\score { \Music } Thank you for your time and attention,Ralph+Ralph PalmerEnergy/Administrative CoordinatorKeene State CollegeKeene, NH 03435-2502Phone: 603-358-2230Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456[EMAIL PROTECTED]___lilypond-user mailing ___ lilypond-user mailing list
TrillSpanner problem in 2.10
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond, according to the Properties of lilypond.exe, under Windows XP Pro V2002, SP2. When I upgraded from, and ran on my files, I got an error on the following: Begin snippet %\version "" \version "2.10.0" \include "" Music = { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \fatText c'4 r\fermata \once \override TrillSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons trillflat "" ) \afterGrace af2_\markup \pad-markup #1.0 \italic {a tempo} \startTrillSpan { g16[ af] \stopTrillSpan } \break} \score { \Music } End snippet The log contains the following: # -*-compilation-*- Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog' Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section' Parsing... C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here \once \override TrillSpanner #'edge-text = # (cons trillflat "" ) C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section error: syntax error, unexpected STRING \once \override TrillSpanner #'edge-text = #( cons trillflat "" ) C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Deak/Lad a dog/section error: errors found, ignoring music expression \score { I don't understand why (what I understand to be) Scheme code would not carry over in the upgrade. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I confess I do not understand Scheme coding very well. Thank you for your time and help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Complex piano score
Greetings - This is not about a bug or a specific problem; rather, it's a request for advice. I'm running LilyPond 2.10 under WinXP SP2. I'm transcribing a complex piano score with a lot of markup and one to four voices. Each voice is silent for up to many measures at times. I would like to be able to check the score measure by measure, as I transcribe it. It looks like there are multiple strategies for producing such a score. Do any of you have a favorite strategy you'd be willing to share? I've looked at the LilyPond examples and the User Manual, but nothing appropriate jumps out at me. Thanks for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
\parallelMusic and PianoStaff
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.10.0 under Windows XP Pro SP2. I'm struggling with using \parallelMusic with PianoStaff. (Is there a functional difference between pianoStaff and PianoStaff? Is one obsolete?) In the following snippet, I'm trying to get : four voices in one measure on two staves (in a piano staff). I've tried a variety of configurations, none of which have worked. Any suggestions? +begin snippet \version "2.10.0" \include "" Music = { \key c \major \time 4/4 \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) { r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] | c'2 c'2 | r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] | c2 c2 | } \new PianoStaff {\new Voice \voiceA} {\new Voice \voiceB} {\new Voice \voiceC} {\new Voice \voiceD} } \score { \Music } end snippet+++ Thank you for your time and help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
\parallelMusic and PianoStaff, again
Hi - I'm running LilyPond 2.10.0 under Windows XP Pro SP2. With Mats' help, I've come closer, but still no joy. To clarify, I'm looking for a way to combine \parallelMusic with PianoStaff, so that I get a way to write polyphony on a piano staff, and write the polyphony one measure at a time. The reason for writing all four parts one measure at a time is that doing so makes it a lot easier (I think) to spot problems and make corrections. Otherwise, after ten page of score, I think it would get cumbersome to write and check the results. Here's what I've got so far. I added another measure, to see if I could figure out how \parallelMusic behaves. Ralph %%begin snippet \version "2.10.0" \include "" Music = { \key c \major \time 4/4 \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) { {r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] | c'2 c'2 | r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] | c2 c2 | } {a'8 b' c'' d''e'' f''g'' a''' | d'4 d'd'd' | c'16 d' e' f'd' e' f' g' e' f' g' a' f' g' a' b' | a4 a4a4a4 | } } } \score { \new PianoStaff<< \new Staff << \Music \new Voice \voiceA %{ also tried \new Voice \voiceOne \voiceA with \voiceTwo, voiceThree, and voiceFour added in the comparable places for \voiceB through \voiceD %} \new Voice \voiceB >> \new Staff << \clef bass \new Voice \voiceC \new Voice \voiceD >> >> } %%end snippet ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: \parallelMusic and PianoStaff, again
Beautiful! Thanks, Mats. I modified the snippet to make it a little more readable in the score. Would this be a candidate for the LSR? If so, I'll go ahead and submit it. Is there any standard format? Thanks again, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] modified snippet: \version "2.10.0" \include "" Music = { \key c \major \time 4/4 \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) { % Bar 1 r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] | c'2 c'2 | r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] | c2c2 | % Bar 2 a'8 b' c'' d''e'' f''g'' a'' | d'4 d'd'd' | c16 d e fd e f g e f g a f g a b | a,4 a,4 a,4 a,4 | % Bar 3 ... } } \score { \new PianoStaff << \Music \new Staff << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >> \new Staff { \clef bass << \voiceC \\ \voiceD >> } >> } %%% end modified snippet -Original Message- From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:15 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: \parallelMusic and PianoStaff, again Just keep repeating bar after bar, without any extra curly braces. Also, I had forgot to include \voiceOne / \voiceTwo and so on (below, I did this implicitly using the <<{...} \\ {...} >> feature). Here comes a modified version of your example. \version "2.10.0" \include "" Music = { \key c \major \time 4/4 \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) { % Bar 1 r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] | c'2 c'2 | r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] | c2 c2 | % Bar 2 a'8 b' c'' d''e'' f''g'' a''' | d'4 d'd'd' | c'16 d' e' f'd' e' f' g' e' f' g' a' f' g' a' b' | a4 a4a4a4 | % Bar 3 ... } } \score { \new PianoStaff<< \Music \new Staff << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >> \new Staff { \clef bass << \voiceC \\ \voiceD >> } >> } /Mats Palmer, Ralph wrote: > Hi - > > I'm running LilyPond 2.10.0 under Windows XP Pro SP2. > > With Mats' help, I've come closer, but still no joy. > > To clarify, I'm looking for a way to combine \parallelMusic with > PianoStaff, so that I get a way to write polyphony on a piano staff, > and write the polyphony one measure at a time. The reason for writing > all four parts one measure at a time is that doing so makes it a lot > easier (I think) to spot problems and make corrections. Otherwise, > after ten page of score, I think it would get cumbersome to write and > check the results. > > Here's what I've got so far. I added another measure, to see if I > could figure out how \parallelMusic behaves. > > Ralph > > %%begin snippet > > \version "2.10.0" > \include "" > > Music = { >\key c \major > >\time 4/4 > \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) { > {r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] r8g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' > e''] | > c'2 c'2 > | > r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] r8a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] > | > c2 c2 > | > } > {a'8 b' c'
Convert-ly problem
Greetings - I guess I have a couple of questions and maybe a problem. I'm running Windows XP Pro V.2002 SP2. I downloaded . I tried to run it and got a message saying I needed to uninstall the old version. I uninstalled the old version (2.10.0), rebooted, and ran without any problem. I was trying to run on my old files (question #1 : was that necessary when moving to a new release but same version, i.e., 2.10.0 --> 2.10.6?) but I couldn't get it to work - at all. So, question #2 : has anyone successfully run convert-ly on a WinXP Pro box? If so, would you be willing to share the process? I tried Open with > convert-ly ; I tried using the command prompt and 1) navigating to the convert-ly directory and running it from there, with no path and with a path, and 2) navigating to my *.ly folder and running convert-ly from there. I was able to get convert-ly to open from the C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin folder, but I couldn't get it to recognize a file name. And now, the problem : while I was working on this, I took a look at my executables, and I've got a "lilypond-windows.exe" as well as a "lilypond.exe". I've always used the "lilypond.exe" to run LilyPond against a .ly file, and I'm assuming that's what I should be using now. When I checked the file properties of both lilypond-windows.exe and lilypond.exe, I found the file version to be "" in both cases. I don't know if 2.10.6 was installed, because I ran lilypond.exe against "danse" (which I had tried (unsuccessfully) to update with, and got an error in the log : "Parsing... error: Incorrect lilypond version: 2.6.0 (2.7.38, 2.8.4) error: Consider updating the input with the convert-ly script" >From this, it looks like I'm not running 2.10.6. Does this seem familiar to anyone, and does anyone have a suggestion for checking more dependably for the version number? Thanks, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: Convert-ly problem
Duh. I feel stupid, but only slightly. I restarted, and convert-ly works as it's supposed to. (I do not usually shut down my computer unless prompted, even at night, because I have to access it from home as part of my job duties.) Thanks, Mats, and I apologize for taking everyone's time; I'm glad you mentioned logging off after installation. Ralph -Original Message- From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 8:11 AM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: Subject: Re: Convert-ly problem I hope you have logged off and on again since you installed LilyPond. Start a command prompt, enter the command set PATH and send me a copy of the result. (You can copy and paste from the command prompt, if you first right-click on the blue border at the top of the window, select "Properties", mark "QuickEdit Mode" and press OK. Then, you can select any text in the window and press Enter to copy it.) /Mats Palmer, Ralph wrote: > Thanks, Mats. > > I still have some .ly files in 2.8 which I need to convert, so it is > pertinent. I was able to change directory to a folder containing a .ly > file, but convert-ly is still not working. Windows doesn't seem to > recognized convert-ly as a program; and, in fact, it has a .py (is > that > python?) extension. I'm attaching .pdf screen shots of the command > prompt session and of my LilyPond\...\usr\bin directory. Do I need to > modify or run somehow to create an executable? Or am I > missing something relating to python? LilyPond\...\usr\lib\python2.4 > does exist. > > Thank you to you and everyone involved in helping create and maintain > LilyPond and the LP community. > > Ralph > + > Ralph Palmer > Energy/Administrative Coordinator > Keene State College > Keene, NH 03435-2502 > Phone: 603-358-2230 > Cell: 603-209-2903 > Fax: 603-358-2456 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > -Original Message- > From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 10:58 AM > To: Palmer, Ralph > Cc: > Subject: Re: Convert-ly problem > > The short answer is that there haven't been any syntax changes between > 2.10.0 and 2.10.7, so there's no need to run convert-ly. > > Anyway, the procedure is: > - Start a command prompt: Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> > Command Prompt > - Change working directory to the folder where you have your .ly files. > For example, if you have them in the folder "lily" in "My > Documents", do cd "My Documents\lily" > (Note that you can save key strokes by typing in cd My > and then press TAB to expand that to My Documents) > - Run the command itself: > convert-ly -e > >/Mats > > Palmer, Ralph wrote: > >> Greetings - >> >> I guess I have a couple of questions and maybe a problem. >> >> I'm running Windows XP Pro V.2002 SP2. >> >> I downloaded . I tried to run it and got >> a message saying I needed to uninstall the old version. I uninstalled >> the old version (2.10.0), rebooted, and ran >> without any problem. I was trying to >> run >> > > >> on my old files (question #1 : was that necessary when >> moving to a new release but same version, i.e., 2.10.0 --> 2.10.6?) >> but I couldn't get it to work - at all. >> >> So, question #2 : has anyone successfully run convert-ly on a WinXP >> Pro box? If so, would you be willing to share the process? I tried >> Open with >> >> >>> convert-ly ; I tried using the command prompt and 1) navigating to >>> the >>> >>> >> convert-ly directory and running it from there, with no path and with >> a path, and 2) navigating to my *.ly folder and running convert-ly >> from there. I was able to get convert-ly to open from the C:\Program >> Files\LilyPond\usr\bin folder, but I couldn't get it to recognize a >> file name. >> >> And now, the problem : while I was working on this, I took a look at >> my executables, and I've got a "lilypond-windows.exe" as well as a >> "lilypond.exe". I've always used the "lilypond.exe" to run LilyPond >> against a .ly file, and I'm assuming that's what I should be using >> > now. > >> When I checked the file properties of both lilypond-windows.exe and >> lilypond.exe, I found the file version to be "" in both cases. >> > > >> I don't know if 2.10.6 was insta
Recall: Voice / slur problem
Palmer, Ralph would like to recall the message, "Voice / slur problem". ___ lilypond-user mailing list
2 problems
Greeetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.10.10 under Windows XP Pro SP2. I'm using ConTEXT v0.98.3, with the LilyPond Highlighter. While running convert-ly, some of my files would not update; I got an error message that convert-ly couldn't find the version number, even though \version "2.10.1" was the first uncommented (i.e., beginning with %) line in the file. I also am having problems with the file structure, so I decided to start simply, and from scratch, but I'm having problems with that, too. I can't figure out what's wrong with this file, but I suspect the problem may be related to the missing version problem. % Begin Snippet %%% %% A Major Scale \version "2.10.10" \include "" \header {} \key = { \key a \major } \time 4/4 scale = { A1 } % Score \score { \scale } %% End Snippet % And here's the log: % Start % # -*-compilation-*- Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Scales' Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Scales/A' Parsing... C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Scales/A error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting '=' ÿþ %C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Scales/A 0: warning: no \version statement found, please add \version "2.10.16" for future compatibility error: failed files: "C:\\Documents and Settings\\rpalmer\\My Documents\\Ralph\\Sheet Music\\LilyPond\\Classical\\Scales\\A" %%% End %% Any help will be greatly appreciated. I like LilyPond and the result I can (usually) get. Thanks, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
markup in header
Greetings - I'm running: LilyPond 2.10.16 Windows XP Pro 2002 SP2 ConTEXT 0.98.5 with LilyPond Highlighter I'm trying to get "é" into "Séan" in the title and composer headers. I haven't been successful. I've looked in the manual and in the list archives, but can't find what I need. ConTEXT will save to DOS, but not to UTF-8, that I can find. I did find the character code : #233, and that will produce the correct character when I use it with \markup and \char in the header, but the program leaves a space before and after the "é". [Aside : I'm not using JEdit because it takes so long to load, and I've gotten used to ConTEXT.] The following snippet shows the behavior. % Begin Snippet % \version "2.10.16" \include "" \header { title = "Sean's Jig" composer = \markup {S\char #233 an} } \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } \paper { indent = 0.0\cm } SeansJig = { \clef treble \key a \dorian \time 6/8 \repeat volta 2 { \partial 8*1 b'8 | c''4.^"Am" b'^"G" | a'8^"Am" g' e' d' b g | a4 e'8 e' d' b | d'^"G" e' g' a' g' e' | \break c''4.^"Am" b'16^"G" c'' d''8 b' | a'^"Am" g' e' d' b g | a4 e'8 e' d' b | d'^"G" b g a4^"Am" | } } \score { \SeansJig } %% End Snippet % I've also tried : composer = \markup {"S" \char #233 "an"} and composer = \markup {"S\char #233 an"} but the result is identical; composer = \markup {"S \char #233 an"} produces S \char #233 an in the .pdf. Thanks in advance for your help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Tempo mark (MM) range
Greetings - I keep thinking I can survive on my own, but I keep having to come back to you generous folks. I'm running LilyPond 2.10.16 on Windows XP Pro SP2, and using ConTEXT as my editor. I'm trying to figure out how to specify a range of tempi, using something that looks like the normal MM or tempo mark. Specifically, I'm trying to get a quarter note, followed by an equals sign ("="), followed by a range ("92-100"). I've tried the manual, the examples, the Tips and Tricks, the Regression Tests, and the list archives. The following is the closest I could come, but it's not working. %%% begin snippet %% \version "2.10.16" \include "" Test = { \key d \minor \time 2/2 % \tempo 4=92 c''1^\markup {\small \note #"4" #"1" {" = 92 - 100"} } } \score { \Test } %% end snippet If I get rid of the markup, and uncomment the \tempo section, it works. When I run it as is, the log reads: # -*-compilation-*- Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Bach/Art of the Fugue/C_I' Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Classical/Bach/Art of the Fugue/C_I/' Parsing... Interpreting music... [1] Preprocessing graphical objects... I would appreciate any help I can get. I'm also thinking that some of my problems may be shared by others, and maybe I should submit some to Tips and Tricks (was that formerly the Snippet Repository?). Thanks for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Crescendo past the barline
Greetings - I'm running LilyPond 2.10.16 under WinXP SP2. The default for a hairpin set to end at the first note after a bar line is to end the hairpin at the barline. I'd like the hairpin to extend past the barline, to the note where the "\!" is. I've been able to change this by using a skip note, but is there a more direct way to get the behavior I'd like? I did check the LSR and the e-mail archives. Thanks for your time and help, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RE: Crescendo past the barline
Thanks, Graham - I feel only partly stupid : I don't normally think "hairpin", but crescendo and/or decrescendo. I looked up "crescendo" in the documentation, and was directed close to, but not at, the relevant text. -Original Message- From: Graham Percival [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 2:39 PM To: Palmer, Ralph Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Crescendo past the barline Palmer, Ralph wrote: > The default for a hairpin set to end at the first note after a bar > line is to end the hairpin at the barline. I'd like the hairpin to > extend past the barline, to the note where the "\!" is. I've been able > to change this by using a skip note, but is there a more direct way to > get the behavior I'd like? > > I did check the LSR and the e-mail archives. Try checking the documentation, third paragraph of the relevant section. Cheers, - Graham ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Beginning with Cue in different clef
Greetings - Things are moving along for me in LilyPond. "Thank you" to everyone who works directly on LilyPond and to everyone who posts and/or helps us solve problems. I'm running 2.10.16 under Windows XP SP2. I'm working on a transcription that involves cueing from another instrument. I tried tags, cueing, and quoting, all unsuccessfully. I can't figure out from the documentation exactly how any of those operate. I tried what I thought would work and was unsuccessful. My backup plan until I can spend more time on the issue is to put in the cues as normal input, and comment the cues out when I want to produce a score. That was working smoothly and well until I had a part that began with a cue in a different clef from the part instrument (cue from a violin part, into the viola part). When I tried listing the key, the clef, and the time, and then putting in the cue, the staff took the cue clef as the initial clef. I have been able to get around that by using a minimal skip, but it leaves a large amount of space between time signature and the cue (treble) clef. Please see the following snippet. Can anyone suggest a fix? Thanks for your time and attention, Ralph + Ralph Palmer Energy/Administrative Coordinator Keene State College Keene, NH 03435-2502 Phone: 603-358-2230 Cell: 603-209-2903 Fax: 603-358-2456 [EMAIL PROTECTED] %% begin snippet \version "2.10.16" \include "" Test = { \key d \minor \clef alto \time 2/2 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbol = #'time-signature \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #2.0 \mark \markup {\teeny \note #"4" #1 \teeny {" = 92 - 100"} } \set Score.skipBars = ##f s1*1/10 %Cue % cue start << { R1*9/10 R1*3 } \\ { \set fontSize = #-2 \clef treble \once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.5 s2*1/5 d'2*4/5_"Vln" a' | f'2 d' | cs'2 d'4 e' | f'2~ f'8 g' f' e' | \clef alto } >> % - cue end \set Score.skipBars = ##t R1*7 \set Score.skipBars = ##f R1 a2\mf d'2 | } \score { \Test } %% end snippet ___ lilypond-user mailing list