Greetings -

I'm running:
LilyPond 2.10.16
Windows XP Pro 2002 SP2
ConTEXT 0.98.5 with LilyPond Highlighter

I'm trying to get "é" into "Séan" in the title and composer headers. I haven't 
been successful. I've looked in the manual and in the list archives, but can't 
find what I need. ConTEXT will save to DOS, but not to UTF-8, that I can find. 
I did find the character code : #233, and that will produce the correct 
character when I use it with \markup and \char in the header, but the program 
leaves a space before and after the "é". [Aside : I'm not using JEdit because 
it takes so long to load, and I've gotten used to ConTEXT.] The following 
snippet shows the behavior.

%%%%%%%%% Begin Snippet %%%%%%%%%

\version "2.10.16"
\include ""

\header {
        title = "Sean's Jig"
        composer = \markup {S\char #233 an}
\layout {
        \context {
                \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\paper {
        indent = 0.0\cm

SeansJig = {
   \clef treble
        \key a \dorian
        \time 6/8

   \repeat volta 2 {
   \partial 8*1 b'8 |
   c''4.^"Am" b'^"G" |
        a'8^"Am" g' e' d' b g |
        a4 e'8 e' d' b |
        d'^"G" e' g' a' g' e' |
        c''4.^"Am" b'16^"G" c'' d''8 b' |
        a'^"Am" g' e' d' b g |
        a4 e'8 e' d' b |
        d'^"G" b g a4^"Am" |


\score {

%%%%%%%%%% End Snippet %%%%%%%%%

I've also tried :
        composer = \markup {"S" \char #233 "an"}
        composer = \markup {"S\char #233 an"}
but the result is identical;
        composer = \markup {"S \char #233 an"}
S \char #233 an
in the .pdf.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Ralph Palmer
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

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