Hi - I'm running LilyPond 2.10.0 under Windows XP Pro SP2.
With Mats' help, I've come closer, but still no joy. To clarify, I'm looking for a way to combine \parallelMusic with PianoStaff, so that I get a way to write polyphony on a piano staff, and write the polyphony one measure at a time. The reason for writing all four parts one measure at a time is that doing so makes it a lot easier (I think) to spot problems and make corrections. Otherwise, after ten page of score, I think it would get cumbersome to write and check the results. Here's what I've got so far. I added another measure, to see if I could figure out how \parallelMusic behaves. Ralph %%%%%%%%%%%%%%begin snippet \version "2.10.0" \include "english.ly" Music = { \key c \major \time 4/4 \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) { {r8 g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] r8 g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] | c'2 c'2 | r8 a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] r8 a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] | c2 c2 | } {a'8 b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g'' a''' | d'4 d' d' d' | c'16 d' e' f' d' e' f' g' e' f' g' a' f' g' a' b' | a4 a4 a4 a4 | } } } \score { \new PianoStaff<< \new Staff << \Music \new Voice \voiceA %{ also tried \new Voice \voiceOne \voiceA with \voiceTwo, voiceThree, and voiceFour added in the comparable places for \voiceB through \voiceD %} \new Voice \voiceB >> \new Staff << \clef bass \new Voice \voiceC \new Voice \voiceD >> >> } %%%%%%%%%%end snippet _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user