Thanks, Wol -

It took a few tries, but it came out okay. I got fooled by the fact that
at *1/10, nothing showed up. Also, 
unHideNotes \glissando
produces a syntax error. Here's what I ended up with:
\hideNotes g''2*3/10 \glissando \unHideNotes c'''2*7/10

Thanks again,


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Youngman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 9:43 AM
To: Palmer, Ralph
Subject: RE: Slide, or "glissando" with no start point 

Exactly the problem I've needed to solve. Use \hideNote \unHideNote.
(I'm hoping this will be solved along with the doit/fall stuff - might
need a few people to chip in a bit more).

\hideNote d'2*1/10 \unHideNote \gliss f2*9/10

will give a slide down from d to f at the top of the bass clef. It's a
hidden tenth of a mimim, sliding down to a printed nine-tenths of a
minim, so lilypond correctly prints the minim (you might want to play
with the fractions to get it how you want).


-----Original Message-----
.org] On Behalf Of Palmer, Ralph
Sent: 26 July 2006 14:35
Subject: Slide, or "glissando" with no start point 

Hi -

Running LilyPond under Windows XP SP2.

I'd like to notate a slide up to a note. The time, in the music, would
come out of the note following the slide notation. For those familiar
with ABC notation, this would be similar to prefixing the note with a
"J" in .abc. In this particular piece of music, the previous note is
higher than the one being slid to. The only workaround I can figure out
would be one involving \oneVoice. Is that my only option?

I've searched the documentation, including list archives, and found a
sort of related discussion back around 2.5 or 2.6, but it was actually
about drops and raises after a note, not before, and there was no
resolution I could find.

Thanks for your help (someday I hope to be able to offer some),

Ralph Palmer
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

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