Greetings, All - I'm running LilyPond 2.11.53 under Windows XP SP3. I feel more than slightly embarrassed: I just finished the GDP rewrite of repeats, and I cannot figure out what the problem is with this snippet. I keep getting a "more alternatives than repeats" error. It prints to pdf, but no second ending.
Thanks for your help, Ralph %%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin snippet %%%%%%%%% %The Blue Ball & The False Proof \version "2.11.53" \include "" BlueBallUp = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 6/8 %Part A \repeat volta 2 { b,8 fs' e d cs a | } \alternative { {cs8 b a b4 a8 } | {cs8 b a b4.} | } %Part B fs'4 b,8 d cs b | \bar "|." } \layout { indent = #0 } \score { \BlueBallUp } %%%%%%%%% end snippet %%%%%%%% _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list