Beautiful! Thanks, Mats.

I modified the snippet to make it a little more readable in the score.

Would this be a candidate for the LSR? If so, I'll go ahead and submit
it. Is there any standard format?

Thanks again,

Ralph Palmer
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

%%%%%%%% modified snippet:

\version "2.10.0"
\include ""

Music = {
       \key c \major

       \time 4/4
        \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) { 
% Bar 1
        r8    g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] r8    g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c''
e''] |
        c'2                               c'2
        r8    a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f']       r8    a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f']
        c2                                c2

% Bar 2
        a'8 b'         c'' d''            e'' f''            g'' a''
        d'4              d'                d'                d'
        c16 d e f        d e f g           e f g a           f g a b
        a,4              a,4               a,4               a,4
% Bar 3 ...

\score {
  \new PianoStaff
    \new Staff << 
         \voiceA \\ 
    \new Staff {
      \clef bass
          \voiceC \\ 

%%%%%%%%%%% end modified snippet 

-----Original Message-----
From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:15 AM
To: Palmer, Ralph
Subject: Re: \parallelMusic and PianoStaff, again

Just keep repeating bar after bar, without any extra curly braces.
Also, I had forgot to include \voiceOne / \voiceTwo and so on (below, I
did this implicitly using the <<{...} \\ {...} >> feature).
Here comes a modified version of your example.

\version "2.10.0"
\include ""

Music = {
       \key c \major

       \time 4/4
        \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) { % Bar 1
        r8    g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] r8    g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c''
e''] |
        c'2                               c'2 |
        r8    a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] r8    a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] |
        c2                                c2 |

% Bar 2
        a'8 b'         c'' d''            e'' f''            g'' a''' |
        d'4              d'                d'                d' |
        c'16 d' e' f'    d' e' f' g'       e' f' g' a'       f' g' a' b'
        a4               a4                a4                a4 |
% Bar 3 ...

\score {
  \new PianoStaff<<
    \new Staff << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >>
    \new Staff {
      \clef bass
      << \voiceC \\ \voiceD >>


Palmer, Ralph wrote:
> Hi -
> I'm running LilyPond 2.10.0 under Windows XP Pro SP2.
> With Mats' help, I've come closer, but still no joy.
> To clarify, I'm looking for a way to combine \parallelMusic with 
> PianoStaff, so that I get a way to write polyphony on a piano staff, 
> and write the polyphony one measure at a time. The reason for writing 
> all four parts one measure at a time is that doing so makes it a lot 
> easier (I think) to spot problems and make corrections. Otherwise, 
> after ten page of score, I think it would get cumbersome to write and 
> check the results.
> Here's what I've got so far. I added another measure, to see if I 
> could figure out how \parallelMusic behaves.
> Ralph
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%begin snippet
> \version "2.10.0"
> \include ""
> Music = {
>        \key c \major
>        \time 4/4
>         \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) {
>         {r8    g'16[ c''] e''[ g' c'' e''] r8    g'16[ c''] e''[ g'
> e''] |
>         c'2                               c'2
> |
>         r8    a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f'] r8    a16[ d'] f'[ a d' f']
> |
>         c2                               c2
> | 
>         }
>         {a'8 b'         c'' d''            e'' f''            g'' a'''
> |
>         d'4              d'                d'                d'
> |
>         c'16 d' e' f'    d' e' f' g'       e' f' g' a'       f' g' a'
> |
>         a4               a4                a4                a4
> |
>         }
> }
> }
> \score {
>              \new PianoStaff<<
>                   \new Staff <<
>             \Music
>             \new Voice \voiceA
> %{  also tried
>            \new Voice \voiceOne \voiceA
>                   with \voiceTwo, voiceThree, and voiceFour
>                   added in the comparable places for \voiceB through 
> \voiceD %}
>                     \new Voice \voiceB
>           >>
>                   \new Staff <<
>             \clef bass
>             \new Voice \voiceC
>                     \new Voice \voiceD
>           >>
>         >>
>       }
> %%%%%%%%%%end snippet
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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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