It seems based on the thread thus far, wool is ideal. One thing I am
not clear on is, if a wool base layer is worn with cotton over it,
will the base layer still wick away the sweat, or will the cotton soak
it up? Or is wearing multiple layers of wool the only option to stay
warm and dry?
 Coming from a cost perspective, it seems if one can afford just one
wool base layer and then wear regular clothes (i.e.-cotton) over it
then it might be a little easier to "swallow" the cost of the wool.

Shawn (ATX)

On Dec 6, 10:18 pm, kent <> wrote:
> The standard cold weather equation is a warm, wicking base layer, an
> insulating layer and then a wind/waterproof shell.  Even hardcore
> synthetics fans would agree that wool makes a good base or mid layer,
> but most would swear by GoreTex and its descendants for the outer
> layer.  What do you wear on top in the cold and/or wet?


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