When considering the cost of wool, bear in mind that it need not be washed each 
time you use it. Hang it up and let it dry. Then wear it again. and again. You 
get the idea. When to wash? Opinions vary, but mine is when I can start to 
smell an odor, it's time. Salt is no trouble. Just brush it off and keep going.

Ixnay on cotton in any layer, for cold weather. In warmer weather, a cotton 
seersucker or waffle weave shirt is quite nice over a thin wool base. For icier 
days, and where wool costs more than you can do for 2 layers, use polyproylene 
insulating garments over the wool. They probably won't stink either.

From: shawn <calamari6...@gmail.com>

Coming from a cost perspective, it seems if one can afford just one
wool base layer and then wear regular clothes (i.e.-cotton) over it
then it might be a little easier to "swallow" the cost of the wool.



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