On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <
thill....@gmail.com> wrote:

> "Maybe because being someone considers a free/free hub more useful
> than a free/fixed one?"
> I don't think so. A freewheel can easily be used on a hub that is
> threaded for fixed gear, but it's not advisable to use a fixed cog on
> a hub threaded for a freewheel.

I certainly prefer a reverse threaded lockring, but I've ridden fixed cogs
on fw hubs for years with no more than grease on the threads and have never
had a problem. I am just careful not to skip stop, but backpressure never
loosened one (I don't run a rear brake). I don't bother with a lockring; I
wonder if a right hand thread lockring for a rh thread cog makes any
difference. (The one time I did use loctite, I made the mistake of using
red. When I had to remove it, I put the cog in a vise and used the wheel as
a lever: the Dura Ace cog shattered and the force distorted the
circumference of the threads -- it made little hills in the threaded part of
the hub. Yes, I learned later about heat.

My Riv fixies have as low as a 10.3 inch bb height with the tires I favor,
and I use track or quill or platform pedals; no problems; again, I'm just
careful. But I can see that, from an insurance liability/lawyer attack
perspective you would want to be careful.

> That the QB is spec'ed with a free/
> free hub (not exactly a commonly available item) seems intentionally
> intended to make fixed-gear use more difficult without substantially
> modifying the standard part-spec. I suspect that there was some
> liability concern regarding cornering with a low BB, getting fingers,
> pants, shoelaces caught in the chain, etc. Some of the stock fixed/
> free bikes that we sell (e.g. Redline 9-2-5) include a chainguard,
> which mitigates some of these potential liabilities.
> Jim
> On Mar 3, 9:37 am, Horace <max...@sdf.lonestar.org> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 7:24 AM, Bill Connell <bconn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Patrick in VT <psh...@drm.com> wrote:
> >
> > >> soooo .....why not a fixed/free hub?
> >
> > > It IS an interesting question, given that flexibility in usage is a
> > > hallmark of Rivendell designs.
> >
> > Maybe because being someone considers a free/free hub more useful than
> > a free/fixed one?
> >
> > I actually prefer the current design, because it lets me run two
> > different size freewheels. I only ride fixed on the track, and I don't
> > ride my Quickbeam on the track.
> >
> > Horace.
> >

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