on 3/3/09 6:18 AM, Patrick in VT at psh...@drm.com wrote:
> I forgot to ask - Does Riv have a reason why the QB doesn't come with
> a fixed/free hub?  I thought maybe they don't want a fixie out there
> with less than perfect chainline - not a big deal, but maybe it's a
> "cya" kind of thing.  also, with a fixed/free, one could still use 2
> freewheels, so what gives?
> single speed freewheeling and fixed gear riding are very different
> exercises, and it seems like most would want the fixed gear option
> without having to buy or build a new wheel.
> any thoughts?

I've run a fixed sprocket on the one side from very early on. I used a bb
retainer ring as a lockring, which has worked fine.

- Jim
Jim Edgar

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bone-machine, grown Lexan-armored tires, near-frictionless bearings, and gas
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