On Wednesday, May 18, 2016, Adam Brusselback <adambrusselb...@gmail.com>

> > On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Raymond O'Donnell <r...@iol.ie
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','r...@iol.ie');>> wrote:
>> > Having said all that, I've rarely had any trouble with pgAdmin 3 on
>> > Windows 7 and XP, Ubuntu and Debian; just a very occasional crash (maybe
>> > one every six months).
> So just to chime in, it has not been at all that stable for my team and
> I.  It's not bad when connections are all stable or you're connecting to a
> local instance, but if the connection between you and the server isn't
> perfect... it's one of the least stable pieces of software I've ever used.
> I'm sure for those who's servers are hosted locally, and you connect
> through a lan, or those with a decent provider, it works much better than
> for me.
> My team is all remote though, and we don't have an office. Each of my
> employees connects using their own internet connection, with varying
> reliability.  Servers hosted on a cloud provider.  Crashes happen multiple
> times a day for most.
Have you tried interjecting pg_bouncer into the flow?  Probably on the
client machine.

David J.

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