On 17/05/2016 18:38, Guyren Howe wrote:
> On May 17, 2016, at 2:22 , Achilleas Mantzios <ach...@matrix.gatewaynet.com> 
> wrote:
>> Sorry if I missed something but what's wrong with pgadmin3 ?
> Apart from it's awful, clunky, bug-ridden and crash prone, nothing.

In fairness to pgAdmin 3:

- It's not a development platform, such as MS Access tries to be; it's
an admin tool, pure and simple.

- pgAdmin 4 is in heavy development, and not too far from a beta;
pgAdmin 3 has only been receiving bug fixes for quite some time now.

- A lot of the problems in pgAdmin 3 are due to upstream bugs in
wxWidgets, over which the pgAdmin team has no control (hence pgAdmin 4).

Having said all that, I've rarely had any trouble with pgAdmin 3 on
Windows 7 and XP, Ubuntu and Debian; just a very occasional crash (maybe
one every six months).

Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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