On 17/05/2016 20:38, Guyren Howe wrote:
On May 17, 2016, at 2:22 , Achilleas Mantzios <ach...@matrix.gatewaynet.com>
Sorry if I missed something but what's wrong with pgadmin3 ?
Apart from it's awful, clunky, bug-ridden and crash prone, nothing.
There is a solution for that : either find the bugs and submit patches or pay
the developers to fix the bugs or make you a custom version
or go buy some other tool, or write your own or live with psql (like most
people do).
In the occasions (once/twice a week) that I needed pgadmin during my last 16
years with postgresql, it delivered just fine.
Some guys here use some better tools to access pgsql but they all cost money. I
have paid for RazorSQL for accessing our MS SQL server,
then felt lucky I was accessing pgsql via psql (or even pgqdmin3) all those
Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt
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