[] On Behalf Of Mike Sofen

I disagree.  I’ve worked as database architect/engineer at a number of large 
and small firms in various verticals (healthcare, financials, insurance, 
aerospace, telecom, etc), and created complete database api’s via stored 
procs/stored functions, some of which were quite complex.  I’ve found that a 
mid-level database developer, with modest coaching and good comments in the 
code, can pick up the code, support it and even enhance it.  So the notion that 
experts can only write and maintain quality code isn’t valid in my experience.


The original proposition was that this (a stored procedure API) was such a 
simple task any beginner could do it with ease. My view is that it is a job for 
a seasoned application developer with SQL skills that go well beyond simple 
queries. I don’t see much disagreement here.


There is definitely a difference in capability/velocity/solution  solving 
between junior, mid-level and senior developers, but that isn’t a deal killer, 
it’s just something that needs to be managed and accounted for.  


One reason for a database api is that ORMs have proved themselves incapable of 
proper scaling and ACID compliance, where stored procs/functions are capable of 
leveraging the massive set-based relational power of the underlying engine, and 
leverage efficient functionalities like windowing functions.


I agree absolutely. ORMs exists because of a strong desire to do business logic 
coding in the big 5 OO languages and not in whatever dialect of SQL may or may 
not be available on the RDBMS in question. The whole point of Andl is to make 
set-based relational logic including user-written accumulation functions, 
recursion (CTE) and ordered queries (windowing) available and accessible to 
ordinary developers, and totally avoid the need for an ORM.


So I guess you’d say I’m in the entirely opposite camp, since it’s proven to be 
such an effective solution architecture for many applications that leverage 
relational database engines.


It is indeed a totally effective architecture. If you haven’t already read it I 
strongly recommend
 fora detailed description. It’s effective, but it sure ain’t easy, especially 
if you value portability between RDBMS. Andl aims to fill that gap: make that 
architecture accessible to all.


I don’t think we’re in different camps at all.



David M Bennett FACS


Andl - A New Database Language -


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