On 17/05/2016 12:16, Geoff Winkless wrote:
On 17 May 2016 at 09:34, Pierre Chevalier Géologue
<pierrechevalierg...@free.fr> wrote:
On this matter, I hear *very* often from such guys that the only reproach
they have to PostgreSQL is that it does not come with a slick GUI like
Access. PGAdmin does not suit their needs at all: they want to design their
forms, directly write into the tables by using quick'n easy/dirty copy/paste
from/to their Excel (yes, it is still lying around). I understand them,
There are a few tools around, many proprietary ones, some Free/Libre ones,
but they are still looking for a sort of Holy Grail that would definitely
convince them. A standard client tool that would come with any PostgreSQL
installation would please them. Some sort of psqlGUI, I guess.
Why reinvent the wheel? I would say that putting the development
effort into the OpenOffice Base app would be time better spent.
Sorry if I missed something but what's wrong with pgadmin3 ?
Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt
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