Le 04/05/2016 13:36, dandl a écrit :
Then I think you've seriously misunderstood. Most people can
indeed learn to write basic SQL queries, but those are
(obviously) not what I'm talking about.

To write the business logic of a significant application
entirely in SQL requires PLSQL (or in other dialects, whatever
passes for SQL/PSM). It means writing an entire data access
layer as a set of stored procedures, with a substantial set of
special functions, types, triggers and so on. No beginner and
few experts have the skills required to do that in SQL, and then
debug that code on the server.

All right, I understand better now. I think I also totally missed your point, sorry...
I'll give a look at andl.

Pierre Chevalier
PChGEI: Pierre Chevalier Géologue Et Informaticien
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