
Le 04/05/2016 13:36, Szymon Lipiński a écrit :
On 4 May 2016 at 13:13, Chris Travers <chris.trav...@gmail.com
<mailto:chris.trav...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    A few observations

    On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Geoff Winkless <pgsqlad...@geoff.dj
    <mailto:pgsqlad...@geoff.dj>> wrote:

        On 4 May 2016 at 06:46, dandl <da...@andl.org
        <mailto:da...@andl.org>> wrote:
        > I'm a strong believer in putting the business code next to the data, 
not the wrong
        > side of the object-relational divide. However, for many the challenge 
of writing and
        > debugging SQL code is just too high!

        Your source for this statement please? "For many" sounds rather like
        weasel-words to me. In my experience, a wide range of people, from
        beginners to experts, find SQL easy to write and debug.

Yes, I agree. SQL is just crystal-clear to write, read and understand. I found out that debugging is usually not a common exercise in SQL, because the language is so trivial.

 From my perspective there is one more thing: when I tried, in couple of
companies, to move some part of the logic to a database, then usually
the management said "no, that's not doable, as we will have trouble with
finding good sql programmers later",

Shocking! Apart from very few languages I know, SQL is by far more productive and efficient, for many-many tasks.

and we were still writing all the logic outside the database.

I used to implement the logic outside the database, like you mention, *but* I was writing plain SQL. Only when I had specific needs, then I would switch to another language which would just get the results from a well-polished plain SQL query, process, and feed back things into the database (with another well-polished SQL, of course) or just throw the results out somewhere else (file, screen, picture, whatever). No ORM or any complication.

And I find SQL fairly easy to debug and maintain, no need for fancy tools: an editor and a console (psql or equivalent) and you're up and going!

Nowadays, things got quite different, and I tend to stuff more and more logic inside the database. Which is often merely converting SQL queries into views...

But it comes with a counterpart: the more you put logic inside your DBMS, the more dependent you become. As far as I'm concerned, I recently decided to just stick to PostgreSQL forever! (or almost)


PS: sorry for the double-reply, Szymon: I forgot *again* to hit Shift-Ctrl-R instead of Ctrl-R, shame on me...
Pierre Chevalier
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