Messages by Thread
[Open Babel] Augmented Reality
Chris Swain via OpenBabel-discuss
[Open Babel] Documentation Issue
Nathan Jenkins
[Open Babel] Coding guidelines on style, standards, dependencies
David Toneian
[Open Babel] convert several out files to hin or mol
Mohammad Goodarzi
[Open Babel] Openbabel Installation
Takeru Hayashi
[Open Babel] Openbabel warnings
[Open Babel] error in --gen3d and obminimize
[Open Babel] No supported formats listed
Groner, Rob
[Open Babel] How to set occupancy for a protein created from scratch
Lukas Pravda
[Open Babel] Openbabel and Optimize in Pymol
Renee Arias
[Open Babel] Openbabel Anaconda package Python 3 support
Luciano Kagami
[Open Babel] Gen3d not working in .NET
Leif Peterson
[Open Babel] Confab conformer search for hydrogen
Tayeb Kakeshpour
[Open Babel] Open a large .rsmi (443 MB)
Mirko Hu
[Open Babel] Java bindings undefined symbol: _ZTVN9OpenBabel30OBMinimizingRMSDConformerScoreE
Vinothkumar Mohanakrishnan
[Open Babel] .NET: FP2 maplist is zero-based?
Leif Peterson
[Open Babel] Creating a Symmetric Disulfide Containing SMILES string
John Michael Bruning
[Open Babel] Java Bindings Still Not Getting Built
Matthew Lardy
[Open Babel] Failed Tests and Broken Bindings (OB 2.4.1)
Matthew Lardy
[Open Babel] Installation of Python Binding ubuntu
[Open Babel] Issues with a Static Compile of OB 2.4.1
[Open Babel] Issues Maintaining Bond Order Through Conversion
Biruk Abreha
[Open Babel] Babel 1.05 on Android
Alan Liška
Re: [Open Babel] Trouble converting .sdf files downloaded from PDB website
[Open Babel] saving conformer coordinates from --confab
Tayeb Kakeshpour
[Open Babel] H-Bond Donor detection OpenBabel / Pybel
Sebastian Salentin
[Open Babel] Error on installing openbabel-2.4.1
Yang, Chengxi
[Open Babel] Open Babel Gasteiger partial charges and the -p option
Re: [Open Babel] RESOLVED -- OpenBabel.openbabel_csharpPINVOKE Exception (error) in .NET
Noel O'Boyle
[Open Babel] obfit question
John Michael Bruning
[Open Babel] Visual Studio 2015 C# Initialization Exception, .dll's are Obfuscated?
Leif Peterson
[Open Babel] Help
Haddadi Kiandokht
[Open Babel] Getting bond information
Julian Kerr
[Open Babel] Displaying Titles for .smi to .png conversion
John Michael Bruning
[Open Babel] Question about src/forcefielduff.cpp
Tang, Dai
[Open Babel] Problem of installing open-babel locally on Mac
Tang, Dai
[Open Babel] print UFF parameters
Tang, Dai
[Open Babel] Openbabel 2.4.1 reading MOL file with radicals failed
[Open Babel] Problem of installation OpenBabel on Cygwin
??????? ?????
[Open Babel] Openbabel - 2.4.1 - Compilation error for Python Binding
Kumar Jha, Pankaj
[Open Babel] how to convert
Mohammad Goodarzi
[Open Babel] Suppress openbabel warnings in python
Re: [Open Babel] Openbabel - 2.3.2 with gcc 6.3 Compilation error
Geoffrey Hutchison
[Open Babel] Isomorphisms of Stereoisomers
Susanne Salzmann
[Open Babel] Atoms order in exported PDB
[Open Babel] For some g09 log files pybel.readfile throws StopIteration error
[Open Babel] Hello, I have a question for Openbabel GUI
[Open Babel] Buidling OpenBabel devel. lib for windows / msys / mingw64
Sébastien Le Roux
[Open Babel] Fail to reproduce obabel --gen3d in pybel
Xianghai Sheng
[Open Babel] Problems importing pybel on Mac
Finn Maloney
[Open Babel] Reading large coordinate files in C++ using Babel
Sébastien Le Roux
[Open Babel] fastsearch <-> chemfp converter
Andrew Dalke
[Open Babel] Add hydrogen bonding water to molecule
[Open Babel] Reg: Packing openbabel along with my Java application
Vinothkumar Mohanakrishnan
[Open Babel] using Open Babel for virtual library generation
Siavoush Dastmalchi via OpenBabel-discuss
[Open Babel] Error in file conversion
[Open Babel] Using OBPairData in python
Xianghai Sheng
[Open Babel] netcharge of a molecule
[Open Babel] Best way to convert pdbqt to pdb
[Open Babel] Help with generation of atom names in mol2 format
Antonio Jesus Banegas Luna
[Open Babel] Canonical smiles for cis/trans species
murat keçeli
[Open Babel] Issue
Jose manuel Suarez Sierra
[Open Babel] Openbabel installation on virtual envirnment
jaidev joshi
[Open Babel] Not able to use Pybel
Abhishek Gupta
[Open Babel] Open Babel Descriptors
Andrew Lang
[Open Babel] Just FYI
Chris Swain
[Open Babel] naming of pictures
Jiří Vedral
[Open Babel] Reg: Conformer Search Write Conformers as SDF File
Vinothkumar Mohanakrishnan
[Open Babel] Obabel warning while pdb to sdf conversion
[Open Babel] Aromaticity
[Open Babel] ORIGINAL Passport, Driving License, (
[Open Babel] ORIGINAL Passport, Driving License, ID, TOEFL / IELTS(
[Open Babel] Bioconda
Chris Swain
Re: [Open Babel] Firefly dat output error
Geoffrey Hutchison