
I study about the molecular structures taken from the binding database which
were downloaded as sdf formats. 

When I use the --gen3d option, it takes a long time to reach the 3d
structures results, and often it takes more than a day for a large number of
molecules, such as 200 molecules in a file, and does not work properly. 
I do not know why this is happening and what's the problem 

Sometimes the execution of the obminimize program with mmff94 force filde is
also error 
"force filed cannot set up" 

Most of these errors occur after several times working 
For example, if I have three molecules categorizes, the program does not
work properly for the third category. 
To fix the problem, I changed Windows one time, but it was useless 
I work in the windows 7 (64 bit) environment and use cmd interface and the
open babel version 2.4.1 
i have experience with this program properly once before and had no errors 

thank you for your attention

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