On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, John Gay wrote:

> But I want a magic "use this<feature> for high quality" switch!
        How many $/Euro/... do you have? :-)

> Eliminate the shaking of my home videos?


        might be what you're looking for.

> Restore cut-off heads, feet, whatever?

        Hmmm, that's a bit difficult - maybe Shake or Combustion could be
        used for that.

> Make all the people in my videos look like glamour models instead of ugly 
> relatives?

        Photoshop?  <grin>

> But seriously, thanks again for your detailed explanations of the magic of 

        You're welcome.  Wasn't all that detailed - I left out all the
        arithmetic/math :)

> work, I only use -f 8 and trust that your defaults well render the better 
> quality.

        To an extent that's what I do ;)  Oh, I've a set of options I add in
        all the time but mostly I just adjust "-b" and "-q" according to the 
        length of the project and do the "quality" tweeking with filters
        outside of the encoder.

        As an added "bonus tip" - here's quick and easy guesstimator for
        bitrate calculation.  Assumes 1 audio (224Kb/s) and 1 video track,
        a few percent of the DVD capacity is reserved for menus, subtitles,
        and other "overhead items".  I'll skip the derivation but...

        For a single layer disc take divide the length (in minutes) of the
        project into 560.  The result will be the average video bitrate in
        megabits/sec.   Thus for a 120 (2hr) movie on a 4.38GB DVD-R we have
        560/120 = 4.666 megabits/sec or "-b 4666".  I round up and add a little
        (since I know the characteristics of the input or am using fewer motion
        menus, or a lower audio rate) and thus "-b 4800" or 4900 would be a
        very good guesstimate or starting point.

        Of course that's not a hard&fast rule but it is a good starting point
        and has proven to be fairly accurate or close to filling the disc.

        For dual layer projects use 1012 instead of 560 (double layer media
        is NOT 2x the capacity since the 2nd layer is lesser capacity).



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