On Wed, 5 Apr 2006, Nicolas wrote:


> Thank you for your reply! =)

        You're welcome - I hope it was not too abrasive/obnoxious ;)

> >     hmmm - Cinelerra getting the field order wrong?
> Exactly. At least with the SVN version I fetched 1 month ago. There's a

        Ouch.  One would think a problem like that would be fixed quickly, but
        Cinelerra doesn't have mailinglists, etc and getting in touch with
        the developer is difficult (I tried once years ago and never heard

> >     Is that a typo?  The argument to -D needs to be 8, 9 or 10.
> You're right, that's a typo when I paste the command line in mutt. The

        Ah ok.

> OK. The problem is that I don't know which options are set when using -f 8.

        The important ones ;)  All you should need to specify is the '-q'
        and perhaps a bitrate.

> >     -V 1853 is ABSURDLY high.  That value is the amount of "buffering"
> Damn! I thought the value was in kb, not KB. That's why I used 1853. In

        kilo-bytes.  So 1853 is enough for 4x a High-Def stream ;)

> Well, in fact, I set -b 9800 to get the highest possible quality while
> staying in the "standard limits". I really want CBR, since I put only 45

        A couple hundred kilobits/sec won't be visible - even to "golden

> minutes on each DVD. That's why I don't use -q 3 for example.
> My audio bitrate is 384 kbps. When mplexing the streams I get a total
> bitrate of 10404, which is below the limit.

        Maybe not really - you forgot to include the muxing/navigation overhead.
        There is additional information in a "VOB" stream that gets read in
        addition to the video and audio streams.  Best to leave a little extra

        Couple things to remember:  NO encoder has 100% perfect rate control.
        Doesn't matter if you're trying for 'cbr' or not - there's be a peak
        or spike that'll cause the stream to slightly exceed the buffering
        I didn't see that you used "--cbr" anywhere.

        From the manpage:

NOTE: By default MPEG-2 streams (-f 3, 4, 5, 8 and  9  are VBR.   Use  the  
      --cbr option for generating CBR (Constant Bit Rate) streams.

      Oh, another thing to remember is that there's a good possiblity you'll
      simply cause the encoder to use "stuffing bits" to pad the bitrate.
      Those are bits effectively read from /dev/null and put into the stream
      to give you a constant bitrate.  Padding/stuffing bits are 100% wasted 
      (non-picture) bits.

> I know the DVD players on which the DVD will be played indeed. Those
> DVDs are family movies, and the standalone DVD players are modern and

        Your family's performing in a classical concert and you used good
        external microphones to capture a high quality soundtrack (rather than
        the microphones builtin to the camcorder which are not very good
        I've found)?

        384Kb/s for audio is overkill for video recorded with onboard/builtin
        camcorder microphones.  I think if you used 224Kb/s or even 192Kb/s
        you wouldn't notice the difference and the slightly lower muxed data
        rate would avoid the warnings you're seeing.


> OK. So, I don't worry anymore about the "missing B frames". ;-)
        THat's a good idea - especially if there are "high motion" scenes.
        "Home video" often has wild zooms/pans and so a straight IPPPP...
        sequence is better anyhow.

> I do not specify a value for -r. However, I have that warning message :
> INFO: [mplex] rough-guess multiplexed stream data rate    : 10403400
> INFO: [mplex] target data-rate specified               : 10080000
> ++ WARN: [mplex] Target data rate lower than computed requirement!
> ++ WARN: [mplex] N.b. a 20% or so discrepancy in variable bit-rate
> ++ WARN: [mplex] streams is common and harmless provided no
> time-outs will occur
> INFO: [mplex] Run-in Sectors = 89 Video delay = 13019 Audio
> delay = 16619

        That's just a warning based on mplex's estimated max rate 

        The target (-f 8) maximum rate is 10.08 Mb/s (10080000) but mplex
        has estimated that the stream will actually need 10.4034 ( 10403400).

        As long as no "under run" errors (which are Fatal) happen you're ok.

> The warning explanation given in the message don't help me. I use CBR
> bitrate, not VBR. Is that message a problem? Is there any problem using
> -r 10404 as I did before?

        could well be passing thru a stream with a rate spike that'll cause

        Why not just go down slightly - try 224 for the audio and perhaps
        9600 for the video.  You won't hear or see the difference but it
        will probably end the warnings.

        Good Luck!

        Steven Schultz

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