On Thursday 06 April 2006 18:03, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
>         Compression is an art form - there is no magic "use this <feature>
> for high quality".

But I want a magic "use this<feature> for high quality" switch! Can't I please 
have a magic switch? I think it would make my videos so much better without 
me having to think if I had a magic switch.

And while you're at it, can you add features to:
Eliminate the shaking of my home videos?
Restore cut-off heads, feet, whatever?
Make all the people in my videos look like glamour models instead of ugly 

But seriously, thanks again for your detailed explanations of the magic of 
MPEG. Don't think I'll ever understand all the switches, but for most of my 
work, I only use -f 8 and trust that your defaults well render the better 


        John Gay

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