On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Nicolas wrote:

> Well, I sent an email to the mailing-list. It's now easy to get in touch
> with the developers. I think that bug will be quickly solved, if it's
        Interesting - at one time there was just 1 developer and he was
        impossible to contact.

> Well, in fact, I was reading an man page which is some months old. And

        That's why using the latest version is recommended ;)

> I'll use a lower video bitrate (9600) and lower audio bitrate (224) as
> you suggested me. I'll test that.

        Let us know if you see or hear a difference :)

> As regards to the B-frames, I just read this in the (NEW) man page:
> There  should  be  an option to force GOP sizes that permit 2 B frames
> between I/P frames.  Some decoders (even software)  can't handle the
> case where I/P frames come back to back or with only 1 B frame between

        That's one of two things:  1) left over and needs to be removed or 
        2) Another way of saying "mpeg2enc will not necessarily catch invalid
        combinations of options if you're playing around".

        Hmmm, maybe even both 1 and 2 <grin>

> all the documentation I read about the mpeg2 GOP structure, there was
> B-frames. Anyway, you explained me there's no problem with a "B-frame

        Right - because almost all folks have never bothered to run encodings
        with and without them ;)   The encoding time increases substantially
        because  B frames are computationally expensive and the resulting
        file, at least with mpeg2enc (I'm trying to find time to experiment
        with other encoders), has always been larger (higher bitrate) when
        using B frames.  So I stopped using them ;)  I do have a couple
        other encoders to test with - just haven't had time to do much with 
        them .

        Steven Schultz

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