> >     \addlyrics {
> >       \override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-name = "Woorin R"
> >       [...]
> Where did you find this?

In a comment of `sakura-sakura.ly' which is part of the lilypond
bundle.  I've already mentioned in my last email that this particular
bit of information is probably missing from the documentation.
However, as soon as you are familiar with `grobs' (graphical objects)
in lilypond you would have been able to find this by yourself.

> 1) Supposing one's system is utf8-based -- am I right that with
> cjk.sty at default one has no access to other fonts (and characters
> of them in a different encoding) than myoungjo (like pilgi)?

This is not correct.  I said that in the TeXLive distribution only a
single Korean font, myoungjo, is present (due to storage limits), and
I also mentioned that Danai is providing a large set of Korean fonts
for the CJK package (in both KS and Unicode encoding).

> -- But would it (only) be possible with \begin{CJK}[HL]{KS} if the
> system is euckr-based?

The `HL' parameter selects the layout of the subfonts.  The default is
`foo01', `foo02', etc., and the HLaTeX fonts differ from that, so you
must specify it explicitly.  The `KS' indicates KS 5601 encoding (this
is EUC-KR basically).

Unicode encoded fonts always have the same subfont layout im my CJK
package, namely `fooXX' where `XX' are two lowercase hexadecimal

> Otherwise with what switch exactly could one access them -- if the
> necessary fonts are installed/converted?

If you have a Unicode encoded Korean font `foo', you have two

  . \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{foo}

     This starts a CJK environment with Unicode font `foo'.

  . \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{}

     This starts a CJK environment with Unicode encoding (using `song'
     as the default font), and you then manually switch to font `foo'.
     Again, we are going off-topic...

I've written some perl scripts to create proper Korean subfonts; in
the beginning of September, Danai has posted a large Makefile to the
CJK mailing list which uses them to do that automatically.  Since this
is an extremely time consuming process (I think Danai reported 48
hours or so for all fonts) you should rather use his pre-built

> 2) Is it possible to work cjk.sty and hangul.sty (hlatex) in the
> same document, if more than one fontenc would be loaded; what
> fontencs would that be? And should the compilation be run with latex
> or lamba then?

I have no idea, but honestly, I can't see an immediate reason to use
both at the same time.

> 3) phhh~ xelatex... another door to push open...
> Would this be the missing link or, is this a even replacement for
> hlatex/cjk?

Well, it makes life easier since both lilypond and xelatex use the
same mechanism (this is, fontconfig) to select and access fonts;
additionally, both programs understand UTF-8 only, and neither of them
needs subfonts but can use the TTFs directly.

> And what's the difference to lambda~?

lambda is the LaTeX macro package on top of Omega, a TeX extension.
The latter is no longer developed since John Plaice and Yannis
Haralambous, the original authors, have no interest in that any more,
for various reasons.  It is a painful story -- both John and Yannis
produced fantastic papers but delivered vaporware mostly.  It was
always badly documented, full of bugs and never really maintained.
The TeX community has waited 10 years or so for progress; today one
can say it's dead.  The future is XeTeX and LuaTeX which both use
ideas from Omega.

> unh... before entering the next level i have in mind to learn more
> basic things about (international) font specs! -- I'll get that
> recent book "fonts & encodings" :)

This isn't really necessary.  Just stay with Unicode (or rather,


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