Hello Werner! > I've never used HLaTeX directly -- everything is in Korean which I > don't understand
Of course I wouldn't expect that; But the hlguide.pdf (or hlguide-u.tex) nevertheless contains many English expressions -- and you're familiar with latex ;-) Step by step I'll reach my goal. This hint has done it: > You've done a syntax error: > > > \addlyrics { > > \override #'(font-name . "휴먼우린체,Woorin R") > > [...] > > This must be > > \addlyrics { > \override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-name = "Woorin R" > [...] > Where did you find this? I tested the engraving successfully several times with different fonts, without any extra effort; meanwhile I found one called "HYPillGi-Light" yet and, the result looks quite nice :-)) --- The status quo is that I will embed this lilypond-eps into the main document, which uses hlatex/lambda. Within hlatex, one can switch the (Korean) fonts easily. -- And if possible, within hlatex I would like to desribe via a listing (what means some lines of verbatim-code) how to change fontencs and -families with cjk.sty/utf8. I'd like to show if it's really possible to typeset with (e.g.) pilgi with cjk.sty or not -- therefor I needed the lyrics. All the same I partly understand now what's about this 'font-selection- business'. There are still some questions left, so sooner or later I'll take a closer look at your cjk-mailing-list (probably located at comp.text.tex), I guess. But before, just to get ahead with my essay, please tell me a few things more (though the questions may sound stupid~). 1) Supposing one's system is utf8-based -- am I right that with cjk.sty at default one has no access to other fonts (and characters of them in a different encoding) than myoungjo (like pilgi)? -- But would it (only) be possible with \begin{CJK}[HL]{KS} if the system is euckr-based? Otherwise with what switch exactly could one access them -- if the necessary fonts are installed/converted? 2) Is it possible to work cjk.sty and hangul.sty (hlatex) in the same document, if more than one fontenc would be loaded; what fontencs would that be? And should the compilation be run with latex or lamba then? 3) phhh~ xelatex... another door to push open... Would this be the missing link or, is this a even replacement for hlatex/cjk? And what's the difference to lambda~? unh... before entering the next level i have in mind to learn more basic things about (international) font specs! -- I'll get that recent book "fonts & encodings" :) Thanks a lot! Minsu _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user