Again thanks for your reply, Werner. Hopefully you are still in the mood for discussing this topic.
> > I therefore successfully integrated all that hlatex-stuff into my > > texlive. At first it seemed to work fine -- until some small > > disadvantages came up (e.g. emphasized Latin appear slanted and not > > italic, ther's no use of T1- fonts like marvosym, pifont, > > latexsym,... > > What exactly do you mean? HLaTeX, as far as I know, provides a > complete `HFSS' (Hangul Font Selection System) for Korean which should > not interact with non-Korean typesetting. Ehm, because i've been texing for about half a year now I only /start/ to understand what's all about that fonts and encodings stuff~ I installed hlatex next to CJK.sty etc to get the power of both; it seems now logical not being able to use T1 next to HFSS!-? ...though in his documentation of hlatex Mr Un used a glyph that looks like \ding{43}~ You may google for "hlguide.pdf", it's on p22 then. The latest stage with my Korean folksong is that I just happily finished "cleaning" it -- what just means all the notes and lyrics are "wellformed" and positioned and formatted correctly now :-) The lilypond code is nested as a paragraph in a .tex with CJK.sty-document. And it may be from interest, though the default font is MyoungJo the Hangul lyrics came out in 고딕 ('gotik', what's equivalent to 'sans serif'); so I guess sans serif is the default family for lyrics in lilypond (and latex). How to change the font is explained in "GNU LilyPond.html | 8.1.7 Font Selection" (resp. "lilypond.pdf") but, I still can't cope with it~ Anyhow, usable fonts can be found with $ lilypond -dshow-available-fonts blabla | more ...and there are hundreds. First, it tried just to add this \override-line: [Listing1] <code> \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{CJKutf8} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{mj} Arirang-lyrics: \par 아 -- 리 -- 랑, 아 -- 리 -- 랑, 아 -- 라 -- 리 -- 요,\\ 아 -- 리 -- 랑 고 -- 개 -- 로 넘 -- 어 -- 간 -- 다.\\ 나 -- 를 버 -- 리 -- 고 가 -- 시 -- 는 님 -- 은\\ 십 -- 리 -- 도 못 -- 가 -- 서 발 -- 병 -- 난 -- 다.\par Arirang-melody: \par \begin[line-width=100,staffsize=16,fontload]{lilypond} \relative c' { \key d \minor \time 3/4 c4. d8 c8[ d] f4. g8 f8[ g] a4 g8[ a] f8[ d] c4.( d8 c4) \break f4. g8 f8[ g] a8[ g] f8[ d] c8[ d] f4. g8 f4 f2. \break c'2 c4 c4 a4 g4 a4 g8 a\noBeam f8[ d] c4.( d8 c4) \break f4. g8 f8[ g] a8[ g] f8[ d] c8[ d] f4. g8 f4 f2. } \addlyrics { \override #'(font-name . "휴먼우린체,Woorin R") 아- 리- 랑, _ 아- 리- 랑, _ 아- 라- _ 리- _ 요 __ 아- 리- 랑 _ 고- _ 개- _ 로 _ 넘- 어- 간- 다. 나- 를 버- 리- 고 가- 시- 는 님- _ 은 __ 십- 리- 도 _ 못 _ 가- _ 서 _ 발- 병- 난- 다. } \end{lilypond} \end{CJK} \end{document} </code> lilypond cuts off like the following: ... lilypond wird ausgeführt...GNU LilyPond 2.10.33 »« wird verarbeitet Analysieren... »arirang-cjk-test.tex« wird verarbeitet Analysieren... arirang-cjk-test.tex:83:26: Fehler: syntax error, unexpected SCM_TOKEN, expecting LYRICS_STRING or STRING or STRING_IDENTIFIER \override #'(font-name . "Woorin R") arirang-cjk-test.tex:74:16: Fehler: Fehler gefunden, musikalischer Ausdruck wird ignoriert ... The result is only the staffs are engraved without the lyrics. The next I tried was this: [Listing2] <code> \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{CJKutf8} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{mj} Arirang-lyrics: \par 아 -- 리 -- 랑, 아 -- 리 -- 랑, 아 -- 라 -- 리 -- 요,\\ 아 -- 리 -- 랑 고 -- 개 -- 로 넘 -- 어 -- 간 -- 다.\\ 나 -- 를 버 -- 리 -- 고 가 -- 시 -- 는 님 -- 은\\ 십 -- 리 -- 도 못 -- 가 -- 서 발 -- 병 -- 난 -- 다.\par Arirang-melody: \par \begin[line-width=100,staffsize=16,fontload]{lilypond} \paper { myStaffSize = #16 #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "휴먼명조" "HYPillGi-Light" "휴먼엑스포" (/ myStaffSize 16))) } \relative c' { \key d \minor \time 3/4 c4. d8 c8[ d] f4. g8 f8[ g] a4 g8[ a] f8[ d] c4.( d8 c4) \break f4. g8 f8[ g] a8[ g] f8[ d] c8[ d] f4. g8 f4 f2. \break c'2 c4 c4 a4 g4 a4 g8 a\noBeam f8[ d] c4.( d8 c4) \break f4. g8 f8[ g] a8[ g] f8[ d] c8[ d] f4. g8 f4 f2. } \addlyrics { 아- 리- 랑, _ 아- 리- 랑, _ 아- 라- _ 리- _ 요 __ 아- 리- 랑 _ 고- _ 개- _ 로 _ 넘- 어- 간- 다. 나- 를 버- 리- 고 가- 시- 는 님- _ 은 __ 십- 리- 도 _ 못 _ 가- _ 서 _ 발- 병- 난- 다. } \end{lilypond} \end{CJK} \end{document} </code> ...with the following output: ... lilypond wird ausgeführt...GNU LilyPond 2.10.33 »« wird verarbeitet Analysieren... »arirang-cjk-test.tex« wird verarbeitet Analysieren... Interpretation der Musik...[8][16] Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente... Warnung: FreeType-Ansicht hat keinen PostScript-Schriftartnamen Warnung: FreeType-Ansicht hat keinen PostScript-Schriftartnamen Programmierfehler: can't align on self: empty element Fortsetzung, die Finger kreuzen Programmierfehler: can't align on self: empty element Fortsetzung, die Finger kreuzen Warnung: FreeType-Ansicht hat keinen PostScript-Schriftartnamen Programmierfehler: can't align on self: empty element Fortsetzung, die Finger kreuzen ... The result here is, that the staffs are engraved with empty lines between them instead of the lyrics. The following things are remarkable: A) (make-pango-font-tree "휴먼명조" "HYPillGi-Light" "휴먼엑스포" ...) --> According to the documentation probably the first ""-font here stands for 'roman' (therefor I took a MyoungJo-font); the second one could be 'sans serif' (...); the last is monospaced/typewriter-like (...). I don't know if this is right and all have to be declared and in what order. My desired font "Pilgi" looks like handwritten and there I'd categorize it as 'sans'. B) lilyponds detects them, but cannot display them; actually, these fonts seem to be .ttf only C) entering "lilypond -dshow-available-fonts blabla" into the console ends with the following lines: <tons of font declarations omitted> ... family DejaVu Serif DejaVu Serif:style=Bold family zenLgaiji zenLgaiji:style=Regular Config files: /etc/fonts/fonts.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/00kde.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/20-fix-globaladvance.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/20-lohit-gujarati.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/20-unhint-small-vera.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/30-amt-aliases.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/30-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/30-urw-aliases.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/40-generic.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/49-sansserif.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf Config files: /home/biseo/.fonts.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/51-local.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/60-latin.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/61-culmus.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/65-fonts-persian.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/65-nonlatin.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/69-unifont.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/80-delicious.conf Config files: /etc/fonts/conf.d/90-synthetic.conf Config dir: /usr/share/fonts Config dir: /home/biseo/.fonts Config dir: /usr/local/share/fonts Font dir: /usr/share/fonts Font dir: /home/biseo/.fonts Font dir: /usr/local/share/fonts Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/100dpi Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/75dpi Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/TTF Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/Type1 Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/artwiz-fonts Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/cyrillic Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/encodings Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/local Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/misc Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/speedo Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/util Font dir: /usr/share/fonts/encodings/large I wonder why lilypond doesn't find any fonts beneath /usr/local/texlive/2007/* -- even though it is embedded in latex? And especially it converted the default myoungjo into a 'sans serif' -- without "make-pango-font- tree"? What am I supposed to enter for the "make-pango-font-tree" for the correct latex/CJK-fonts? > > Unfortunately there's another small problem with CJK.sty (or say > > more likely with my brain~). Until now, though I seemingly got all > > necessary fonts, I've still been able to use only the default font > > myoungjo (mj) for Korean. But because I prefer pilgi (pg) for > > typesetting the lyrics here -- what can I do? > > You mean the lyrics used in the music snippets? Assuming that you use > 2.11.xx or 2.10.xx, this is no longer controlled by TeX but by > LilyPond, so you have to look up LilyPond's documentation how to > change the font. Otherwise, please send an example. D) I did read all the stuff before. And it wouldn't help me much from becoming more confused~ E.g. lilypond is scanning the .tex-document and detects the Hangul auto- matically and converts it correctly. So why would it not be possible to specify a font /before/ the {lilypond}-block? ... > > The functionality of CJK/CJKutf8 is quite impressive. But I > > switched to hlatex for a particular document now mainly because I > > couldn't access any hlatex-fonts and wasn't able to change the > > encoding either. > > The easiest thing for us (especially for me is that you provide a > real example attached to a mail (so that the encoding of the document > doesn't get mangled). Old HLaTeX fonts are in EUC-KS encoding, while > the newer ones use Unicode only, IIRC. So where's the problem with > CJKutf8 and/or CJK? E) ... So I would like to learn how to do this within latex with CJK for that I must not 'bother' with lilypond any more. At first: declaring else than \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{mj} simply does not work! Either latex breaks off or the output is garbage! And "{mj}" (and not "{}") must be specified, otherwise latex will compile with "song". And following the steps ".../latex/CJK/doc/CJK.txt|Korean input" I haven't been able neither to write a document with e.g. \begin{CJK}{KS}{mj}...\end{CJK} with/without [HL] nor to get any \CJKchar except with [UTF8]. -- How can I change from {UTF8}{mj} to ([HL]){KS}{pg}? So, why can I see "가" with \CJKchar[UTF8]{"0AC}{"000} but not with \CJKchar[KS]{"016}{"001}; the only result is "129" and even "\usepackage[encapsulated]{CJK}" wouldn't help it?! And then, what's actually the difference between CJK.sty and CJKutf8.sty while anyway \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{mj} is used on my UTF8-system (well, e.g. CJK.sty shows no "ü")? Thanks a lot! Minsu PS: I hope 1) everything is understandable and b) the encodings are not too "mangeled" here if your browser just shows UTF8. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list